specifying properties of relations in alloy - alloy

I am trying to express certain mathematical properties of relations in Alloy, but I am not sure if I have the right approach yet, as I am just a beginner. Would appreciate any insights from the community of experts out there!
Specifying the fact that domain of a relation as singleton. e.g. Is the following a reasonable and correct way to do that?
pred SingletonDomain(r: univ->univ) {
one ~r
sig S2 {}
sig S1 {
child: set S2
fact {
SingletonDomain [child]
or should it be something like the following
pred SingletonDomain (r: univ->univ) {
#S2.~r = 1
This is not very modular since the use of S2 is very specific to the particular signature.
Specifying the fact that a relation is a total order. At the moment I am using the following, basically I am simulating xor
pred total[r: univ->univ] {
all disj e, e': Event | (e.r = e' and e'.r != e) or (e.r != e' and e'.r = e)

To specify the fact that the domain of a given relation is a singleton, your first attempt is really close to do the trick. The only problem is that one ~r enforces the inverse of the r relation (and thus the r relation itself) to be composed of a single tuple. This is not what you want to express.
What you want to express is that all elements in the range of the r relation have the same (so only one) image through its inverse relation '.
You should thus write the following predicate :
pred SingletonDomain(r: univ->univ) {
one univ.~r
For your second question, your predicate doesn't handle cases were e -> e' -> e '' -> e. To handle those, you can use transitive closure.


What is the way to implement Observable other than Control.Lens.Setter in Haskell?

Control.Lens.Setter is remarkable to use Observable feature in Haskell. ( function/functor to be triggered when the value in the dataset is updated. )
However, considering the lens is not included in the standard environment, and then required to extra installation, without the lens, when I want to use just a primitive setter feature such as with a field label:
data Foo = Foo {val :: Int}
How to do this?
Does ST Monad fit this purpose?
It's not very clear what you're looking for here, but if you just want to update a record field, you can use the Haskell record update syntax:
x = Foo { val = 5 }
y = x { val = 42 }
This works for any record, with any number of fields, and you don't need to list all the fields, only the ones you'd like to update, for example:
data D = D { a :: String, b :: Int }
x = D { a = "foo", b = 42 }
y = x { a = "bar" } -- now y = D { a = "bar", b = 42 }
z = x { b = 43 } -- now z = D { a = "foo", b = 43 }
Keep in mind that this doesn't actually update ("change", "mutate") the values in memory, but rather creates copies of the records with all the fields equal to those of the original record, except the updated fields. Lenses work the same way, and in fact everything in Haskell does, since Haskell doesn't allow mutation at all.
I think that you're a bit confused between a few concepts; specifically, setter vs observable.
I don't know much about them, but an observable does seem to be, as you described, a way to run a function every time a value is changed. This concept does not exist in Haskell; I'm sure you could make it somehow, but it wouldn't be very useful, since (almost) every Haskell value is immutable.
By contrast, a setter is just a function which changes part of a value, the same as with Java getters and setters. The only slight complication is that in Haskell, all values are immutable (as I mentioned above), so instead of changing the value, a setter copies the value across but with the thing set. For instance, if you have a setter setName (for a record), and you invoke it with something like setName "foo" oldRecord, this will keep oldRecord as is, but return a new record with the name set to "foo". As you already know, there are other, more complex, implementations of setters, such as lenses.
You also mention ST. This is a more advanced concept; it's basically used when you have to use some sort of mutable variable locally but still retain purity (which is not very often).
Now to answer your other question: How do I use setters without lenses? Well, if you have a record like data Foo = Foo {val :: Int, val2 :: String} (your example + an extra field), and you have an old record - let's say oldRecord = Foo { val = 1, val2 = "test" }, Haskell has special setter syntax: doing oldRecord { val = 2 } will give a new record with val set to 2 - that is, it will give Foo { val = 2, val2 = "test" }. Obviously this syntax is a bit clumsy though for nested records, which is the reason lenses were invented.

Constructing a relation in Alloy

In the dining philosophers problem we have a table with Philosophers and Forks.
sig P {}
sig F {}
For this problem I want the following relation that represents the table:
P1 -> F1
F1 -> P2
P2 -> F2
F2 -> P3
P3 -> F3
F3 -> P1
I.e. each P would point to an F and each F to a P, and this would form a circle. I would like to call a function to get this relation:
fun table : (P+F) one -> one (P+F) { ... }
I've been trying hard to make this work but it feels like I am missing something fundamental that also is relevant for other problems I am having. Somehow I miss a 'constructor'.
Any pointers?
#Hovercouch gave an working solution with a helper sig. However, this required a non-natural extension to the P and F and introduced a new sig. This can also be solved by:
sig P, F {}
one sig Table {
setting : (P+F) one -> one (P+F)
} {
# P = # F
all p : P, f : F | P in p.^setting and F in f.^setting
run {} for 6
Which addresses the non-natural inheritance concerns.
However, it still seems very global and a lot of work for an imho very simple problem. Still keeping the question open to see if there are other solutions.
If you're willing to add a helper object, we can do this by making an abstract sig Thing and then making both P and F instances of Thing:
abstract sig Thing {
next: Thing
} {
Thing = this.^#next
sig F extends Thing {} {
next in P
sig P extends Thing {} {
next in F
fact SameNumberOfThings {
#P = #F
run {} for 6
There may be a design tradeoff involved here, between expressive power and tractability.
There is certainly an issue of what counts as clean or intuitive; you say that the 'next'-ness of P and F is "an aspect of the table setting" and not "an aspect of P or F". I think I understand your thinking, but I don't think you are likely to have any more success defining a principled way to distinguish between "aspects" of P and F and relations in whose domain or range they appear, any more than any of the philosophers who have tried, over the last couple thousand years, to distinguish reliably between essence and accidence.
And if we accept that the distinction is unreliable, but we nevertheless find it useful, then the question becomes "who made the rule that a relation defined as part of a signature must relate to an (intrinsic) aspect of the individuals involved, and not to an extrinsic relation which is not an aspect of the individuals?" The answer is: you did, not [the creators of] Alloy. If one insists too strongly on one's intuitions about the constructs one wants to use to express something, there is a certain risk of insisting not just that the thing should be expressible but that we should be able to express it using a particular construct. That kind of insistence can teach us a lot about a notation, but sometimes it's easier to accept that the designers of the notation also had intuitions.
This general topic is discussed in Daniel Jackson's Software Abstractions under the questions Does Alloy allow freestanding declarations? (in discussion following section 3.5.3 on higher-order quantification) and Must all relations be declared as fields? (in discussion following section 4.2.2 on basic field declarations). The nut of the discussion is "If you want to declare some relations that don't belong naturally to any existing signatures, you can simply declare them as fields of a singleton signature." Mutatis mutandis, the example given looks a lot the Table sig in your addendum.
TL;DR yes, you may find it a bit cumbersome, but the singleton sig to contain a relation you don't want to define on its first member really is as close to an established idiom as there is, for this sort of thing.

Alloy pred/fun parameter constraint

The following Alloy predicate p has a parameter t declared as a singleton of type S. Invoke run p gives the correct result because the predicate body states that t may contain two different elements s and s'. However, in the second run command, a set of two disjoint elements of type S is passed into predicate p and this command gives an instance. Why is it the case?
sig S {}
pred p(t: one S) {
some s, s': t | s != s'
r1: run p -- no instance found
r2: run { -- instance found
some disj s0, s1: S {
S = s0 + s1
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/43002442/1547046. Same issue, I think.
BTW, there's a nice research problem here. Can you define a coherent semantics for argument declarations that would be better (that is, simpler, unsurprising, and well defined in all contexts)?

Replacing recursion with transitive closure (reachability and productivity of non-terminals)

Sometimes, when I would like to use recursion in Alloy, I find I can get by with transitive closure, or sequences.
For example, in a model of context-free grammars:
abstract sig Symbol {}
sig NT, T extends Symbol {}
// A grammar is a tuple(V, Sigma, Rules, Start)
one sig Grammar {
V : set NT,
Sigma : set T,
Rules : set Prod,
Start : one V
// A production rule has a left-hand side
// and a right-hand side
sig Prod {
lhs : NT,
rhs : seq Symbol
fact tidy_world {
// Don't fill the model with irrelevancies
Prod in Grammar.Rules
Symbol in (Grammar.V + Grammar.Sigma)
One possible definition of reachable non-terminals would be "the start symbol, and any non-terminal appearing on the right-hand side of a rule for a reachable symbol." A straightforward translation would be
// A non-terminal 'refers' to non-terminals
// in the right-hand sides of its rules
pred refers[n1, n2 : NT] {
let r = (Grammar.Rules & lhs.n1) |
n2 in r.rhs.elems
pred reachable[n : NT] {
n in Grammar.Start
or some n2 : NT
| (reachable[n2] and refers[n2,n])
Predictably, this blows the stack. But if we simply take the transitive closure of Grammar.Start under the refers relation (or, strictly speaking, a relation formed from the refers predicate), we can define reachability:
// A non-terminal is 'reachable' if it's the
// start symbol or if it is referred to by
// (rules for) a reachable symbol.
pred Reachable[n : NT] {
n in Grammar.Start.*(
{n1, n2 : NT | refers[n1,n2]}
pred some_unreachable {
some n : (NT - Grammar.Start)
| not Reachable[n]
run some_unreachable for 4
In principle, the definition of productive symbols is similarly recursive: a symbol is productive iff it is a terminal symbol, or it has at least one rule in which every symbol in the right-hand side is productive. The simple-minded way to write this is
pred productive[s : Symbol] {
s in T
or some p : (lhs.s) |
all r : (p.rhs.elems) | productive[r]
Like the straightforward definition of reachability, this blows the stack. But I have not yet found a relation I can define on symbols which will give me, via transitive closure, the result I want. Have I found a case where transitive closure cannot substitute for recursion? Or have I just not thought hard enough to find the right relation?
There is an obvious, if laborious, hack:
pred p0[s : Symbol] { s in T }
pred p1[s : Symbol] { p0[s]
or some p : (lhs.s)
| all e : p.rhs.elems
| p0[e]}
pred p2[s : Symbol] { p1[s]
or some p : (lhs.s)
| all e : p.rhs.elems
| p1[e]}
pred p3[s : Symbol] { p2[s]
or some p : (lhs.s)
| all e : p.rhs.elems
| p2[e]}
... etc ...
pred productive[n : NT] {
This works OK as long as one doesn't forget to add enough predicates to handle the longest possible chain of non-terminal references, if one raises the scope.
Concretely, I seem to have several questions; answers to any of them would be welcome:
1 Is there a way to define the set of productive non-terminals in Alloy without resorting to the p0, p1, p2, ... hack?
2 If one does have to resort to the hack, is there a better way to define it?
3 As a theoretical question: is it possible to characterize the set of recursive predicates that can be defined using transitive closure, or sequences of atoms, instead of recursion?
Have I found a case where transitive closure cannot substitute for recursion?
Yes, that is the case. More precisely, you found a recursive relation that cannot be expressed with the first-order transitive closure (that is supported in Alloy).
Is there a way to define the set of productive non-terminals in Alloy without resorting to the p0, p1, p2, ... hack? If one does have to resort to the hack, is there a better way to define it?
There is no a way to do this in Alloy. However, there might be a way to do this in Alloy* which supports higher-order quantification. (The idea would be to describe the set of productive elements with a closure over the relation of "productiveness", which would use second-order quantification over the set of productive symbols, and constraining this set to be minimal. Similar idea is described in "A.1.9 Axiomatizing Transitive Closure" in the Alloy book.)
As a theoretical question: is it possible to characterize the set of recursive predicates that can be defined using transitive closure, or sequences of atoms, instead of recursion?
This is an interesting question. The wiki article mentions relative expressiveness of second order logic when transitive closure and fixed point operator are added (the later being able to express forms of recursion).

Problems overloading Groovy comparison operators

I am building an analytic application using Groovy and require very forgiving math operators regardless of data format. I achieve this through operator overloading, in many cases improving (in my case) on the default Groovy type flexibility. As an example, I need 123.45f + "05" to equal 128.45f. By default Groovy downgrades to String and I get 123.4505.
In most cases my overloading works very well, but not for comparison operators. I've followed a couple of discussions on this, but I'm not getting to an answer and I'm looking for ideas. I recognize that the goal is to overload compareTo() (vs. something like lessThan), but Groovy seems to ignore this and instead attempts its own smart comparison - e.g. DefaultTypeTransformation.compareTo(Object left, Object right), which fails on mixed types.
Unfortunately this is a must have for me, because improperly comparing two values compromises the whole solution and I don't have control over some of the data types being analyzed (e.g. vendor data structures).
For example, I need the following to work:
Float f = 123.45f;
String s = "0300";
Assert.assertTrue( f < s );
I have many permutations of these, but my attempt to overload includes (let's just assume my JavaTypeUtil does what I need if I can get Groovy to call it):
// overloads on startup, trying to catch all cases
Float.metaClass.compareTo = {
Object o -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, o) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = {
String s -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, s) }
Object.metaClass.compareTo = {
String s -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, s) }
Object.metaClass.compareTo = {
Object o -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, o) }
When I try the above test, none of these are called and instead I get:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Float
at java.lang.Float.compareTo(Float.java:50)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation.compareToWithEqualityCheck(DefaultTypeTransformation.java:585)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation.compareTo(DefaultTypeTransformation.java:540)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareTo(ScriptBytecodeAdapter.java:690)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareLessThan(ScriptBytecodeAdapter.java:710)
at com.modelshop.datacore.generator.GroovyMathTests.testMath(GroovyMathTests.groovy:32)
Debugging through I see that the < operator goes right to ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareLessThan(), and the implementation of that seems to ignore the overloaded compareTo() here:
In DefaultTypeTransformations.java:584 (2.4.3)
if (!equalityCheckOnly || left.getClass().isAssignableFrom(right.getClass())
|| (right.getClass() != Object.class && right.getClass().isAssignableFrom(left.getClass())) //GROOVY-4046
|| (left instanceof GString && right instanceof String)) {
Comparable comparable = (Comparable) left;
return comparable.compareTo(right); // <--- ***
In a desperate attempt, I've also tried to overload compareLessThan, but I'm grasping now, I don't know that there's any way to jump in front of the < mapping in Groovy.
Float.metaClass.compareLessThan << {
Object right -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, right) < 0 }
Float.metaClass.compareLessThan << {
String right -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, right) < 0 }
Any thoughts on a work-around? Thanks!
Part of it is you need to include static, like this
Float.metaClass.static.compareTo = { String s -> 0 }
This makes f.compareTo(s) work, but the < operator still won't work. This is a known limitation. The only operators that can be overloaded are mentioned in the documentation. Possibly you could do a custom AST to change all those operators to a compareTo().
But this isn't the whole story. f <=> s also doesn't work, despite <=> delegating to compareTo(). I believe this is because Float doesn't implement Comparable<Object> or Comparable<String>, only Comparable<Float>. Although I'm not sure where exactly in the chain Groovy makes the decision not to use that method, you can see it's not limited to Groovy's math classes. This also doesn't work
Foo.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> 99 }
new Foo() <=> ''
class Foo implements Comparable<Foo> {
int compareTo(Foo o) {
I think Groovy is doing some pre-parsing validation that's preventing the metaclass stuff from working. Whatever validation it's doing definitely inspects the interfaces implemented, because this fails for a different reason
Foo.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> 99 }
new Foo() <=> ''
class Foo {
int compareTo(Foo o) {
In both of these examples, replacing <=> with compareTo() works.
This question has been asked a couple times before, but I haven't seen a good explanation for why. You might try asking on the user mailing list. I'm sure Jochen or Cedric would be able to explain why.
I guess the point is that your compareTo closure is expecting an Object; so when you invoke compareTo with a String, your closure doesn't get called at all.
I can only think of the following; being precise when specifying closure input parameter type:
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { Integer n -> aStaticHelperMethod(n) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> aStaticHelperMethod(s) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { SomeOtherType o -> aStaticHelperMethod(o) }
