If I use http-server with node can other devices on my network access it? - node.js

I am building a site using angularjs and want to make sure that its displaying properly on my phone. I'm aware of the Google Chrome emulator but would like to show people it directly on the phone.
I'm using http-server . to run a server at the base of my app. This was the quickest and easiest way of getting a server for local testing.
I have tried going onto the same network via wifi on my phone and then trying to get to localhost:8080 but it just gives me a "this web page is not available" error
My question is, is there a way to get my web app on my phone with http-server . or do I need to set up a proper web-server? I thought maybe it would just be simple to get it on any device attached to the same network.

Since our application(server) and devices(in which you want to access the application) running on same network.
You can access this with the help of IP address.
Let say, your app is running on
So you can access it as localhost:3000 on local machine.
And as on devices which is using the same network.

any device can access to server. Use ip in device not use localhost

Use ngrok https://ngrok.com/ , ngrok expose your localhost behind a NAT or firewall to the internet , easy to use , after install just type on command line ;
ngrok 7070
then it gives you a link like ; 3g87g9g.ngrok.com

Use ifconfig utility if you are in linux or use any other tool to get the ip address of your phone (Web server), for example is IP address of the phone.
You can access the web page from any other device in the network by going to in the browser.
Note that 8080 is the port to your server application, you select the port from node.js


getting issues while trying to call api (local host) from real ios device(Mac OS)

first, I run the nodeJs server on localhost
then I tried to call API's from my real ios device, but I’m getting issues while connecting with local host
everything in working fine in case of android device and emulator
Try binding the backend on if you want to test from a different device, but in the same network. The will listen on all network interfaces where localhost might only listen to your local loopback net device.
You should also point to your network address where the backend is running from your iOS device.
You may find this other stack overflow question helpful.
That localhost URL would make the iPhone try to reach out to itself, you need to set that variable to an IP or URL that the iPhone can actually reach out to. You may find it helpful to use a tunnelling service like ngrok which will make an external URL that your server's localhost can be reached at.

Why cant I access my react app from another device?

So im trying to access my React web application with ipadress and the portnumber 3000. I tried from another computer and from another phone. But the webpage keeps on loading and then tells me it can't reach the website. Why not?
Here is the github link for my project:
Make Sure Your Computer and Phone or computer are connected to same
Open command prompt and type ipconfig and Copy Ipv4 address.
In your phone or another computer open URL http://(Ipv4 adress):(port
And you will get it
Else you can also use ngrok to access your react app anywhere.

node js send html to network rather than only localhost server

I'm using node js trying to send my web-page to my network, I successfully call localhost:port in my computer using express as server, the webpage loads fine trigger my webcam which I used to streaming in the webpage, and then im working to make a simple app in my phone to directly access my server, so my questions:
1.How do I able to access my server from different devices in the same wireless-network? by calling ip + port ? ? cause i've tried and it didnt work.
2.I've found https with .pem something like that, is that the answer ? is there also any other way ?
3.maybe any advice before i work to make my web-app to devices? using koa? i don't even really know what is that, but i'm happily take any advices.
EDIT: i've read How could others, on a local network, access my NodeJS app while it's running on my machine?
let's say I simply using random router, so i can't configure my router-port, my server in my pc and my phone join in the same network, trying to access the server in my phone
1.How do I able to access my server from different devices in the same wireless-network?
All you need to do is find your server's IP address in this same wireless-network, and find the Node.js application's port. Then access the following URL in other devices:
However, there are some points need to check:
Need to check firewall and confirm the port is not blocked, server IP is not blocked by test device, and test device IP is not blocked by server.
Need to check whether there is any Proxy setting in server and test device. If there is any, disable the proxy.
A computer may have many IP addresses at the same time, you need to find the correct one in the same wireless-network. For example, If you install a virtual machine software such as VMware and run a virtual system inside, your real computer will get IP address as 192.168.*.* -- this IP address looks like an intranet IP in wireless-network, but it is not, and can never be accessed by test device.
2.I've found https with .pem something like that, is that the answer?
No, HTTPS has nothing to do with this problem. HTTPS just add security (based on HTTP layer), it does not impact any HTTP connectivity. Actually, to minify the problem, it is better to only use HTTP in your scenario.
There is only one very special case that may bring your problem by HTTPS -- the test machine is configured and will block any non-HTTPS connection for security.
3.maybe any advice before i work to make my web-app to devices? using koa?
My suggestion is: As there is an HTTP connectivity issue, the first step is trying to find the root cause of that issue. Thus, it is better to make a simplest HTTP server using native Node.js, no Koa, no Express. In this way, the complexity of server will be reduced, which makes root cause investigation easier.
After the HTTP connectivity issue is fixed, you can pick up Koa or Express or any other mature Node.js web framework to help the web-app work.
4.let's say I simply using random router, so i can't...
Do you mean your server get dynamic IP address by DHCP? As long as the IP is not blocked by test device, it does not matter.

How can I host a node.js website on the my local network?

I have created a web app with node.js but i want to test it on my phone and other devices.
Something like prepros works for static sites as you put in your ip address on any device on the same wifi network and it will display the page.
How wold i set up my node app so it works on the network not just on localhost?
You need to use the ip instead of, it will make the server listens all interface.
You may need to use sudo to listen that IP.

What is the best way to test a video chat application locally?

If I am running a local server that is hosting a video chat application what is the best way to test the application with another user? Lets say I have two computers, is there a way I can allow computer B to connect to the local server that is running on computer A? The goal is to simply test whether the video chat application works properly in two completely different browsers running on separate computers. If there is a way I can trick the app into thinking the computer that is running the local server is another host, please let me know.
But Remember that the app needs access to the computers webcam. Thanks!
Addition Info: Nodejs application that uses the Tokbox, express, and socket.io APIs
Just make sure your web server is listening on a routable IP like "", which you specify when you call http.createServer(port, ip, handler). Then point the browsers at the server's IP address such as (fill in your specific IP and port). You can use the command ifconfig -a on linux or osx to get your server's local IP address, and ipconfig on windows.
