How to know which is the current kernel module? - linux

I'm using User Mode Linux and I'm redefining some I/O memory related functions. The idea it's that any function that is called from a list of our own kernel modules will be handled differently from the rest of the modules.
Is that possible to know whichy module is calling (kernel module name would be enough) a function like writel?

Libunwind defines a portable and efficient C programming interface (API) to determine the call-chain of a program (
/proc/modules file displays a list of all modules loaded into the kernel along with their sizes and memory offsets.


In OS, why loadable kernel modules (LKMs) don't need to invoke message passing in order to communicate?

My question lies in a paragraph, the paragraph are shown as follow, I can't understand the the bold sentence. If it doesn't need to invoke message passing, how does it complete communication between process?
Perhaps the best current methodology for operating-system design involves
using loadable kernel modules (LKMs). Here, the kernel has a set of core
components and can link in additional services via modules, either at boot time
or during run time. This type of design is common in modern implementations
of UNIX, such as Linux, macOS, and Solaris, as well as Windows.
The idea of the design is for the kernel to provide core services, while
other services are implemented dynamically, as the kernel is running. Linking
services dynamically is preferable to adding new features directly to the kernel,
which would require recompiling the kernel every time a change was made.
Thus, for example, we might build CPU scheduling and memory management
algorithms directly into the kernel and then add support for different file
systems by way of loadable modules.
The overall result resembles a layered system in that each kernel section
has defined, protected interfaces; but it is more flexible than a layered system,
because any module can call any other module. The approach is also similar to
the microkernel approach in that the primary module has only core functions
and knowledge of how to load and communicate with other modules; but it
is more efficient, because modules do not need to invoke message passing in
order to communicate.
Linux uses loadable kernel modules, primarily for supporting device
drivers and file systems. LKMs can be “inserted” into the kernel as the system is started (or booted) or during run time, such as when a USB device is
plugged into a running machine. If the Linux kernel does not have the necessary driver, it can be dynamically loaded. LKMs can be removed from the
kernel during run time as well. For Linux, LKMs allow a dynamic and modular
kernel, while maintaining the performance benefits of a monolithic system. We
cover creating LKMs in Linux in several programming exercises at the end of
this chapter.
In OS, why loadable kernel modules (LKMs) don't need to invoke message passing in order to communicate?
The simple answer is that because they're loaded into kernel space and dynamically linked; the kernel can use "mostly normal" functions calls instead of anything more expensive (message passing, remote procedure calls, ...) to communicate with it.
Note: Typically (especially for *nix systems) a driver will provide a set of function pointers to the kernel (e.g. maybe one for open(), one for read(), one for ioctl(), etc) in some kind of "device context" structure; allowing the kernel to call the driver's functions via. the function pointers (e.g. like "result = deviceContext->open( ..);).
"The approach is also similar to the microkernel approach in that the primary module has only core functions and knowledge of how to load and communicate with other modules; but it is more efficient, because modules do not need to invoke message passing in order to communicate."
This paragraph has the potential to give you a false impression. For extensibility alone, modular monolithic kernels are similar to micro-kernels (and both are a lot more extensible than a "literally monolithic (one piece, like stone)" kernel). For other things (e.g. security) modular monolithic kernels are extremely dissimilar to micro-kernels.
For Linux specifically; you can think of it as almost 30 million lines (growing at a rate of over 1 million lines per year) of potential security vulnerabilities running at the highest privilege level with full access to every scrap of data, with an average of about 150 discovered critical vulnerabilities per year (and who knows how many undiscovered critical vulnerabilities).
One of the main goals of micro-kernels is to place isolation barriers between the "kernel core" and everything else; so that you might end up with several thousand lines of kernel that doesn't grow (and a significant improvement in security). It's those isolation barriers that require less efficient communication (e.g. message passing).
"...but it is more efficient, because modules do not need to invoke message passing in order to communicate."
This could be rephrased more correctly as "...but it is more efficient, because modules do not need to pass through an isolation barrier."
Note that message passing is merely one way to pass through an isolation barrier - there's shared memory, signals, pipes, sockets, remote procedure calls, etc. Nothing says a micro-kernel has to use message passing and you could design a micro-kernel that does not use message passing at all.

ioctl vs kernel modules in Linux

I know that kernel modules are used to write device drivers. You can add new system calls to the Linux kernel and use it to communicate with other devices.
I also read that ioctl is a system call used in linux to implement system calls which are not available in the kernel by default.
My question is, why wouldn't you just write a new kernel module for your device instead of using ioctl? why would ioctl b useful where kernel modules exist?
You will need to write a kernel driver in either case, but you can choose between adding a new syscall and adding a ioctl.
Let's say you want to add a feature to get the tuner settings for a video capturing device.
If you implement it as a syscall:
You can't just load a module, you need to change the kernel itself
Hundreds of drivers could each add dozens of syscalls each, kludging up the table with thousands of global functions that must be kept forever.
For the driver to have any reach, you will need to convince kernel maintainers that this burden is worthwhile.
You will need to upstream the definition into glibc, and people must upgrade before they can write programs for it
If you implement it as an ioctl:
You can build your module for an existing kernel and let users load it, without having to get kernel maintainers involved
All functions are simple per-driver constants in the applicable header file, where they can easily be added or removed
Everyone can start programming with it just by including the header
Since an ioctl is much easier, more flexible, and exactly meant for all these driver specific function calls, this is generally the preferred method.
I also read that ioctl is a system call used in linux to implement system calls which are not available in the kernel by default.
This is incorrect.
System calls are (for Linux) listed in syscalls(2) (there are hundreds of them between user space and kernel land) and ioctl(2) is one of them. Read also wikipage on ioctl and on Unix philosophy and Linux Assembler HowTo
In practice, ioctl is mostly used on device files, and used for things which are not a read(2) or a write(2) of bytes.
For example, a sound is made by writing bytes to /dev/audio, but to change the volume you'll use some ioctl. See also fcntl(2) playing a similar role.
Input/output could also happen (somehow indirectly ...) thru mmap(2) and related virtual address space system calls.
For much more, read Advanced Linux Programming and Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces. Look into Osdev for more hints about coding your own OS.
A kernel module could implement new devices, or new ioctl, etc... See kernelnewbies for more. I tend to believe it might sometimes add a few new syscalls (but this was false in older linux kernels like 3.x ones)
Linux is mostly open source. Please download then look inside source code. See also Linux From Scratch.
IIRC, Linux kernel 1.0 did not have any kernel modules. But that was around 1995.

How linux device drivers are loaded?

Can anyone explain me in simple terms the following thing.
How Linux drivers are loaded into kernel space?
Which functions are exported, after drivers being loaded?
How driver functions are called?
Normally you will use insmod or modprobe userspace application to load module (and possibly its dependencies in case of the 2nd one). Both of them do the same under the hood to actually load single module - they read the file into memory and use init_module system call, providing address of memory where this module was loaded. This call tells kernel that module should be loaded.
Now kernel modules are actually ELF files and are not much different from shared libraries used in userspace. The kernel has an equivalent of shared library linker, that will parse those files, get a list of symbols that are provided by it, updating the list of functions known to kernel. It will also check if all the symbols that this module needs are already in the kernel and do proper relocations. One of the last thing that it will do is to call initialization function in the module.
Note that you cannot compile the kernel that will directly call any function that is provided by module. Similarly, you can call any function provided by a module in another module before loading the first one. Kernel will refuse to load any module with symbols that are not known. Most of the modules will, however, register its functions as some kind of callbacks that can be called indirectly.

Why can't we use C standard library functions in kernel development?

I just got started with learning kernel development and had a small doubt. Why can't we use c functions in kernel development after linking it with the c library? Why is it that the kernel is never linked with a c library but has its own implementation of some standard c functions like printk() instead of printf(). IF the kernel is written in c and compiled with the help of a c compiler then why can't we use the standard function from the c library?
Because the GNU C Library which you are familiar with is implemented for user mode, not kernel mode. The kernel cannot access a userspace API (which might invoke a syscall to the Linux kernel).
From the KernelNewbies FAQ
Can I use library functions in the kernel ?
System libraries (such as glibc, libreadline, libproplist, whatever) that are typically available to userspace programmers are unavailable to kernel programmers. When a process is being loaded the loader will automatically load any dependent libraries into the address space of the process. None of this mechanism is available to kernel programmers: forget about ISO C libraries, the only things available is what is already implemented (and exported) in the kernel and what you can implement yourself.
Note that it is possible to "convert" libraries to work in the kernel; however, they won't fit well, the process is tedious and error-prone, and there might be significant problems with stack handling (the kernel is limited to a small amount of stack space, while userspace programs don't have this limitation) causing random memory corruption.
Many of the commonly requested functions have already been implemented in the kernel, sometimes in "lightweight" versions that aren't as featureful as their userland counterparts. Be sure to grep the headers for any functions you might be able to use before writing your own version from scratch. Some of the most commonly used ones are in include/linux/string.h.
Whenever you feel you need a library function, you should consider your design, and ask yourself if you could move some or all the code into user-space instead.
If you need to use functions from standard library, you have to re-implement that functionality because of a simple reason - there is no standard C library.
C library is basically implemented on the top of the Linux kernel (or other operating system's kernel).
For instance, C library's mkdir(3) function is basically nothing more than a wrapper for Linux kernel's system call mkdir(2).

What is the Linux built-in driver load order?

How can we customize the built-in driver load order (to make some built-in driver module load first, and the dependent module load later)?
Built-in drivers wont be loaded, hence built-in. Their initialization functions are called and the drivers are activated when kernel sets up itself. These init functions are called in init/main.c::do_initcalls(). All init calls are classified in levels, which are defined in initcall_levels and include/linux/init.h
These levels are actuall symbols defined in linker script (arch/*/kernel/*). At kernel compile time, the linker collects all function marked module_init() or other *_initcall(), classify in levels, put all functions in the same level together in the same place, and create like an array of function pointers.
What do_initcall_level() does in the run-time is to call each function pointed by the pointers in the array. There is no calling policy, except levels, in do_initcall_level, but the order in the array is decided in the link time.
So, now you can see that the driver's initiation order is fixed at the link time, but what can you do?
put your init function in the higher level, or
put your device driver at the higher position in Makefile
The first one is clear if you've read the above. ie) use early_initcall() instead if it is appropriate.
The second one needs a bit more explanation. The reason why the order in a Makefile matter is how the current kernel build system works and how the linkers works. To make a long story short, the build system takes all object files in obj-y and link them together. It is highly environment dependent but there is high probability that the linker place first object file in the obj-y in lower address, thus, called earlier.
If you just want your driver to be called earlier than other drivers in the same directory, this is simplest way to do it.
depmod examines the symbols exported and required by each module and does a topological sort on them that modprobe can later use to load modules in the proper order. Requiring the symbols from modules you wish to be dependent on is enough for it to do the right thing.
Correct module order and dependencies are handled by modprobe, even within the initrd.
Recently i got this problem my charger driver is having dependency on ADC driver so before loading ADC driver charger driver has loaded and checking for adc phandle which is defined in DTS file and has to intialize by ADC driver. its got resolved by changing the order of the module in drivers/Makefile
