Formula for weighted averages - excel

This is a bit of a hybrid between a mathematical and an Excel issue. I currently have an Excel sheet with a list of yearly observations. To simplify, lets say that for five years I'm looking at:
What I would like to do is write a formula that counts the number of values in question (5 in this case), divides 100% of the weight and and makes each preceding value be worth 10% less than the last.
So in this case
2015 would be worth (roughly rounded) 24%
if you add the weight for each they add up to 100%.
As an example the numbers to be presented for weighting are:
1.225 for 2015 (5*.24)
.6615 for 2014 (3*.22)
.7938 for 2013 (4*.20)
.1786 for 2012 (1*.18)
.9645 for 2011 (6*.16)
I have calculated all of these numbers manually but would need a formula that can adapt to the number of periods being used as I will be adding more over time.

Sum of n terms (Sn) of an geometric series starting with a and having ratio r is:
Sn = a(1 − r^n)
1 − r
All you need to do is rearrange and solve for a given Sn=100, r=0.9 and n=number of terms....
a(1 − r^n) = Sn(1-r)
a = Sn(1-r)
For 5 terms:
a = 100 * (1 - 0.9) / (1 - 0.9^5) = 24.419
for 10 terms:
a = 100 * (1 - 0.9) / (1 - 0.9^10) = 15.353


Simple(r) Excel formula to calculate forward stock (inventory) cover

This is a perennial question for retailers, for which there are a number of solutions in existence:
How can you calculate the "forward cover" of a product knowing its current inventory and armed with forward sales estimates.
current inventory 100 units (cell A1)
weekly forward sales estimates: 25, 30, 10, 40, 90... (in range
Here the answer would be 3.875 weeks (3 full weeks plus 0.875 of week 4)
I have a UDF to do this already.
I also have some slightly complicated array functions to do this, eg.
I was wondering if there is a neater way with these 'new-fangled' array functions which have been available for the last few years in later versions of Excel?
Here is another possible solution, although it requires the LET() function which is only available to newer version of excel (2021, 365 and later I believe).
The solution would be the following formula:
week_full,MATCH(TRUE,inventory<cum_sum,0) - 1,
week_frac,(inventory - INDEX(cum_sum,week_full)) / INDEX(sales,week_full + 1),
week_full + week_frac
Given inventory and the forward looking sales estimates, the formula calculates the running total (i.e. cumulated sum) of the sales estimates as shown in the table here below
Inv and Sales
Cumulated Sum
Inv > Cum_Sum
The formula goes on to get the number of full weeks of 'forward cover' by finding the the value for the cumulated sum that exceeds the inventory minus one (here 4 - 1 = 3).
Lastly, for the value of the week fraction covered in the last week, the formula calculates inventory minus sum of sales estimates of all previous weeks divided by sales estimate of final week of cover (i.e. (100 - 65) / 40 = 0.875).
After simplifying the formula you used with the LET() function, I noticed it's doing exactly the same calculation with the only difference of how the cumulated sum is being calculated. Here's your formula using LET():
week_frac,(inventory - INDEX(cum_sum,week_full)) / INDEX(sales,week_full+1),
week_full + week_frac
SCAN() is perfect for creating a cumulative sum.
It can be referenced inside XMATCH because of the use of LET.
Here m returns the number of full weeks and the final calculation is the number of full weeks + (inv- cumulative sum up to the full week)/sales of the following week.

Trying to show a full years amount based on a smaller fraction of the year's total

this is my first post.
Right now, I have a limited set of data ranging from the beginning of this financial year until now. I'm trying to show what a full year's worth of that data would look like.
For example, if the number is at 10, and the data range is from 1/07/2021 - 30/12/2021 (half the year), then the end output should be 20. Or for example, turn a 12 with 3/4 of the year date range to 16 for a full years' worth.
However, my current formula would end up with 15 (10 + "half") rather than (10 + 10)
Right now this is what I have, but I know there's something off on my logic, as the output is smaller than it should be:
where E1 is the start date and F1 is the end date, and d1 is the number for that date range
Thanks in advance
endDate - startDate will give you the number of days the data covers.
(endDate - startDate) / 365 will give you what fraction of a year the sample represents.
Let’s say this works out to be 30%, or 0.30.
annualValue * 0.30 = periodValue and therefore we know that periodValue / 0.30 = annualValue.
So there it is, the cell you want the Annual Value in should be:
= periodValue / ( ( endDate - startDate) / 365 )
I will leave it to you to replace each of the three named values in my example to be the correct cell references. I suspect that’s probably:
=D1/((F1-E1)/365) which is the same as (D1*365)/(F1-E1).
The easy way to remember this is that it’s just cross-multiplication.
periodValue / days is proportionate to annualValue / 365. Thus periodValue / days = annualValue / 365. Cross-multiply and you get periodValue * 365 = annualValue * days. Divide both sides by days and you get `annualValue = (periodValue * 365)/days.

Calculate quarterly compound interest from yearly simple interest

Let's say the yearly simple interest is 10% on a principal of $100. At the end of one year, the new principal is $110. I'm trying to calculate the compound interest equivalent so by the end of the 4th quarter, the new principal should still be $110. In the example below, I'm compounding quarterly (which is incorrect) and I'm ending up with $110.38. How do I modify the formula so I end up at $110?
With your current setup:
In B5: =B2*(1+B1)^(1/4)
In B6 and drag down: =B5*(1+B$1)^(1/4).
This is technically maths rather than programming but, since Excel is a crossover, we can possibly let it through :-)
The formula for calculating initial capital plus cumulative interest on an amount of b at r% per period over n periods is:
newb = b * (1 + r/100)n
Hence, the formula for getting 10% per year with quarterly interest over that year is (using 1.1, since newb must be 10% higher than b):
1.1 = (1 + r/100)4
So, let's just give the expression 1 + r/100 the term mult for now, and we can work out the rate from that later:
mult^4 = 1.1
=> mult = ∜(1.1)
=> mult = 1.024113 (roughly)
We can then calculate that the desired interest rate is 2.4113% (by starting with mult, subtracting one, then multiplying by a hundred).
And here's the table to prove it (interest values are rouned):
Current New
Balance Interest Balance
------- -------- -------
100.00 2.41 102.41
102.41 2.47 104.88
104.88 2.53 107.41
107.41 2.59 110.00
You can see that you reach the 10% increase at the end of the fourth quarter.
In Excel, assuming A1 holds the desired annual interest rate (like 10) and B1 holds the number of periods in a year (like 4), you can calculate the periodic interest rate with:
= 100 * (power (1 + a1 / 100, 1 / b1) - 1)
as per the following screenshot (which also has the four quarterly calculations):
The formulae for the tabular cells are, if you're interested:
+ A + B + C
3 | 100 | =ROUND(a3*$c$1/100,2) | =a3+b3
4 | =c3 | =ROUND(a3*$c$1/100,2) | =a4+b4
5 | =c4 | =ROUND(a3*$c$1/100,2) | =a5+b5
6 | =c5 | =ROUND(a3*$c$1/100,2) | =a6+b6
Feel free to use them as you see fit.

Formula to Calculate Subscriber Churn Revenue

I'm trying to sum up 12 months of subscriber revenue factoring a 6% monthly churn (assuming no signups) to come up with the one-year value of a subscriber. A simple future value gives me the start and end values, but I'm looking to get the sum of the monthly declining revenues in a single Excel / Google Sheets formula. I can make 11 entries (plus the starting month full value), but is there a better one-liner or formula for this?
This gives me the 12th-month revenue:
I'd like to get the sum without this:
=100 + FV(-6%,1,0,100) + FV(-6%,2,0,100) ... FV(-6%,11,0,100)
You are looking for the sum of a finite geometric series:
1 + r + r^2 + r^3 .... + r^11
And the sum of this series is
(1 - r^12) / (1 - r)
where r = 1 - 6%
So the formula would be
= (1 - (1-6%)^12 ) / (1 - (1-6%) ) * 100
This is assuming the OP meant
=100 + FV(-6%,1,0,-100) + FV(-6%,2,0,-100) ... FV(-6%,11,0,-100)
as FV(-6%,1,0,100) would output a negative number
I don't know much about such math but would the following formula give you the result?
The formula works in both Excel and Google Spreadsheets

Find a growth rate that creates values adding to a determined total

I am trying to create a forecast tool that shows a smooth growth rate over a determined number of steps while adding up to a determined value. We have variables tied to certain sales values and want to illustrate different growth patterns. I am looking for a formula that would help us to determine the values of each individual step.
as an example: say we wanted to illustrate 100 units sold, starting with sales of 19 units, over 4 months with an even growth rate we would need to have individual month sales of 19, 23, 27 and 31. We can find these values with a lot of trial and error, but I am hoping that there is a formula that I could use to automatically calculate the values.
We will have a starting value (current or last month sales), a total amount of sales that we want to illustrate, and a period of time that we want to evaluate -- so all I am missing is a way to determine the change needed between individual values.
This basically is a problem in sequences and series. If the starting sales number is a, the difference in sales numbers between consecutive months is d, and the number of months is n, then the total sales is
S = n/2 * [2*a + (n-1) * d]
In your example, a=19, n=4, and S=100, with d unknown. That equation is easy to solve for d, and we get
d = 2 * (S - a * n) / (n * (n - 1))
There are other ways to write that, of course. If you substitute your example values into that expression, you get d=4, so the sales values increase by 4 each month.
For excel you can use this formula:
I would recommend using Excel.
This is simply a Y=mX+b equation.
Assuming you want a steady growth rate over a time with x periods you can use this formula to determine the slope of your line (growth rate - designated as 'm'). As long as you have your two data points (starting sales value & ending sales value) you can find 'm' using
m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
That will calculate the slope. Y2 represents your final sales goal. Y1 represents your current sales level. X2 is your number of periods in the period of performance (so how many months are you giving to achieve the goal). X1 = 0 since it represents today which is time period 0.
Once you solve for 'm' this will plug into the formula y=mX+b. Your 'b' in this scenario will always be equal to your current sales level (this represents the y intercept).
Then all you have to do to calculate the new 'Y' which represents the sales level at any period by plugging in any X value you choose. So if you are in the first month, then x=1. If you are in the second month X=2. The 'm' & 'b' stay the same.
See the Excel template below which serves as a rudimentary model. The yellow boxes can be filled in by the user and the white boxes should be left as formulas.
