Correcting misspelled bash commands [closed] - linux

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for a way to correct bash commands if they have been misspelled.
Let's say you have installed a program called "FooBar" but you type "foobar" (or foo bar or FOOBAR or foebar) in your shell. Is there any way to check if something similar to what you are looking for exists in your PATH?
I'm thinking about writing a bash script that normalizes user input and uses the Levenshtein distance algorithm to check what they have typed against anything in PATH. But maybe there's already something is written out there or a better way to accomplish this task.
Any suggestions?

If you problem is case-sensitivity only, then you can switch this off in the readline configuration by the following:
echo "set completion-ignore-case On" >> ~/.inputrc
However, if you are seeking for some clever mechanism to execute similar commands (by using fuzzy logic for example) I'll not recommend to use such tool in a command-line since it could be very dangerous.
Imagine what could happen for example in commands like rmv? is it rm or mv? .. only the user can answer this question.
Note: This may be useful if you are running a Cygwin env where case-sensitivity is not a problem. In Linux commands are case sensitive. So switching this functionality off is not a good idea.


linux + convert sh script to bash + dose bash support previos sh script [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we have a lot of sh scripts and we want to upgrade them to bash scripts
my question:
dose bash support any previous sh script ?
if not what need to know before we convert sh to bash ?
I mean what we need to change/replace in the sh script to be bash script
I have unfortunately seen only a limited number of attempts to convert shell scripts from legacy UNIX platforms to bash. Usually there were uneventful.
One interesting example I remember was a script which used non-POSIX-conforming expansion behavior for <<here documents to implement a goto, presumably to simplify porting .bat scripts from MS-DOS or Windows. (The “labels” started with a colon :.) This did not work in bash because it follows POSIX semantics, so here documents could not be used to conditionally remove sections of the shell script.
In practice, the larger issue is often with the programs called from the shell scripts, which can show behavioral differences as well.
So the answer is a rather unsatisfying “it depends”, I'm afraid.

Script program inputs in bash ubuntu linux [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm in a course for C++ programming.
Our professor created a linux validation script against which our program output must match exactly.
It's running out of his own program and generates an output.txt file, then compares it against his output file, if it doesn't match it rejects the script.
The problem is, this program excepts probably 150-200 lines of input and if anything goes in wrong you have to start all over again. If you even enter an incorrect char, it must be restarted as the backspace registers as a character of its own.
How might I generate a bash script that would feed all of the input into the program automatically?
NOTE: We have to use his program as in: asigname
You can create a text file:
and use that as stdin for the program:
./your_program < answers.txt
How might I generate a bash script that would feed all of the input into the program automatically?
Without any example code or input/output, it is hard to gauge what precisely is that you need.
Otherwise, for a generic tool to automate interactive console programs, I would suggest to take a look at the Expect.

Which one is good to use - Zoidberg or Term::Shell ( Perl Modules ) to implement the customize shell in Perl? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am going to write the code for my own shell which has some customized commands and i want to code it in Perl. I have found two modules on CPAN which can help me for the same.
1) Term::Shell ( )
2) Zoidberg ( )
Which module shall i use for the implementation?
Is Term::Shell older then Zoidberg and lacking features then Zoidberg?
OR is there any other module which can help me better?
It depends what you want.
If you want something a bit like a Unix shell, with built in commands like cd, and that will launch external programs like Firefox just by typing firefox, which you can then customize to add your own commands, then go with Zoidberg.
If you want to start with a blank slate and create your own commands so that you have a shell that just includes what you want and nothing else, then go with Term::Shell.
Personally though for the latter case, I'd use App::Cmd and write each command that I wanted my shell to support as an App::Cmd subcommand of my app. Then use an approach like this to add an interactive shell.

How commands are processed in LINUX [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new to LINUX. This question sounds simple and stupid, but I suppose this has a lot of meaning behind it. "HOW COMMANDS ARE PROCESSED IN LINUX?". Which means suppose if I give ls command,what makes it to display list of all files inside the directory?. I have been searching for the answer, and I could not find any clear explanation for the same. Please help me to solve the same.
I'm new too. But I can answer this in a top level.(not too many details).
Everything in Linux is file, which means that the ls is also a file. You can type which ls
and you can see the file's location.
So, a command is a file, when you type and Enter, the system will search for the file in your PATH and execute it. When the file is executed, it will talk with the kernel and tell the kernel what resources it wants to use, and then the kernel will talk with the real hardware and let the computer do the work.
Some commands are shell keywords or shell builtins, so the shell (the program that accepts your commands) recognizes and processes them directly. Many other commands are executable programs found in the path; so, for example, if you enter ls, an executable called ls is executed (usually found in /bin, many commands cann be found in /usr/bin/). A command could also be an alias for another command.
You can use type command to find out what kind a command is, e.g.
type ls.

Can you prevent a command from going into the bash shell command history? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a way to prevent a command from being added to the bash shell's command history?
I would like to be able to prevent certain "dangerous" commands from being added to the history, such as "rm -rf ~/some/dir", so that it is not accessible to me by pressing the up-arrow to reach previous commands. In this way, it would not be possible to accidentally repeat one of these commands.
The reason I ask is that I use the up arrow a lot to access previous commands in the shell history, and have often caught myself about to hit enter on what I thought was the correct command, only to realise that I was about to do something stupid/annoying/dangerous. I don't like the idea of rms etc floating around in my shell history, waiting for me to step on them!
(Note: I am aware that one can set up patterns in HISTIGNORE, but what would be nice is something one can apply on a per-command basis, which would become good a habit. Unless there is a clever way to achieve this using HISTIGNORE that I have missed?)
On newer Bash Versions you could simply add a space at the beginning of your command. :)
If it doesn't work by default, add [ \t]* to HISTIGNORE. (As mentioned in the comments. thx)
Add ignorespace to your HISTCONTROL environment variable. Then any command line that begins with a space won't be entered into your history.
