Want to show create time for some files. - linux

I was writing perl and run it in window system pretty good .
But when i transfer the perl script from windows system to Linux.
And run in Linux system , i get wrong date/time.
Need some help. Thanks.
The source code in Perl
if (($file =~ m/(\d)(\S+)\.csv/) && ($flag == 0))
$datetime_string = ctime( stat($file)->ctime );
while ($line=<para_file>)
if ($line =~ /0\,170\,16\,/)
$cal = $cal + 1;
$file will be my file name. The windows date & time on create are correct but don't understand why in LINUX it give me the wrong date & time.
Output of generation , from windows
9023-0 50000 5111 10.22 Mon Jul 21 17:44:38 2014
9023-2 100000 23251 23.25 Fri Apr 11 10:12:19 2014
9024_AHG 5000 0 0.00 Thu Nov 27 15:28:55 2014
Output of generation , from linux
9023-0 50000 5111 10.22 Thu Jul 30 16:45:25 2015
9023-2 100000 23251 23.25 Thu Jul 30 16:45:25 2015
9024_AHG 5000 0 0.00 Thu Jul 30 16:45:25 2015

The problem here isn't what you're doing, it's that you misunderstand what ctime is. Linux filesystems record a change time not a creation time.
mtime denotes modification of file content. ctime denotes modification of attributes. As a result, they may well be the same number.
However what you cannot get is "create time" because the EXT filesystem doesn't record it. (Other filesystem formats may - NTFS for example - but I'm not sure I'd suggest using NTFS on a Linux box!)


Convert GMT timestamp to local time using Bash and GNU tools

I am getting results to a log file that contain a line like this:
date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 22:33:34 GMT
I want to use only Bash and GNU tools on my Ubuntu Linux box if possible to convert this to my local time "Eastern" or Michigan/Detroit. It should work even on Daylight Saving Time or if past/before Midnight. I want the result stored in a variable in a common format such as 2020-12-01 for December 1, 2020. One variable for the military time, a second for the date would probably be best. I can calculate the "Sat/Sun/Mon/etc" and probably don't need that anyway.
I would expect the "cut" command could separate out the different fields, but how to deal with GMT?
datime="date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 22:33:34 GMT"
#magic happens
echo dalocaltime is $dalocaltime and dalocaldate is $dalocaldate
dalocaltime is 14:20:33 and dalocaldate is 2020-01-30
This works for me, but I can't explain the ${datime#* } part
datime="date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 22:33:34 GMT"
dalocaltime=$(date -d "${datime#* }" '+%R')
dalocaldate=$(date -d "${datime#* }" '+%Y-%m-%d')
echo dalocaltime is $dalocaltime and dalocaldate is $dalocaldate

Time zone mismatch calling date via ssh

I'm getting two different timezones on Linux (CENTOS 5.6) depending on whether date is called locally or via ssh:
foo$ ssh me#bar date
Tue Nov 5 18:08:32 EST 2013
foo$ ssh me#bar
bar$ date
Tue Nov 5 17:09:16 CST 2013
/etc/localtime is set to central time:
$ ls -l /etc/localtime
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Nov 5 13:10 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/CST6CDT
TZ is set to America/Chicago in .bash_profile. If that line is commented out, time zone comes back as eastern rather than central.
I'm assuming this all means the computer believes in its heart that it's on eastern rather than central time and the TZ setting in the shell just overrides this, but I can't figure out WHY the computer thinks it's in eastern time.
It turned out that a runaway process somewhere had actually overwritten the central time timezone file with an eastern time timezone file. Not easy to find, as the file contents are binary!
Did you check -> /etc/sysconfig/clock ?

rdiff-backup fatal errors, relevant increments found?

I'm running rdiff-backup to backup some folders on a remote system.
rdiff-backup root#<REMOTESERVER>::/apps/myapp/shared/system /home/backups/system
echo "$(date): Completed... removing backup data older than 4 weeks"
rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 4W /home/backups/system
echo "$(date): Completed..."
Running this leads to errors though during the --remove-older-than command:
Fatal Error: Found 81 relevant increments, dated:
Wed Aug 29 00:41:47 2012
Thu Aug 30 00:57:49 2012
Fri Aug 31 01:04:03 2012
Sat Sep 1 00:44:59 2012
Sun Sep 2 00:41:49 2012
Mon Sep 3 00:41:39 2012
If you want to delete multiple increments in this way, use the --force.
So yeah, I can probably just put --force on it, but I'd like to understand what's going on here and haven't been able to find much on this problem.
Any ideas?
It's just rdiff-backup making sure you really mean it. The usual workflow for --remove-older-than is to run regularly, removing just the oldest increment. In order to avoid data-loss, rdiff-backup requires you to be really sure before letting you remove multiple increments at once.

Real-time display of `date` changes on Linux

On an embedded Linux device that does not present /dev/rtc*, how can I set off a console window writing the value of the Real-Time Clock to the console, on the tick, every time it changes?
Results would be like:
$ **someCmd**
Mon Mar 14 16:43:22 UTC 2011
Mon Mar 14 16:43:23 UTC 2011
Mon Mar 14 16:43:24 UTC 2011
Mon Mar 14 16:43:25 UTC 2011
Mon Mar 14 16:43:26 UTC 2011
The device is armv5tejl running BusyBox v1.13.3.
Use the watch commad, try this is:
watch -n 1 date
I don't know how much the BusyBox shell supports, but in sh you could do something like this:
{ while true ; do date ; sleep 0.1 ; done } | uniq

one week information of alertlofile

I want to view the ORA errors in alertlogfile of past 7 (monday-sunday)days,
by writting in shell scripts.
Can anybody help me.
Something like:
sed -n -e '/start_time/,/end_time/ {/ORA/ p}' logfile
or with awk
$ start="Fri Feb 27 08:00:00 2009"
$ end="Fri Mar 6 08:00:00 2009"
$ awk -v prev="$start" -v last="$end" '$0 ~ prev,$0 ~ last' logfile
A more sophisticated script looking for last date entries in ORA file is available here, but also at dba-oracle.com
This does not answer exactly your request but might give you some clues to start your own script.
I want the scripts which give output as follows (one week errors) and it should be mail to my id.
Sat Mar 14 10:30:51 IST 2009
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 2 - see DBWR trace file
Sat Mar 12 12:35:06 IST 2009
ORA-01110: data file 2: '/u02/oradata/Globe/undotbs01.dbf'
Sat Mar 10 09:54:05 IST 2009
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Sat Mar 08 :15:02 IST 2009
ORA-1157 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE OPEN...
Sat Mar 07 12:35:51 IST 2009
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 2 - see DBWR trace file
