Launch trusted file on computer from cell in Excel - excel

I have a cell in my spreadsheet that has a hyperlink to a script file (AutoHotKey) and I'd like to be able to launch said script by clicking on the cell in Excel. It works but I'm always presented with a warning:
Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer. Would you like to open this file?"
I've done everything I can think of in the Trust Center to get it to allow me to open this file without having to confirm it.
Is there something in the Trust Center, or a bit of VBA, that I could use to allow access to this file (and others like it) without having to confirm my selection every time?

This solution should also work for newer Excel versions (e.g. 365)
Download Procmon:
Run Procmon.exe
Toggle Capture Events to off (File > Capture Events)
Clear the current events (Edit > Clear Display)
Toggle Capture Events on.
Click the desired hyperlink in Excel.
Turn Capture Events off.
Filter by Process=EXCEL.EXE (Filter > Filter ..) and click add
Filter also by Operation=RegQueryValue and Result=NAME NOT FOUND
Find the first entry with EditFlags in the path (use the search icon to search the filtered list)
Right click on that entry and select > Jump to (opens registry)
9 Add a new DWORD type named EditFlags with the hexadecimal value 10000.
In my case it was the key htmlfile_FullWindowEmbed
Modified from here

Please follow instructions on the following page to resolve your issue:
How to enable or disable hyperlink warning messages in 2007 Office programs and in Office 2010 programs

Please try to create/add the REG_DWORD type registry value “EditFlags”
(with the value data "EditFlags"=dword:00010000) under the registry
key location “HKCR\htmlfile_FullWindowEmbed\” on the same problem
client machine. After that, please restart the client machine and
then try to open the PDF file through the http URL link from the Excel
file again.
Solution found here


How Do I Save the Right Version of My Excel File with Save Lockout Active?

I think I have my Excel VBA where I want it (checking for cell completion before allowing saving) but that also means I can't save the blank version of that form for distribution. I'm probably missing something obvious but...I guess, disabling the macros and then reenabling it would work but apparently I can't figure it out. I've tried googling it but I only get system-wide toggling.
So, just to put a bow on things. The correct way to deal with this is to go through the formal file opening process in Excel. Assuming you have the proper macro setting in Excel (disable macros with prompt), if you open Excel, Use File Open (DO NOT SELECT RECENT FILES) and browse to the file, select it and open. Then you should get the standard prompt even if you've enabled it for that file in the past.

How can I set the default file extension seen in a Windows "Open" box?

I use a program called Spec2xlS together with Excel 2013. When I import files to Excel using this program plug-in, the "Open" explorer always has the first alphabetical file extension selected in view, which I never use. It is annoying to always need to change it, especially if I pull up 50 files in a day. Is there any way I can change this default selection to the file type I actually need?
Thank you.
To do this in Windows 8.1, search for "default programs" on the Start screen and click or tap "Default Programs."

Issue With Excel Template Files

I have been using Microsoft Excel 2003 since it first came out and am only just coming across an apparent problem with it. I have a number of .xlt files that are used throughout the company and have never had any issues with them. However, it has just come to light that there is a user who can change the template.
Ordinarily you open the Template file (e.g. Template.xlt) and on opening it find it is called Template1. On pressing the save icon you are taken to the the Save As screen with the default option to save the file as Template1.xls in MyDocuments (Default location).
In this one case though, the user opens the file as Template, and on pressing the save icon overwrites the original .xlt file. I have never seen this before and am bamboozled. Any ideas please?
How exactly does the user open the template?
If a template is opened by double clicking the .xlt (or .xltx/.xltm) file in Windows Explorer, the template generates a new Excel file based on the template.
If an .xlt (or .xltx/.xltm) is right-clicked in Windows Explorer and then the "Open" command is selected in the context menu, then the template file itself will be opened.
If an .xlt (or .xltx/.xltm) template file is opened via Excel's File > Open dialog, the template file itself is opened.
A shortcut that leads to an Excel template behaves in this way:
double-click - creates a new file based on the template.
right-click > New - creates a new file based on the template.
right-click > Open - opens the template itself.
Edit: if the behaviour of double clicking a template file (or a link to a template) occurs only for one user, you may want to unregister and re-register Excel 2003.
Quoting from this question at the Microsoft Answers forum:
> Start>Run>excel /unregserver
> - note the space between excel and /unregserver then
> Start>Run>excel /regserver
> - again note the space between excel and /regserver
I know it's not the best form to answer your own questions, but hopefully someone else will be able to benefit from the solution that I have found.
In order to solve this, download and install a program named FileTypesMan.
Run the program and find the .xlt extension. In an ordinary working system this will have at least New and Open as options with New set to default. In this case there was only Open as an option. Create an option for New and set this to default.....Presto, sorted.

Excel Add-in doesn't get the hint

I have an excel add-in that keeps coming back when I start excel, even though I've removed it from the last open instance of excel (yes I checked the processes in task manager).
The critter even shows up when I start excel in safe mode.
Anybody else had this?
Perhaps the add-in file is sitting in the Excel startup directory?
Tools -> Options -> General -> 'At startup, open all files in'
As well as the entry in this setting, Excel may also be implictly loading the add-in from folders such as
C:\Program Files\Microsoft
C:\Documents and Settings\User
Any folder named 'xlstart' is a candidate - perhaps it's worth searching your C drive for such folders and/or the actual name of the add-in file.
Also, check the registry for Excel OPEN entries. Start -> Run -> regedit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\version\Excel\Options. Look for any values named OPENx.
Here are the steps:
First, remove the addIn from Excel. After removing it, don't reopen Excel yet
Go to registry: Start -> Run -> regedit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\version\Excel\Options. Delete the registry of the addIn you want to remove. The data column will give you the hint.
This is the key, remember to restart the computer to reset Excel. If you open Excel before the restart, it will register the AddIn in your registry again and you will need to start all over again
1) Did you check C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns and see if the file is there? If it is, you could delete it from there.
2) Try these steps:
• Try searching your C drive for all .xla or .xlam files and see if you can find the one that looks like the add-in you're trying to delete.
• If you find it, delete it (let it go to recycle bin though just in case something goes wrong and you want to get it back quickly).
• Once you delete it, start Excel. You may get message about add-in being missing, and if so say yes when prompted if you want to remove add-in from list.
• If not prompted, go to tools add-ins and check the box for the add-in you are trying to delete. Excel won't be able to find it, then it should prompt you as to whether you want to remove it from list. Say yes.
I was having the same issue and was able to solve it like this:
Open File Explorer and navigate to C:\Users\USERID\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns, remove the add-in(s) you would like to remove.
Open Excel, when given warning about missing add-in(s) just click "ok".
Click "File", "Options", "Add-ins" then "Go"
The Add-ins window will appear, uncheck the add-in(s) you would like to remove. When prompted to remove CLICK NO (trust me).
Click "Ok", the Add-ins menu will close.
Save blank file to desktop, close Excel and Reopen. This time you should not get the warning messages about missing add-in(s).
Click "File", "Options", "Add-ins" then "Go" again.
This time, click on the add-in(s) you would like to remove, when prompted to remove remove from list select "Yes".
Click "Ok".
The Add-in(s) should no longer display in the Add-ins menu and the warning messages will stop appearing.
This is what worked for me, there may be unnecessary steps (like saving and possibly closing) but I wanted to include everything I did.
I found there was a process spawning the addin, and somehow managed to break it. Excel offered for me to disable it, and told me I could find it in Help > About > Disabled items if I wanted to reinstate it.

How can I export a list from SharePoint to Excel, with header/footer/page orientation?

We would like to export a view of a custom SharePoint list to Excel on a repeatable basis, and with some minor formatting.
I have made a .iqy file by using Actions/Export to Spreadsheet from the view menu, and then uploaded this .iqy file back into SharePoint. When users click on it, it does bring up the data in Excel - but without the headings repeated each page, with the columns spilling onto a second page (width-wise), etc.
The .iqy file seems to be a plain text file which can be opened in Notepad so perhaps there is a way of passing parameters to Excel through this which would do the trick? Does someone know?
Alternatively, I also saved one of the resultant spreadsheets from opening the .iqy file, applied some formatting to it, and then uploaded that back into SharePoint. I set it to refresh the data connection on opening and I think this is working ok except there are two frustrations.
Firstly, by default, Excel says it has blocked data connections and I need to manually enable them. Is there a way to prevent this short of editing the trust centre settings on each computer that will open this spreadsheet?
Secondly, when I click on the spreadsheet in SharePoint we are asked if we wish to open the document for editing or read only. Ideally, I'd like to just give the user the opportunity to open or save the document (and certainly not to save it back on to the server, as I expect Edit would do.)
Does anyone have any sage advice for me that would make either the first attempt (.iqy file) or the second attempt (formatted spreadsheet) work successfully? Or maybe you have other, better ideas?
Thank you,
David W
An Excel Web Query (iqy) is just not going to work. Its only purpose is to define a "web query" for Excel to open.
First frustration, I am not positive, but digitally signing the workbook may avoid the blocked data connection prompt. Also, if I remember correctly, there is a Global Policy setting for this, so if you are part of a domain, you can have this setting changed when the user logs into the domain.
Second frustration. Not much you can do here.
Suggestions, all kinds. We would need to understand your requirements and constraints. But, I suggest you dynamically create the workbook using XMLSS. You have full control over formatting, layout, and nearly everything else, without the need to have Excel installed on the server. The served workbook must then be saved locally and cannot be saved back to server.
See XML Spreadsheet Reference at
Here is a search for "visual basic asp xml workbooks", Search for ASP generates more results. Note it is easy to translate/migrate to ASP.NET so do not let the ASP throw you.
I recommend starting with Using Visual Basic and ASP with XML to Generate Excel 2003 Workbooks at, especially near the end of the article because there is an example on creating a workbook and setting the page print orientation. Moreover, there is an example on how to create a template.
