Debugging client-side script in Glimpse - glimpse

I have installed Glimpse debugging and diagnostic tool in my Visual Studio. And I need to debug the the client-side script in Glimpse.Is this possible?If it is, what is the extension that needs to be installed?


Image Watch for cross platform

I am using VS2017 to develop a cross platform (ARM linux) project with OpenCc and I would like to use "Image Watch" extension to debug my images.
I've installed the extension, but when I try to open the Image Watch window (while debugging) Visual Studio freezes, with no going back.
Is there any incompatibility between VS/Image Watch/Linux development that I am not aware of?
PS: I have also tried with VS2015 with the same result.

Outlook app - Debug in non-IE browser

I am creating an Office App (Outlook addin/web-app). While debugging, the app is always launching in IE desktop version. I want to start debugging the app in non-IE browser - FF, Chrome. I couldn't find any settings related to this within the project. How can I achieve that?
Any help will be appreciated.
Microsoft Visual Studio: Currently you will be able to debug you project in Visual studio 2015 or later only using IE browser. By "debugging in VS" I meant you set breakpoints directly in IDE for your JS code. As of VS2017 RC release you will be able to debug your project in two browsers (IE and Chrome), even today, Edge coming as well. Please see Client-side debugging of ASP.NET projects in Google Chrome.
If you need just to start your project in yet another browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) you need to use this article to switch your Browser in IDE: Testing with an Alternate Browser. After you switch to another browser, please restart VS; I have tried this myself and it works, your project will be started in the browser of your choice by pressing F5. With this approach you would need to debug your code with development tools of this browser (F12) or some 3rd party extension.
Visual Studio Code: (VS community edition) Looks like have support for debugging your code in Chrome and setting up break points directly in VS Code IDE. Please refer to Introducing Chrome Debugging for VS Code. You would require to install VS extension as described in the article.
Other options: If you are using yet another Tool please refer to the following blog about different methods of debugging office add-ins: The many ways of office web add-ins debugging
I finally figured out the solution. Select the Manifest project, hit F4 to open Properties window. Choose your preferred Start Action. Here is a screenshot.
Start Action image

Can Visual Studio 2013 debug clientside javascript in a NodeJs Web Application

Debugging a ASP.NET WebAplication in Visual Studio 2013 gives the possibility to debug the clientside javascript files in Visual Studio 2013. Isn't this possible with a NodeJs Web Application in Visual Studio 2013 ?
It can be done using IE as the browser and using node.js tools for Visual Studio, but I have not been able to debug through from client to server side code like you can with an ASP.Net project :o(
Anyhow, here is how you do it:
In IE, enable script debugging by going to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced Tab and clearing the "Disable script debugging flag". I think you have to restart IE for this to take effect
In VS2013 start your node.js project without debugging (Debug > Start without debugging or CTRL-F5)
In IE, attach to the VS debugger (View menu > External Script Debugger > Open. This should create a window that lets you attach IE to your instance of VS2013.

How to register Performance Counters Manifest using VS2008 Installer

I have a VC++ (unmanaged) project to which I added performance counters using manifest method. Everything is working great and I even have build steps that do manifest compilation and automatic registration using lodctr.exe tool with /m:manifest switch.
The problem that I'm running into is that I now need to make installer (VS2008 Installer project) do registration on install (unregistration on uninstall).
I tried to set it up by having a custom action that referenced lodctr.exe tool with CustomActionData set to /m:[TARGETDIR]PerfMon.manifest and similar setup using unlodctr.exe for custom uninstall action.
When installer runs, I do see a brief flash of cmd window (which is ok), but counters are not getting registered. I ran SysInternals' ProcMon tool, and I don't see lodctr.exe process even created.
I tested that running lodctr.exe manually on target machine registers the counters.
I googled for an example or explanation how to do it with Visual Studio installer project, but came up empty. It has some .NET oriented examples, but nothing for unmanaged, hard and cold VC++...
How can I register performance counters manifest using installer project?
Visual Studio installer project has very limited functionality. Starting from Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio installer project is not supported, you should consider to use Windows Installer XML (WIX) instead.
Include your manifest into WIX project and use WIX's PerfCounterManifest with it.

BB10 debugging and showing logs on Android Runtime

I try to port my android app to BB10 platform. My development os is windows and blackberry plugin of eclipse gives some runtime errors. it seems that it is not stable yet. I just wonder that is there anyway to check logs without using eclipse plugin?
Blackberry graphical aid tools can be used for compatibility check and signing apps but it doesn't show the logs.
