How can I move the field name to the bottom of graph in Tableau? - graphics

I'm using Tableau 9.0.2 to generate graphs and I can't for the life of me figure out how to move (ideally drag, right?) the field name for my x-axis from the top to the bottom of the graph, by the units, where it should be.
I'm attaching a picture because it's probably the easiest way to make clear what I'm trying to do, given this is a question of positioning:
This Tableau graph has the field name "Iterations" at the top of the graph, not the bottom, where it should be. While this might not seem like a huge concern, it means that these graphs are not immediately exportable.
How can I move the label "Iterations" to the bottom of the graph, next to its axis?
The answer currently offered below allows for manual image modification within Tableau, which is unsatisfactory. It seems bizarre to me that the default, unchangeable behavior of Tableau goes against standard practice in graphing (labels next to labelled).

If the goal is just to get the headers and the axis label in the same place, one alternative would be to move the headers to the top of the chart (as opposed to moving the axis label to the bottom).
Go to Analysis/Table Layout/Advanced... and uncheck the option "Show innermost level at bottom of view when there is a vertical axis". This will move your Iterations headers to the top of the chart, and now everything will be in the same place.
If that's not an acceptable alternative for you, here's the only (kind of unfortunate) solution I can think of:
Place your worksheet in a dashboard.
Right click the axis label and select Hide Field Labels for Columns.
Create a text box with your desired axis label (in this case "Iterations") and place it below the chart. Your headers and your DIY, home-brewed, hacktastic axis label will now both be at the bottom.

Hide the columns axis label then enable / edit the caption within the bottom of the dashboard. Then center the value of the caption. Should look better.


"Attaching" pivot chart labels to bottom of graph

I have a chart that I am using to keep track of weekly data. It is a Pivot table with an attached graph. Every week when I refresh the data the chart moves back to the following picture.
With the Data labels shoved inside of the bottom of the chart. I Spend a bit of time every week moving all of them back down. I would like to anchor them with the upper right corner attaching to the bottom axis. The only placement option in the Pivot chart are Center, Inside End, Inside Base, Outside end. I am using inside base to get the picture I mentioned.
Here is what I change it to each week. As you can see I drag all of them down individually and try to get them to line up as best as I can by hand. But they are never perfect.
I have finally found my problem, The issue was I was using Data Labels and not axis labels.
If you are having this problem go Pivotchart tools > Design > Add chart Element > Axes > Primary Horizontal.

Anychart multiple Legends and Labels

We often show several legends in our charts and usually even a label as footer.
The legends can be above or below the chart and thus also the footer.
If there is more than one legend, the legends should be drawn stacked up, one above the other.
For this case we use standalone legends and labels.
But we have a problem:
Since the legends and the chart are all drawn in the same container, the chart hides the legends.
We have solved the problem so that the margin of the chart is adjusted when a legend is drawn underneath it. Now the chart takes less space and you can see the legend as planned.
However, this does not work properly if there are several legends or footer.
Standalones cannot be placed with top() or left(), but only have their parent container and a position().
Manipulating the margin of each legend and the chart to fit them all in the container is not a satisfying way to do this.
There must be a better way to control the layouting of the elements within the container.
What is the right way to do this?
The position of standalone legend on the stage can be controlled using parentBounds() function. For details, check the sample.

Change color of data label placed, using the 'best fit' option, outside a pie chart - Excel 2010

I am working with a pie chart whose data labels are added using the best fit property. Most of those labels are placed by Excel inside the pie, but some of them are placed outside.
Because of some series colors are so strong, the data labels had to be defined as white. Of course, the labels placed outside the pie wont be visible if I don't manually change their color (to black, for instance)
What I am trying to do is to conditionally change the label's color according to where Excel placed it (white inside the pie, black outside it), as in the following image:
I have been searching for a solution, but it seems that nobody had a similar problem.
Does anyone know if Excel allows this or does someone know a trick to bypass it?
There is a way to do this in Excel.
When you click on the chart, and go to Layout under Chart Tools.
Once there, go to Data Labels.
When you click on that, it will display a drop-down menu. At the bottom of the menu, click on More Data Label Options.
It will pull up a new window. On the sidebar of the new window, click on Number.
Then, under Category click on Custom.
In the textbox shown under Format Code, type in [Black][<0.05]0%;[White][>=0.05]0%
Click Add.
It should format the numbers outside the pie chart in your example black, and the numbers inside the pie white. If you had different data, you could format it the same, but you would have to change the number in the brackets after the color to the number one higher than number outside of the pie. It would be like this: [Black][<(number one higher than number outside of the pie)]0%;[White][>=(number one higher than number outside of the pie)]0%
Screenshot of Pie Chart Formatting

Integrating charts in Excel

I was wondering if there is a way to integrate a bar chart and a line chart into "one single chart", where the bars are "on top of the line plot? See picture for a clearer view.
(Obviously the bar-chart is not supposed to be outside the actual plot...)
This is a bit of a hack, but you could create two charts with the chart area fill transparency turned to 100%. This allows charts to be placed on top of each other, but in a way that both can be seen. Turning off any elements in the chart that you don't want (for example, duplicate axis) would enhance the presentation.
Problem solved. It was actually just a matter of scaling data, and using two "line with markers" type charts. The lines in between each dot in the one showing the percentage, were then removed. Then, using a certain layout, a line connecting the two series could appear (as shown in pic).

Why is Autofit Labeling greyed out?

I Have created a bar chart in a 2007 .xls file, but the data labels cannot be resized. When you go to the "format Data Labels" and then click on alignment, the Autofit and Internal Margin option is grayed out. Anyone know why?
Short version: It is greyed out for chart text, because it the option doesn’t apply.
Long version:
This is because on a chart, chart text do need to use margins, rather you can you can just move the text., and set its X and Y position. For example take the Chart Title, if you want more space to the left, just click and drag the title to the right. If you want the chart title to be bigger you just set a larger font, you have complete control over the title, as well as all other text on that chart, axis titles, legends, data labels, etc.
Internal margins are meant to be used when you don’t have complete control take for example text in a shape. If you insert a shape in your workbook, and add text to it, you cannot just pick the text up and move it to the right if you want more space on the left, so you can set the margin.
Here's a trick that worked for me:
My problem was: I added more text to the axis title and it was too long for it's original shape so some text went into second line.
My solution: I type the complete text somewhere else, copy the text, double click on the axis title and delete the original text -- the cursor would still be there -- now insert the copied text. Done! They are all in one line!
Partial solution to resize label to a single line: Data labels in a chart will often wrap themselves, when you dont want them to. They would often seem better in a vertical single line above the graph item. Reset them to one single line by editing the text in the label, deleting the Excel imposed return, and replace it with a space. The line, and label box, will resize to fit a single line. However because you have "manually interfered with the lable, it will no longer update for changing graph data. You would have to double click each lable then reset it. Most annoying.
A way around it is to make the chart area big. The data label boxes will resize to fit the words in one line. Then make the chart small (not the chart area).
Manually insert a textbox into the bar chart and type in the label that way. It's annoying and labor-intensive, but it works.
