I'd like to be able to use the same shortcut to jump to a file in NERDTree and close NERDTree. I have no experience with VimL and could use some help.
Add the following to you vimrc
set autochdir
noremap <F2> :NERDTreeTabsToggle<cr>
The first command will automatically change the current directory to be the same the same as the file you are editing.
The second command will then set F2 to toggle toggles NERDTree on/off for all tabs. you can use any key i prefer F2.
Just say you want to do this with <leader>n:
" This in your ~/.vimrc
nnoremap <leader>n :NERDTreeFind<CR>
" This in ~/.vim/ftplugin/nerdtree.vim
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>n :NERDTreeClose<CR>
Substitute whatever you want for <leader>n.
How can I configure Vim to set
"require 'pry'; binding.pry"
in Ruby and
in JavaScript when pressing F2 via key mapping?
You can set this in your .vimrc as follows:
autocmd FileType ruby map <F2> orequire 'pry'; binding.pry<ESC>
autocmd FileType javascript map <F2> odebugger;<ESC>
When the F2 key is pressed in a *.rb file, "require pry" will be set and "debugger" is set in a *.js file.
The other answer is correct, but not completely correct. You should use the noremap variant of map (see :h noremap), and the proper noremap for whatever mode your are in. If that's insert mode, then it's inoremap <F2> require..., or nnoremap for normal mode, etc.
You can also put those mappings into their own file instead of your vimrc so that you don't need to use autocommands (see :h ftplugin). And (thanks to the comments for reminding me) use <buffer> mappings so they only apply to the file you set them on (see :h <buffer>). In all, this is a good setup for you:
In ~/vim/after/ftplugin/ruby.vim, put the line:
inoremap <buffer> <F2> require 'pry'; binding.pry
and in ~/vim/after/ftplugin/javascript.vim, put the line:
inoremap <buffer> <F2> defbugger;
On windows, the vim directory is instead the vimfiles directory. If you want those mappings in normal mode instead of insert mode, you need to put i or O or another character like that at the front to go into insert mode and put <Esc> on the end to exit insert mode.
I am looking for a way to automatically resize my open v-split panes in Vim after I call NERDTreeToggle.
I have NERDTreeToggle being called on the shortcut "ctrl+\" at the moment, and ideally what I want is to call the keyboard shortcut "ctrl+w =" immediately afterwards.
Any ideas? Thanks.
If this is your current mapping:
:nnoremap <C-\> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
You can just append the window command after it:
:nnoremap <C-\> :NERDTreeToggle<CR><C-w>=
Alternatively, you can execute this from command-line mode as well, via :normal!:
:nnoremap <C-\> :NERDTreeToggle<Bar>execute "normal! \<lt>C-w>="<CR>
Note that for window commands, there's also a special :wincmd to invoke them:
:nnoremap <C-\> :NERDTreeToggle<Bar>wincmd =<CR>
Is there a way to search the list of recently used file in Vim? The list can be displayed using
browse old
but / does not work. I am aware of some plugins (e.g. MRU) but would prefer to not use a plugin.
Here's a short scriptlet that opens the file list in a scratch buffer. As a bonus, it defines a local <Enter> mapping to :edit the current file. With this, you can search with all built-in commands like /:
:new +setl\ buftype=nofile | 0put =v:oldfiles | nnoremap <buffer> <CR> :e <C-r>=getline('.')<CR><CR>
If you really want to avoid a plugin:
:new The old files will be printed into this buffer
:redir #X where X is a temporary register`
:silent echo(v:oldfiles) 'Silent' is there to not actually print onto your screen
:redir END
"Xp paste the temporary register
(optional) Do some regex-fu to put each file on its own line.
Put the above into a function and voila. Also :help redir
It's actually not very hard to write a simple (simplistic?) MRU command with completion that works like :edit or :split:
" this is our 'main' function: it couldn't be simpler
function! MRU(arg)
execute 'edit ' . a:arg
" the completion function, again it's very simple
function! MRUComplete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
return filter(copy(v:oldfiles), 'v:val =~ a:ArgLead')
" the actual command
" it accepts only one argument
" it's set to use the function above for completion
command! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,MRUComplete MRU call MRU(<f-args>)
Here is a .vimrc version of code above. Just add following lines to .vimrc and map to desired keys (in my case it is 'o). In addition define patterns to remove "junk" files. Also cursor is placed at the top for convenience.
Most hard thing is to map an Enter inside nested nmap. ^V is the result of doubled Ctrl-V. ^R is the result of Ctrl-V+Ctrl-R. ^M is the result of Ctrl-V+Enter. You need manually repeat those symbols - not just Copy/Paste. Spent hours to understand this magic - so I'm glad to share. This technology lets you add own macroses in .vimrc.
" Browse Old Files
nnoremap <silent> 'o :enew<CR>:set buftype=nofile<CR>:set nobuflisted<CR>:exe "0put =v:oldfiles"<CR>:nmap <buffer> ^V^V^M :e ^V^V^R=getline('.')^V^V^M^V^V^M<CR>:g/\v(stdout\|nerd\|fugitive)/d<CR>:0<CR>
This is my take on Ingo's answer above for my .vimrc:
Opens the old files in either a vertical split or tab, then maps enter to open file under cursor! magic!
" open old files list and map enter to open line
" vertical split
noremap <leader>vv :vnew +setl\ buftype=nofile <bar> 0put =v:oldfiles <bar> nnoremap <lt>buffer> <lt>CR> :e <lt>C-r>=getline('.')<lt>CR><lt>CR><CR><CR>
" in new tab
noremap <leader>vt :tabnew +setl\ buftype=nofile <bar> 0put =v:oldfiles <bar> nnoremap <lt>buffer> <lt>CR> :e <lt>C-r>=getline('.')<lt>CR><lt>CR <CR><CR>
I'm using both fuzzyfinder and NERDTree for vim. When my cursor is in the Window that NERDTree resides in and I use fuzzyfinder, it will open a file in the NERDTree window.
Is there a way to prevent this behaviour and force files not to open in the NERDTree window?
You'd have to use a custom mapping or override the default FuzzyFinder mapping to start it. In there you can then check for an open NERDTree, and jump to the previous window (or maybe close NERDTree), like this:
:nnoremap <silent> <F5> :<C-u>if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") && bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) == winnr() <Bar> wincmd p <Bar> endif <Bar> FufBuffer<CR>
See if this script (at the bottom of the page works for you.
I added:
set number
nnoremap <F2> :set nonumber!
to my vimrc file. Basically what it's supposed to do is let me press F2 to toggle line numbering but it's not working. What have I done wrong?
In your .vimrc, add this:
set number
nnoremap <F2> :set nonumber!<CR>
Then pressing F2 will toggle line numbering.
This is what I use (with a different key binding):
nmap <f2> :set number! number?<cr>
The "number!" toggles the setting and "number?" reports the state.
nmap <silent> <F11> :exec &nu==&rnu? "se nu!" : "se rnu!"<CR>
In new vim you can set both relative number and number at once, this way:
set nu rnu
This is one method:
map <silent> <F2> :if &number <Bar>
\set nonumber <Bar>
\else <Bar>
\set number <Bar>
(this one is nice 'cause I usually put foldcolumn in there as well)
This is another:
map <silent> <F2> :set invnumber<cr>
(direct method)
I use this to toggle between relativenumber ( with current absolute line number) and no line numbering
nnoremap <silent> <leader>l :set relativenumber! <bar> set nu!<CR>