How to trap system calls in a userspace library in Linux? - linux

I have a requirement to write a linux device driver in userspace.
How can I write a library which, when linked to an application, can handle system calls to a particular device.
The application should be able to use open(), read(), write(), ioctl() on a device such as /dev/mydev0, but these calls should terminate in a userspace library instead of a kernel module.
Please advise on if this is possible and how can I achieve this.

Linux is a monolithic kernel which means in general, what you're asking is not possible; you can't write arbitrary drivers in user-mode.
You could (as your title alludes to), use ptrace(2) to trap on system calls, and basically redirect them to functions in your library. That is not a simple, straightforward solution however.
See also:
How to use ptrace(2) to change behaviour of syscalls?
FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) may be what you're looking for. It's a mechanism that allows filesystem drivers specifically to be implemented via a user-space process. This is how sshfs, for example, is implemented.


Can bash be used to communicate directly with hardware?

I am interested in writing my own tool in bash to act in place of my current network controller (wpa_supplicant) if possible. For example if I want to issue commands in order to begin a wps authentication session with a router's external registrar, is it possible, without using any pre-built tools, to communicate with the kernel to directly access the hardware? I have been told that I can achieve what I desire with a bash plugin called but I am not too certain.
Generally speaking, the Linux kernel can interact with user-space through the following mechanisms:
Devices in /dev
Entries in /sys
Entries in /proc
Syscalls cannot be directly used from Bash but you need at least a binding through a C program.
You can create a Linux kernel driver or module which reads/writes data in an entry under /proc or /sys and then use a bash program to interact with it. Even if technically feasible, my personal opinion is that it is an overkill, and the usual C/C++ user-level programming with proper entries in /dev is much better.
No, this is generally not possible. Shell scripts can mess around in /proc, but they don't have the ability to perform arbitrary IOCTLs or even multi-step interactive IO. It's the wrong tool for the job.

Linux Kernel device driver needs access to shared object in userspace

I am trying to write a network device driver for Linux. The device that I have has an API available that allows me to access all of the features I need through a shared object that exists in userspace.
I want to write a network driver such that I can make the device show up as a CAN interface. However, in order to interact with the device I need to use a specific shared object that exists in userspace.
The reason that I need a network device driver is to expose a CAN Interface that can be interacted with via the SocketCAN utilities.
Is there a way that I can write a network device driver in userspace? Or what would the best way for me to architect a solution?
Need to write a device driver for a device which can only be interacted with from userspace via a supplied shared object which exposes the API. I need the device to show up as a network interface in order to utilize the SocketCAN utilities and other applications that communicate with CAN interfaces in Linux.
What are my options here? What can I do?
So you are saying that there is no driver for your network device in kernel at all, and it can be only accessed via some user-space library? In that case shared library you mentioned should be communicating with your network device by memory mapping your /dev/mem file, in order to be able to read/write to hardware registers. Or perhaps by using some UIO.
So your driver should be also developed in user-space then... Then the actual question you should ask is how to use kernel CAN API from user-space? And is it possible at all in the first place? For answers I guess you should look at Documentation/networking/can.txt. And if the answer is "no" (means you can't expose CAN interface from user-space), then you should develop also some kernel driver which would interact with your user-space part, exposing CAN interface.
In ideal world the whole driver architecture would look like this:
But you need to use some (proprietary, if I understand correctly) shared library API to interact with your device. So I propose you to use next driver architecture, which depicted on the image below:
blue color stands for parts that need to be developed
magenta is for already existing code
In a nutshell, your app and driver both make a shim between SocketCAN API and shared library API.
So you need to develop 2 components:
Driver (on kernel side). It's in charge of:
talking to SocketCAN utilities
talking to your user-space application
Application (in user-space); it's probably should be a daemon, as it's gonna be running constantly. It's in charge of:
talking to shared library
talking to your driver
The last question remains is which kernel API to use to interact between your kernel space driver and user-space application (marked as IPC on picture). It strictly depends on which kind of data you are going to send between two, and how much of data you will want to send, and which way of sending is most appropriate for your task. It may also depend on your shared library API: you probably don't want to spend much of CPU time to convert messages format (as you already have triple context switching with this driver architecture, which is not really nice for performance). So it's probably should be something packet-oriented, like Netlink.
Next reading can be useful to figure out which IPC to use:
Kernel Space - User Space Interfaces
Linux kernel interfaces

ioctl() calls from within Linux kernel?

Is it possible from within a kernel module to perform an ioctl() call?
I ask because for some time now, I have been trying to figure out how to properly take down a network interface such as eth0 with a kernel module I wrote. I have had no luck, I have been able to turn off an interface but the kernel does crazy after I do which leads me to believe I am doing it wrong.
System calls can be made from the Linux kernel. The kernel provides wrapper routines to invoke system calls. link:
Make sure you do it from process context. Though, such practice is often discouraged, I assume, you know your design best. Good Luck.

Can containers be implemented purely in userspace?

There are a bunch of container mechanisms for Linux now: LXC, Docker, lmctfy, OpenVZ, Linux-VServer, etc. All of these either involve kernel patches or recently added Linux features like cgroups and seccomp.
I'm wondering if it would be possible to implement similar (OS-level) virtualization purely in userspace.
There's already a precedent for this - User Mode Linux. However, it also requires special kernel features to be reasonably fast and secure. Also, it is literally a Linux kernel running in userspace, which makes networking setup rather difficult.
I'm thinking more along the lines of a process that would act as an intermediary between spawned programs and the Linux kernel. You would start the process with the programs to spawn as arguments; it would track system calls they made, and block or redirect attempts to access the real root filesystem, real network devices, etc. without itself relying on special kernel features.
Is such a thing possible to implement securely, and in a way that could be invoked effectively by a limited user (i.e. not privileged like chroot)?
In summary: would a pure userspace implementation of something like LXC be possible? If yes, what would the penalties be for doing it in userspace? If no, why not?
Surprisingly it turns out the answer is "yes": this is what systrace and sysjail do.
And they are also inherently insecure on modern operating systems.
So if you want proper sandboxing, it has to be done in kernel space.

Difference between system API and system call API

I have read "system call APIs are for user-space access and
system APIs are for system space access". I am new to Linux OS concepts, I don't have any knowledge about the System API. Can anyone explain the difference between these two?
A system call is an explicit request to the kernel made via a software interrupt. It is the lowest level thing which talks to the Operating system. System call is when you call the kernel. System-calls are actually intended to be very low-level interfaces, you can say to a very specific functionality which your program cannot accomplish on its own.
Whereas a System API are used to invoke system call
Read system call and linux kernel wikipages first.
As Rahul Triparhi answered, system calls are the elementary operations, as seen from a user-mode application software. Use strace(1) to find out which syscalls are done by some program.
The system calls are well documented in the section 2 of the man pages (type first man man in a terminal on your Linux system). So read intro(2) and then syscalls(2).
Stricto sensu, syscalls have an interface, notably specified in ABI specifications like x86-64 ABI, defined at the lowest possible machine level - in terms of machine instructions and registers, etc... The functions in section 2 are tiny C wrappers above them. See also Linux Assembly HowTo
Please read also Advanced Linux Programming which explains quite well many of them.
BTW, I am not sure that "System API" has a well defined meaning, even if I guess what it could be. See also the several answers to this question.
Probably "System API" refers to the many functions standardized by POSIX, implemented in the POSIX C library such as GNU libc (but you could use some other libc on Linux, like MUSL libc, if you really wanted to). I am thinking of functions like dlopen (to dynamically load a plugin) or getaddrinfo(3) (to get information about some network things) etc... The Linux implementation (e.g. dlopen(3)) is providing a super-set of it.
More generally, the section 3 of man pages, see intro(3), is providing a lot of library functions (most of them built above system calls, so dlopen actually calls mmap(2) syscall, and getaddrinfo may use syscalls to connect to some server - see nsswitch.conf(5), etc...). But some library functions are probably not doing any syscall, like snprintf(3) or sqrt(3) or longjmp(3) .... (they are just doing internal computations without needing any additional kernel service).
