Lookup and return values to duplicates - excel

I have two tables exported out of our ERP system. The data is related but one of the tables does not include the customer ID. One table is the customer master list, the other is a list of card numbers assigned to customers. For example:
Master list: ID and Name
1 Bill
2 Sam
3 Tim
Other list: Name and Card number
Bill 1234
Bill 1456
Bill 6743
Sam 3333
Tim 5555
Tim 5678
I want the customer ID to return next to each of their card number entries. Like:
1 Bill 1234
1 Bill 1456
1 Bill 6743
2 Sam 3333
3 Tim 5555
3 Tim 5678
I've been trying to do a VLOOKUP and an IF statement with VLOOKUP but I can't get the ID to display when returning a value to multiple entries.
Is there a way to do this?

Use INDEX and MATCH for this. See my example and replace my german VERGLEICH with MATCH, INDEX should be the same.


GSuite App Maker - how to pivot datasources

I have a simple app that takes attendance for a list of students. There are two datasources, a students table with first name, last name, id, and site, and an attendance table with first name, last name, date and present.
I want to be able to log attendance by getting a list of the students, entering a date, and check a box if they're in attendance or not (boolean column).
What I would like to do is pivot the attendance date for a new view so that instead of having a column with distinct dates, I'll have a columns for each date showing the value of the checkbox.
Attendance 1:
First Last Date Present
Bob Smith 10/1 0
Bob Smith 10/2 1
Bob Smith 10/3 1
Kevin Brown 10/1 1
Kevin Brown 10/2 1
Kevin Brown 10/3 1
New Pivoted View:
First Last 10/1 10/2 10/3
Bob Smith 0 1 1
Kevin Brown 1 1 1
Is there a simple way to get this result in App Maker?
EDIT: For clarification. The primary purpose of the app is to capture attendance data in a classroom setting. So there is a flow where a teacher pre-populates a list of students and then checks the boxes down the line to log where a student was present/absent.
What I would like to be able to do is provide a page that presents the attendance data in a wide format so teachers can also look across the columns to see who was there on a given day.

Multiple Unique Lists from Master List in Excel

I have a list of companies with multiple contacts for each company, but I would like to create separate lists with 1 unique contact per company. E.g.
Original list
Name Company Email
John AAA john#aaa.com
David AAA david#aaa.com
Jane BBB jane#bbb.com
Julia CCC julia#ccc.com
Craigh CCC craig#ccc.com
John CCC john#ccc.com
In this case, to have 1 unique record from each company in a separate list, I want to end up with 3 separate lists:
List 1
Name Company Email
John AAA john#aaa.com
Jane BBB jane#bbb.com
Julia CCC julia#ccc.com
List 2
Name Company Email
David AAA david#aaa.com
Craigh CCC craig#ccc.com
List 3
Name Company Email
John CCC john#ccc.com
As you can see in each list there is only 1 record for each company.
Any help on how to do this would be most appreciated.
I have tried advance filter to list unique records only by selecting the entire original list as the range and setting the company column as the criteria see the unique records which I could then select visible cells and cut to a different list, and then re-run the filter again to create the next set of unique records etc...but the advance filter doesn't give the results as expected.
This might be a silly idea but still worth trying... Add a helper column with Count formula:
Apply Filter and Sort your data set by the fourth column (Sort Smallest to Largest):
This seems to match your Table 1, 2 & 3 output.
Alternatively, if you still want to create separate tables, you can use the helper column and array formulas (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) as per example below:
Change $D$1:$D$7=1 to =2 and =3 to replicate the 2nd and the 3rd table.
Edit: with additional "Location" column

Multiple Vlookup for identifying a customers name or business

I want to create a multiple vlookup to match records on an ID from two sheets. If the column reference does not exist I want it to look at a different column.
This is what I have already:
=IF(VLOOKUP(A2,'Roots data'!F$2:Y$1139,18,0)>0,VLOOKUP(A2,'Roots data'!
18 being the column which I want to check first and 17 being the column I want to check second. Can you please advise why this is not working appropriately?
Sample data:
Table 1:
ID First Name Last Name Age/Road
1 James John
2 John Miller
Table 2:
ID Age Address
1 21 1 Road
2 22 2 Road
In this example, if I wanted to find the Age of ID 1 which is James I would do a vlookup to identify this, if the age was not present I instead would want to know the address for ID 1, to be populated under Age/Road in Table 1.
I believe this is what you are looking for:
=IF((VLOOKUP(A2,'Roots data'!F$2:Y$1139,18,FALSE)=0),VLOOKUP(A2,'Roots data'!F$2:Y$1139,17,FALSE), VLOOKUP(A2,'Roots data'!F$2:Y$1139,18,FALSE))

Excel VBA to find non unique values with multiple conditions

I am looking for some help trying to create an excel macro. I have a very large sheet that look a bit like this:
Account NAME Address Dealer
68687 Sara 11 Wood 1111
68687 Sara 11 Wood 1111
68687 Sara 11 Wood 1111
12345 Tom 10 Main 7878
12345 Tom 10 Main 7878
54321 Tom 10 Main 7878
10101 John 25 Lake 3232
10101 25 Lake 3232
11111 John 25 Lake 3232
What I need to do is to highlight all the rows on the sheet where each Dealer has more than one unique value in the Account column, but it must also have some value in the name column.
So in the above example I would only want to highlight all the rows for dealer 7878.
I am not certain if I should look at loops or arrays, they might take a long time as the sheet is quite large.
Looking for some help.
James - Dirk gave you a good answer in his comment. It looks like this ...
The format formula is also put into Column F, so you can see the results of the calculation.
If you feel you should still have a VBA solution, this gives you a good starting point for how to layout your code ...
Ignore rows with empty name
Count rows where the dealer is the same as the dealer in the current row, and the account is NOT the same as the account in the current row
If the count found in Step 2 is greater than 0, highlight the current row.

Excel - Counting unique records in a group

I'm having difficulty counting records in a file that have a unique ID and listing the number of rows associated with that specific ID.
For this file, the unique ID represents a specific family (column A). Each member of the family is in a different row with the same ID. I would like to count the number of family members(rows) in each unique family. I can have a few thousand rows so automating this would be wonderful. Thanks for any help!!
You can do this now automatically with Excel 2013.
If you have that version, then select your data to create a pivot table, and when you create your table, make sure the option 'Add this data to the Data Model' tickbox is check (see below).
Then, when your pivot table opens, create your rows, columns and values normally. Then click the field you want to calculate the distinct count of and edit the Field Value Settings:
Finally, scroll down to the very last option and choose 'Distinct Count.'
This should update your pivot table values to show the data you're looking for.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, you have something like
Fam. ID LastName FirstName
1 Smith John
1 Smith Mary
1 Smith Johnnie Jr
2 Roe Rick
3 Doe Jane
3 Doe Sam
and you want a new column (say, D), with a count of members per family:
Fam. ID LastName FirstName Fam. Cnt
1 Smith John 3
1 Smith Mary 3
1 Smith Johnnie Jr 3
2 Roe Rick 1
3 Doe Jane 2
3 Doe Sam 2
This will do it -- insert at D2 and drag down:
