Convert character to code point in Vim - vim

ga is useful to get the code point of a character. However it doesn't put the results into a buffer. Right now, to convert a character to its code point, I do this:
Press ga and try to memorize the code point.
Press a and type whatever I remember because the display has now disappeared.
Press <Esc>4hga to check again to make sure I got it right.
Unsurprisingly, I make mistakes with this method. Any suggestions?
After reading this post, it looks like it would be possible to write a function. However a solution that doesn't require a lot of customization would be preferred.

The redir command will do what you want; it redirects the output of subsequent Vim commands into a file or register. As a proof of concept, I just wrote a short function to do what you want:
function GetCodepoint()
redir #"> " Redirect command output into the unnamed register
ascii " Print ASCII value of the character under the cursor
redir END " Stop redirection
Running call GetCodepoint() will save the output of the ga command into
the unnamed register (") but the redir command can be used to redirect the output of subsequent Vim commands into any register you like. See :help :redir for all the different ways that it can be called.
Also, the function is short enough that you could probably just run the
commands manually. It would depend on how often you’d be doing this.


In vim toggle case of all characters in a text file with a single command

In Vim I need to convert all lowercase to uppercase and all uppercase to lowercase with a single command. So if my text file looks like this..
Hello World
.. it needs to be toggled to look like this..
I know :%s/[a-z]/\U&/g will change all lowercase to uppercase and that :%s/[A-Z]/\L&/g will change all uppercase to lowercase. But how would I write that to do both at the same time?
In addition I know if my cursor is at the top of the file VG~ will toggle case everything but that's not the answer I need. Thank you.
<Esc> — return to Normal mode; just in case we're in Insert mode or Command line
1G — jump to the 1st line
V — start Visual mode
G — jump to the last line extending selection
~ — toggle case in the selection
g~<motion> — change case during motion; the motion is G (jump to last line)
Looks like you already know everything you need. ggVG~ marks all your code and toggles the case. If you want a single command you can either use:
:nnoremap <keybinding> ggVG~
or use this function, which does the same, but keeps your current position in the file:
function ToggleCase()
exec "normal! mqHmw"
exec "normal! ggVG~"
exec "normal! 'wzt`q"
command ToggleCase silent call ToggleCase()
the first and last exec mark your position in the file and restore them, after the case toggling. See: :h marks
type :ToggleCase to use the function. Of cause you can bind this to a keybinding as well.
:nnoremap <keybinding> :ToggleCase<cr>
Since you mentioned using a single command and you mentioned some :%s/.../ substitutions, I'll offer this one:
:%normal! g~~
This will run the g~~ command to switch case of a single line, for each line of the buffer.
One more way to accomplish this, if you're ok adopting a plug-in, is to use the kana/vim-textobj-entire plug-in for a text object for the entire buffer.
As the plug-in file says:
Though these are trivial operations (e.g. ggVG), text object versions are more handy, because you do not have to be conscious of the cursor position (e.g. vae).
With this plug-in installed and enabled, you can switch case of the whole buffer with:

Vim split function arguments

I found that I often do refactor:
def function(param1, param2, (...), paramK):
def function(
And tried to write mapping for it.
I started with
command! Split normal! qqqf(a<cr><esc>qqf s<cr><esc>#qq#qf)i<cr><esc>
qqq - reset content of macro q.
f(a<cr><esc> - find bracket, make newline and return to normal mode.
qq - start to record macro q.
f s<cr><esc> - change space to newline.
#q - run macro recursively.
q#q - end recording and run.
f)i<cr><esc> - add last newline before closing bracket.
My idea was, that macro will fail when it won't find space, but something is wrong with that. It raised some questions.
1) How can I check if some motion succeed? e.g. How to check if there is a space in current line?
2) Is there better idea to achieve what I want? Maybe some plugin or clear function?
3) What is wrong with my idea? When I run this combination from hand it works, but while calling :Split it doesn't.
Regarding why it doesn't work quite like it does when you type it manually:
When you type normal! <esc>, Vim parses this as "type the letters <, e, s, c, >". You might be able to insert a literal escape key there by typing <c-v><esc>, but that can look a bit weird in the configuration. Instead, a better way is to use the :exe command (:help :exe):
exe "normal! \<esc>"
The \<esc> gets interpolated by the string to be a literal escape key. So, the exe "normal! ..." gets translated to an invocation to normal! with the keys you're looking for. You also need to escape <cr> the same way. I'd also use \<space> instead of , I'm not entirely sure if a normal space is going to work here. After that, hopefully, you should get the same results as when you type it manually.
As for the actual problem you're trying to solve, I do have a plugin for that: splitjoin. By default, it splits your example like this:
def function(param1,
But there's a setting you can change to adjust it to your liking. Alternatively, from Jordan Running's link, it seems you could also use the argwrap plugin, which might be more reliable for argument-splitting in particular (splitjoin handles a wider variety of cases, but maybe doesn't do as good with arguments? Not sure.)
I don't understand the question. You can search for spaces with f or with the / syntax. Why do you want to do this?
Yes. See below.
The vimrc syntax is super different from normal vim syntax. I don't know why and I don't fully understand it.
nnoremap <C-r> :s/, */,\r /g<cr>:s/)/\r)<cr>:nohl<cr>
remaps ctrl+r to search for a comma followed by 0 or more spaces and replace that with a comma, newline, and tab. then searches for ) and replaces that with newline and ). then undoes the highlighting it just did.
To enter a literal tab instead of 4 spaces, you'll have to type CtrlVtab in place of the 4 spaces you see in the command

vim script exec pastes unformated text

In all honesty the title is bad. Consider the following 5 lines:
function Example()
let ## = "-_-"
execute "normal! ]P"
call cursor(line('.'), col('.')-1)
When this function is called, I expect to get -_- as output and the cursor should be moved to the left, meaning that it is at the third character, so if I press a key, like I for example I will get -_i-
What happens in reality is quite different (and to some degree interesting)
The output the first time this is called is - _- and after that it's _--
I assume that "cursor" shifts the position of the word under the cursor.
Basically: Why is it happening? How can I get the desired effect ?
Very important edit:
Apperantly the problem isn't in the plugins. When I go for:
call Example()
It works flawlessly. Thing is it is supposed to be triggered by a key. I have currently bound it like so:
inoremap ' <C-O>: call Example()<CR>
So now I am thinking that something in the mapping is broken...
I cannot reproduce your strange behavior. I get ----_-_-_-_- on repeated invocations, as expected. I again suspect there are plugins at work. Try with vim -N -u NONE. As this is a paste, there's little that could influence this function, though. You could try to workaround via :noautocmd call Example(), but I'd rather try to find the root cause of this disconcerting strangeness.
The "-_-" is not a full line, so the ]P (paste with adapted indent) has no effect here. You could just as well have used P.
To move the cursor one left, rather use :normal! h. The subtraction from col('.') again only works for single-byte ASCII characters.

VimL: Make function called through key receive input from Vim command line

So, this may not be a clear question because of the title. But here's the actual explanation:
I have this custom function, I want this function to be able to be called from the command line, this is done (:FunctionName arg), but now I need to make this function react to a certain mapping.
So when the user presses <leader>cs it will prompt the user for the arg part, mapping this is still kind of unclear to me, but also how to achieve this functionality. This is kind of what the Surround script does, where it lets you input the old character and the new character to replace it with.
I need this for my first script that I'm making BTW, which allows you to change the file's syntax in a manner similar to Sublime Text's way.
Thanks for all your help!
The simplest way is to remove the concluding <CR> from the mapping, so that it just enters command-line mode and fills the command line with your custom command:
:nnoremap <Leader>cs :FunctionName<Space>
You can then enter the arg and trigger the command with Enter.
Alternatively, you can query for user input via input() (and single characters with getchar(); obvious, isn't it?!), like this:
function! FunctionNameWithQuery()
let arg = input('arg: ')
execute 'FunctionName' arg
nnoremap <Leader>cs :call FunctionNameWithQuery()<CR>

Vim: How to handle newlines when storing multiple commands in registers?

I have a file where I store snippets of vim commands. When I need a snippet, I yank it and then execute it with #". The snippets are stored as a script, one line per command, like this:
:echo "hello"
Edit: I removed normal mode commands from the example, as they were not part of the problem.
Now this procedure doesn't work anymore: when executing the snippet, it just stops at the first line as if waiting for a newline.
Is there an option somewhere affecting how # is executed? I'm pretty sure it was working some time ago...
Substituting the newline with a ^M character works but makes the file more difficult to handle.
Additional information:
Here's another symptom: when I yank a snippet, if I execute it with #" it stops at the first line as I just explained. But if I execute it with :# it works. But the help file doesn't seem to imply any difference in how the two commands treat the register's content...
I don't think the problem is ^M vs. ^J. Vim macros will treat either one as a valid end-of-line character for recorded macros. I think the problem is extra newlines.
In your example, there's at least one spurious newline after 2j, and unless you're particularly careful when copying the snippet, there's probably another one after 10k as well. These extra newlines are like pressing <Enter> in Normal mode -- they move the cursor down one line.
Here's what I think you want the snippet to look like:
(Even that's a little misleading -- you'd still have to be careful not to copy the newline after the 10k.)
Why do these extra newlines make such a big difference? Well, for one thing, they cause you to be at least one line away from where you expect to be, which throws off anything you want to do on a particular line (like execute the :s// command).
More importantly, however -- and this is what I think is happening in your example -- is that Vim stops macro playback if the macro attempts to use <Enter> on the last line of a buffer. (I'm guessing Vim considers it an error, and any error causes a macro to stop running.)
Here's an example. Suppose you've got this snippet stored in register x:
:echo "Done"
(Notice the newline after 4j.)
Furthermore, suppose you have the following five lines (and only these five lines) in a buffer:
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
line 5
If you now press #x on line 1, the :echo "Done" never executes. Vim moves the cursor down 4 lines to line 5, then attempts to move down one more line because of the extra newline, but it can't. The macro stops executing at that point, before the :echo command gets a chance to run.
However, it works if you change the x register to this:
4j:echo "Done"
So to return to your original example, I'll bet what's happening is that the extra newline after 2j is attempting to move your cursor somewhere it can't go, and that causes the macro to stop. The bottom line of the screen contains the last command executed (:s/foo/bar/g), which makes it look like Vim is waiting for you to press Return.
Finally, I'd strongly recommend using another method to store and execute Vim command sequences. The technique you're using is tolerable for simple cases, but it's fragile and doesn't scale well. Vim has a full scripting language that includes functions and custom commands, and it can be used to do all the things you're doing now, but in a much more robust fashion. Vim scripting is a big topic, but I'd start here:
:help script
Be sure to read about the :normal command, which lets you execute Normal-mode commands (like 2j and 10k) within scripts.
Good luck!
I finally found the culprit. Somehow I had a command mapping on <C-J> in my .vimrc file. When read with the default cpoptions, this turned into a mapping on <NL>.
How I found out: I noticed that when starting vim with -u ~/.vimrc, it would indeed execute yanked snippets. I generated a session file with and without that commandline option and compared them. This way I found out that a different set of cpoptions where used to read the same .vimrc file, so that in one case the mapping was indeed on <C-J>, in the other it was converted into a mapping on <NL>!
If someone has a similar problem, I suggest to look carefully at the currently set command mappings, with :cmap.
