Install NPM package as Git clone - node.js

I'm working on a project that is using one of my own libraries as a dependency. I'm still making lots of changes to my library and therefore I want to require my library as a Git clone.
From the NPM Install documentation get the impression that this is possible [1] but when I add my dependency and I run an npm install the dependency is added without any of the Git information I require.
"dependencies": {
"mylib": "bitbucket:acme/mylib#dev-master"
How can I make NPM do a Git clone in my node_modules directory rather then just getting the files?

You can check this answer, and modify it for your repo. It works for almost all cases.


Why does npm install with git+ssh install differently than https?

What is the difference between installing a npm package via https and ssh? My expectation is that the downloaded package would be the same but this is not the case. For example:
// package.json
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "^4.17.19"
// vs
"lodash": "^4.17.19"
When I use the first option, the actual npm package gets installed.
When I install via the second option, I get only the files that are whitelisted from the repo but not the actual package itself.
I don't see a good explanation in the npm documentation. Why aren't these installing the same thing? Is there a way to install the actual package via ssh and not the commit itself?
Two ways of installing dependencies.
From NPM repository itself (specify the version)
From github (specify a branch OR commit and tag)
It is advisable to publish to the registry the minified/compiled version of the library than the source unless it is necessary. So, it is possible that what you get from the NPM is different than the source repository itself.
It is really question of the "place" (npm or github) than the method (http or ssh)

Npm Install straight from package.json

I have a simple question that i cant seem to find the answer for. I cloned a git repo to my local machine.
When attempting to start node, I receive an error because i don't have the required npm dependencies installed. However, they are located in the packages.json file that was cloned.
I was wondering if there was a simple way to install the dependencies located in that file, without having to npm install for every individual package.
Within the directory of the package.json file, just run npm install. It will read package.json and install all dependencies. If you want to limit it to only non-dev dependencies, use npm install --only=production.

npm install <git> with dev dependencies

A typical approach to handle private npm modules is to put them to a Git repository, and then use npm install with the path to that repository to install the module.
If you enter the dependency into your package.json file, you can even install using npm install without the need to specify the repository url every time. I.e., if you add
"myPrivateModule": "git+ssh://"
as a dependency, you can install using
$ npm install myPrivateModule
and everything works fine :-).
Now I have a problem in that myPrivateModule is private, yes, but not a dependency. Instead, it's a dependency only for development time, hence I put it into the section devDependencies in the package.json file.
Once you do this,
$ npm install myPrivateModule
does not work any longer, as it now searches the public registry instead of using the registered path to the repository.
Is there a possibility to make this work, without the need to specify the full-blown path each and every time?
Just npm install with no arguments should read package.json and install it.

configure custom module for Node.js project

I create my Node project (npm init). In this project, i want to use Node REST Client from git hub
update package.json with dependency:
"dependencies": {
"rest-client": "*"
create dir node_modules in my project
Copy the rest-client into the directory 'node_modules'
Run 'npm install' to install this dependency, however it doesn't.
What am i doing wrong? how to properly install dependency that is not from npm central repo?
Thank You
It looks like you'll have to do it manually for every module. However as the accepted answer in How to install a private NPM module without my own registry? by Mihai points out, npm knows about git:
npm install git://
furthermore, besides going into the directory and typing npm install there it is possible to specify the path as argument:
npm install path/to/somedir
There's another useful answer in How to install a private NPM module without my own registry? where you can see you can also specify a url pointing to a tarball. I suggest you take a look at that thread.

npm to install packages from local position rather than from web?

The problem drove me crazy, there is a package in npm database, but it has some bugs, which are already fixed in github, how could I make use of the fixed version(github version)?
You can install directly from the GitHub repository, even just using the GitHub username and the repository name:
npm install LearnBoost/
You can also add a <commit-ish>, specifying e.g. a commit hash or a version tag, like so:
npm install LearnBoost/
Without a protocol, this will be interpreted as git:// You can also prefix the repo with gitlab:, gist: or bitbucket:, respectively. For more information, see Using git URLs as dependencies.
You can install directly from a URL, example:
npm install
You can find the URL on Github under "Downloads" on any project page. Select the "Download as tar.gz" link.
Or you can install a tarball:
npm install foo.tar.gz
See npm install(1).
I should mention that this works equally well in package.json files. Specify the URL instead of the version in your dependencies, like so:
"dependencies": {
"foo": "",
"bar": "1.2.x",
Other temporary solution, get the github project and use npm link ( to link the local folder obtained through git to your node_modules folder in your own project. Anyway in the end, you'll have to wait for the project maintainer to do a npm publish.
Either add the module as a git sub-module (using git submodule) to your project or tell the module maintainer to update the version and trigger a npm publish to update the npm repository.
When using the sub-module way, be aware that you cannot update the reference using npm-commands.
