matplotlib: get the subplot layout? - layout

I have a function that creates a grid of similar 2D histograms. So that I can select whether to put this new plot on a pre-existing figure, I do the following:
def make_hist2d(x, y, current_fig=False, layout=(1,1,1),*args):
if current_fig:
fig = _plt.gcf()
ax = fig.add_subplot(*layout) # layout=(nrows, ncols, nplot)
fig, ax = _plt.subplots()
H, x, y = np.histogram2d(...)
# manipulate the histogram, e.g. column normalize.
XX, YY = _np.meshgrid(xedges, yedges)
Image = ax.pcolormesh(XX, YY, Hplot.T, norm=norm, **pcmesh_kwargs)
grid_kargs = {'orientation': 'vertical'}
cax, kw = _mpl.colorbar.make_axes_gridspec(ax, **grid_kargs)
cbar = fig.colorbar(Image, cax=cax)
return fig, ax, cbar
def hist2d_grid(data_dict, key_pairs, layout, *args): # ``*args`` are things like xlog, ylog, xlabel, etc.
# that are common to all subplots in the figure.
fig, ax = _plt.subplots()
nplots = range(len(key_pairs) + 1) # key_pairs = ((k1a, k1b), (k2a, k2b), ..., (kna, knb))
ax_list = []
for pair, i in zip(key_pairs, nplots):
fig, ax, cbar = make_hist2d(data[k1a], data[k1b]
return fig, ax_list
Then I call something like:
hgrid = hist2d_grid(...)
However, if I want to add a new figure to the grid, I don't know of a good way to get the subplot layout. For example, is there something like:
layout = fig.get_layout()
That would give me something like (nrows, ncols, n_subplots)?
I could do this with something like:
n_plot = len(ax_list) / 2 # Each subplot generates a plot and a color bar.
n_rows = np.floor(np.sqrt(n_ax))
n_cols = np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_ax))
But I have to deal with special cases like a (2,4) subplot array for which I would get n_rows = 2 and n_cols = 3, which means that I would be passing (2,3,8) to ax.add_subplot(), which clearly doesn't work because 8 > 3*2.

As ax returned by fig, ax = plt.subplots(4,2) is a numpy array of axes, then ax.shape will give you the layout information you want, e.g.
nrows, ncols = ax.shape
n_subplots = nrows*ncols
You can also get the locations of the various axes by looping over the children of the figure object,
[[f.colNum, f.rowNum] for f in fig.get_children()[1:]]
and probably get the size from the final element fig.get_children()[-1]
You could also use gridspec to be more explicit about the location of subplots if needed. With gridspec you setup the gridspec object and pass to subplot,
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0])
To get the layout you can then use,


How could I edit my code to plot 4D contour something similar to this example in python?

Similar to many other researchers on stackoverflow who are trying to plot a contour graph out of 4D data (i.e., X,Y,Z and their corresponding value C), I am attempting to plot a 4D contour map out of my data. I have tried many of the suggested solutions in stackover flow. From all of the plots suggested this, and this were the closest to what I want but sill not quite what I need in terms of data interpretation. Here is the ideal plot example: (source)
Here is a subset of the data. I put it on the dropbox. Once this data is downloaded to the directory of the python file, the following code will work. I have modified this script from this post.
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
#####Importing the data
df = pd.read_csv('Data_4D_plot.csv')
do_random_pt_example = False;
index_x = 0; index_y = 1; index_z = 2; index_c = 3;
list_name_variables = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'c'];
name_color_map = 'seismic';
if do_random_pt_example:
number_of_points = 200;
x = np.random.rand(number_of_points);
y = np.random.rand(number_of_points);
z = np.random.rand(number_of_points);
c = np.random.rand(number_of_points);
x = df['X'].to_numpy();
y = df['Y'].to_numpy();
z = df['Z'].to_numpy();
c = df['C'].to_numpy();
# We create triangles that join 3 pt at a time and where their colors will be
# determined by the values of their 4th dimension. Each triangle contains 3
# indexes corresponding to the line number of the points to be grouped.
# Therefore, different methods can be used to define the value that
# will represent the 3 grouped points and I put some examples.
triangles = mtri.Triangulation(x, y).triangles;
choice_calcuation_colors = 2;
if choice_calcuation_colors == 1: # Mean of the "c" values of the 3 pt of the triangle
colors = np.mean( [c[triangles[:,0]], c[triangles[:,1]], c[triangles[:,2]]], axis = 0);
elif choice_calcuation_colors == 2: # Mediane of the "c" values of the 3 pt of the triangle
colors = np.median( [c[triangles[:,0]], c[triangles[:,1]], c[triangles[:,2]]], axis = 0);
elif choice_calcuation_colors == 3: # Max of the "c" values of the 3 pt of the triangle
colors = np.max( [c[triangles[:,0]], c[triangles[:,1]], c[triangles[:,2]]], axis = 0);
###=====adjust this part for the labeling of the graph
list_name_variables[index_x] = 'X (m)'
list_name_variables[index_y] = 'Y (m)'
list_name_variables[index_z] = 'Z (m)'
list_name_variables[index_c] = 'C values'
# Displays the 4D graphic.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15,15));
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d');
triang = mtri.Triangulation(x, y, triangles);
surf = ax.plot_trisurf(triang, z, cmap = name_color_map, shade=False, linewidth=0.2);
surf.set_array(colors); surf.autoscale();
#Add a color bar with a title to explain which variable is represented by the color.
cbar = fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5); = 15;[index_c], rotation = 270);
# Add titles to the axes and a title in the figure.
ax.set_xlabel(list_name_variables[index_x]); ax.set_ylabel(list_name_variables[index_y]);
ax.view_init(elev=15., azim=45)
Here would be the output:
Although it looks brilliant, it is not quite what I am looking for (the above contour map example). I have modified the following script from this post in the hope to reach the required graph, however, the chart looks nothing similar to what I was expecting (something similar to the previous output graph). Warning: the following code may take some time to run.
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('Data_4D_plot.csv')
x = df['X'].to_numpy();
y = df['Y'].to_numpy();
z = df['Z'].to_numpy();
cc = df['C'].to_numpy();
# convert to 2d matrices
Z = np.outer(z.T, z)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
C = np.outer(cc.T,cc)
# fourth dimention - colormap
# create colormap according to cc-value
color_dimension = C # change to desired fourth dimension
minn, maxx = color_dimension.min(), color_dimension.max()
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(minn, maxx)
m =, cmap='jet')
fcolors = m.to_rgba(color_dimension)
# plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=fcolors, vmin=minn, vmax=maxx, shade=False)
Now I was wondering from our kind community and experts if you can help me to plot a contour figure similar to the example graph (image one in this post), where the contours are based on the values within the range of C?

Use constant colors in matplotlib axes3d

I am making a 3d scatterplot with Matplotlib, with the following code:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
for i in range(len(model.ut[0,:]-1)):
x_dp = model.ut[0,i]
y_dp = model.ut[1,i]
z_dp = model.ut[2,i]
ax.scatter(x_dp, y_dp, z_dp, marker='^')
for i in range(len(model.cluster_centers[:,0]-1)):
x_c = model.cluster_centers[i,0]
y_c = model.cluster_centers[i,1]
z_c = model.cluster_centers[i,2]
ax.scatter(x_c, y_c, z_c, marker='o')
ax.set_xlabel('Dimension 0')
ax.set_ylabel('Dimension 1')
ax.set_zlabel('Dimension 2')
Where model.ut and cluster_center are matrices with the data that I want to visualize.
Currently, the color of each datapoint is different:
Instead, I would like each point with the same marker to be the same color (like it has been done here). How can I do this?

Python - plt.subplot() with plot created in a for loop

I create the following plots within a for loop:
for x in categories:
for key in cat_var.keys():
for value in cat_var[key]:
subset= df[df[key] == value]
sns.distplot(subset['price'], hist = False, kde = True,kde_kws = {'linewidth': 3},label = value)
plt.legend(prop={'size': 16}, title = key)
plt.title('Price distribution per %s level'% key)
It is working, but I would like to plot them so they appear all on the same row, whereas now I have them all on the same column. I was thinking about using something like:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3,figsize=(20,20))
but this does not produce the desired output wherever I put this last line of code.
Any thoughts?
If you want to have three plots on the same figure, then you need to use subplots and specify where each plot goes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3,figsize=(20,20))
for idx, key in enumerate(cat_var):
for value in cat_var[key]:
subset= df[df[key] == value]
sns.distplot(subset['price'], hist = False, ax= ax[idx], kde = True,kde_kws = {'linewidth': 3},label = value)
With the following output:

Why is the saved video from FuncAnimation a superpositions of plots?

Regards, I would like to ask about Python's FuncAnimation.
In the full code, I was trying to animate bar plots (for integral illustration). The animated output from
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=Iter, init_func = init, blit=True);;
looks fine.
But the output video from"example_new.mp4", fps = 5)
gives a slightly different version from the animation showed in Python. The output gives a video of 'superposition version' compared to the animation. Unlike the animation : in the video, at each frame, the previous plots kept showing together with the current one.
Here is the full code :
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
Num = 20
p =[0], [0], 1, color = 'b')
Iter = tuple(range(2, Num+1))
xx = list(np.linspace(0, 2, 200)); yy = list(map(lambda x : x**2,xx));
def init():
ax.set_xlim(0, 2)
ax.set_ylim(0, 4)
return (p)
def update(frame):
w = 2/frame;
X = list(np.linspace(0, 2-w, frame+1));
Y = list(map(lambda x: x**2, X));
X = list(map(lambda x: x + w/2,X));
C = (0, 0, frame/Num);
L = plt.plot(xx , yy, 'y', animated=True)[0]
p =, Y, w, color = C, animated=True)
P = list(p[:]); P.append(L)
return P
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=Iter, init_func = init, interval = 0.25, blit=True)"examplenew.mp4", fps = 5)
Any constructive inputs on this would be appreciated. Thanks. Regards, Arief.
When saving the animation, no blitting is used. You can turn off blitting, i.e. blit=False and see the animation the same way as it is saved.
What is happening is that in each iteration a new plot is added without the last one being removed. You basically have two options:
Clear the axes in between, ax.clear() (then remember to set the axes limits again)
update the data for the bars and the plot. Examples to do this:
For plot: Matplotlib Live Update Graph
For bar: Dynamically updating a bar plot in matplotlib

how to update a matplotlib heatmap plot without creating a new window

I have matrix class that inherits from list. This class can display itself as a matplotlib heatmap representation of the matrix.
I'm trying to have the class written such that when I change values in the matrix, I can call the matrix's method plot() and it'll update the plot to reflect the matrix changes in the heatmap.
However, every time I run the method plot(), it creates a new heatmap in a new window instead of updating the existing plot. How could I get it simply to update the existing plot?
In the code below, there are three main parts: the main function shows how an instance of the matrix class is created, plotted and updated; the matrix class is basically a list object, with some minor functionality (including plotting) bolted on; the function plotList() is the function the matrix class calls in order to generate the plot object initially.
import time
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def main():
print("plot 2 x 2 matrix and display it changing in a loop")
matrix = Matrix(
numberOfColumns = 2,
numberOfRows = 2,
randomise = True
# Plot the matrix.
# Change the matrix, redrawing it after each change.
for row in range(len(matrix)):
for column in range(len(matrix[row])):
input("Press Enter to continue.")
matrix[row][column] = 10
input("Press Enter to terminate.")
class Matrix(list):
def __init__(
numberOfColumns = 3,
numberOfRows = 3,
element = 0.0,
randomise = False,
randomiseLimitLower = -0.2,
randomiseLimitUpper = 0.2
# list initialisation
super().__init__(self, *args)
self.numberOfColumns = numberOfColumns
self.numberOfRows = numberOfRows
self.element = element
self.randomise = randomise
self.randomiseLimitLower = randomiseLimitLower
self.randomiseLimitUpper = randomiseLimitUpper
# fill with default element
for column in range(self.numberOfColumns):
self.append([element] * self.numberOfRows)
# fill with pseudorandom elements
if self.randomise:
for row in range(self.numberOfRows):
for column in range(self.numberOfColumns):
self[row][column] = random.uniform(
# plot
self._plot = plotList(
list = self,
mode = "return"
# for display or redraw plot behaviour
self._plotShown = False
def plot(self):
# display or redraw plot
if self._plotShown:
#self._plot = plotList(
# list = self,
# mode = "return"
# )
array = np.array(self)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
heatmap = ax.pcolor(array, cmap =
self._plotShown = True
def closePlot(self):
def plotList(
list = list,
mode = "plot" # plot/return
# convert list to NumPy array
array = np.array(list)
# create axis labels
labelsColumn = []
labelsRow = []
for rowNumber in range(0, len(list)):
labelsRow.append(rowNumber + 1)
for columnNumber in range(0, len(list[rowNumber])):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
heatmap = ax.pcolor(array, cmap =
# display plot or return plot object
if mode == "plot":
elif mode == "return":
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm using Python 3 in Ubuntu.
The method plot(self) creates a new figure in the line fig, ax = plt.subplots(). To use an existing figure you can give your figure a number or name when it's first created in plotList():
fig = plt.figure('matrix figure')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
then use
plt.figure('matrix figure')
ax = gca() # gets current axes
to make that the active figure and axes. Alternately, you might want to the figure and axis created in plotList and pass them to plot.
