Open a executable with "sh" under Ubuntu - linux

I'm working with the API for Sonar ( and it says for the function to execute commands that "the command will be executed with sh executable."
What I want to to do is just use
tslint path/to/my/code.ts
in the terminal (since this works). But the damn method excutes the line with "sh" so it looks something like this
sh tslint path/to/my/code.ts
and gives me the error
sh: 0: can't open tslint
How do I work around this to just execute "tslint" even though the command starts with sh?
Thanks for the help
EDIT: Since many of you asked what the java code looks like that produces this command (not mine, it's from an open source project):
Command command = Command.create("tslint");
command.addArgument("--config " + configFile + " --format json " + file.trim());
final EDIT:
working version:
Command command = Command.create("node");

Check in the terminal with which tslint the full path of the file.
From the terminal you can all it with
/bin/sh -c "/path/to/tslint /path/to/my/code.ts"
With the Sonar API it is:
Command command = Comman.create('/full/path/name/to/tslint');
command.addArgument("--config " + configFile + " --format json " + file.trim());
You don't need the -c parameter from the sh command, but you must use the absolute path to the tslint command.


Tabular Editor - Set "Shared Expression" value from Tabular Editor CLI (with Azure Devops)

I need to change the value of a parameter in a TOM. I am using Azure Devops with steps that include Tabular Editor CLI. I have written a one-line script that should be able to change the value of a Shared Expression. (Maybe a shared expression is read only?)
The script that will be executed
Model.Expressions["CustomerNameParameter"].Expression = "\"some value\" meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type=\"Text\", IsParameterQueryRequired=true]";
I returns an error whenever Azure Devops tries to run it:
It cannot find the CustomerNameParameter in the model.
My build looks like this:
Starting: Build Mode.bim from SourceDirectory
Task : Command line
Description : Run a command line script using Bash on Linux and macOS and cmd.exe on Windows
Version : 2.201.1
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help :
Generating script.
Script contents: shell
TabularEditor.exe "D:\a\1\s" -B "D:\a\1\a\Model.bim"
========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C "CALL "D:\a\_temp\ba31b528-d9a3-42cc-9099-d80d46d1ffe6.cmd""
Tabular Editor 2.12.4 (build 2.12.7563.29301)
Dependency tree built in 113 ms
Loading model...
Building Model.bim file...
Finishing: Build Mode.bim from SourceDirectory
Your script looks good. Have you tried executing it within the Tabular Editor UI?
Perhaps the parameter is named differently in your model. You can use the following script in the CLI to output the list of parameters:
foreach(var expr in Model.Expressions) Info(expr.Name);
The result when executed in the CLI on the model shown in the screenshot above:
What I did to fix this is create a separate script (SharedExpressions.csx) and (manually) created this line for each expression:
Model.Expressions["Start Date - Sales"].Expression = "#datetime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type=\"DateTime\", IsParameterQueryRequired=true]";
In this case my Expressions are datetime, but you can change it to anything you like. Just be very aware with the quote placement.
Then in my pipeline I use the following script to execute the changes:
start /wait TabularEditor.exe "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Tabular Model/model/model.bim" -S "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Tabular Model/scripts/SharedExpressions.csx" -D -V
My tabular model uses a shared expression (parameter) to set the connection string. The following solution worked for me. I updated the command line script in the release pipeline as follows:
echo var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SQLDWConnectionString"); >> SetConnectionStringFromEnv.cs
echo Model.Expressions["ServerName"].Expression = "\"" + connectionString +"\"" + " meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type=\"Text\", IsParameterQueryRequired=true]"; >> SetConnectionStringFromEnv.cs
TabularEditor.exe "_$(Build.DefinitionName)\drop\Model.bim" -S SetConnectionStringFromEnv.cs -D "%ASConnectionString%" "$(ASDatabaseName)" -O -C -P -R -M -W -E -V

os.system(cmd) call fails with redirection operator

My Python 3.7.1 script generates a fasta file called
Within the same script, I call following system command:
cmd = "weblogo -A DNA < pRNA.sites.fasta > OUT.eps"
print(cmd) #for debugging
I am getting the following error message and debugging message on the command line.
Error: Please provide a multiple sequence alignment
weblogo -A DNA < pRNA.sites.fasta > OUT.eps
"OUT.eps" file is generated but it's emtpy. On the other hand, if I run the following 'weblogo' command from the command line, It works just find. I get proper OUT.eps file.
$ weblogo -A DNA<pRNA.sites.fasta>OUT.eps
I am guessing my syntax for os.system call is wrong. Can you tell me what is wrong with it? Thanks.
Never mind. It turned out to be that I was not closing my file, "pRNA.sites.fasta" before I make system call that uses this file.

printf in nodejs execSync gives error - the system cannot find the file specified

In node when using ..
var child_process = require('child_process')
child_process.execSync("printf 'a'") // works fine
child_process.execSync("printf '<a>'") // throws the system cannot find the file specified
I get the error .. the system cannot find the file specified.
Anyone got any ideas how to fix this? I need to use printf. All I want to do is print <a>
I am using Windows GIT bash. Node v6.11.3
On the command line .. printf '<a>' works fine but printf \'<a>\' gives the same error.
Try swapping quote characters:
child_process.execSync('printf "<a>"')
With the quotes the other way around, the executing shell (which is cmd.exe in Windows, I believe) seems to think that you want to redirect a file called "a" into printf (like printf < a).

execute nodejs command from in classic asp

I'm trying to execute a nodejs command from a vbscript/classic asp page. I'm starting with lessc (less compiler) but need to use other commands too.
nodejs is installed, and I installed lessc in the global namespace (e.g. npm install -g less) I can (at the server cmd prompt) issue lessc and it works.
at the server command prompt, I can issue a command that executes lessc, such as:
lessc D:\webs\player\Layout\less\app.less > D:\webs\player\Layout\less\app.css
but when I execute it thusly inside vbscript:
dim path : path = "D:\webs\player\Layout\less\"
dim shell : shell = server.createobject("WScript.Shell")
dim errCode : errCode = shell.Run("lessc " & path & "\app.less > " & path & "\app.css", 0, true)
response.write errCode
then it does nothing. Substituting the command so that it runs CMD ahead of lessc goes one step forward: it creates a zero byte output file (app.css):
dim errCode : errCode = shell.Run("CMD /C lessc " & path & "\app.less > " & path & "\app.css", 0, true)
So it looks like it's not finding lessc, even though it's defined in the path variable; ECHO %PATH% at the servers command prompt shows the path where lessc is located. So I tried executing the full path to lessc and even that doesn't seem to work ( no errors, no output ):
dim errCode : errCode = shell.Run("CMD /C C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\lessc " & path & "\app.less > " & path & "\app.css", 0, true)
.. frustrated now .. I tried piping the output of lessc itself to a file, and it outputs a zero byte file. So it's doing something, just not executing lessc.
call shell.Run("CMD /C C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\lessc > c:\temp\lessc.txt", 0, true)
Just how do you get path variables to work in a anyway? is there a better way to execute a nodejs command server side from in vbscript/classic asp? it's going to be one of those stupid little things I always forget when working with IIS, isn't it?
Well, after a day of mucking about, I came across a github project that has a compressed node and less combo as a standalone package, that is easy to execute just using Shell.Run and you don't have to muck about with environment variables at all.
So, answered my own question.

Automate VIM EDITOR and update values using shell script (similar to editing crontab via shell script)

I am trying to automate a VI edit for a command similar to crontab editing via Shell script but not working for me so far.
Here is the final json with admin as true:
As you can see the EDITOR environment variable has to be set or passed as command line option -e
[root#vrhost user]# knife client edit SQLSRVR
ERROR: RuntimeError: Please set EDITOR environment variable
[root#vrhost user]# knife client edit
USAGE: knife client edit CLIENT (options)
-s, --server-url URL Chef Server URL
-k, --key KEY API Client Key
--[no-]color Use colored output, defaults to enabled
-c, --config CONFIG The configuration file to use
--defaults Accept default values for all questions
-d, --disable-editing Do not open EDITOR, just accept the data as is
-e, --editor EDITOR Set the editor to use for interactive commands
-E, --environment ENVIRONMENT Set the Chef environment
-F, --format FORMAT Which format to use for output
-u, --user USER API Client Username
--print-after Show the data after a destructive operation
-V, --verbose More verbose output. Use twice for max verbosity
-v, --version Show chef version
-y, --yes Say yes to all prompts for confirmation
-h, --help Show this message
FATAL: You must specify a client name
The below command opens a vim editor for editing to make the change from ["admin": "false"] to ["admin": "true"]:
[root#vrhost user]# knife client edit SQLSRVR -e vim
"name": "SQLSRVR",
"admin": false,
"json_class": "Chef::ApiClient",
"chef_type": "client",
I am trying to do this through a shell script and would like to automate it and tried many options but had no luck so far.
[root#vrhost ~]# (echo ^[:g/false/s/false/true/^[:wq!^M) | knife client edit SQLSRVR -e vim
Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal
Object unchanged, not saving
[root#vrhost user]# echo (^[echo '{"name":"SQLSRVR","admin":"true","json_class":"Chef::ApiClient","chef_type":"client"}'^[:w q!^M) | knife client edit SQLSRVR -e
[root#vrhost ~]# knife client show SQLSRVR
admin: false
chef_type: client
json_class: Chef::ApiClient
this is very similar to automating crontab editing via shell script but this has not been working for me.
Unless you really need special Vim capabilities, you're probably better off using non-interactive tools like sed, awk, or Perl / Python / Ruby / your favorite scripting language here.
That said, you can use Vim non-interactively, using silent batch mode.
vim -T dumb --noplugin -n -es -S "commands.ex" "filespec"
Instead of the external script to read the commands from via -S "commands.ex", you can also give a few commands directly via -c cmd1 -c cmd2. See :help -s-ex for more information.
Check out
$ knife client edit --help
-d, --disable-editing Do not open EDITOR, just accept the data as is
So I guess you can change the values without editing in vim. Just:
get the client data in json format.
replace needed values with sed.
upload the data from file.
$ knife client show -Fj SQLSRVR > SQLSRVR.json
$ sed -i.old "s/\"admin\": true,/\"admin\": false,/" SQLSRVR.json
$ knife client edit -d SQLSRVR < SQLSRVR.json
Something like that.
Here are some links to references:
ii) - tried but unable to get it to work
Finally did the following (it does give 409 the 2nd time on call and I did not need to do it a 2nd time):
# call to below rb, CLIENTNAME is the name of the client and STATE is true/false
$ knife exec clienttransform.rb CLIENTNAME STATE
$ cat clienttransform.rb
Chef::Config[:solo] = false
class Company
class TransformClient
attr_accessor :clientname
attr_accessor :isclientadmin
def initialize(client_name, is_client_admin)
#clientname = client_name
#isclientadmin = is_client_admin
def transform
# puts " : " +
# puts "client.admin : " + client.admin.to_s
# puts "XX - clientname : " + #clientname
# puts "XX - isclientadmin : " + #isclientadmin.to_s
boolisclientadmin = !!#isclientadmin
client_name = ARGV[2].to_s()
is_client_admin = ARGV[3].to_s()
# puts "YY - client_name : " + client_name
# puts "YY - is_client_admin : " + is_client_admin
trc =, is_client_admin)
exit 0
Just set your editor and it will work. In my case I use vim editor that's why my command was as follows:
export EDITOR=vim
