Powerline/arrowline arrows are too small in urxvt - vim

I first tried to install powerline on my computer and had problems with the arrows not rendering correctly which was easily corrected by installing a patched font. However, although the arrow symbols were rendered correctly they were much smaller than they were supposed to be.
This problem persisted when I switched from powerline to airline. I found that the problem only existed in urxvt. Gnome-terminal rendered the arrow size correctly, but placed the arrows where offset slightly from their proper positions on the line.
Here are the relevant entries in my ~/.vimrc file:
set termfont=Liberation\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 10
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1

This patched fonts method is a fallback method which works for every terminal, with the exception of rxvt. It is not about the powerline theme, it is about the font size. It doesn't work with 10. Possible solutions can be found here or here.


Import glyphs from another font with fontforge

Hi I'm using Inconsolata for powerline font in linux (link 1). Now I want to had some extra symbols. I've successfully added the awesome font symbols from the Inconsolata patched fonts in link 2 to my own copy of Inconsolata for powerline font (i.e. I can successfully copy glyphs to my font and they appear on the terminal).
However when I try to add icons from other fonts, namely the battery icons from Typicons (see link 3) they simply do not appear in the terminal. I've scaled and changed multiple properties but it's always the same.
I'm doing fc-cache -fv and I've checked that if I manually create a glyph it appears after an fc-cache. I'm completely lost here, I'm sure it must be something simple but I've already lost a lot of hours with this and the glyphs never appear in the terminal no matter what I do :-(
Try adding few glyphs from each to a new font file project. If it is a symbol-only font and you don't care/need to follow Unicode assignments, use codepoints for alphabetical characters and numbers.
Generate your file and check for errors. Fix any issues reported by FontForge.
I've discovered the problem. In two words lbearing and rbearing. They must be the same as the other glyphs. The size is also important. Even with a similar lbearing and rbearing if the size of the glyph is too big it will not appear.

Use arbitrary colors in Vim and terminator

I am working on terminal Vim colorscheme (for 256-color terminal) and I need a few dark colours that I could use as backgrounds. I'm not satisfied with ones available in standard palette - for example, color 22 (#005f00), the darkest shade of green, is still too bright.
I've read that terminal Vim does not allow specifying colors as RGB, so - to get arbitrary colors - I would have to tweak terminal emulator's color palette. Is there a way to tweak full 256-color palette in gnome-terminal / terminator? Preferences window only allows editing basic 16.
BTW, Chrome's hterm allows this via 'color-palette-overrides' preference (but has its own drawbacks).
Gnome-terminal doesn't offer a UI to alter the colors (apart from the first 16), but you can use escape sequences, e.g.:
echo -ne '\e]4;22;#004f00\a'
As you've mentioned, sometimes these colors get reset to their default values. This was a bug in the underlying VTE library, and got fixed in version 0.36.
As far as I know, you won't find a single terminal emulator that gives you that kind of control over the whole standardized xterm palette.
So, if you ever intend to share that colorscheme you are stuck with the default palette.
On the other hand, if that colorscheme is only meant for your usage or if you are OK with forcing a hard dependency on your users, you can use japh's colorcoke to generate an alternate palette more suited to your needs. See the repo's wiki for examples)

color issue with VIM and iTerm2

I have a color issue on iTerm 2 (both stable and beta release) using VIM (last version).
This is a screenshot on iTerm 2 using vim-css-color plugin :
And the same on the Terminal.app :
As you can see, iTerm renders quite strange colors (and not only with this plugin, this is just an example). I've been playing with the contrast slider in iTerm2 prefererences and every Vim parameter i found so far (x-term-color-256, etc etc).
This is my .vimrc file : https://github.com/nanark/.vim/blob/master/vimrc
Any idea ?
A terminal with 256 color support (like iTerm 2) is simply not capable of displaying the full range of colors.
The css plugin uses a conversion to approximate the hex color code in the terminal. This was designed to work with the default set of colors used by xterm based on the comments in the code.
If you want an accurate preview, you should use gvim or macvim.

Why doesn't VIM recognize a color totally available?

This is mystery drives me crazy: I am trying to specify certain colors that are listed inside gVim 7.3 when running this script.
But when put in a .vim syntax file, gVim simply issues an error "Color name not recognized". This happens even with simple colors like orange. Instead, it only recognizes a few colors like red, blue, yellow, darkyellow, darkgreen, black, etc.
Why does this happen and how to workaround this?
Because, as a terminal program vim only supports ANSI colors by default.
I don't know enough about syntax files to fully answer, but these links might be useful
It's possible that only the normal colors are available to syntax files from there you can use a different color scheme to reassign the normal colors.
I ended up solving the problem by hard coding the offending color (orange) in the .vim file:
hi def MyOrange_color ctermfg=202 guifg=#ff5f00

Weird rendering bug in Vim (or feature?)

There are small lines appearing sometimes in front of words. In the pictures they are to the right of +syntax/ and swo and delmenu.vim.
Is this a bug or those lines mean something?
Do this happened to you before?
Would they get worse in the future?
PS: I'm using Microsoft Windows XP SP2 AMD
alt text http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/7673/picpd.jpg
EDIT: I change the font to Consolas and they disappeared. Is there a way to solve the problem while still using my favorite font, Monaco (and not turning off Cleartype)?
This is caused by cleartype font smoothing.
If you use a fixed font for gvim the problem goes away (.fon files). ttf files contain font smoothing information which gets messed up in gvim.
fixedsys renders well. There are a bunch of other ones that also work well.
An alternative is to turn off font smoothing altogher using the display properties, but that will have undesirable effects on all other applications.
This does indeed look like a rendering bug. You should report it to the gvim team. But you should also never use jpegs for screen shots - the compression doesn't work nearly as well as pngs, and could potentially introduce distortion in shots exactly like this one.
Just a guess, but it may be related to the font you are using. Maybe you could try to change it to see if these lines still appear, or disappear, or move to other lines ...
