Calling Overload Methods - string

I can't seem to make this work let alone compile and I am at loss at how to fix it. My teacher gave us the following code (simplified for question's sake):
public static void doing1(String s) {
// add code here
public static void doing2(char start, char end) {
// add code here
public static int doing3(int num) {
// add code here
public static void doing4(Scanner keyboard) {
// add code here
I know what needs to go in each method (the work I mean) I just don't know how to print it out in the main method. We cannot change the code given to us, only add to it.
Thank you!

Overloading a method means having the same method name but the method signature (the parameters passed in) is different. So, what you have isn't actually an overload, it is for unique methods because they all have different names. As far as not compiling... what you posted looks fine - perhaps you have an error above or below that code. I believe this is what you are looking for:
public static void doing(String s) {
// add code here
public static void doing(char start, char end) {
// add code here
public static int doing(int num) {
// add code here
public static void doing(Scanner keyboard) {
// add code here
Here's a reference on overloads from the almighty John Skeet


Calling Method/Function outside a Class but on the same namespace in c++/cli

I have a very simple and yet complicated (atleast for me) question on how to call a method/function outside a class but on a same namespace in c++/cli.
I know that you need to create an instance of an object before you can call a method which is inside a class, something like:
namespace Cars {
public ref class MyClass
void Honda(int i)
//some code
void Register()
MyClass c;
//some code
But how do I do the opposite? Like how do I call Register() inside the MyClass::Honda function if they are on the same namespace but not on the same class?
I tried Cars::Register() but it gives an error saying that:
Register() is not a member of "Cars".
Edit: I added the actual code that I tried to access the Register() method.
namespace Cars {
public ref class MyClass
void Honda(int i)
void Register()
//some code
The line Cars::Register(); do not give any error when I save but when I try to rebuild my application it gives the error below:
Error C2039 'Register': is not a member of 'Cars'
Error C3861 'Register': identifier not found
Just to note that when I put Register() inside the MyClass, everything works well (for some reason I just need to put it outside the class)
There are 2 issues in your code:
Missing ; at the end of the definition for ref class MyClass.
Register() should be defined (or at least declared) before calling it.
Fixed version:
namespace Cars
// Defintion:
void Register()
//some code
public ref class MyClass
void Honda(int i)
Or alternatively:
namespace Cars
// Declaration:
void Register();
public ref class MyClass
void Honda(int i)
// Definition:
void Register()
//some code
Note: since you call Register within the same namespace, you can actually drop the Cars:: qualifier, i.e. simply call: Register();. You also keep it of course, if you think it improves readability.

Pass View to method in Acumatica

I ran into such a problem today that I cannot pass the View to the method.
I doing all this in order to get rid of the numerous dubbing code.
For example, I will show how I see it and if there is such the ability to pass to the method, then how to implement it the ability to pass to the method
error when passing to the method
how can I fix this problem?
Try this and see if it gets you anywhere.
public class Test
private SelectFrom<Account>.View testView;
public void Test()
public void Method1(PXView test)
private void Method2(FbqlSelect<SelectFromBase<Account,TypeArrayOf<IFbqlJoin>.Empty>, Account>.View view)
var current = view.Current;

Invalid signature for SetUp or TearDown method - What am I doing wrong?

I am trying to do some dependency injection for my tests using nUnit. I'm new to TDD and nUnit so it's possible I am missing something simple. So basically I've created a SetUp method for my interfaces. I originally was using a constructor but I read it's bad to do this when doing TDD so I now using a method.
When I run my test I construct an object and assign it to the interface and then I call a method using that interface. I want to test if it can parse a string decimal.
When I run my test it says test failed and the message is:Invalid signature for SetUp or TearDown method
See below for the actual code:
public class DonorTests
private IDonor _Donor;
private IValidateInput _ValidInput;
//DonorTests(IDonor donor, IValidateInput validInput)
// _Donor = donor;
// _ValidInput = validInput;
void Setup(IDonor donor, IValidateInput validInput)
_Donor = donor;
_ValidInput = validInput;
public void HandleStringNotDecimal()
_ValidInput = new ValidateInput();
My class that uses this interface
public class ValidateInput : IValidateInput
public decimal RoundTwoDecimalPlaces(decimal amount)
return Math.Round(amount);
public bool IsDecimal(string amount)
decimal ParsedDecimal;
return Decimal.TryParse(amount, out ParsedDecimal);
public decimal ConvertToString(string value)
decimal ParsedDecimal;
Decimal.TryParse(value, out ParsedDecimal);
return ParsedDecimal;
You're injecting dependencies using constructor injection previously, right? I think you will not be able to perform dependency injection using method decorated with SetUpAttribute because such method has to be parameterless. Also Setup method has to be public, see this SO thread.
How are we typically dealing with similar situations in our company is:
public class DonorTests
private IDonor _Donor;
private IValidateInput _ValidInput;
public void Setup()
_Donor = new Donor();
_ValidInput = new ValidateInput();
public void HandleStringNotDecimal()
Or if construction of ValidInput and Donor is cheap then we simply create new instance for each test, having special method for that purpose so when we decide to test another implementation of IValidateInput then it is enough to change it in one place only:
public class DonorTests
public void HandleStringNotDecimal()
var validInput = CreateValidateInput();
Assert.IsTrue(validInput .IsDecimal("3445.3450"));
private static IValidateInput CreateValidateInput()
return new ValidateInput();
Besides the cause mentioned in the accepted answer, I have met the same error when leaving method as non-public (private or protected).
NUnit most probably relies on reflection and does not deal with non-public methods, so special methods (i.e. decorated with NUnit specific attributes) must be public.

Mockito verify state halfway through test

I have some code that put simply, sets an object to a state of PROCESSING, does some stuff, then sets it to SUCCESS. I want to verify that the PROCESSING save is done with the correct values.
The problem is when the verify() tests are performed, .equals() is called on the object as it is at the end of the test, rather than halfway through.
For example the code:
public void process(Thing thing) {
I want to test:
public void test() {
Thing actual = new Thing();
Thing expected = new Thing();
// ....
On the first verify, actual.getStatus() is Status.SUCCESS, as Mockito just keeps a reference to the object and can only test it's value at the end.
I have considered that if a when(...) where involved then .equals() would be called at the correct time and the result would only happen if Thing was what I wanted it to be. However, in this case .save() returns nothing.
How can I verify that the object is put into the correct states?
Ok, I found a solution, but it's pretty horrible. Verify is no good to me because it runs too late, and stubbing is hard because the method returns a void.
But what I can do is stub and throw an exception if anything but the expected is called, while validating that something is called:
public void test() {
Thing actual = new Thing();
Thing expected = new Thing();
doThrow(new RuntimeException("save called with wrong object"))
// ....
private <T> T not(final T p) {
return argThat(new ArgumentMatcher<T>() {
public boolean matches(Object arg) {
return !arg.equals(p);
This infers that expected is called. Only drawback is that it'll be difficult to verify the method twice, but luckily in my case both DAO calls are to different methods, so I can verify them separately.
Why not just mock the Thing itself and verify that? eg:
public class ProcessorTest {
private Dao mockDao;
private Processor processor;
public void beforeMethod() {
public void test() {
Thing mockThing = Mockito.mock(Thing.class);
If you want to explicitly test the order in which these things happen, use an InOrder object:
public void inOrderTest() {
Thing mockThing = Mockito.mock(Thing.class);
InOrder inOrder = Mockito.inOrder(mockThing, mockDao);
Mockito has a problem verifying mutable objects. There is an open issue about this (
Maybe you should switch to EasyMock. They use a record/playback pattern and do the verification at the time of the call in contrary to Mockito, where the verification happens after the call.
This Mockito version of the test has the mentioned problem:
public void testMockito() {
Processor processor = new Processor();
Dao dao = Mockito.mock(Dao.class);
Thing actual = new Thing();
Thing expected1 = new Thing();
Thing expected2 = new Thing();
This EasyMock version works fine:
public void testEasymock() {
Processor processor = new Processor();
Dao dao = EasyMock.createStrictMock(Dao.class);
Thing expected1 = new Thing();
Thing expected2 = new Thing();
Thing actual = new Thing();
In my example doSomeMajorProcessing sets value to 19.
private void doSomeMajorProcessing(Thing thing) {
After reviewing
I was able to get my version of this working (Java 15, Mockito 3.6.28):
// ========= CODE ==========
public void process(Thing thing) {
// ========= TEST ==========
// ++++++ NOTE - put this at class level
private final Dao dao = mock(Dao.class, withSettings().defaultAnswer(new ClonesArguments()));
public void test() {
Thing actual = new Thing();
ArgumentCaptor<Thing> captor = ArgumentCaptor.for(Thing.class);
verify(dao, times(2)).save(captor.capture());
List<Things> savedCalls = captor.getAllValues();
assertEquals(Status.PROCESSING, savedCalls.get(0).getStatus());
assertEquals(Status.SUCCESS, savedCalls.get(1).getStatus());
Using argThat with a hamcrest Matcher should do the trick. The Matcher would match its passed thing if the thing has the PROCESSING status:
public class ProcessingMatcher extends BaseMatcher<Thing> {
public boolean matches(Object item) {
if (item instanceof Thing) {
return ((Thing) item).getStatus() == Status.PROCESSING;
return false;
public void describeTo(Description description) {
description.appendText(" has the PROCESSING status");
And then in your test, use the following code :
public class MyTest {
public void test() {
static ProcessingMatcher hasTheProcessingStatus() {
return new ProcessingMatcher();

Can extension methods modify extended class values?

I was just trying to code the following extension method:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace _4Testing
static class ExtensionMethods
public static void AssignMe(this int me, int value)
me = value;
But it is not working, i mean, can I use an extension method to alter values from extended classes? I don't want to change void return type to int, just changing extended class value. Thanks in advance
Your example uses int, which is a value type. Classes are reference types and behaves a bit differently in this case.
While you could make a method that takes another reference like AssignMe(this MyClass me, MyClass other), the method would work on a copy of the reference, so if you assign other to me it would only affect the local copy of the reference.
Also, keep in mind that extension methods are just static methods in disguise. I.e. they can only access public members of the extended types.
public sealed class Foo {
public int PublicValue;
private int PrivateValue;
public static class FooExtensions {
public static void Bar(this Foo f) {
f.PublicValue = 42;
// Doesn't compile as the extension method doesn't have access to Foo's internals
f.PrivateValue = 42;
// a work around for extension to a wrapping reference type is following ....
using System;
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var me = new Integer { value = 5 };
int y = 2;
Console.WriteLine(me); // prints 2
public static void AssignMe(this Integer me, int value)
me.value = value;
class Integer
public int value { get; set; }
public Integer()
value = 0;
public override string ToString()
return value.ToString();
Ramon what you really need is a ref modifier on the first (i.e. int me ) parameter of the extension method, but C# does not allow ref modifier on parameters having 'this' modifiers.
No workaround should be possible for your particular case of an extension method for a value type. Here is the "reductio ad absurdum" that you are asking for if you are allowed to do what you want to do; consider the C# statement:
... now what on earth do you think its suppose to do ? Are you trying to assign 10 to 5 ??
Operator overloading cannot help you either.
This is an old post but I ran into a similar problem trying to implement an extender for the String class.
My original code was this:
public static void Revert(this string s)
char[] xc = s.ToCharArray();
s = new string(xc.Reverse());
By using the new keyword I am creating a new object and since s is not passed by reference it will not be modified.
I changed it to the following which provides a solution to Ramon's problem:
public static string Reverse(this string s)
char[] xc = s.ToCharArray();
return new string(xc);
In which case the calling code will be:
s = s.Reverse();
To manipulate integers you can do something like:
public static int Increment(this int i)
return i++;
i = i.Increment();
