Don't kill the child process after SBT is killed in Scala? - linux

I am running a script in Scala and Play using:
val pb = Process(s"bash $path/")
The script starts a background process in the background that is supposed to start run even when sbt is killed. Here is the script:
nohup liquidsoap >/dev/null 2>&1 &
echo $! >
The problem is that even after using nohup and redirecting the output. When I kill SBT, the background process that was started using the script is killed too.
Thank you

Try to add this to you sbt file:
fork in run := true

I found a solution. The problem was that when I was killing SBT I was sending a SIGINT signal to all processes. In order to avoid the created processes to not be killed I need to put the process in a different process group which is done the setsid command.


Kill a "background process" in Linux using a C Program

I have started my process in background and I would like to kill that process using a C program using popen().
I have tried in many ways but in vain. The reason is when I run a C code, it is executed in a sub-shell because of which I can't get the processes running in main shell.
I used $! to get the latest pid running in the background, but because of the above reason it didn't work.
my_process & pids="${pids-} $!" //start my process
sleep 10 // run for 10 seconds
kill -2 $pids //kill the process
Also you can store PID in file and kill
./ &
echo $! > /tmp/
kill -9 `cat /tmp/process*.pid`
rm /tmp/process*.pid
You should make your process into a daemon, that way you can start, end and restart it without complications.
You can start here: Best way to make a shell script daemon?
+1 on Raydel's answer
Another alternative (since there are so many ways to do things) If you have root you can also create it as a service and then start it and stop it manually using the "service" commands.
(Sorry wanted to add as a comment to Raydel's but my rep is not high enough apparently so adding as a separate answer)

How to kill a shell script and processes it created?

I run a shell script inside php (using shell_exec). I want to kill it and all processes it created when it is in operation. I know the shell script pid. Do you have any suggestion?
I am using ubuntu, php as apache module.
Thank you.
echo hello
sleep 20
When I kill my script (shell_exec("sudo kill -9 $pid")), the sleep process is not killed which is not desired.
pkill -TERM -P pid
will kill the child processes
see this answer
Use this kill command instead:
kill -- -$pid
to kill the running script and all its spawned children.

Bash script on background: how to kill child processes

Well, I'm basically trying to make a bash script runs a node script forever. I made the following bash script:
while true ; do
cd /myscope/
unlink nohup.out
node myscript.js
sleep 6
done & echo $! > pid
I'm expecting that when it runs, it starts up node with the given script, checks if node exits, sleeps for 6 seconds if so and reopen node. Also, I'm expecting it to run in background and writes it's pid (the bash pid) on a file called "pid".
Everything explained above works as expected, apparently, but I'm also expecting that when the pid of the bash script is killed, the node script would stop running, I don't know why that made sense in my mind, but when it comes to practice, it doesn't work. The bash script is killed indeed, but the node script keeps running and that is freaking me out.
I've tested it in the terminal, by not sending the bash script to the background and entering ctrl+c, both scripts gets killed.
I'm obviously miss understanding something on the way the background process works. For god sake, can anybody help me?
There are lots of tools that let you do what you're trying, just two off the top of my head: - A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever) - Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development
Maybe the second it's not what you're looking for, but still worth a look.
If you can't or don't want to use those then the problem is that if you kill the parent process the child one is still there, so, you should kill that too:
pkill -TERM -P $PID
where $PID is the parent PID.

If I kill script running script running java?

If I kill gracefully (without -9) a script which is running another script, which is running java in turn, will java process receive kill signal by cascade?
I have seen java not properly shutdown in this case, and become owned by init (pid 1). I have fixed this in the past by recording the pid of the java process after it has launched, and then sending a kill -15 in a signal handler inside the bash script.
[ ! -z "$jpid" ] && kill $jpid
trap trap_intr INT TERM
java -cp ... foo &
UPDATE: I forgot to put the java process in the background, and have the bash script wait on $!

Running shell script command after executing an application

I have written a shell script to execute a series of commands. One of the commands in the shell script is to launch an application. However, I do not know how to continue running the shell script after I have launched the application.
For example:
cp somedir/somefile .
rm -rf somefile
Once I launched the application with "./application" I am no longer able to continue running the "rm -rf somefile" command, but I really need to remove the file from the directory.
Anyone have any ideas how to compete running the "rm -rf" command after launching the application?
As pointed out by others, you can background the application (man bash 'job control', e.g.).
Also, you can use the wait builtin to explicitely await the background jobs later:
./application &
echo doing some more work
wait # wait for background jobs to complete
echo application has finished
You should really read the man pages and bash help for more details, as always:
Start the application in the background, this way the shell is not going to wait for it to terminate and will execute the consequent commands right after starting the application:
./application &
In the meantime, you can check the background jobs by using the jobs command and wait on them via wait and their ID. For example:
$ sleep 100 &
[1] 2098
$ jobs
[1]+ Running sleep 100 &
$ wait %1
put the started process to background:
./application &
You need to start the command in the background using '&' and maybe even nohup.
nohup ./application > log.out 2>&1
