Node JS not sending file with res.sendFile() - node.js

My file structure is shown above, but I am unable to find the file with error: Undefined is not a function.
The app path is set, which I can get via a console.log:
If I navigate to localhost:3000 for example, the page is rendered correctly. I can then click to navigate to localhost:3000/login and everything is still all good. But if I go directly to localhost:3000/login, i.e. the index page is never loaded, then this route: '/*' is hit and the undefined error occurs. No HTML is loaded.
I set the app path like so:
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/client')));
app.set('appPath', path.join(__dirname, '/client'));
I am using Express:

Try to set the root for relative file path, this way:
app.set('base', __dirname);
and then:
Make sure not to include /client twice, so you don't get something like .../client/client... in your path.
res.sendFile() is supported from Express v4.8.0 onwards

You were close.
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/client'));


Routes in express JS

I have a code line:
for static files in public folder, but build a route:
app.get('/search/jobs', jobs.index);
The Expressjs is putting /search before url.
And I'm a getting error in console browser:
GET: http://localhost:5000/search/css/materialize.css
Any idea?
You need to use absolute paths in your html/css (e.g. /css/materialize.css). With relative paths (e.g. css/materialize.css) the browser will look up the path relative to the current path/"directory" (/search in this case).

How to configure the page the / path goes to in a tiny express app?

I'm using a simple node express server which is wrapped in the Webpack Dev Server (
I'm starting an express app from a top level directory where the static files are in a directory called "public".
I've got this line of configuration: + '/public'));
If I type, all is good.
How but the URL of produces a directory listing of the top level.
What is the proper way to configure to go to the index.html file?
add'/', function(req, res) {
See the docs
The solution involved setting the contentBase proper of the WebpackDevServer plus telling the + contentbase);
Per this diff
The docs are here:

NodeJitsu error: Error: ENOENT, stat '/opt/run/snapshot/

My app’s folder structure for NodeJitsu is as follows (i.e., when i do a jitsu deploy, I'm in the folder that contains "server.js" - i.e., the "server" folder).
Root server
So at the root is the folder "server", containing the starting script, “server.js”. Then there’s a folder called “client”, parallel to "server", with a folder within that called “www”, and within “www” is the main “index.html”.
In my “server.js” file, I have the following code:
app.get(‘/’, function(req,res)
var aPath = path.resolve(“../client/www/”, “index.html”);
I don’t have a app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/somefolder'). And when I start the app, I get this error:
Error: ENOENT, stat '/opt/run/snapshot/client/www/index.html'
My process.cwd() is /opt/run/snapshot/package. Obviously the above path isn’t pointing to the location where “index.html” resides. But I thought the way I do the path.resolve(…) should point to “index.html”. I can’t see where the problem is. If “server.js” is in the root, then to get to “index.html”, which is in “client/www/index.html”, then I should need to write “../client/www”, relative to the excuting script, to get to “index.html”, right?.
Do you have any insights as to where the path is not set up correctly? What should /opt/run/snapshot/ be pointing to? Or, what changes do I need to make in the get(‘/’) handler to correctly point to my “index.html”?
I incorrectly drew the folder structure. Now it's correct.
I also turned off the app.get() and turned on the app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/../client/www/'). But to no avail: now i get a Cannot GET / error.
What I'm ultimately after is to have the "server.js" file be the Node server that, mostly, just serves AngularJS HTML files to the browser, with attendant images, stylesheets, etc., from the "client" folder. This is the server's main role, with an additional role of authenticating the app's users, employing the very nice Satellizer module. And that's it. I have a MongoDB attached, but otherwise this is a very common and straightforward Node.js server app.
Try it without rooting, resolving and log out to double check:
// notice no leading / which is root. __dirname should be the dir of current file running
var staticPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../client/www');
Then pass that into express.static
I would probably recommend following the layout and convention of express generated apps with app in the root and static files under public
<static files>
Then do what the generated app does:
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

Changing connect-assets lookup path

If I execute my expressjs app like so node app.js everything works fine however when I execute it like node path/app.js it starts looking for public assets from the execution location.
How can I change the path?
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')) doesn't seem to be doing anything
The error I get:
Asset 'styles.css' not found in search path:

Getting 404's for rendered .coffee files

I have a test node.js/angular app that uses the yeoman angular-generator. However, I am having problems serving back the rendered .js files from the original .coffee files.
The js files are being rendered and saved to APP_ROOT/.tmp, but any requests for the js files results in a 404.
What is needed (within the Gruntfile?) to allow for the js files to be returned?
Thanks for the help.
Things are working now. The end fix was something was to add an additional static middleware to the app.js file, which was something I had already tried, but it is possible that the path was off causing the fix not to work.
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '.tmp')));
When I first added ~line 2 the app.js folder was moved into the app_root/server folder with the following
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '..', '.tmp')));
which for some reason wasn't working. That teaches me for moving files around
