Opencart Header Problems - opencart2.x

So, I have modified the header.tpl file in OpenCart by removing the wishlist, linking the telephone# as a click to call and added a custom class called "great-barbecue". It worked in one version that I earlier installed. When that whole thing went sideways, I started from scratch and now the wishlist still shows up, the phone# and icon are not "click to call" and my custom class is not appearing at all? Here is a link to the code I have for header.tpl in catalog/view/theme/default/template/common header template
My site
When I copy and paste the code I get an error telling me to indent all code with 4 spaces and I really don't have time for that, hence the link. I have tried it in all browsers and when I look at the source code for the page the wishlist is still there, the phone still links to contact and my custom html is not there. I don't know how to fix this.

nice site, I have found this in the open cart forums, it looks like you have to remove all instances of the wish list. Try this and let me know how it goes.


How to redirect to a website in Godot Web

I'm planning on trying to see if it's possible to make a website in Godot(Yes, I know I shouldn't I just want to try just to try). I thinking about and looking over the features I need and I have one problem.
I just need a way for a person to press a button and get redirected to my itch games. I don't care if it creates a new tab or changes the current tab. Thank you for any help.
If you dont export to web you can call
Sadly this does not work in an html export. A solution I found for myself is the JavaScript Interface. As the name suggested it allows you to execute Javascript.
So to open a URL you could connect the pressed signal of a button to something like this:
if OS.has_feature('JavaScript'):
JavaScript.eval("""'', '_blank').focus();
This will open a new tab in the active browser.
I also found an article on the godot site, basically asking the same question ( Here they tried to use an RichTextLabel with BBCode.
The solution did not work for me, when I tested it, though.
As pointed in the comments you can try OS.shell_open, for example:
That only works if it is not an HTML export.
Your other alternative is to eval JavaScript, for example this navigates the current tab:
Which only works if it is an HTML export.
Since that only works for an HTML export and the other does not work on an HTML export... If you need both you can do this:
if OS.get_name() == "HTML5":
See also Close a game in Godot.

Custom page template not showing up when using a pagebuilder theme (mostly Elementor)

I've installed a theme (that i bought) that's mainly made with Elementor.
Since I've been running into some issues with customizing this theme, (and still refuse to also pay money for Elementor Pro) I decided it would be easier to create a custom template myself.
I have done this before when I used a custom theme I made myself from scratch (I thought I was saving myself some time this time around...).
So my problem: I saved this template called page-home.php to my Child theme (that I made of the purchased Theme) in a folder called page templates.
It is not showing in the drop down menu when creating a new page.
I then just copied it to the main theme, activated that...and still not showing.
Is this because the Theme is using a page builder like Elementor?
Or do you think the creator of the theme somehow disabled this option?
Thanks in advance for any help.
As far as I know Elementor ignores the most of the standard theme file. It does so i.e. with the header.php for sure. The question is what do you want to put in a theme file what you couldn't do with Elementor. Have a look at the
"Hello Theme" - it's a plain theme.
If you don't want to pay for Pro, I recommand the plugin "Elementor – Header, Footer & Blocks Template" (and for better editor handling: "Flexible Elementor Panel")

Edititing main page in Shopware

I´m usind Shopware to create a website ( ) I need to change all of the pictures that are on the main page (the slider). Actually there is first slide blank and then 2 pictures. I need to change the first picture (blank) but I have no idea where to find the style sheet or that piece of code where I ľill put the path to the picture. I mean that I have no idea where to find place where I would change this:
background-image: url("");
To this:
background-image: url("path to the image I want");
I´m using theme "Views"
I know that this may be very irrelevant for most of you (maybe all of you) but I´m really desperate. I feel like I´ve opened every file and i still can´t find it.
To make it clear - I am repairing the website and the programmer that created this site is not responding to anyone so I can´t ask him how to do that.
The content seems exist in database. You can find & edit it from Backend menu > Marketing > Shopping Worlds > Startseite.

MODX: I added a resource page and now all my links are broken

A client wanted me to add a page to his Modx website. I am only a Joomla/Wordpress guy but I figured I would take a stab at it.
Here were my steps:
I clicked "new document", gave the page a template, a name, a parent, then pasted in some dummy text and hit save.
Now, all of my links look like this:
edit: Actually that is how they are supposed to look according to google. They just simply are not linking to the page any longer.
My blog link still looks like this: (and it is the only link on the page that works)
I cannot delete the resource that I created under any circumstances. Modx just crosses it out in red and there is no option to permanently delete it, that I can find.
edit: Got that part solved... :)
Thanks for your help, I am trying to fix this before the client realizes it is broken.
You specified base tag in head? Like this: <base href="" >.
And to fully remove the resource you need to press the trash icon on top resource panel tree.
Getting rid of the resource group assignments sorted out the issue, and the site is now fully accessible again.

How wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix finds the cms platform

I am currently developing a site which is not supposed to expose its developer magento platform(Sorry about that ).
I thought the wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix site is finding the cms names by its html format but when i saw a empty white page with that tools it still shows me like am using Magento(there is nothing in the source view - its white page), so now how they are finding that am using magento. Any idea about hw they are working? I checked headers but there nothing specially mentioned as magento. Same goes with wordpress/joomla - simply wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix finds the site platform even there is no html source.
So I guess something with in header(i might missing something) or what it can be? please advice. Attached screenshot of it.
Thanks in advance
You can view Wappalyzer's source code: (Ctrl+F Magento):
Most likely Wappalyzer picked up on the "Mage" JavaScript variable. You can see this by clicking the DOM tab in Firebug.
They are finding it using the words like mage,varien,magento. If it finds any of these words inside css/js file class,#id,inside comment then it found it as magento.
Also gtmetrix does one more step , like it is checking the css/js url path - if it fins the url like skin/frontend then it says it as magento.
Dont forget cookies...
I use FireBugs. Go to main menu -> Cookies
There is frontend in cookies.
