Thread created inside a OSGi bundle cannot load classes from other bundles - multithreading

I have couple of OSGi bundles; am spinning a thread in one bundle and inside the run method, I am trying to create instance of a class from another bundle but it just fails, throws ClassNotFoundException
Bundle 1:
package com.test.bnd1;
public Class A {
pom.xml :
Export-package: com.test.bnd1.*
Bundle 2:
public com.test.bnd2;
public Class B {
public void init() {
MyThd thd = new MyThd();
public Class MyThd extends Thread {
public void run() {
A a = new A(); //throws ClassNotFoundException
pom.xml :
Import-package: com.test.bnd1.*
<bean id="testB" class="com.test.bnd2.B" init-method="init"/>
Can someone help?

There are no headers in OSGi called exports-package or imports-package.
You need to use Export-Package and Import-Package respectively.

After reading this article I have reset the current thread's TCCL to the bundle class loader and got the classes from other bundles loaded. If anyone else has a better solution, please let me know.


How can I run code in JUnit before Spring starts?

How can I run code in my #RunWith(SpringRunner.class) #SpringBootTest(classes = {...}) JUnit test before Spring starts?
This question has been asked several times (e.g. 1, 2) but was always "solved" by some configuration recommendation or other, never with a universal answer. Kindly don't question what I am about to do in that code but simply suggest a clean way to do it.
Tried so far and failed:
Extend SpringJUnit4ClassRunner to get a class whose constructor can run custom code before initializing Spring. Failed because super(testClass) must be called first thing and already does a whole lot of things that get in the way.
Extend Runner to get a class that delegates to SpringRunner instead of inheriting it. This class could run custom code in its constructor before actually instantiating the SpringRunner. However, this setup fails with obscure error messages like java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/SessionCookieConfig. "Obscure" because my test has no web config and thus shouldn't meddle with sessions and cookies.
Adding an ApplicationContextInitializer that is triggered before Spring loads its context. These things are easy to add to the actual #SpringApplication, but hard to add in Junit. They are also quite late in the process, and a lot of Spring has already started.
One way to do it is to leave out SpringRunner and use the equivalent combination of SpringClassRule and SpringMethodRule instead. Then you can wrap the SpringClassRule and do your stuff before it kicks in:
public class SomeSpringTest {
public static final TestRule TestRule = new TestRule() {
private final SpringClassRule springClassRule =
new SpringClassRule();
public Statement apply(Statement statement, Description description) {
System.out.println("Before everything Spring does");
return springClassRule.apply(statement, description);
public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();
public void test() {
// ...
(Tested with 5.1.4.RELEASE Spring verison)
I don't think you can get more "before" than that. As for other options you could also check out #BootstrapWith and #TestExecutionListeners annotations.
Complementing jannis' comment on the question, the option to create an alternative JUnit runner and let it delegate to the SpringRunner does work:
public class AlternativeSpringRunner extends Runner {
private SpringRunner springRunner;
public AlternativeSpringRunner(Class testClass) {
springRunner = new SpringRunner(testClass);
private doSomethingBeforeSpringStarts() {
// whatever
public Description getDescription() {
return springRunner.getDescription();
public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {;
Being based on spring-test 4.3.9.RELEASE, I had to override spring-core and spring-tx, plus javax.servlet's servlet-api with higher versions to make this work.

JSF update managed bean with ServletContext listener for testing

In a JSF 2.2 application, I want to build a war file for testing with Selenium. In that webtest.war, I want to replace a central class, called the NodeCache, with a mock version, called the WebtestNodeCache, to keep the database and other external dependencies out of the tests.
NodeCache is a managed bean:
#javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean(name = NodeCache.INSTANCE)
public class NodeCache {
public static final String INSTANE = "nodecache";
// ...
To sneak in WebtestNodeCache, I use a ServletContextListener like this:
public class WebtestContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
WebtestNodeCache nodeCache = new WebtestNodeCache();
ServletContext context = event.getServletContext();
context.setAttribute(NodeCache.INSTANCE, nodeCache);
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {}
In normal builds, WebtestContextListener and WebtestNodeCache are excluded from the war file, in test builds, they are included.
This seems to work: when I log in, I get dummy nodes from the WebtestNodeCache.
Is this a reliable way to replace a bean in application context or did I just get lucky?
Is there a better way to sneak in test dummies?
Using both an #ManagedBean annotation and a Listener to replace the object did not work. The code was always using the unmocked production code managed bean.
Defining a new #ManagedBean with the same name is an error and prevents deployment.
I ended up with this:
Put the #ManagedBean annotation with the same name on both the real bean and its mock.
When building, only include the mocks when building the webtest.war, but not in the regular build.
When building, have the build script (Gradle in my case) copy and filter the sources, looking for a special comment behind the #ManagedBean declaration in the production code and taking out these lines to remove the #ManagedBean declaration on the production code so that only the ones in the mock remains.
So the original NodeCache looks like this now:
#javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean(name = NodeCache.INSTANCE) // webtest:remove
#javax.faces.bean.ApplicationScoped // webtest:remove
public class NodeCache {
public static final String INSTANE = "nodecache";
// ...
and the mocked version has the same annotations, just without the comment:
#javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean(name = NodeCache.INSTANCE)
public class WebtestNodeCache extends NodeCache {
// ...
Here is the relevant part of the Gradle build script:
boolean isWebtest = false
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
isWebtest = taskGraph.hasTask(compileWebtestWarJava);
task copySrc(type: Copy) {
from "src"
into "${buildDir}/src"
outputs.upToDateWhen {
// Always execute this task so that resources do or don't get filtered
// when switching between normal war file and webtests.
filter { String line ->
isWebtest && line.contains("webtest:remove") ? null : line;
This solves the problem for me. Hope someone else finds it useful.

Implement Unity MVC 5 dependency injection in ActionFilter

I'm trying to inject this user service via Unity (mvc5) in an actionfilter but it is null. How can I implement this?
public class TestFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
// this is always null
public IUserService UserService { get; set; }
// other members
You must register UnityFilterAttributeFilterProvider as a FilterProvider first.
Modify the App_Start > UnityMvcActivator's Start method like this:
public static void Start()
var container = UnityConfig.GetConfiguredContainer();
FilterProviders.Providers.Add(new UnityFilterAttributeFilterProvider(container));
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container));
If you could not find the method. You probably installed wrong or out of date package. consider installing Install-Package Unity.Mvc on the package manager console.

Unable to get default constructor for Integration class ninject

I'm new on using ninject and Dependency Injection, and have a problem using it.
I try to using Ninject on my class libray, and building an integration tests.
now, I see in many example that, for using ninject is just specified the DI Module like this:
Public Class DIModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
And then on my test class, I try to call my dependency is like this:
public class USAIntegrationTests
private readonly IUSAServices _usaService;
public USAIntegrationTests(IUSAServices usaServices)
_usaService = usaServices;
public void ValidateUserTests()
Assert.IsTrue(_usaService.ValidateUser("username1", "password1"));
And Getting this error:
Unable to get default constructor for class USATests.IntegrationTests.USAIntegrationTests.
However I read the documentation and tried like this:
public class USAIntegrationTests
private readonly IUSAServices _usaService;
public USAIntegrationTests()
using (IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(new DIModule()))
_usaService = kernel.Get<IUSAServices>();
public void ValidateUserTests()
Assert.IsTrue(_usaService.ValidateUser("mantab", "banget"));
The test is works properly.
My question is, why I getting that error? is that some way to get around it?
Thanks in advance.
Unit test frameworks require your test classes to have a default constructor. You usually can't integrate DI containers with them. Instead of using constructor injection, you will have to call the container directly from your code, although for unit tests you should typically not have a container at all (for integration tests however, this is okay).
You can add a paramterless constructor for the class. It worked for me.

Ninject MVC 2 - problems with EF 4 ObjectContext

I've been dealing with this issue for a while, and still can't seem to find a solution. I have several repositories which wrap an EF 4 ObjectContext. An example is below:
public class HGGameRepository : IGameRepository, IDisposable
private readonly HGEntities _context;
public HGGameRepository(HGEntities context)
this._context = context;
// methods
public void SaveGame(Game game)
if (game.GameID > 0)
_context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(game, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
public void Dispose()
if (this._context != null)
And I have the following NinjectModule:
public class DIModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Since I'm using the MVC 2 extension, these bindings default to InRequestScope().
My problem is that the ObjectContext isn't being handled properly. I get what's described here: Specifically, I get an InvalidOperationException that states:
The relationship between the two objects cannot be defined because they are attached to different ObjectContext objects.
This happens every time I try to update an Entity.
If I set my repos to bind InSingletonScope() it works, but seems like a bad idea.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: For clarity, I have just one ObjectContext that I want to share with all my repos per request.
You have to specify InRequestScope() in your module. Based on this article the default to transient, which is why you are getting more than one context.
public class DIModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Also did you add ninject to your project via nuget package manager or the old fashion way?
