Find and files of same name only in directory below and copy to a different directory - linux

This script is finding the correct file but it is also searching through other directories and copying them. How can I find only the specific files, rename to data.log_$1 and cp in new directory.
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name Data.log -exec cp -rfp {} / extracted/ \;

It seems you have a stray slash there: cp -rfp {} / extracted/ should probably be cp -rfp {} extracted/ (or maybe cp -rfp {} /extracted/)


problem in copying find results in another directory

I'm trying to execute this command to copy the latest file that exist in the courant directory to another one .
find . -mtime -1 -exec cp -r {} /media/96DB-120D/bck \;
but after copying the recent files , I find the other content of the folder that does not respond to the condition -mtime -1 .
If any one had an idea about how to fix it to just copy the result of find command and thanks.
The find command probably includes the directory and then cp copies all the files in the directory. Add -type f to only have find report actual files.
Try the -p option of cp command which will preserve the timestamp of the copied file:
find . -mtime -1 -exec cp -pr {} /media/96DB-120D/bck \;
I think this is the best solution :
find . -mtime -1 -type f -exec cp --parents {} /media/960DB-120D/db \;

Finding a File and taking backup in the same directory

Lets say i have a folder /tmp and you have some files,,,, kim.r, uio.csv. Now if you are copying new versions of, from a different server like your prod but you want to take your existing file backups in the same folder like,,, how can you do this in one command. So here is the answer
find * -type f -exec cp {} {}_`date + "%m-%d-%Y"` \;
Above command will take back up of all files in that folder.
If you want to only take back up of .sh files
find * -type f -name "*.sh" -exec cp {} {}_`date + "%m-%d-%Y"` \;
Hope it helps
find * -type f -exec cp {} {}_date + "%m-%d-%Y" \;
Above command will take back up of all files in that folder.
If you want to only take back up of .sh files
find * -type f -name "*.sh" -exec cp {} {}_date + "%m-%d-%Y" \;

How to delete files under subdirectories but not deleting subdirectories themselves in linux

I have the following directory structure:
I want to delete all files under /archive but not its subfolders, so after deletion, the directory structure should look like:
I have tried the following two commands, but the files under the subfolders are not deleted (ie. my.txt and your.txt), anyone know why ?
find -L /archive ! -type d -exec rm -rfv {} +
find -L /archive -type f -exec rm -rfv {} +
use find
$ find . ! -type d -delete
make sure you're in the right path.

Linux - Recursively go through directories?

Let's say I am in the directory /home/videos and want to iterate recursively through all of the directories underneath it. If the directory name contains "images" I want to delete the directory and all of its contents. Also, can this be done for files? Let's say in each directory go through every file and check if its name ends with ".mp3" and delete it?
find . -name "*images*" -type d -exec rm -r {} \;
find . -name "*.mp3" -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;
-exec rm -rf {} \; : Delete all files matched by file pattern.
-type f : Only match files and do not include directory names.
-type d : matches only directory names
Here is a nice tutorial on this.
So you can do something like
find /home/videos -type d -name "*images*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
find /home/videos -type f -name "*.mp3" -exec rm -rf {} \;

How to remove folders with a certain name

In Linux, how do I remove folders with a certain name which are nested deep in a folder hierarchy?
The following paths are under a folder and I would like to remove all folders named a.
What Linux command should I use from the parent folder?
If the target directory is empty, use find, filter with only directories, filter by name, execute rmdir:
find . -type d -name a -exec rmdir {} \;
If you want to recursively delete its contents, replace -exec rmdir {} \; with -delete or -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;. Other answers include details about these versions, credit them too.
Use find for name "a" and execute rm to remove those named according to your wishes, as follows:
find . -name a -exec rm -rf {} \;
Test it first using ls to list:
find . -name a -exec ls {} \;
To ensure this only removes directories and not plain files, use the "-type d" arg (as suggested in the comments):
find . -name a -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
The "{}" is a substitution for each file "a" found - the exec command is executed against each by substitution.
This also works - it will remove all the folders called "a" and their contents:
rm -rf `find . -type d -name a`
I ended up here looking to delete my node_modules folders before doing a backup of my work in progress using rsync. A key requirements is that the node_modules folder can be nested, so you need the -prune option.
First I ran this to visually verify the folders to be deleted:
find . -type d -name node_modules -prune
Then I ran this to delete them all:
find . -type d -name node_modules -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;
Thanks to pistache
To delete all directories with the name foo, run:
find -type d -name foo -a -prune -exec rm -rf {} \;
The other answers are missing an important thing: the -prune option. Without -prune, GNU find will delete the directory with the matching name and then try to recurse into it to find more directories that match. The -prune option tells it to not recurse into a directory that matched the conditions.
This command works for me. It does its work recursively
find . -name "node_modules" -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' +
. - current folder
"node_modules" - folder name
find ./ -name "FOLDERNAME" | xargs rm -Rf
Should do the trick. WARNING, if you accidentally pump a . or / into xargs rm -Rf your entire computer will be deleted without an option to get it back, requiring an OS reinstall.
Combining multiple answers, here's a command that works on both Linux and MacOS
rm -rf $(find . -type d -name __pycache__)
I had more than 100 files like
above answers did not work for me
but the following command helped me.
find . -name "log-*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
i gave -type as . so it deletes both files and folders which starts with log-
and rm -rf deletes folders recursively even it has files.
if you want folders alone
find -type d -name "log-*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
files alone
find -type f -name "log-*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
Another one:
"-exec rm -rf {} \;" can be replaced by "-delete"
find -type d -name __pycache__ -delete # GNU find
find . -type d -name __pycache__ -delete # POSIX find (e.g. Mac OS X)
Earlier comments didn't work for me since I was looking for an expression within the folder name in some folder within the structure
The following works for a folder in a structure like:
b/d/ab/cd/file or c/d/e/f/a/f/file
To check before using rm-rf
find . -name *a* -type d -exec realpath {} \;
Removing folders including content recursively
find . -name *a* -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
find path/to/the/folders -maxdepth 1 -name "my_*" -type d -delete
