How to manage sharing on application resources base on CouchDB? - couchdb

I am familiar with legacy Web Application Development.
It seem make me confusing on developing app base on CouchDB.
For example:
There are two Nodejs apps, App1 and App2.
I need one DBMS with two databases app_1 and app_2; each have a separated table users; and each use difference connection info (not use root user).
So, when doing authorization to manage resources all custom logic was coded on the JavaScript server-side.
In contrast
In CouchDB, there is one database named _users.
I am wondering
Do I need to use that _users database for all apps ?
Do I need to use same connection info for all apps ?
How I manage the resource sharing for users in each app ? OR just do the same way ( custom logic base on JavaScript code server-side )
Exposing the CouchDB's HTTP API to public is a good idea ?
Would you please point me a good resources on this ?
( I have go through the Security Documentation but still not get answer to my mind )

I found the correct answer ( but there no a perfect solution )
CouchDB has not be designed to support per-document read-control
Possible solutions
Database per user
Smart proxy ( seem this the best for me among the four )
Document encryption on a per user basis
Validate_doc_read function


Server handles sessions and restful Api in same server?

Im building a chat that uses a api rest full, but i found a problem storage jwt in client side (cookies and his problems), so i opted to use sessions(it's a better option in security terms), that adds state to my app.
I should create a separate server that handles the sessions and also have my rest api?, and apart another server that implements some functionality such as a push server (which I plan to implement). Because I really don't like the idea of ​​having everything on one server, and if so, what should I take into account? (have more than an rest api server and other with his funcionality).
I'm a developer and i think so this require architecture knowledge, and i have no many idea about servers. If you can give me some idea about the topic to get better on it will be great, and what's the better option in this case.
Thanks, give a nice day

Multi-tenancy Architecture in a graph DB

I would like to share my thoughts with you and try to get some advice. I would like to define my application with the best architecture as possible. Any comment would be highly appreciated. Here we go...
My technologies: NestJs(Node), neo4j/arangodb(graph DB), Nginx for proxy(Micro-services Approach).
My business case: SaaS application. Many customers with many users, one database per customer and the same code (just one instance) of our codebase.
we have a set of data models which will be same for all customer but a relation between them will differ. As per my research GraphDB is the best match for such operations. so I'm planning to create separate Instance/Database for each customer otherwise too many relations will make harder to scale.
Problem: From my point of view the problem can be seen with two different approach.
I need to allow multiple users to connect to different databases at the same time with the same code (just one installation). In Nestjs App how can I change the database configuration on each API request. Shall I save DB URI in a table, based on user/customer type it will fetch DB URI? then other concerns like does it affect on latency time, if any request failed then is there any possibility that request can fetch data from wrong DB?
How can we create sub-graphs in neo4j/arangodb so we can fetch sub-graph based on the customer.
On the other hand, I found a couple of interesting links:
Someone could provide me aditional info?
Thanks for your time
Best regards
With ArangoDB, a solution that works is:
Use a single database for all customers
Use Foxx microservices in that database to provide access to all data
Enforce a tenantId value on every call to Foxx
Use dedicated collections for each tenant in that database
Set up a web server (e.g. Node.js) in front of ArangoDB that serves data to all tenants
Only allow connections to Foxx from that front end web server
Each tenant will need a few collections, depending on your solution, try to keep that number as low as possible.
This model works pretty well, and you're able to migrate customers between instances / regions as their data is portable, because it's in collections.

Couchdb apply filter server side

I'm developing a mobile app using PouchDB (client-side) and CouchDB (server-side).
I need to secure docs in order to allow users to read/write his own documents only.
I did a filter for this, something like:
function(doc, req) {
return doc.owner == || doc.sharedWith ==;
and it works well, but only if the request from client includes the filter:
I need CouchDB to use the filter in every request, with or without client explicitation, for obvious security reasons. Is this even possible? Otherwise which is the correct approch to handle these security issues?
There is a similar question here but the answer is not applicable in my case since I need to share docs between users and replicate them between all databases is not a valid option.
So I don't know if you have looked at this wiki but it lists few options available. Some of them are outdated tho.
Per user database
Probably the most popular solution. As you said, you need to share documents with other users. This could be done by :
Copy document to other users when sharing. You could have a deamon that listen to _changes feed and update the author file in other users database.
Build a web service to access shared documents (very similar to proxy solution)
Smart Proxy
Build a smart proxy in front of your database and do some business logic to fetch the documents. This gives you more control on your data flow but it will surely be slower.
The validate_doc_read server function could interest you but it has never been part of CouchDB's releases(due to the listed limitations).
Uhm, probably it isn't. The app that we are developing need to share documents with different users. any doc could be shared with a different group of users

Updating per user stats in SignalR hub

I'm working on a simple game using SignalR 2 and MVC 5. I need to track number of "deaths" and "kills" for each user. These stats need to be read/write from multiple game instances (user can have multiple concurrent sessions) across multiple servers.
Is adding fields to ApplicationUser : IdentityUser a reasonable solution? I'm planning on using the built-in authentication system because I like how easy it is to support Facebook and other OAuth providers.
How should I update these stats in an optimized manor that reduces multi-user/threads/server issues and is highly scalable? The stats themselves are simple, and probably only update once every few seconds per user, but I'd like a design that can support millions of users across multiple servers.
For example, I know I could add this code inside an MVC controller to update the stats:
var um = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
var user = um.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
However, that doesn't seem very safe/transactional. If another process/connection/server is updating that user at the same time, bad things are likely.
In a pure SQL design I'd probably have a stored procedure that runs in a SQL transaction to get current counter, and increment it. Not sure how to translate that to a good SignalR design that takes advantage of all that the various API layers have to offer (OWIN, MVC, ASP.NET, etc). Ideally something I can easily add Redis to down the road, if direct SQL access becomes an issue.

How to ease CouchDB read/write restrictions on _users database

In my couchapp two databases are being used
1 Is for application data
2 Is "_users" database.
In my application In one form I'm trying to implement autocomplete where data source is a "view" created in "_users" database.
Now when I login with normal user id other than admin. While trying to access the view inside "_users" database I'm getting the error 403 which is :
{"error":"forbidden","reason":"Only admins can access design document actions for system databases."}
Is it possible for me to allow and limit the access for non admin users to that view only ? So I can get the list of users from _users database into my application.
I've never been able to do many tasks that require much custom with CouchDB by itself. I've always needed a script somewhere else that gives me the info that I need.
What works for me is this setup:
A gatekeeper Sinatra app that has admin access to my CouchDB
Using CouchDB's config to proxy to my Sinatra app. httpd_global_handlers _my_service {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
The reason for the proxy is because any request that comes through to your gatekeeper will have the AuthSession token set. Inside your gatekeeper, you can GET localhost:5984/_session passing the AuthSession cookie along, it will tell you who is making the request, allowing you to look them up and see if they have access, or just give everyone access to whatever you like. Another reason for the proxy is to avoid any CORS nonsense since you're making the request to yourserver:5984/_my_service.
A purely client-side/javascript solution means that it will be fundamentally insecure at some point, since well, everything is on the client-side. But perhaps your application, doesn't need to be that secure. That's up to you.
One workaround could be to make your application authenticate as a predefined admin, and then create more admin users that way. You could authenticate once when your application boots or on an as needed basis.
The "problem" is that CouchDB sees the _users database as fundamentally special, and doesn't give you the opportunity to change the credential requirements like other databases. Normally you would be able to use the _security document to give role based or user based access. But that's not possible with _users.
An alternative implementation might be to keep track of your own users and forgo the _users database altogether. In that case you could set your own cookies and have your own login and logout methods that don't depend on CouchDB's authentication scheme. You could query your own _view/users because it would be in your main database. Things wouldn't be locked down tight but they would work fine as long as no one was interested in hacking your system. :)
