Is there a way to use the namelist I/O feature to read in a derived type with allocatable components? - io

Is there a way to use the namelist I/O feature to read in a derived type with allocatable components?
The only thing I've been able to find about it is which ended on an fairly unhelpful note.
I have user-defined derived types that need to get filled with information from an input file. So, I'm trying to find a convenient way of doing that. Namelist seems like a good route because it is so succinct (basically two lines). One to create the namelist and then a namelist read. Namelist also seems like a good choice because in the text file it forces you to very clearly show where each value goes which I find highly preferable to just having a list of values that the compiler knows the exact order of. This makes it much more work if I or anyone else needs to know which value corresponds to which variable, and much more work to keep clean when inevitably a new value is needed.
I'm trying to do something of the basic form:
!where myType_T is a type that has at least one allocatable array in it
type(myType_T) :: thing
namelist /nmlThing/ thing
open(1, file"input.txt")
read(1, nml=nmlThing)
I may be misunderstanding user-defined I/O procedures, but they don't seem to be a very generic solution. It seems like I would need to write a new one any time I need to do this action, and they don't seem to natively support the
thing%name = "thing1"
thing%siblings(1) = "thing2"
thing%siblings(2) = "thing3"
thing%siblings(3) = "thing4"
!siblings is an allocatable array
syntax that I find desirable.
There are a few solutions I've found to this problem, but none seem to be very succinct or elegant. Currently, I have a dummy user-defined type that has arrays that are way large instead of allocatable and then I write a function to copy the information from the dummy namelist friendly type to the allocatable field containing type. It works just fine, but it is ugly and I'm up to about 4 places were I need to do this same type of operation in the code.
Hence trying to find a good solution.

If you want to use allocatable components, then you need to have an accessible generic interface for a user defined derived type input/output procedure (typically by the type having a generic binding for such a procedure). You link to a thread with an example with such a procedure.
Once invoked, that user defined derived type input/output procedure is then responsible for reading and writing the data. That can include invoking namelist input/output on the components of the derived type.
Fortran 2003 also offers derived types with length parameters. These may offer a solution without the need for a user defined derived type input/output procedure. However, use of derived types with length parameters, in combination with namelist, will put you firmly in the "highly experimental" category with respect to the current compiler implementation.


Create a map using type as key

I need a HashMap<K,V> where V is a trait (it will likely be Box or an Rc or something, that's not important), and I need to ensure that the map stores at most one of a given struct, and more importantly, that I can query the presence of (and retrieve/insert) items by their type. K can be anything that is unique to each type (a uint would be nice, but a String or even some large struct holding type information would be sufficient as long as it can be Eq and Hashable)
This is occurring in a library, so I cannot use an enum or such since new types can be added by external code.
I looked into std::any::TypeId but besides not working for non-'static types, it seems they aren't even unique (and allegedly collisions were achieved accidentally with a rather small number of types) so I'd prefer to avoid them if feasible since the number of types I'll have may be very large. (hence this is not a duplicate of this IMO)
I'd like something along the lines of a macro to ensure uniqueness but I can't figure out how to have some kind of global compile time counter. I could use a proper UUID, but it'd be nice to have guaranteed uniqueness since this is, in theory at least, statically determinable.
It is safe to assume that all relevant types are defined either in this lib or in a singular crate that directly depends on it, if that allows for a solution that might be otherwise impossible.
e.g. my thoughts are to generate ids for types in the lib, and also export a constant of the counter, which can be used by the consumer of the lib in the same macro (or a very similar one) but I don't see a way to have such a const value modified by const code in multiple places.
Is this possible or do I need some kind of build script that provides values before compile time?

Strict map with custom reading method or type with custom read instance

So, it is not a problem but I would want an opinion what would be a better way. So I need to read data from a outside source (TCP), that comes basically in this format:
key: value
okey: enum
stuff: 0.12240
amazin: 1020
And I need to parse it into a Haskell accessible format, so the two solutions I thought about, were either to, parse that into a strict String to String map, or record syntax type declarations.
Initially I thought to make a type synonym for my String => String map, and make extractor functions like amazin :: NiceSynonym -> Int, and do the necessary treatment and parsing within the method, but that felt like, sketchy at the time? Then I thought an actual type declaration with record syntax, with a custom Read instance. That was a nightmare, because there is a lot of enums and keys with different types and etc. And it felt... disappointing. It simply wraps the arguments and creates reader functions, not much different from the original: amazin :: TypeDeclaration -> Int.
Now I'm kind of regretting not going with reader functions as I initially envisioned. So, anything else I'm forgetting to consider? Any pros and cons of either sides to take note on? Is one objectively better then the other?
P.S.: Some considerations that may make one or the other better:
Once read I won't need to change it at all whatsoever, it's basically a status report
No need to compare, add, etc., again just status report no point
Not really a need for performance, I wont be reading hundreds a second or anything
TL;DR: Given that input example, what's the best way to make into a Haskell-readable format? map, data constructor, dependent map...
Both ways are very valid in their own respects, but since I was making an API to interact with such protocol too, I preferred the record syntax so I could cover all the properties more easily. Also I wasn't really going to do any checking or treatment in the getter functions, and no matter how boring making the reader instance for my type might have seemed, I bet doing all the get functions manually would be worse. Parsing stuff manually is inherently boring, I guess I was just looking for a magical funcional one liner to make all the work for me.

Representing and building a cyclic abstract syntax tree

I'm a newbie Haskell programmer with imperative background.
I'm writing a program that parses an abstract syntax tree (or rather a graph) that has cycles. (This is actually GCC's Generic AST). I'm designing data types for representing this graph, but I'm facing difficulties:
Firstly, there are lots of nasty cycles in GCC AST. For example type declarations refer to the actual type descriptor which refers back to the type's declaration (and this declaration may sometimes be different from the original, sometimes it is just a reference to an identifier node). All tree nodes reference a so-called context node (a form of parent reference). However, this context node (for some node X) often is not the same as the node that originally referred to X. For example a declaration for some builtin function may be found from a C++ namespace node, but the function declaration's context points to a translation unit declaration. Perhpas this makes using zippers impossible? Also I can't just ignore these context nodes, because they are useful for finding out the scope of declarations.
So, when designing the data structure I should take into account the fact, that sometimes I don't know what kind of node I will be dealing with at run time. However, when I'm certain that a node will have a known type, I would like to be able to reflect this on type level and take advantage of static type checking (for example function's result type is always a type, not an integer constant, but it might be integer or pointer type, etc.).
Secondly, GCC tree is a hierarchical data type in object-oriented sense. All nodes have common information, such as what kind of node they are. All declarations have a name and many flags, and variable declarations have type information in addition. Many nodes have so much data that it would be incovenient to access this information through pattern matching only. So I most likely will be using accessor functions (and type classes to provide an uniform interface regardless of the node type).
Thirdly, I would like my graph to be purely functional, but I don't know how to build it. My input is text, which has a section for every node. Nodes are identified by unique ids, and there are lots of forward- and self-references.
So, with my background, I sense that I'm trying to force my Haskell interface to an imperative form. So I'm asking you for some concrete advice to guide me in designing my data types, their interface and how to build the graph.
So far I have decided that I will not be tying the knot. It would prevent me from doing transformations on the tree (which IMHO deserves some transformations). It also would make it hard to write this tree back to disc, if I want to do that some day.
Here is a sample of my input. It is in YAML, but the format is not yet set to stone (I'm generating this data my self from within GCC). The example contains the global namespace with one function declaration for (int main (int argc, char *argv[])).
Thanks in advance!

About first-,second- and third-class value

First-class value can be
passed as an argument
returned from a subroutine
assigned into a variable.
Second-class value just can be passed as an argument.
Third-class value even can't be passed as an argument.
Why should these things defined like that? As I understand, "can be passed as an argument" means it can be pushed into the runtime stack;"can be assigned into a variable" means it can be moved into a different location of the memory; "can be returned from a subroutine" almost has the same meaning of "can be assigned into a variable" since the returned value always be put into a known address, so first class value is totally "movable" or "dynamic",second class value is half "movable" , and third class value is just "static", such as labels in C/C++ which just can be addressed by goto statement, and you can't do nothing with that address except "goto" .Does My understanding make any sense? or what do these three kinds of values mean exactly?
Oh no, I may have to go edit Wikipedia again.
There are really only two distinctions worth making: first-class and not first-class. If Michael Scott talks about a third-class anything, I'll be very depressed.
Ok, so what is "first-class," anyway? Well, it is a term that barely has a technical meaning. The meaning, when present, is usually comparative, and it applies to a thing in a language (I'm being deliberately vague here) that has more privileges than a comparable thing. That's all people mean by it.
Let's look at some examples:
Function pointers in C are first-class values because they can be passed to functions, returned from functions, and stored in heap-allocated data structures just like any other value. Functions in Pascal and Ada are not first-class values because although they can be passed as arguments, they cannot be returned as results or stored in heap-allocated data structures.
Struct types are second-class types in C, because there are no literal expressions of struct type. (Since C99 there are literal initializers with named fields, but this is still not as general as having a literal anywhere you can use an expression.)
Polymorphic values are second-class values in ML because although they can be let-bound to names, they cannot be lambda-bound. Therefore they cannot be passed as arguments. But in Haskell, because Haskell supports higher-rank polymorphism, polymorphic values are first-class. (They can even be stored in data structures!)
In Java, the type int is second class because you can't inherit from it. Type Integer is first class.
In C, labels are second class, because they don't have values and you can't compute with them. In FORTRAN, line numbers have values and so are first class. There is a GNU extension to C that allows you to define first-class labels, and it is jolly useful. What does first-class mean in this case? It means the labels have values, can be stored in data structures, and can be used in goto. But those values are second class in another sense, because a label from one procedure can't meaningfully be used in a goto that belongs to another procedure.
Are we getting an idea how useless this terminology is?
I hope these examples convince you that the idea of "first-class" is not a very useful idea in thinking about programming languages overall. When you're talking about a particular feature of a particular language or language family, it can be a useful shorthand ("a language isn't functional unless it has first-class, nested functions") but by and large you're better off saying just what you mean instead of talking about "first-class" or "not first-class" things.
As for "third class", just say no.
Something is first-class if it is explicitly manipulable in the code. In other words, something is first-class if it can be programmatically manipulated at run-time.
This closely relates to meta-programming in the sense that what you describe in the code (at development time) is one meta-level, and what exists at run-time is another meta-level. But the barrier between these two meta-levels can be blurred, for instance with reflection. When something is reified at run-time, it becomes explicitly manipulable.
We speak of first-class object, because objects can be manipulated programmatically at run-time (that's the very purpose).
In java, you have classes, but they are not first-class, because the code can normally not manipulate a class unless you use reflection. But in Smalltalk, classes are first-class: the code can manipulate a class like an regular object.
In java, you have packages (modules), but they are not first-class, because the code does not manipulate package at run-time. But in NewSpeak, packages (modules) are first-class, you can instantiate a module and pass it to another module to specify the modularity at run-time.
In C#, you have closures which are first-class functions. They exist and can be manipulated at run-time programmatically. Such things does not exists (yet) in java.
To me, the boundary first-class/not first-class is not exactly strict. It is sometimes hard to pronounce for some language constructs, e.g. java primitive types. We could say it's not first-class because it's not an object and is not manipulable through a reference that can be passed along, but the primitive value does still exists and can be manipulated at run-time.
PS: I agree with Norman Ramsey and 2nd-class and 3rd-class value make no sense to me.
First-class: A first-class construct is one which is an intrinsic element of a language. The following properties must hold.
It must form part of the lexical syntax of the language
It may have operators applied to it
It must be referenceable (for example stored in a variable)
Second-class: A second-class construct is one which is an intrinsic element of the language with the following properties.
It must form part of the lexical syntax of the language
It may have operators applied to it
Third-class: A third-class construct is one which forms part of the syntax of a language.
Roger Keays and Andry Rakotonirainy. Context-oriented programming. In Pro- ceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wire- less and Mobile Access, MobiDe ’03, pages 9–16, New York, NY, USA, 2003. ACM.
Those terms are very broad and not really globally well defined, but here are the most logical definitions for them:
First-class values are the ones that have actual, tangible values, and so can be operated on and go around, as variables, arguments, return values or whatever.
This doesn't really need a thorough example, does it? In C, an int is first-class.
Second-class values are more limited. They have values, but they can't be used directly, so the compiler deliberately limits what you can do with it. You can reference them, so you can still have a first-class value representing them.
For example, in C, a function is a second-class value. It can't be altered, but it can be called and referenced.
Third-class values are even more limited. They not only don't have values, but interaction is completely absent, and often it only exists to be used as compile-time attributes.
For example, in Rust, a lifetime is a third-class value. You can't use the lifetime at all. You can only receive it as a template parameter, you can only use it as a template parameter (only when creating a new variable), and that's all you can do with it.
Another example, in C++, a struct or a class is a third-class value. This doesn't need much explanation.

Why do a lot of programming languages put the type *after* the variable name?

I just came across this question in the Go FAQ, and it reminded me of something that's been bugging me for a while. Unfortunately, I don't really see what the answer is getting at.
It seems like almost every non C-like language puts the type after the variable name, like so:
var : int
Just out of sheer curiosity, why is this? Are there advantages to choosing one or the other?
There is a parsing issue, as Keith Randall says, but it isn't what he describes. The "not knowing whether it is a declaration or an expression" simply doesn't matter - you don't care whether it's an expression or a declaration until you've parsed the whole thing anyway, at which point the ambiguity is resolved.
Using a context-free parser, it doesn't matter in the slightest whether the type comes before or after the variable name. What matters is that you don't need to look up user-defined type names to understand the type specification - you don't need to have understood everything that came before in order to understand the current token.
Pascal syntax is context-free - if not completely, at least WRT this issue. The fact that the variable name comes first is less important than details such as the colon separator and the syntax of type descriptions.
C syntax is context-sensitive. In order for the parser to determine where a type description ends and which token is the variable name, it needs to have already interpreted everything that came before so that it can determine whether a given identifier token is the variable name or just another token contributing to the type description.
Because C syntax is context-sensitive, it very difficult (if not impossible) to parse using traditional parser-generator tools such as yacc/bison, whereas Pascal syntax is easy to parse using the same tools. That said, there are parser generators now that can cope with C and even C++ syntax. Although it's not properly documented or in a 1.? release etc, my personal favorite is Kelbt, which uses backtracking LR and supports semantic "undo" - basically undoing additions to the symbol table when speculative parses turn out to be wrong.
In practice, C and C++ parsers are usually hand-written, mixing recursive descent and precedence parsing. I assume the same applies to Java and C#.
Incidentally, similar issues with context sensitivity in C++ parsing have created a lot of nasties. The "Alternative Function Syntax" for C++0x is working around a similar issue by moving a type specification to the end and placing it after a separator - very much like the Pascal colon for function return types. It doesn't get rid of the context sensitivity, but adopting that Pascal-like convention does make it a bit more manageable.
the 'most other' languages you speak of are those that are more declarative. They aim to allow you to program more along the lines you think in (assuming you aren't boxed into imperative thinking).
type last reads as 'create a variable called NAME of type TYPE'
this is the opposite of course to saying 'create a TYPE called NAME', but when you think about it, what the value is for is more important than the type, the type is merely a programmatic constraint on the data
If the name of the variable starts at column 0, it's easier to find the name of the variable.
QHash<QString, QPair<int, QString> > hash;
hash : QHash<QString, QPair<int, QString> >;
Now imagine how much more readable your typical C++ header could be.
In formal language theory and type theory, it's almost always written as var: type. For instance, in the typed lambda calculus you'll see proofs containing statements such as:
x : A y : B
\x.y : A->B
I don't think it really matters, but I think there are two justifications: one is that "x : A" is read "x is of type A", the other is that a type is like a set (e.g. int is the set of integers), and the notation is related to "x ε A".
Some of this stuff pre-dates the modern languages you're thinking of.
An increasing trend is to not state the type at all, or to optionally state the type. This could be a dynamically typed langauge where there really is no type on the variable, or it could be a statically typed language which infers the type from the context.
If the type is sometimes given and sometimes inferred, then it's easier to read if the optional bit comes afterwards.
There are also trends related to whether a language regards itself as coming from the C school or the functional school or whatever, but these are a waste of time. The languages which improve on their predecessors and are worth learning are the ones that are willing to accept input from all different schools based on merit, not be picky about a feature's heritage.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Putting the type before the variable started innocuously enough with Fortran and Algol, but it got really ugly in C, where some type modifiers are applied before the variable, others after. That's why in C you have such beauties as
int (*p)[10];
void (*signal(int x, void (*f)(int)))(int)
together with a utility (cdecl) whose purpose is to decrypt such gibberish.
In Pascal, the type comes after the variable, so the first examples becomes
p: pointer to array[10] of int
Contrast with
q: array[10] of pointer to int
which, in C, is
int *q[10]
In C, you need parentheses to distinguish this from int (*p)[10]. Parentheses are not required in Pascal, where only the order matters.
The signal function would be
signal: function(x: int, f: function(int) to void) to (function(int) to void)
Still a mouthful, but at least within the realm of human comprehension.
In fairness, the problem isn't that C put the types before the name, but that it perversely insists on putting bits and pieces before, and others after, the name.
But if you try to put everything before the name, the order is still unintuitive:
int [10] a // an int, ahem, ten of them, called a
int [10]* a // an int, no wait, ten, actually a pointer thereto, called a
So, the answer is: A sensibly designed programming language puts the variables before the types because the result is more readable for humans.
I'm not sure, but I think it's got to do with the "name vs. noun" concept.
Essentially, if you put the type first (such as "int varname"), you're declaring an "integer named 'varname'"; that is, you're giving an instance of a type a name. However, if you put the name first, and then the type (such as "varname : int"), you're saying "this is 'varname'; it's an integer". In the first case, you're giving an instance of something a name; in the second, you're defining a noun and stating that it's an instance of something.
It's a bit like if you were defining a table as a piece of furniture; saying "this is furniture and I call it 'table'" (type first) is different from saying "a table is a kind of furniture" (type last).
It's just how the language was designed. Visual Basic has always been this way.
Most (if not all) curly brace languages put the type first. This is more intuitive to me, as the same position also specifies the return type of a method. So the inputs go into the parenthesis, and the output goes out the back of the method name.
I always thought the way C does it was slightly peculiar: instead of constructing types, the user has to declare them implicitly. It's not just before/after the variable name; in general, you may need to embed the variable name among the type attributes (or, in some usage, to embed an empty space where the name would be if you were actually declaring one).
As a weak form of pattern-matching, it is intelligable to some extent, but it doesn't seem to provide any particular advantages, either. And, trying to write (or read) a function pointer type can easily take you beyond the point of ready intelligability. So overall this aspect of C is a disadvantage, and I'm happy to see that Go has left it behind.
Putting the type first helps in parsing. For instance, in C, if you declared variables like
x int;
When you parse just the x, then you don't know whether x is a declaration or an expression. In contrast, with
int x;
When you parse the int, you know you're in a declaration (types always start a declaration of some sort).
Given progress in parsing languages, this slight help isn't terribly useful nowadays.
Fortran puts the type first:
And yes, there's a (very feeble) joke there for those familiar with Fortran.
There is room to argue that this is easier than C, which puts the type information around the name when the type is complex enough (pointers to functions, for example).
What about dynamically (cheers #wcoenen) typed languages? You just use the variable.
