Is there a way to self-host mongoose databases? - node.js

I am getting started with writing an API for a project and the tutorial I am following suggests I sign up for a hosted solution. I think that is ridiculous. My project is simple and I do not feel the need to be locked in to a service. If it helps, I am using Express.

Mongoose is a node.js module (library) which is used to interact with a database, called MongoDB.
There are some websites like which offer plans for development for free, so you would jsut need to sign up and you will get a database without installink anything in your computer/server etc. This is why they say it is easier.
You can install MongoDB in your local computer to test (I think most of us have it) and use just that one for developing and testing.
To install MongoDB it all depends which Operating System you are using at the moment. But you can look up on google: "Install MongoDB MacOSX/Window/Ubuntu/etc.." and normally is just one simple command. To connect to it in your local you don't need a user or anything I guess.


How to use firestore local emulator in Node.js?

I would like to try firestore local emulator but resources are a bit scattered and it is hard to determine if it is possible in Node.js.
Has anyone already done that?
After some nice search, it is pretty easy in fact.
Here is a link to a sample projet I made on github which makes a basic insertion followed by a retrieval.
It uses a docker container to run firestore emulator and #firebase/testing package to interact with it. The setup is straightforward and explained in the

Update user properties in Active Directory using NodeJS

I am tring to make CRUD operations on Active Directory via nodejs.
The only package that handle CRUD operation in node that i have found is ad-
Are you familiar with other packages?
Is this the only one for update operations?
It seems that integration with Active Directory in nodejs is not popular and mature. Am I wrong? should I implement such integration in Java or .Net core?
The right way is the way that works :) If you are already using NodeJS, then do it in NodeJS if at all possible.
Communication with AD would happen through LDAP, so you can look for NodeJS packages for LDAP. Here are a couple I found:
But that one you linked to is more specific to AD (and AD does have its own flavor of LDAP) so I would choose that as long as it works for you.
If it doesn't work for whatever reason, either ask a new question here to get specific help, or you can start looking into making a separate Java or .NET app to do it. But I wouldn't consider a separate app just for AD queries unless you absolutely couldn't do it in NodeJS.

Connect to MongoDB remote server with Ionic

I'm trying to develop an application in phonegap/ionic and I want to use a remote database to store my data. I want to use MongoDB.
I already tried lots of ways such as this quick start guide.
By using this I can connect to DB but this is pure node.js and the require() function cannot be recognized when I try to add this code to an ionic starter app. Maybe require is not supported in ionic
Is there a way that can achieve it in Ionic?
Please let me know if you want some more information.
The thing is; you can't connect Ionic to MongoDB directly. No, there's not workaround, no magic involved, it's just not the way this is supposed to work. Ionic works on top of Angular and Angular is a frontend framework.
However, the way you should do it is that you basically create a (RESTful) API on your server side.
Most likely this will be made with Node.js which will talk directly to MongoDB and query it. A framework very well suited for this (you actually may be using it already) is Express.
After you write your (RESTful) API then you can consume it through your services in Angular by using Angular's $resource object.
Sure, this is not a step by step answer, and it seems you're just starting in this area, so you have some learning do to on your part (REST, RESTful, $resource, services...), but I wish you good luck and if you'll have any more specific questions, don't hesitate to ask them.

How Do I Set Up The MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular & Node) stack on Nitrous.IO

I using the upcoming weekend to check two things off of my 2013 project list:
Give Cloud Development A Try
My game plan is to set up the MEAN stack on Nitrous.IO and then use the stack to complete one of the many Angularjs tutorial projects available online.
I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has set up the MEAN stack on Nitrous or otherwise or if anyone is aware of any good blog post that go through the process for someone with little to no javascript development experience.
Also, if you have setup a MEAN stack are there any things you would do differently or are there any invaluable resources I should be aware of.
Some Resources I Found Useful:
I've been researching online for the past week and have uncovered some great resources, but it would be great to see what others have found or can suggest. Below are some links to some resources that I have come across that may be helpful to others:
Building Angular Start-up Stack - Toronto Meetup Stream Offers some great Video tutorials on Angular
Google's Angular site has a wealth of info.
USC Linux User Group Youtube video on MEAN on Amazon AWS
Thanks in advance for any resources, insights or guidance.
Since you are starting on JavaScript I would suggest that you start simple. For example
Build a simple web site with Node.js and Express (no Angular, no Mongo).
Deploy it to the cloud.
Then add Angular and see how the structure changes when you use an MVC framework on the client side (e.g. your backend becomes a plain REST API).
Then, play with Node.js and Mongo probably outside your simple Node/Express/Angular app to get the hand of a NoSQL database and database access from Node.js (the fact that everything is async brings some interesting challenges for beginners)
Then integrate Mongo into your app.
Ok, here's how I successfully set-up the MEAN stack on Nitrous.IO.
First, many thanks to Valeri V. Karpov and his The Code Barbarian blog. In July he had a blog post titled Introduction to the MEAN Stack, Part One: Setting Up Your Tools. I primarily followed his article, only making adjustment dictated by the Nitrous cloud platform.
So here are the steps:
Create A Nitrous Box: Go to the Nitrous site and sign-up for an account. Please note the free account does not provide enough storage to accommodate the full MEAN Stack. You'll need at least a "Start" pricing plan - at $9.99 per month.
Create A Nodejs Box: Once you complete your registration and select a pricing plan, its time to create a Nodejs box. Follow the instructions on the Nitrous site. The box comes preconfigured Nodejs.
Install Mongodb: To install Mongodb on your box, go to the shell prompt and type: parts install mongodb You can confirm the installation was successful by typing parts start mongodb. To stop the mongodb server you type parts stop mongodb.
Confirm your Node & NPM Installations: Type node at the command prompt. You should see a > sign if node is installed correctly. You are now in the node shell. Type control-c to exit the shell. Type NPM at the prompt and you should see some usage information
Install Express: type npm install express -g The -g flag means the package will be installed so you can run it from the terminal. Note, if you are using the free box you will likely encounter errors during the Express installation as a result of you exceeded the allocated storage.
From here on you can follow Valeri's article at Step 4 Creating an ExpressJS application..
Good luck and enjoy.
Use Bitnami I like it a lot, pretty simple and concise. In my case it was for Windows and it was a seamless experience

How can I properly structure my NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB code?

I am new to all three but I do know javascript well. I understand basics of them all but do not understand what the best way to implement the NodeJS server javascript with the express MVC and MongoDB database querys. I want to break up all this into their own files obviously but I am not sure how everything fits into the pre-created project template created by Express. Does anyone have a good solution or resource to share with me? Thank you
I recently started with node.js, express and mongodb myself and it's true the resources out there are mostly outdated. First of all, express is not an mvc framework. It has no opinion on the structure which you'll find out that it makes it so great. Your question is how to organise the code? It's clearly a personal preference but you can create a model folder where you can put your db queries for specific resources, your lib folder where you can establish a connection to your mongodb instance and call it wherever you need it and use the routes folder for your more specific needs like controllers on a traditional MVC. Another thing is that you have to decide how to interact with mongo. You can either use the native mongodb driver, perhaps with mongoskin as suggested, or mongoose for easier interactions such as defining schemas. Personally i prefer the native but it took me a while to get what it does and how it works. Finally for resources what i can suggest from personal experience and it's still my own opinion, is that the best thing you can do is buy the book Node.js in Action which was what made me realize what node.js is all about and how to use it. Hope it helps...
