How can I install siege using cgywin? - node.js

I am studying nodejs and mysql connection and I got an error in runnning the make command.
Here's my reference for my tutorial:
I already installed cgywin and here's what i did
I go to the extracted latest siege file
I run this command ./configure
Then make
But when I try to run the make I got this error:
JLC-Mark#JLC-Mark-PC /cygdrive/c/wamp/www/siege-3.1.2
$ make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
What can I do with this error?
Thats all I hope you can help me.
And one more thing can you suggest a good reference for real time updates using node and mysql?

You have to install the actual siege utility, which is a C program that is not on npm. Depending on your platform, the program may already be available via your package manager.


GSL not installing in Windows 10 using GIT Bash

When I run the config file for installing GSL library for Windows 10 I get the following error:
error: Something went wrong bootstrapping makefile fragments for
automatic dependency tracking. If GNU make was not used, consider
re-running the configure script with MAKE="gmake" (or whatever is
necessary). You can also try re-running configure with the
'--disable-dependency-tracking' option to at least be able to build
the package (albeit without support for automatic dependency
If I run ./config MAKE="gmake" I still get the error. I have searched in StackOverflow and on the web and still haven't found a solution.

Make Install gives an error after properly cleaned and readied

I have been working on a project that requires me to use make clean, make ready, then make install to get files to run a simulation. I got make clean and make ready to work on the same area but as soon as I try to run a make install it won't work and gives this error:
ifort -w -O -tpp7 -c main.f
make: ifort: Command not found
make: *** [makefile:640: main.o] Error 127
this makes no sense to me as I don't have a Linux system and I'm running on a windows system with WSL and Ubuntu. There is a makefile if that is helpful but I don't really know what to look for in that file. Thanks in advance.

How to get commands working globally in linux CLI

I am trying to get minizinc working with my node.js app.
I followed the instructions at but errors state that minizinc was not found.
I understood that the above install was just a wrapper for the actual program. I am on hosted on a FreeBSD server, which has advice for installing minizinc here and here but pkg install or pkg search wouldn't work with the error pkg: Impossible to open / pkg: Cannot parse configuration file!
My hosting service then prompted me this, which seemed to work get everything installed.
cd libminizinc-2.5.5/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
The issue now is minizinc is not recognized as a CLI command in any folder and is still not found when attempting to run it in node.
Wrote back to the hosting service and the guy replied with I propose to create a symbolic link (ln -s) of the binaries to the ~/bin/ directory which of course didn't anything to me and after typing in ls -s minizinc ~/bin/ I get this printed but it doesn't seem to have done anything.
4012 minizinc
total 2
1 node 1 npm
Before I write back to him, the guy who I am paying for the service who barely seems bothered to talk someone who clearly doesn't know what they're doing through the situation, I thought I would ask here.

Error building Rust from source on OS X Yosemite

I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro to Yosemite and I'm having trouble building Rust from source now. When I run
$ ./configure
$ make && sudo make install
it seems to build fine, but hangs on installation at this line
rustdoc: doc/rustc/index.html
and eventually outputs this error:
task '<main>' failed at 'failed to generate documentation: couldn't open file (permission denied (Permission denied); path=doc/implementors/graphviz/trait.GraphWalk.js; mode=open; access=read)', /Users/Raevynheart/Code/rust_projects/rust/src/librustdoc/
make: *** [doc/rustc/index.html] Error 101
make: *** [install] Error 2
I found this issue that might be related, but I'm unsure how to proceed. Thanks for your help.
For anyone that runs into a similar problem, here is what worked for me. If you run make help, you'll be presented with options for the make command. One of them is:
# * clean - Clean the build repertory. It is advised to run this
# command if you want to build Rust again, after an update
# of the git repository.
Running sudo make clean and then make && sudo make install got Rust ready to roll once again.

make: *** [install] Error 1

I have a problem with installing old software developed in 1995 for Linux.
My operating system is Cent Os. and I got some errors as below when I tried to follow the program instruction. I still do not know what the problems are....
sometimes the clock skew error messages show up but frequently it does not come up.
Waiting for expert's help
igrf]$ make
make: Warning: File igrf' has modification time 98 s in the future
make:igrf' is up to date.
make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
igrf]$ make install
make: Warning: File igrf' has modification time 94 s in the future
install -c /home/hj/master/mag/bin -m 755 ./igrf
install: omitting directory/home/hj/master/mag/bin'
make: * [install] Error 1
I installed the old version of libpcap-1.0.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 from the source, but this was not successful, as it does not fit my version of Ubuntu and gives a make error: *** [install] Error 1.
Instead this tar.gz archive i used the usual command in the terminal:
sudo apt install libpcap-dev # the problem is solved
It is possible that there is incompatibility of archives to new versions of Ubuntu.
It is also possible to find missing dependencies, check this:
IMPORTANT: There is enough information about this error; please do not post anything unless there is a specific review!
make install --touch
What can i do to help find dependencies. All of these workarounds are specific to one configuration or another. Therefore, it makes sense to track other issues as a separate bug instead of continuing to use one bug report for each issue. To make sure we focus on bugs that affect testers, Q_A_ asks reporters to feel free to post fixes and commits. The answer was very focused on the lack of specific dependencies. It will automatically collect and attach updated debug information to your report. Please add them for the feisty to help muffle the compilation issue. Maybe even backport fixes for the dapper and edgy ones?
Initially when compiling mongoose i used the helper:
make --touch
и был вывод:
touch vc98
touch vc2017
touch mingw
touch mingw++
touch linux
touch fuzzer
touch fuzz
Then i installed the missing dependencies:
sudo apt install fuzz libfuzzer-10-dev ocaml-mingw-w64-x86-64 vc-dev
...and still not all, then i had to use install (using reportdependencies the current behavior is unexpected and unsatisfactory):
I have output for mongoose:
touch linux-libs
touch install
Reportdependencies doesn't handle this very well.
In this case, linux-libs (install is omitted) points to some missing libraries. And this:
sudo apt install liblinux-pid-perl
I had an equivalent problem in the past. It is tied to the timestamps of (some) files. You should try to use the command "touch" on the concerned files. This will update the time stamps of those files.
I hope this will make the trick.
