Jenkins tfs plug-in and checkout source on remote node - linux

First, I'm a Jenkins neophyte. I have made a free-style software project in Jenkins to perform my Linux build. The Jenkins server is running on Windows so there are slave nodes configured for doing this Linux build. The sources are kept in a TFS server.
I updated our TFS plugin to the latest of 4.0.0. This plugin says that it is no longer necessary for slave nodes to have the Team Explorer Everywhere package installed as it uses the Java API. However, when I kick off my build, I get this:
Started by user Andy Falanga (afalanga)
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on dmdevlnx64-01 (PY27-64 CENTOS6-64 LOG4CPLUS PY26-64) in workspace /home/builder/jenkins/workspace/Linux Autotools Build
Deleting project workspace... done
Querying for remote changeset at '$/Sources/Branches/Andy/AutotoolsMigration' as of 'D2015-10-05T18:26:27Z'...
Query result is: Changeset #4872 by 'WINNTDOM\afalanga' on '2015-09-25T23:36:24Z'.
Listing workspaces from http://ets-tfs:8080/tfs/SoftwareCollection...
... Long list of workspaces
Workspace Created by Team Build
Getting version 'C4872' to '/home/builder/jenkins/workspace/Linux Autotools Build'...
Finished getting version 'C4872'.
[Linux Autotools Build] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
Bootstrapping autotools
/tmp/ line 4: ./bootstrap: No such file or directory
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Finished: FAILURE
I log into that system and look in the directory /home/builder/jenkins/workspace/Linux Autotools Build and sure enough, there's nothing there. My configuration is pretty simple.
I have discard old builds checked and a simple rotation (this is just me learning how to use it).
I have it set to "Restrict where the build is done" and a label which associates to the 3 slave nodes for doing this build.
All TFS credentials are input and correct.
No build triggers
A simple shell script for Build->Execute Shell which bootstraps the autotools and calls configure and then make.
What am I doing incorrectly?

I found the answer and am posting it here in case someone runs into this. This seems better than simply deleting the question. The TFS plugin doesn't seem to like spaces in the project name. The name before Linux Autotools Build which didn't work and the name now, LinuxAutotoolsBuild which does.
The errors provided by the Jenkins system didn't provide enough information for this to be apparent. After trying a few other things the thought occurred, "Perhaps the spaces are causing grief."
Hope this helps someone.


Jenkins - workspace for declarative Jenkins pipeline?

I am running a test job on Jenkins, using Jenkinsfile pipeline. The job targets the node ubuntu-node.
After the job is done, when I select the "Workspace" link, I get 2 entries, for example:
Workspaces for validation_my_proj #105
/home/jenkins/workspace/validation_my_proj#script on master
/home/jenkins/workspace/validation_my_proj on ubuntu-node
Could someone explain why do I have 2 workspaces? What does the first line validation_my_proj#script on master mean?
I am having some problems with linking executable produced by the build with a shared library (using Meson build system), and I am wandering does this Workspace setup have anything to do with it, because locally all works OK, only on Jenkins not.

Automating build installation process

I work on a SaaS based product of my company which is hosted on private cloud. So every time a fresh BOM package is available by the DEV team. In the common share folder , we- the testing team installs the build on our application servers (3 multi node servers, with one being primary and the other two being secondary).
The build installation is entirely done manually.on the three app servers(linux machine), where in the steps we follow are as below
Stop all the app servers
Copy the latest build from a code repository server(copy the .zip build file)
Unzip the content s if the folder on to a folder in the appserver (using the unzip command)
Run backup of existing running build on all three folders( command is something like - ant-f primaryBackup.xml, ant-f secondary backup.xml )
Then run the install on all three serverscommand is something like - ant-f primaryInstall.xml, ant-f secondaryInstall.xml )
Then restart all the server and check if the latest build is successfully applied.
Question: I am wanting to automate this entire process, such that I am just required to give the latest build number to be installed and the script takes care of the whole installation .
Presently I don't understand how this can be done ? Where should I start? Is this feasible? Will a shell script of the entire process be the solution?
There are many build automation/continuous deployment tools out there that would help you with a solution for automating your deployment pipeline. Some of the more popular configuration automation tools out there are puppet, chef, ansible, and saltstack. I only have experience with ansible and chef but my interpretation has been that chef is the more "user-friendly" option. I would start there... (chef uses the ruby language and ansible uses python).
I can answer specific questions about this, but hour original question is really open ended and broad.
free tutorials:
EDIT: I do not suggest provisioning your servers/deployments using bash scripts... that is generally messy and as your automation grows (which it likely will), your code will gradually become unmanageable. Using something like chef, you could set periodic checks for new code in your repositories and deploy when new code is detected (or upon certain conditions being met). you could write strait bash code within a ruby bock that will remotely stop/start a service like this (example):
bash 'Copying the conf file' do
cwd "current/working/directory"
user 'user_name'
code <<-EOH
nohup ./ &
sleep 2m
nohup ./ &
sleep 3m
to copy code from git for example... I am assuming github in this example, as i do not know where your code resides:
git "/opt/mysources/couch" do
repository "git://"
reference "master"
action :sync
ssh_wrapper "/some/path/"
lets say that your code is anywhere else.. bamboo or Jenkins for example... there is a ruby/chef resource for it or some way to call it using strait ruby code.
This is something that "you" and your team will have to figure out a strategy for.
You could untar a file with a tar resource like so:
tar_package '' do
prefix '/usr/local'
creates '/usr/local/bin/pgpool'
or use the generic linux command to like so:
execute 'extract_some_tar' do
command 'tar xzvf somefile.tar.gz'
cwd '/directory/of/tar/here'
not_if { File.exists?("/file/contained/in/tar/here") }
You can start up the servers in the way that I wrote the first block of code (assuming they are services.. if you need to restart the actual servers, then you can just run init 6 or something.
This is just en example of the flexibility these utilities offer

Installing Node in a linux grid server

So some background, I'm installing Node on a host server, but it's a grid server not a server that's solely for my website.
The grid server doesn't have a root user/ administrative powers. So to install node I found this workaround: . It's a Linux Grid server, I've never used Linux so if someone could explain to me what the commands mean, especially: ./configure --prefix=~/opt/
Lastly I followed the steps but when I try to run the node command in the server it says node:command not found - which is why I'm trying to understand the steps. Thanks
To explain the process:
The configure script is responsible for getting ready to build the software on your specific system. It makes sure all of the dependencies for the rest of the build and install process are available, and finds out whatever it needs to know to use those dependencies.
Unix programs are often written in C, so we’ll usually need a C compiler to build them. In these cases the configure script will establish that your system does indeed have a C compiler, and find out what it’s called and where to find it.
Once configure has done its job, we can invoke make to build the software. This runs a series of tasks defined in a Makefile to build the finished program from its source code.
The tarball you download usually doesn’t include a finished Makefile. Instead it comes with a template called and the configure script produces a customised Makefile specific to your system.
3.Make Install
Now that the software is built and ready to run, the files can be copied to their final destinations. The make install command will copy the built program, and its libraries and documentation, to the correct locations.
--prefix=~/opt/ -> will set the build directory to /home/yourhome/opt directory.
Now if you didnt get errors while doing those 3 steps explained above make sure you did the following:
nano ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=~/opt/bin:${PATH}
nano is a text editor and you are opening .bash_profile file with it.
you need to add export PATH=~/opt/bin:${PATH} in that file and save it using ctrl+x
Then restart your terminal.
Specified github repository for nodejs is outdated. use the following link instead.
git clone
P.S node:command not found usually happens when the program is not installed correctly or it's executable isnt in your terminal's PATH variable.

Jenkins path to git Windows master / Linux slave

I have a Jenkins master on Windows which runs some Windows builds.
The git client plugin in configured with a fixed path to git as "C:\Program Files (x86)\git\bin\git.exe"
I've now created a Linux slave, but when I run a job on there, it's trying to run the command "C:\Program Files (x86)\git\bin\git.exe init", and obviously fails.
Is there a simple solution to this? I think I've resolved it already by modifying PATH on the Windows master, and the fixed path to git is now just "git" so would work on both OSs.
Is the "correct" way to resolve this for Jenkins, or is there another/better way to do this?
My problem was slightly different, but my solution also applies for this question here. Jenkins Poll SCM (Git) on Windows master / Build on Linux slave
When using the "Git installations" option, you will need to create different jobs, one with each Git Installation. Modifying the PATH either on windows or linux, sometimes might not be an option (in my case, I only have access to Jenkins web UI).
Instead, just make the Default Git installation to point to whatever the Master git installation is (e.g. c:\apps\git\bin\git.exe), and then configure the custom "Tool Locations" for each node. This way you can run the same jenkins job in different master/slave OS. Steps:
Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes
For each node having git location other than the one provided in the "Git installation", do:
2.1 Open node configuration page (Configure icon)
2.2 Check "Tool Locations" if not already checked
2.3 Click "Add"
2.4 Select "(Git) Default" on the dropdown
2.5 Enter the path to the slave node git installation (e.g. /usr/local/bin/git)
2.6 Save
Repeat steps 2.1 to 2.5 for each Linux slave the job may run.
Node configuration on linux should look something like this:
I believe the additional "git installations" are more suitable, as #Jayan mentioned, when you need to have multiple git installations or you need to run, for some reason, a specific version of git for select Jenkins jobs.
Ensuring "git" in the path of all slaves and master is one good way.
However Jenkins can have multiple installation of git (true for other tools such as jdk, groovy...)
You can configure this from http://server-url/configure
Click on "Add Git" and provide new git with different name and path
You can then "select which git to use" in the "jobs" configuration.
This approach has a positive side effect. It will allow you to use different git client versions (say for testing)
The same environment variable for git dir is fine for that.
My issue was Linux master/Windows slave but this could be applicable either way.
The additional behavior Force polling using workspace did the trick for me.
I didn't have the necessary permissions to make the changes in the other solutions. There might be other considerations you need to take before using this behavior so check the plugin docs before implementing.

Jenkins to SCP a few folders and files from SVN to linux server?

I use jenkins to do auto deployment weekly to a tomcat server, and it is fairly simple to do using the "curl" with the tomcat manager. and since i am only uploading a .war file, so its very straight forward.
But when comes to a backend console application, Anyone has any idea how to use jenkins to upload an entire "set of folders with files" onto a linux box? The project that i have is built via ant and has all the folder inside the SVN.
A couple things come to mind.
Probably the most straightforward thing to do is use the ant scp task to push the directory / directories up to the server. You'll need the jsch jar on your Ant classpath to make it work, but that's not too bad to deal with. See the Ant docs for the scp task here. If you want to keep your main build script clean, just make another build script that Jenkins can run named 'deploy.xml' or similar. This has the added benefit that you can use it from places other than Jenkins.
Another idea is to check them out directly on the server from SVN. Again, ant can probably help you with this if you use the sshexec task, and run the subversion task inside of that. SSHexec docs here
Finally, Jenkins has a "Publish Over SSH" plugin you might try out. I've not used it personally, but it looks promising! Right over here!
