Tkx: Is it possible to change a button's callback during execution - tkx

As a really simplistic example, suppose I have a single button and each time I click the button I want it to call a different callback. So, it is first set up to call hello(), then hello() changes things so the next time the button is clicked it calls world().

Turns out any of the attributes of a widget can be changed with the 'configure' method:
$btn = $frame->$new_ttk__button(-text => "hello", -command => \&say_hello());
sub somefunc_invoked_by_some_other_button {
$btn->configure(-text => "goodbye", -command => \&say_bye());


Cypress: How to know if element is visible or not in using If condition?

I want to know if an element is visible or not. I am not sure how to do that.
I know that we can run this:
But if element is invisible then test is failed. So I just want a boolean value if element is not visible so I can decide through if condition.
Use case:
I want to open a side menu by clicking on the button only if sidebar is invisible.
Is this possible?
I really appreciate for any contribution.
Thanks in advance
Cypress allows jQuery to work with DOM elements so this will work for you:
cy.get("selector_for_your_button").then($button => {
if ($':visible')){
//you get here only if button is visible
UPDATE: You need to differentiate between button existing and button being visible. The code below differentiates between 3 various scenarios (exists & visible, exists & not visible, not exists). If you want to pass the test if the button doesn't exist, you can just do assert.isOk('everything','everything is OK')
cy.get("body").then($body => {
if ($body.find("selector_for_your_button").length > 0) {
//evaluates as true if button exists at all
cy.get("selector_for_your_button']").then($header => {
if ($':visible')){
//you get here only if button EXISTS and is VISIBLE
} else {
//you get here only if button EXISTS but is INVISIBLE
} else {
//you get here if the button DOESN'T EXIST
assert.isOk('everything','everything is OK');
You can also use my plugin cypress-if to write conditional command chains
try this code:
isElementVisible(xpathLocater) {
isElementNotVisible(xpathLocater) {
then use these two methods with if statement like shown below:
if(isElementNotVisible) {
if(isElementVisible) {

kendo ui angular grid - how to leave row when user hits enter key instead of clicking off of row

Ive got a working grid, using in-line editing thanks to this example
What I need to do now, is force the saving upon a user hitting the enter key, instead of clicking away onto another row or away from the current row. I suppose I could add a "save" button in the header?
You could probably use cellClose event in your html (cellClose)="cellCloseHandler($event)" - API Documentation
You could then write your own code (in typescript) in cellCloseHandler() to modify and save the updated items accordingly.
From Kendo UI for Angular Documentation:
In-Cell Editing
You could capture the Enter key hits and force executing cellCloseHandler() like that:
#HostListener('keydown', ['$event'])
public keydown(event: any): void {
console.log("keydown event", event);
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
Similar to Giannis answer but with small modifications:
Add keydown event to kendo-grid tag.
Call grid.closeCell() instead of calling the closeHander directly.
<kendo-grid #grid
[data]="data$ | async"
(keydown)="onKeydown(grid, $event)"
onKeydown(grid: GridComponent, e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
cellCloseHandler(args: CellCloseEvent) {
const { formGroup, dataItem } = args;
// save to backend etc
Calling grid.closeCell(); will make the grid to call cellCloseHandler
You dont have to implement a HostListener for Keydown by yourself. If you set the input navigable to true, the cellClose event will get triggered when pressing Enter while editing a cell or row. This way you get the data of the row in your cellCloseHandler aswell for saving it.
<kendo-grid [navigable]="true" (cellClose)="cellCloseHandler($event)"></kendo-grid>

Multiple buttons in HeroCard

I'd like to have multiple buttons on HeroCard
and be able to press all buttons one after another
but when I press click button program jumps to next function in waterfall
and expects next action instead of button action again
what should I do in this case?
bot.dialog("/showCards", [
(session) => {
const msg = new Message(session)
title: "title",
url: ""
}].map(obj =>
new HeroCard(session)
CardImage.create(session, obj.url)
.tap(CardAction.showImage(session, obj.url)),
CardAction.openUrl(session, obj.url),
CardAction.imBack(session, `click`, "Click"),
CardAction.imBack(session, `clack`, "Clack")
Prompts.choice(session, msg, ["click", "clack"]);
(session, results) => {
// todo use results.response.entity
You could also use CardAction.dialogAction and link every button to a beginDialogAction.
let card = new builder.HeroCard(session)
.buttons([builder.CardAction.dialogAction(session, 'dialogAAction', 'dataYouNeedInDialogA', 'ButtonTitleA'), builder.CardAction.dialogAction(session, 'dialogBAction', 'dataYouNeedInDialogA', 'ButtonTitleB')]);
let msg = new builder.Message(session)
// use one of these two to either end the dialog and start a new one or to stay in the current dialog and wait for user input
// don't forget to add the dialogs to your bot / library later in your code (outside your current dialog)
bot.dialog('dialogA', dialogA); // initialized somewhere in your code
bot.dialog('dialogB', dialogB);
bot.beginDialogAction('dialogAAction', 'dialogA');
bot.beginDialogAction('dialogBAction', 'dialogB', {
onSelectAction: (session, args, next) => {
// you might want to clear the dialogStack if the button is pressed. Otherwise, if the button is pressed multiple times, instances of dialogB are pilled up on the dialog stack.
In my opinion, this is the best way to achieve the behaviour you described so far. All buttons work whenever the user presses them, even if they scroll back in the conversation and press the same button again. The only trade-off is that you have to pass data to the new dialog and can not use dialogData throughout the whole flow. Nevertheless, I think it's worth it because ensures consistent UX throughout the usage of the bot.
Hope this helps. You can build click and clack dialogs, link them to actions and pass the data that you need. The user would be able to press click, clack, click and the bot would still work. :)
Use a switch-case in the ResumeAfter function, in the default case send the user to the previous function.

on(keyPress "<Enter>") in AS2 doesn't work

I have a flash movie I am making that has a search box and a search button. The button has this code:
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
/*the function above processes searches*/
Clicking on the button works just fine. Pressing Enter doesn't do a bean! Does anyone know why this is, and any ways I can work around it? I'd prefer not to use listeners if I can possibly avoid it at all.
Using on() is a deprecated AS1 practice, so maybe you should just stop using it. Thanks to the onKeyDown event handler of the MovieClip class, it is possible to use proper code to do it without listeners, so you don't have to worry about them. ;)
Anyway, on with the code. Type this into the timeline which contains the button:
//Enable focus for and set focus to your button
searchButton.focusEnabled = true;
//The onRelease handler for the button
searchButton.onRelease = function(){
//You need this._parent this code belongs to the button
//The onKeyDown handler for the button
searchButton.onKeyDown = function(){
//Key.getCode() returns the key code of the last key press
//Key.ENTER is a constant equal to the key code of the enter key
if(Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER){

How to have a XAML window appear and disappear as if it were a wait cursor

Instead of a wait cursor, my user wants to see a XAML window pop up and go away - the same as a wait cursor would, but he wants a window that might show stuff while he is waiting. The window doesn't need to be interactive, unless having a ProgressBar with IsIndeterminate = "True" is considered interactive. The window would act like it was Modal, in that it would sit "on top" of the app and be "in the way", but it wouldn't have a "Close" button.
I already have a simple Waiter class that manages my wait cursor with this approach:
public static void Wait( Action onThis, Cursor _cursor )
cursorStack.Push( Mouse.OverrideCursor );
Mouse.OverrideCursor = _cursor;
onThis( );
Mouse.OverrideCursor = cursorStack.Pop( );
that I call with something like this:
Waiter.Wait( ( ) => LoadData( ), Cursors.Wait );
I need a clue as to how Waiter could throw up a XAML Window and then close it at an appropriate time in much this same way without colliding on the UI thread.
Maybe someone has seen this done already?
