UIWebView's "loadData" method does not accept nil for baseURL in Swift 2 - uiwebview

I don't want to pass any value to baseURL parameter in loadData method of UIWebView.
In Swift 1.2, nil works fine:
self.loadFundInfo.loadData(responseData, MIMEType: contentType, textEncodingName: "", baseURL: nil)
In Swift 2.0, how to do the same thing?
I am getting this error:
Nil is not compatible with expected argument type NSURL

The error message is rather self-explanatory: the baseURL parameter must now be of type NSURL, not NSURL? (not an optional anymore, so it can not be nil).
Method signature in Swift 2 is:
loadData(data: NSData, MIMEType: String, textEncodingName: String, baseURL: NSURL)
The answer is you can't do the same thing, you have to provide a base URL.


Remove propertis not present in interface with nodejs typescript

I'm using node.js with typescript and I have a question
It is possible to remove properties that are not present in an interface when casting an object.
interface IFooReal {
prop1: string;
const objTMP = {prop1: 'foo001', prop2: 'foo002', prop3: 'foo003'};
cont barr = objTMP as IFooReal; //or do someting to remove properties not presente in interface
When execute console.log(barr); the result is {prop1: 'foo001'}
Using a type assertion like objTMP as IFooReal doesn't change anything about objTMP, it only tells TypeScript "please treat this as an IFooReal".
TypeScript's purpose is just annotating your code in a way that lets it check it for type safety. It doesn't modify your code, or add any execution of its own (with limited exceptions, like enums). When TypeScript is compiled into JavaScript, the process is mostly just removing those annotations.
If you want to remove all but a subset of properties from an object, then you will need to iterate through its properties and remove any that don't match the properties you want to keep. Something like this, for example:
interface IFooReal {
prop1: string;
const objTMP = {
prop1: 'foo001',
prop2: 'foo002',
prop3: 'foo003'
// You may want to get this by calling Object.keys() on another object?
const propertiesToKeep = ['prop1'];
for (let prop in objTMP) {
if (propertiesToKeep.includes(prop) === false) {
delete (objTMP as {[key:string]: any})[prop];
TypeScript playground
I've had to use the type assertion objTMP as {[key: string]: any}) here because otherwise TypeScript would complain that you're attempting to access a property on objTMP using a variable with type string, when TypeScript has implicitly typed it as { prop1: string, prop2: string, prop3: string } so only values of type 'prop1'|'prop2'|'prop3' can be used to access its properties.
That type assertion basically just tells TypeScript "let me try to access properties on this object using any string as the key, and don't worry about what type that property has".

Micronaut CompileStatic JSON object -Static type checking- No such property: bookid for class: java.lang.Object

In my Micronaut Controller I have below code to parse the JSON object. when I use #CompileStatic annotation it throwing this below error.
def save(#Body Object JSON) {
String bookid=JSON?.bookid
String name=JSON?.name
def b =bookService.save(bookid,name)
return HttpResponse.created(b)
BookController.groovy: 58: [Static type checking] - No such property: bookid for class: java.lang.Object
Is there way to fix this error message with compilestatic annotation?
With Help of Jeff Brown I have changed. my save method like this.
Book save(Book b) {
bookService.save b
Micronaut JSON post strip the Qutoes
You can also work with your method instead of changing it for parsing.I encountered the same problem and the method that worked for me is using String instead of object. Just use JSON String along with #BODY and then parse it using ObjectMapper().
here is the answer i posted at some other question, hope it will help you out.

Property does not exist on a function's return value of multiple types

I'm using typescript to write NodeJS program.
In this program, I import a node module called ts-md5, in which there is a function hashStr(), it could return a value of string or Int32Array.
I need to do things like this in my program:
However, the compiler complains error:
error TS2339: Property 'toUpperCase' does not exist on type 'string | Int32Array'.
The program runs successfully. Because it always returns string during runtime. But I want to know if there is a way to get rid of this annoying error?
You can use a type guard, or a type assertion.
type guard
let hash = Md5.hashStr(str);
if (typeof hash === 'string') {
hash = hash.toUpperCase();
type assertion
let hash = (<string>Md5.hashStr(str)).toUpperCase();
The benefit of the type guard is that it technically safer - because if you ever did get something that wasn't a string at runtime, it would still work. The type assertion is simply you overriding the compiler, so it isn't technically as safe, but it is entirely erased and therefore results in the same runtime code you have at the point you have the error.
hashStr is declared in ts-md5 typings as
static hashStr(str: string, raw?: boolean): string | Int32Array;
Looking at the implementation, is seems that it returns Int32Array when raw is true, and returns string otherwise.
Given that declaration, you can't do much better than use type assertion:
let hash = (Md5.hashStr(str) as string).toUpperCase()
The proper way to express that return type is dependent on the parameter in TypeScript is via overload declarations. Something like this should work:
static hashStr(str: string): string;
static hashStr(str: string, raw: false): string;
static hashStr(str: string, raw: true): Int32Array;
static hashStr(str: string, raw: boolean): Int32Array | string;
static hashStr(str: string, raw?: boolean): string | Int32Array {
// implementation goes here...
I'd suggest posting an issue with ts-md5 about this.

Unable to instantiate NSFetchedResultController with generic type AnyObject in Swift 3

I'm experimenting with CoreData in Swift 3 and have come up against a very bizarre circular compiler error in Xcode 8 beta.
NSFetchedResultsController needs a generic type parameter and AnyObject has worked fine up until now. The compiler throws the error:
Type 'AnyObject' does not conform to protocol 'NSFetchRequestObject'
To make me extra confused, if you delete the type parameter, XCode then says:
Reference to generic type NSFetchedResultsController requires argument in `<...>`
and helpfully suggests a fix using <AnyObject>....and the cycle repeats.
This looks very much like a bug. Any ideas before I report it?
If you take a look into NSFetchedResultsController, you can clearly see that it has a parameter with name ResultType which conforms to NSFetchRequestResult. So you should pass a type which conforms to NSFetchRequestResult.
So if you take a look into NSFetchRequestResult, you can see that it conforms to NSObjectProtocol. Also NSDictionary, NSManagedObject and NSManagedObjectID conforms to NSFetchRequestResult.
public protocol NSFetchRequestResult : NSObjectProtocol {
extension NSDictionary : NSFetchRequestResult {
extension NSManagedObject : NSFetchRequestResult {
extension NSManagedObjectID : NSFetchRequestResult {
So it clear that you should pass a type from any of these three NSDictionary or NSManagedObject or NSManagedObjectID.
Create your instance of NSFetchedResultsController like this.
let resultsController : NSFetchedResultsController<NSManagedObject>!
or like this
let resultsController : NSFetchedResultsController<NSManagedObjectID>!
or like this
let resultsController : NSFetchedResultsController<NSDictionary>!
Any entity in your Core Data model maps as a subclass of NSManagedObject generated in your code so they all can be used to replace AnyObject, they all conform indirectly to NSFetchRequestResult protocol. You should see which entity/class is being fetch by your FetchRequest connected to this FetchedResultsController and that's the type you should use there.

Generate JSON without top tag in Groovy

I'm writing an API that sends stuff through a socket. What I want to do, is have a basic response like so:
method: ID,
id: 10
The first tag being the type of stuff being sent, and everything after that is content. I can't seem to figure out how to do that with Groovy's JsonBuilder.
I'm reading the documentation for that, and I attempted to do:
String message = builder.value {
method: Method.ID
id: id
But it only generates: {value={}}. Also, it contains the value tag (which I don't want).
I tried doing builder {...}, but that caused this error:
Exception in thread "Thread-10" groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: website.DerbyProManagerService.builder() is applicable for argument types: (website.DerbyProManagerService$DerbyProInstance$_newId_closure1) values: [website.DerbyProManagerService$DerbyProInstance$_newId_closure1#6db853f4]
Try this instead:
String message = builder.call {
method Method.ID
id myId
