Azure: What exactly does "limit" mean? - azure

I already asked my question here in the comments, but I didn't received an answer - maybe because this blog is old & not many read it.
We have a Visual Studio Premium with MSDN - subscription.
Can someone answer?
The actual question:
Is limit = fixed billing? I have a limit of 350 cores: Is there a difference in billing if I use 1 core or 350 cores?
Question 2: Why is in the limit overview no WebApp or SQL DB limit? Can I create unlimited amount of it? But then I have to pay for each one I create?

Is limit = fixed billing?
No, limit is not equal to fixed billing. Billing is based on the consumption while the limit defines the quota.
To take your example, you have a limit of 350 cores. What that means is that you can consume up to 350 cores in your subscription. You will be billed for the number of cores you consume (e.g. if you consume 10 cores, you will be billed for 10 cores only).
When it comes to limits, there are soft limits and there are hard limits. Soft limits are the default limits on your subscription when you sign up for an Azure Subscription. You can get the soft limits increased by contacting support. Hard limits are the limits in your Azure Subscription that you can't exceed. For example, currently there's a hard limit of 100 storage accounts per subscription. You can't go beyond those 100 storage accounts. If you need more storage accounts, then you would have to purchase a new subscription.


I am new to Azure SQL DataBase. Can any one tell me What is Compute Cost/ VCORE /Second 0.000175

I am new to Azure SQL DataBase. Can any one tell me What is Compute Cost/ VCORE /Second 0.000175
i want to know total bill of my azure account per month.
Perhaps this MS learn document might be of use.
I believe you define a minimum and maximum amount of vcores used and it automatically scales between them based on requests. They are billed per second of usage. When there are no requests/no usage there are no vcores active.

what is the real CPU limit for virtual machines in a subscription

The vCPU limit per subscription is 20 (according to this page: Azure Subscription Limits Quotas).
However, when following this other page, Azure VM Quotas, and get-azurermvmusage command is used it shows that the limit for Total Regional vCPUs is 350.
This latter page says:
The vCPU quotas for virtual machines and virtual machine scale sets
are arranged in two tiers for each subscription, in each region. The
first tier is the Total Regional vCPUs, and the second tier is the
various VM size family cores such as the D-series vCPUs. Any time a
new VM is deployed the vCPUs for the VM must not exceed the vCPU quota
for the VM size family or the total regional vCPU quota. If either of
those quotas are exceeded, the VM deployment will not be allowed.
There is also a quota for the overall number of virtual machines in
the region.
How do these two limits work together:
-> is 20 a soft limit and 350 a hard (maximum) for the that region?
soft limit is the default you get when you provision a subscription, hard limit is what you can get if you raise a support request and request to raise the limit ( you dont necessary get to the limit in one support request ). you cannot go beyond hard limit (to my knowledge).

Operation results in exceeding quota limits of Core. Maximum allowed: 4, Current in use: 4, Additional requested: 4. While in 14 day free trial

I'm using the 14 day Premium free trial. I'm trying to create and run a cluster in databricks (I'm following the quick start guide). How ever I'm getting the following error "Operation results in exceeding quota limits of Core. Maximum allowed: 4, Current in use: 4, Additional requested: 4." I cant bump up the limit because I am in the free trial. I'm trying to run only 1 worker on the weakest worker type. I've already tried deleting all my subscriptions and made sure that there are no other clusters being used.
Edit: Im thinking it might be because the worker and the driver each use 4 cores. Is there a way to use databricks in the free trial?
I think these are your options:
log a support request to ask for more quota (apparently not a thing for free\trial subs)
use different VM types for master and slave (like Standard A2 for master and Standard D2 for slave) because they share different core limits
Use smaller nodes (which I think you've mentioned is not possible), but it might be possibly just not with the portal
Azure free trial is eligible to VM with total 4 vCPUs.
Note: Free Trial subscriptions are not eligible for limit or quota increases.
If you have a Free Trial subscription, you can upgrade to a Pay-As-You-Go subscription.
Upgrade Azure Free Trial to Pay-As-You-Go
For more details, refer "Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints".

Microsoft Azure WebApp Deployment Plan

Need help on below points:
Data out limit for free tier is 165 MB. How is data out usage calculated?
I am using a free tier subscription type. Why does Memory usage increase as soon as memory resets after 1 hour? Why does my application take 230-240 MB of memory initially?
I have a free tier account with credit amount xxx Rs. Can I use the free tier amount for another subscription like basic or standard?
Are there any data out and memory usage limit for other subscriptions like basic/Premium/standard?
Outgoing traffic
Its the memory taken by the IIS instance, thats expected in Azure
I don't understand, but you can use money from your subscription and you cannot use Tiers together, so pay for a free tier, but get all the benefits of a Premium Tier.
You can take a look at the limits on the pricing page.

Throttling/errors when attaching data disks to VM in Azure?

I am trying to performance test each of the different size tiers (A, D, DS, F...etc) of virtual machines in Azure devtest labs. In doing so, I need to attach the maximum number of data disks that each size will accept, however I keep getting two errors when trying to attach the disks.
Failed to add data disk to virtual machine, the request is being throttled.
Number of write requests for subscription '(subscription number)' exceeded the limit of '1200' for time interval '01:00:00'. Please try again after 'X' minutes. (time has been as low a 3 minutes and high as 30 minutes)
Currently I will attach a disk, wait 10 minutes, then try to attach another disk with about a 50% success rate.
Is there any way to avoid these errors, like a setting change to the subscription, or am I just trying to attach the disks too quickly?
Is there any way to avoid these errors, like a setting change to the subscription, or am I just trying to attach the disks too quickly?
In brief, there is no way to avoid this error.
There are several limits and restrictions on Azure. And your issue is caused by one of them.
The default limit of Resource Manager API Writes is 1200 per hour.
Normally, if you want to raise the limit above the Default Limit, you can open an online customer support request at no charge. But the limits cannot be raised above the Maximum Limit value.
Unfortunately, the Maximum Limit of Resource Manager API Writes is same with the default limit, which is 1200 per hour. So, to my knowledge, there is no way to raise this limit.
For detailed information about the limits on Azure, please refer to the link below:
Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints
