MemSQL node failed to start - singlestore

When I tried today to start my cluster I get the following error
MemSQL node CCBA806E30C9A8E4430ADFEAF5DF435ED91B8F7F failed to start:
Failed to connect to MemSQL node
CCBA806E30C9A8E4430ADFEAF5DF435ED91B8F7F: No error in tracelog
and the worst part is that I am not able to query anything. I get this error whenever I query.
ERROR 1777 (HY000): Partition memsqldb:0 has no master instance.
What is the exact problem here?

i tried running ​memsql-ops report​
memsql-ops report
2015-10-10 09:51:10: Jf3fc7e04 [INFO] Building a diagnostic report for agent A0cd4d79612c64a1298c66f7d346fe44a
2015-10-10 09:51:20: Jf3fc7e04 [WARNING] Could not get info for MemSQL node 378F1F82DE7DE6A3D4552A381F316399A579DF18: [Errno 2003] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (4)
figured out that the problem is with IPs as my IP at my office is different from that of my Home.So i did as follows
iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT --dest -j DNAT --to-dest
memsql-ops cluster-start
This solved the Problem.


Cassandra : nodetool reporting error: Failed to connetc IP address [duplicate]

Cassandra nodetool throws an error after updating OpenJDK
nodetool status
nodetool: Failed to connect to '' - URISyntaxException: 'Malformed IPv6 address at index 7: rmi://[]:7199'.
This also affects the current official Docker-Hub Image version 3.11.12
How can I fix this error?
There seems to be an issue with "improved" IPv6 address parsing in the latest jdk update.
The workaround would be to use the IPv6 notation of localhost
nodetool -h ::FFFF: status
You can upgrade to Apache Cassandra 3.11.13 or use this command:
nodetool -Dcom.sun.jndi.rmiURLParsing=legacy status
Another way is to add this -Dcom.sun.jndi.rmiURLParsing=legacy to JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable.

Listener oracle in pacemaker cluster

I need some help. I have created a cluster with 2 nodes. I created all resources, but listener has errors and the pacemaker cluster status shows Oracle Listener has stopped.
In the web interface I have the following error messages:
Failed to start listener_or on Mon Oct 25 16:30:52 2021 on node lha1: Listener pdb1 appears to have started, but is not running properly:
Unable to get metadata for resource agent 'ocf:heartbeat:oralsnr' (timeout)
In pacemaker cluster status I have the following error message:
listener_or_start_0 on lha1 'error' (1): call=35, status='complete', exitreason='Listener pdb1 appears to have started, but is not running properly: ', last-rc-change='2021-10-25 16:30:52 +03:00', queued=0ms, exec=393ms
However, I can connect to the base.
Do you have any ideas how I could solve this issue?
The issue was that the agent couldn't see the Oracle listener.
The solution was to:
Create tnsnames.ora
Write configurtion
Reload services
After this the pcs didn't have any errors.

prestodb: Failed to launch presto server and no nodes running

Below is the snapshot of the error
presto> select * from system.runtime.nodes;
Error running command: Failed to connect to localhost/
I tried using local IP address and yet the same error occurs.

Unable to run nodetool on remote and local server in cassandra

nodetool -h <ipaddress> -p 7199 status
Error connecting to remote Jmx agent!
java.rmi.NoSuchObectException: no such object in the table
Am getting the above error when I tried to run the nodetool status or any other nodetool command. Cassandra is running fine and nodetool status on other nodes in the cluster shows it is UN state. I tried to add the below entry in file but still I got the same error
JVM_OPTS = "$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname="
You have to use your listen_address for nodetool host ip.
nodetool -h <listen_address> -p 7199 status
or if it is not working, try with sudo.
In cassandra.yaml file it is written that jmx by default will only work from localhost. To run it from a remote host you need to uncomment and provide values of the parameters written in that file.
also try
cat /var/lob/cassandra/cassandra.log | grep Error
see if it gives you any error regarding JMX connectivity

cassandra: Exception connecting to localhost/9160. Reason: Connection refused

I am unable to connect to to the cassandra. By this I mean that when I try cassandra-CLI, or pycassaShell I get the following error:
Exception connecting to localhost/9160. Reason: Connection refused.
I have tried using a few non-defaul ports but to no joy.
I am running cassandra version 1.0.7
I have tried bounding the service, using restart, stop, start, and force-restart.
Run jps command under root user and kill CassandraDaemon if you will see it. After this you will start Cassandra again.
My problem was cassandra was not even starting. Solution was to start Cassandra!
I had the same issue in cassandra, After rename var/lib/cassandra/data to var/lib/cassandra/data1 then cassandra is working fine, If cassandra alloted maximum memory is full then it will throw connection refuse exception
