Crystal Report 7 Alternate Row Color - crystal-reports-7

I'm trying to make a report by using Crystal Report 7. But I'm having trouble when I tried to make the odd detail become white and the even detail become gray
Here what I've tried
I'm waiting for the answer. Thx

even though it's an old post, maybe some people still need it. I happen to still use cr 7, I use this logic and this works fine.
if right(totext(recordnumber / 2),2) = '00' then White else Black
if right(totext(recordnumber / 2),2) = '00' then true else false

Take a look at this link, this might help you.
Try this:
if RecordNumber mod 2 = 0 then crWhite else crSilver.


Need help rewriting "Transp 0 : 100"

as everyone probably knows "Transp = is being deprecated"
I am aware of how to rewrite and recode that part.
However, in a different section of a pine script I see transp = lines? 0 : 100 which in the script then allows the color and slider bar to be manipulated.
Can anyone help point me to where I can find how to rewrite this portion of the pine-script?
Thank you in advance
here are images of how the old and new code show up (old is colorful and optional, new is B/W)
transp == lines ?,100) :,10)
Its all about the condition, if it's true then trans will be 100, if not then Tran will be 10. Change trans to your liking
You can post full code and I'll correct if you not able to do it

VPython: Why do and never change?

I was experimenting in VPython with my scene's camera and I discovered that is always equal to <0, 0, 1.73205> and is always equal to <0, 0, -1.73205>. These values don't change even when the camera auto-adjusts or when I use the function. Why is that? Also, I am able to change these values. However, for the it seems like going below 1 doesn't change anything from setting it to one. This is really odd and I hope someone can clear it up for me.
This has been addressed in the VPython forum:

Embedded IF AND Statements in Excel

I searched around on this site and found something similar to what I need, but I haven't been able to get it to work for me yet. I was able to get it to work when I do only half of it, but when I try to work in the other 2 conditions with AND statements, it gets messed up and I can't figure out what's going wrong.
The partial string of code that worked for me is this
=IF(M7>O7, IF(P7="R", 3, IF(P7="O", 2, IF)))
I have statements that would give different output...
If m7>o7 and p7="R" output a value of 3
If m7>o7 and p7="O" output a value of 2
If o7>m7 and p7="O" output a value of 1
If o7>m7 and p7="R" output a value of 0
Thanks in advance!
Per the comment:

modx Decrement a TV to obtain 0

I need my [[+idx]] tv to start at 0 instead of 1 so I tried this:
[[+idx:decr]] or [[+idx:substract=1]] but it gives me -1 (minus one).
Does anyone know another way to obtain 0?
Thank you
Using this in chunk for getImageList works (at least for me):
It gives: 0,1,2,3 ....
P.S. using modx revo 2.3.1
set your template variable default to 0 when you create the variable.
What are you trying to do, your question is vague at best.
ok - what I think will work for you is to write a snippet to do the math... where ever you call the [[+idx]] instead write a snippet
[[!FixIDX? &itemindex=`[[+idx]]`]]
then in your FixIDX snippet just do the math with php and return the corrected index. Though perhaps a custom output modifier would be the better way to go:
Though looking at the docs, your code should certainly work - I see no reason for it not to.

Load Excel add-in

I tried:
$sAddIn = "H:\prog\essxleqd.xla"
$oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application")
$oExcel.Visible = 1
$oAddIn = $oExcel.AddIns.Add($sAddIn)
$oAddIn.Installed = True
When I do:
Run('"c:\pathtoexcel\excel.exe" "c:\pathtoaddin\addin.xla"')
It will work. But I prefer the former solution because I need two different add-ins.
$sAddIn = "H:\prog\essxleqd.xla"
$oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application")
$oExcel.Visible = 1
$oAddIn = $oExcel.AddIns.Add($sAddIn)
$oAddIn.Installed = False
$oAddIn.Installed = True
This seems to do the trick. First time it got installed and worked. Afterwards it didn't. Even when it is installed it doesn't execute the second time. Maybe someone can explain or provide a more elegant solution?
Strange problem indeed. It seems that the addon will only do its operations when you install it? That is not how Excel addons should behave, and that is why you are seeing strange behavior when trying to automate it.
If the addon needs to be reinstalled to work, then indeed the only solution is to reinstall the addon.
$oAddIn.Installed = False
$oAddIn.Installed = True
If this is an addon that is written by you or someone in your own business, then you might want to identify the problem in the addon itself. I can safely assure you that the normal mode of operation works well. :))
As a bonus tip, you might want to do this:
$oAddIn = $oExcel.AddIns.Add($sAddIn, True)
It will copy the file to the appropriate location if that is necessary, otherwise it is left alone.
