Hello guys i need to resolve this problem (all server have installed centos 7): i'm trying to create a gre tunnel through vps (in Italy - OpenVZ) and a dedicated server (in Germany), but they do not communicate internally (ping and ssh command tests). Next i create a gre tunnel trought vps (in Italy - OpenVZ) and vps (in France - KVM OpenStack) and their communicate, i next i had create a tunnel trought vps (in France - KVM OpenStack) and a dedicated server (in Germany) their communicate. I can not understand why the vps (in Italy - OpenVZ) and the dedicated server (in Germany) do not communicate, ideas on how I can fix (
I also tried with iptables disabled, firewalld is not enable)? Thanks
In other words:
In other attempts (by this i mean that i managed to successfully create the GRE Tunnel between these machines):
The VPS (in France) and VPS (in Italy) communicate internally (ping and ssh command tests)
The VPS (in France) and Dedicated Server (in Germany) communicate internally (ping and ssh command tests)
Problem (by this i mean that i could not successfully create the GRE Tunnel between these machines):
The VPS (in Italy) and Dedicated Server (in Germany) do not communicate internally (ping and ssh command tests). I also asked hosting services if they had any restrinzione but nothing.
My configuration:
VPS command for tunnel:
echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
iptunnel add gre1 mode gre local VPS_IP remote DEDICATED_SERVER_IP ttl 255
ip addr add dev gre1 ip link set gre1 up
Dedicated server command for tunnel:
iptunnel add gre1 mode gre local DEDICATED_SERVER_IP remote VPS_IP ttl 255
ip addr add dev gre1
ip link set gre1 up
[root#VPS ~]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
89 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 87999ms
[root#DE ~]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
92 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 91001ms
[root#VPS ~]# tcpdump -i venet0 "proto gre" tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on venet0, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 262144 bytes ^C 0 packets captured 1 packet received by filter 0 packets dropped by kernel
[root#DE ~]# tcpdump -i enp2s0 "proto gre" tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on enp2s0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes ^C 0 packets captured 0 packets received by filter 0 packets dropped by kernel
[root#VPS ~]# lsmod | grep gre
ip_gre 4242 -2
ip_tunnel 4242 -2 sit,ip_gre
gre 4242 -2 ip_gre
[root#DE ~]# lsmod | grep gre
ip_gre 22707 0
ip_tunnel 25163 1 ip_gre
gre 13144 1 ip_gre
Console image with full command output
If ip_forwarding is required for the tunnel to work, you need to do /sbin/sysctl -p
And what does the output of ip tunnel show and ip route show on both the ends
I installed the mptcp kernel on my machine. I tried to test MPTCP by running iperf -c multipath-tcp.org (both end-ponts are MPTCP CAPABLE).
I tried to test if iperf lists the subflows created. I have an active wifi interface + active wired interface. But still iperf showed only the one with the wired interface:
Client connecting to multipath-tcp.org, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 45.0 KByte (default)
[ 3] local port 52983 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-22.7 sec 384 KBytes 139 Kbits/sec
THis shouldn't be the case. My wired link was too slow so, even if the flow would have started here, surely subflow would be there in the wifi interface as well.
How could I actually see that MPTCP is in fact creating subflows ?
I saw the question here but my cat proc... file is showing
sl loc_tok rem_tok v6 local_address remote_address st ns tx_queue rx_queue inode
0: B491F32C CDF952DC 0 0B2BA8C0:8E9C 2DE66882:1389 01 02 00000000:00000000 203077
which doesn't relate to any subflows I guess.
Maybe you can check the mptcp setting with sysctl net.mptcp,the path manager should be setted to fullmesh rather than default to establish multiple flows.
sysctl -w net.mptcp.mptcp_path_manager=fullmesh
sysctl -w net.mptcp.mptcp_enabled=1
Further explanation of mptcp setting can be viewed at http://multipath-tcp.org/pmwiki.php/Users/ConfigureMPTCP
I am trying to run iperf and have a throughput of 1Gig. I'm using UDP so I expect the overhead to pretty much be minimal. Still, I see it capped at 600M despite my attempts.
I have been running:
iperf -c -u -b 500M -l 1100
iperf -c -u -b 1000M -l 1100
iperf -c -u -b 1500M -l 1100
Yet Anything above 600 it seems to hit a limit of about 600. For example, the output for 1000M is:
[ 3] Server Report:
[ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 716 MBytes 601 Mbits/sec 0.002 ms 6544/689154 (0.95%)
[ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 1 datagrams received out-of-order
I'm running this on a server with a 10Gig port and even sending it right back to itself, so there should be no interface bottlenecks.
Unsure if I am running up against an iperf limit or if there is another way to get a true 1Gig test.
I'm running iperf multiple times via the following command
iperf -c -t 60 -w 6400 -f m >> iperf.log
sometimes with different arguments. The resulting iperf.log may look like this:
[ 3] local port 51129 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-20.0 sec 1869 MBytes 784 Mbits/sec
[ 3] local port 51130 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-15.0 sec 1445 MBytes 808 Mbits/sec
what i'd like to able to do is once it completed to have the average transfer rate outputted ie
average ....... XXX Mbits/sec
awk is the way to go, you can try something like this:
iperf -c -t 60 -w 6400 -f m|awk -F 'MBytes' {'print $2'} >> iperf.log
You just need to remove the empty lines now, that I will leave to you. :)
Do you need to start and stop it? You might just want to use interval reporting (-i ) You can set i to 15 and set -t to samples desired * 15.
From a bash script how can I quickly find out whether a port 445 is open/listening on a server.
I have tried a couple of options, but I want something quick:
1. lsof -i :445 (Takes seconds)
2. netstat -an |grep 445 |grep LISTEN (Takes seconds)
3. telnet (it doesn't return)
4. nmap, netcat are not available on the server
It will be nice to know of a way that doesn't enumerate first and greps after that.
A surprise I found out recently is that Bash natively supports tcp connections as file descriptors. To use:
exec 6<>/dev/tcp/ip.addr.of.server/445
echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.0\n" >&6
cat <&6
I'm using 6 as the file descriptor because 0,1,2 are stdin, stdout, and stderr. 5 is sometimes used by Bash for child processes, so 3,4,6,7,8, and 9 should be safe.
As per the comment below, to test for listening on a local server in a script:
exec 6<>/dev/tcp/ || echo "No one is listening!"
exec 6>&- # close output connection
exec 6<&- # close input connection
To determine if someone is listening, attempt to connect by loopback. If it fails, then the port is closed or we aren't allowed access. Afterwards, close the connection.
Modify this for your use case, such as sending an email, exiting the script on failure, or starting the required service.
There's a very short with "fast answer" here : How to test if remote TCP port is opened from Shell script?
nc -z <host> <port>; echo $?
I use it with as "remote" address.
this returns "0" if the port is open and "1" if the port is closed
nc -z 80; echo $?
-z Specifies that nc should just scan for listening daemons,
without sending any data to them. It is an error to use this option
in conjunc-
tion with the -l option.
You can use netstat this way for much faster results:
On Linux:
netstat -lnt | awk '$6 == "LISTEN" && $4 ~ /\.445$/'
On Mac:
netstat -anp tcp | awk '$6 == "LISTEN" && $4 ~ /\.445$/'
This will output a list of processes listening on the port (445 in this example) or it will output nothing if the port is free.
You can use netcat for this.
nc ip port < /dev/null
connects to the server and directly closes the connection again. If netcat is not able to connect, it returns a non-zero exit code. The exit code is stored in the variable $?. As an example,
nc ip port < /dev/null; echo $?
will return 0 if and only if netcat could successfully connect to the port.
Based on Spencer Rathbun's answer, using bash:
true &>/dev/null </dev/tcp/$PORT && echo open || echo closed
they're listed in /proc/net/tcp.
it's the second column, after the ":", in hex:
> cat /proc/net/tcp
sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode
0: 00000000:0016 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 0 10863 1 ffff88020c785400 99 0 0 10 -1
1: 0100007F:0277 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 0 7983 1 ffff88020eb7b3c0 99 0 0 10 -1
2: 0500010A:948F 0900010A:2328 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000576 00000000 1000 0 10562454 2 ffff88010040f7c0 22 3 30 5 3
3: 0500010A:E077 5F2F7D4A:0050 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000176 00000000 1000 0 10701021 2 ffff880100474080 41 3 22 10 -1
4: 0500010A:8773 16EC97D1:0050 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000BDC 00000000 1000 0 10700849 2 ffff880104335440 57 3 18 10 -1
5: 0500010A:8772 16EC97D1:0050 01 00000000:00000000 02:00000BF5 00000000 1000 0 10698952 2 ffff88010040e440 46 3 0 10 -1
6: 0500010A:DD2C 0900010A:0016 01 00000000:00000000 02:0006E764 00000000 1000 0 9562907 2 ffff880104334740 22 3 30 5 4
7: 0500010A:AAA4 6A717D4A:0050 08 00000000:00000001 02:00000929 00000000 1000 0 10696677 2 ffff880106cc77c0 45 3 0 10 -1
so i guess one of those :50 in the third column must be stackoverflow :o)
look in man 5 proc for more details. and picking that apart with sed etc is left as an exercise for the gentle reader...
ss -tl4 '( sport = :22 )'
2ms is quick enough ?
Add the colon and this works on Linux
nc -l 8000
Where 8000 is the port number. If the port is free, it will start a server that you can close easily. If it isn't it will throw an error:
nc: Address already in use
Here's one that works for both Mac and Linux:
netstat -aln | awk '$6 == "LISTEN" && $4 ~ "[\\.\:]445$"'
I wanted to check if a port is open on one of our linux test servers.
I was able to do that by trying to connect with telnet from my dev machine to the test server. On you dev machine try to run:
$ telnet test2.host.com 8080
Connected to test2.host.com
In this example I want to check if port 8080 is open on host test2.host.com
You can use netcat command as well
[location of netcat]/netcat -zv [ip] [port]
nc -zv [ip] [port]
-z – sets nc to simply scan for listening daemons, without actually sending any data to them.
-v – enables verbose mode.
tcping is a great tool with a very low overhead.It also has a timeout argument to make it quicker:
[root#centos_f831dfb3 ~]# tcping 22 -t 1 port 22 open.
[root#centos_f831dfb3 ~]# tcping 22 -t 1 port 22 user timeout.
[root#centos_f831dfb3 ~]# tcping 22 -t 1 port 22 closed.
nmap is the right tool.
Simply use nmap example.com -p 80
You can use it from local or remote server.
It also helps you identify if a firewall is blocking the access.
If you're using iptables try:
iptables -nL
iptables -nL | grep 445