Declare multiple variables in one line in Spock when: block - groovy

I would like to know how I can define, without initializing, multiple variables in one line in Spock spec as shown below.
I have tried:
import spock.lang.Specification
class exampleSpec extends Specification {
def "foo"() {
def a, b
a = 0
b = 1
a != b
But this fails when accessing b:
No such property: b for class: ....
I have managed to get the following to work:
def (a, b) = []
But I'd like something better.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I am using:
Groovy Version: 2.4.3 JVM: 1.8.0_45 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Linux

I fear that cannot be done in any of the blocks (like given:, setup:, when:). There is an easy work around.
#Grab(group='org.spockframework', module='spock-core', version='0.7-groovy-2.0')
import spock.lang.Specification
class ExampleSpec extends Specification {
def "foo"() {
def a, b
a = 0
b = 1
a != b
Move the declaration out of when:/given:/setup: block and have them as method variables. The setup:/given: label is optional and may be omitted, resulting in an implicit setup block.
Although this works, I would like to know the reason why this did not work otherwise. You can create an issue in github.

You should use the where: block to pass parameters. There's no def required because they're passed as an argument, if you're feeling fancy you can even have a test that is run multiple times.
def "Use where to pass test data"(){
expect: 1 == myNumber
2 == myOther1
where: myNumber = 1
myOther1 = 2
Here's a link to some other examples I've written that show how to pass data to your tests. If you really like multiple assignment (even though it's not a good idea) here's how you could use it in a where: block.
If you're curious about the various blocks here is a summary of everything I've read. Don't take my word for it, here's some official documentation.
You might be happy to know that this issue has been raised already, but it hasn't seen any activity in the last month. My assumption is that something about multiple assignment doesn't agree with the AST transformations that Spock uses on your code.


Extract type hints for object attributes in Python [duplicate]

I want to get the type hints for an object's attributes. I can only get the hints for the class and not an instance of it.
I have tried using foo_instance.__class__ from here but that only shows the class variables.
So in the example how do I get the type hint of bar?
class foo:
var: int = 42
def __init__(self): int = 2
print(get_type_hints(foo)) # returns {'var': <class 'int'>}
I just had the same problem. The python doc isn't that clear since the example is made with what is now officially called dataclass.
name: Annotated[str, 'some marker']
get_type_hints(Student) == {'name': str}
get_type_hints(Student, include_extras=False) == {'name': str}
get_type_hints(Student, include_extras=True) == {
'name': Annotated[str, 'some marker']
It give the impression that get_type_hints() works on class directly. Turns out get_type_hints() returns hints based on functions, not on class. That way it can be use with both if we know that. A normal class obviously not being instantiated at it's declaration, it does not have any of the variables set within the __init__() method who hasn't yet been called. It couldn't be that way either if we want the possibility to get the type hints from class-wide variables.
So you could either call it on __init__(), that is if variables are passed in arguments though (yes i seen it's not in your example but might help others since i didn't seen this anywhere in hours of search);
class foo:
var: int = 42
def __init__(self, bar: int = 2): = int
At last for your exact example i believe you have two choices. You could instantiate a temporary object and use del to clean it right after if your logic allows it. Or declare your variables as class ones with or without default values so you can get them with get_type_hints() and assign them later in instantiations.
Maybe this is a hack, and you have to be the creator of your instances, but there are a subset of cases in which using a data class will get you what you want;
Python 3.7+
class Foo:
bar: str = 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = Foo()
{'bar': <class 'str'>}
Hints only exist at the class level — by the time an instance is created the type of its attributes will be that of whatever value has been assigned to them. You can get the type of any instance attribute by using the first form of the built-in type() function — e.g. type(foo_instance.var).
This information isn't evaluated and only exists in the source code.
if you must get this information, you can use the ast module and extract the information from the source code yourself, if you have access to the source code.
You should also ask yourself if you need this information because in most cases reevaluating the source code will be to much effort.

Share code between features in spock framework

I'm using spock for test.
For a specification S, I have three distinct features F1, F2, F3.
I have my features with given, when, then part but I want to share the code between given and when since that's almost the same except for the then part
pseudo code:
class S extends Specification {
def 'f1' () {
def 'f2' () {
def 'f3' () {
I'm looking for a way to avoid duplicated code in given and when part.
You can just write a method in you test class. E.g.:
void redundantcode_2_with_no_param() {…}
Note that if you use "def" instead of "void", whatever the last line in your method will return, will be returned from the method. That might lead to a failing test, if it is null.
Are you perhaps looking for a parameterized testing approach using Data Tables or data pipes? Data Driven Testing
For example, you could do:
def 'f1' () {
fileName << ['file1', 'file2', 'file3']
This is assuming your valuable_code_3 is somewhat repeatable as well. If you have a comparison somewhere in there you could expand it to have a second value in the where clause of "result << ['expectedResult1', 'expectedResult2', 'expectedResult3'] etc. etc.

Test Groovy class that uses System.console()

I have a groovy script that asks some questions from the user via a object using the readline method. In addition, I use it to ask for a password (for setting up HTTPS). How might I use Spock to Unit Test this code? Currently it complains that the object is a Java final object and can not be tested. Obviously, I'm not the first one trying this, so thought I would ask.
A sketch of the code would look something like:
class MyClass {
def cons
MyClass() {
cons = System.console()
def getInput = { prompt, defValue ->
def input = (cons.readLine(prompt).trim()?:defValue)?.toString()
def inputTest = input?.toLowerCase()
I would like Unit Tests to test that some mock response can be returned and that the default value can be returned. Note: this is simplified so I can figure out how to do the Unit Tests, there is more code in the getInput method that needs to be tested too, but once I clear this hurdle that should be no problem.
Following the suggestion, I made a simple interface:
interface TestConsole {
String readLine(String fmt, Object ... args)
String readLine()
char[] readPassword(String fmt, Object ... args)
char[] readPassword()
Then I tried a test like this:
def "Verify get input method mocking works"() {
def consoleMock = GroovyMock(TestConsole)
1 * consoleMock.readLine(_) >> 'validResponse'
inputMethods = new MyClass()
inputMethods.cons = consoleMock
def testResult = inputMethods.getInput('testPrompt', 'testDefaultValue')
testResult == 'validResponse'
I opted to not alter the constructor as I don't like having to alter my actual code just to test it. Fortunately, Groovy let me define the console with just a 'def' so what I did worked fine.
The problem is that the above does not work!!! I can't resist - this is NOT LOGICAL! Spock gets 'Lost' in GroovyMockMetaClass somewhere. If I change one line in the code and one line in the test it works.
Code change:
def input = (cons.readLine(prompt).trim()?:defValue)?.toString()
To: (add the null param)
def input = (cons.readLine(prompt, null).trim()?:defValue)?.toString()
Test change:
1 * consoleMock.readLine(_) >> 'validResponse'
To: (again, add a null param)
1 * consoleMock.readLine(_, null) >> 'validResponse'
Then the test finally works. Is this a bug in Spock or am I just out in left field? I don't mind needing to do whatever might be required in the test harness, but having to modify the code to make this work is really, really bad.
You are right: since Console class is final, it could not be extended. So, the solution should go in another direction:
Create new class MockConsole, not inherited from Console, but having the same methods.
Change the constructor of MyClass this way:
MyClass(cons = null) {
this.cons = cons ?: System.console()
Instantiate MockConsole in spock test and pass it to MyClass constructor.
I played with spock a little bit. The problem with mocking "readLine(String fmt, Object ... args)" seems to be specific to varargs (or to last arg being a list, which is the same to groovy). I managed to reduce a problem to the following scenario:
Define an interface:
interface IConsole {
String readLine(String fmt, Object ... args)
Define test:
class TestInputMethods extends Specification {
def 'test console input'() {
def consoleMock = GroovyMock(IConsole)
1 * consoleMock.readLine(_) >> 'validResponse'
// here we get exception "wrong number of arguments":
def testResult = consoleMock.readLine('testPrompt')
testResult == 'validResponse'
this variant of test fails with exception "wrong number of arguments". Particularly, spock thinks that readLine accepts 2 arguments and ignores the fact that second argument is vararg. Proof: if we remove "Object ... args" from IConsole.readLine, the test completes successfully.
Here is Workaround for this (hopefully temporary) problem: change the call to readLine to:
def testResult = consoleMock.readLine('testPrompt', [] as Object[])
then test completes successfully.
I also tried the same code against spock 1.0-groovy-2.0-SNAPSHOT - the problem is the same.
The problem with varargs is solved! Many thanks to #charlesg, who answered my related question at: Spock: mock a method with varargs
The solution is the following: replace GroovyMock with Mock, then varargs are properly interpreted.

Exhaustively walking the AST tree in Groovy

This is related to my question on intercepting all accesses to a field in a given class, rather than just those done in a manner consistent with Groovy 'property' style accesses. You can view that here: intercepting LOCAL property access in groovy.
One way I've found that will definitely resolve my issue there is to use AST at compile time re-write any non-property accesses with property accesses. For example, a if a class looks like this:
class Foo {
def x = 1
def getter() {
def getProperty(String name) {
this."$name" ++
foo = new Foo()
assert foo.getter() == 1
assert foo.x == 2
These assert statements will work out because the getter method access x directly and the foo.x goes through getProperty("x") which increments x before returning.
After some trial and error I can use an AST transformation to change the behavior of the code such that the expression 'x' in the 'getter' method is actually accessed as a Property rather than as a local field. So far so good!
Now, how do I go about getting to ALL accesses of local fields in a given class? I've been combing the internet looking for an AST tree walker helper of some kind but haven't found one. Do I really need to implement an expression walker for all 38 expression types here and all 18 statement types here That seems like something that someone must have already written (since it would be integral to building an AST tree in the first place) but I can't seem to find it.
You are looking for some sort of visitor. Groovy has a few (weakly documented) visitors defined that you could use. I don't have the exact answer for your problem, but I can provide you a few directions.
The snippet below shows how to transverse the AST of a class and print all method names:
class TypeSystemUsageVisitor extends ClassCodeVisitorSupport {
public void visitExpression(MethodNode node) {
protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() {
// I don't know ho I should implement this, but it makes no difference
return null;
And this is how I am using the visitor defined above
def visitor = new TypeSystemUsageVisitor()
def sourceFile = new File("path/to/Class.groovy")
def ast = new AstBuilder().buildFromString(CompilePhase.CONVERSION, false, sourceFile.text).find { it.class == ClassNode.class }
Visitors take care of transversing the tree for you. They have visit* methods that you can override and do whatever you want with them. I believe the appropriate visitor for your problem is CodeVisitorSupport, which has a visitVariableExpression method.
I recommend you to read the code of the AST Browser that comes along with groovyConsole for more examples on how to use Groovy AST Visitors. Also, take a look at the api doc for CodeVisitorSupport.

Groovy way to dynamically invoke a static method

I know in Groovy you can invoke a method on a class/object using a string. For example:
/* or */
String meth = "get"
Is there a way to do this with the class? I have the name of the class as a string and would like to be able to dynamically invoke that class. For example, looking to do something like:
String clazz = "Foo"
I think I'm missing something really obvious, just am not able to figure it out.
As suggested by Guillaume Laforge on Groovy ML,
("Foo" as Class).get(i)
would give the same result.
I've tested with this code:
def name = "java.lang.Integer"
def s = ("$name" as Class).parseInt("10")
println s
Try this:
def cl = Class.forName("org.package.Foo")
A little bit longer but should work.
If you want to create "switch"-like code for static methods, I suggest to instantiate the classes (even if they have only static methods) and save the instances in a map. You can then use
to select one of them.
[EDIT] "$name" is a GString and as such a valid statement. "$name".foo() means "call the method foo() of the class GString.
[EDIT2] When using a web container (like Grails), you have to specify the classloader. There are two options:
Class.forName("com.acme.MyClass", true, Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader)
Class.forName("com.acme.MyClass", true, getClass().classLoader)
The first option will work only in a web context, the second approach also works for unit tests. It depends on the fact that you can usually use the same classloader as the class which invokes forName().
If you have problems, then use the first option and set the contextClassLoader in your unit test:
def orig = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
try {
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = getClass().classLoader
... test ...
} finally {
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = orig
An augmentation to Chanwit's answer illustrating creation of an instance:
def dateClass = 'java.util.Date' as Class
def date = dateClass.newInstance()
println date
Here's another way
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder as AH
def target = application.domainClasses.find{ == 'ClassName'}
With this you don't need to specify the package name. Be careful though if you have the same class name in two different packages.
Melix on Groovy ML pointed me in the "right" direction on dynamic class method invokation awhile back, quite useful:
// define in script (not object) scope
def loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader()
// place this in some MetaUtils class, invoked on app startup
String.metaClass.toClass = {
def classPath = getPath(delegate) // your method logic to determine ''
Class.forName(classPath, true, this.loader)
// then, anywhere in your app
You could create another string metaClass method to create instances as well, refactoring as appropriate:
String.metaClass.toObject = {
def classPath = getPath(delegate)
Class.forName(classPath, true, this.loader).newInstance()
Groovy is pure fun ;--)
I'm running version 1.8.8 groovy... and the simple example works.
Import my.Foo
def myFx="myMethodToCall"
def myArg = 12
Calls Foo.myMethodToCall(12) as expected and desired. I don't know if this has always been the case though.
