htaccess to replace url within source code - .htaccess

is there a way to replace a url being called on all pages in the source code via htaccess? I'm unable to change the code on the pages but have access to htaccess.
Example: each page calls a stylesheet form an external url. I want to change this via htacess to point to my own url elsewhere.
I tried this without success:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule
^$ [L]
This worked for a different project successfully when the url being replaced both resided on my own domain but the urls called on all pages are for an external url.
Thank you

If it is a third party URL that isn't on your server, you won't be able to redirect it with any configuration on your server.
You could edit your code to change the URLs.
You could also use an Apache filter to modify the output to substitute the URLs before they are sent to the client.
xlate is the name of the filter, it will be applied to all HTML files and the command that will be executed is sed s#oldURL#newURL#g
ExtFilterDefine xlate mode=output cmd="/bin/sed s#oldURL#newURL#g"
<Directory /var/www/html/stuff>
AddOutputFilter xlate html


How do I redirect a web URL using .htaccess

I want to redirect users who enter this website URL:
I cant test it because I'm sending this to somebody.
I have these but I don't know for sure which one works:
RedirectMatch 301*) $1
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewriterule ^bananas(.*)$ $1 [r=301,nc]
Please specify if you want to redirect or rewrite. The rules you are using serve different purposes and you used both in your example.
Redirect: Actually load a different site when entering the url (end up at url and content of /fruits/bananas)
Rewrite: Url stays the same but server provides rewritten content (url stays at /bananas, but show /fruits/bananas content)
Also it is not clear if you only want one single directory to be redirected or all files that are contained in that directory.
Checkout this as a guide:
I believe you are looking for
Redirect 301 /bananas
The HTTP 301 stands for Moved Permanently.
I haven't tested it, though.

PHP redirect & url rewrite

I have tried already a couple of ways using URL redirect, but I am no good in php.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/Folder/([0-9]+)$
I have a problem, the sub folders & files of my server are case-sensitive, for example:
How can I make them case insensitive, or redirect alternative spellings to:
I also want to hide the actual URL of all sub folders and files, e.g. only the below should be shown, not any sub-items.:
I have no CMS, only static HTML pages.
You can use mod_speling to allow case-insensitive URLs. It is bundled with the default installation of Apache; you just have to enable it in .htaccess:
CheckSpelling On
To hide files, turn directory listings off:
Options -Indexes

.htaccess redirect from subdirectory to another domains subdirectory accordingly

I am trying to make a redirect from my primary domain to an secondary domain, but only if the primary domain's request is to a sub directory.
The sub directory I want to redirect from is FTP, so if the user makes the following request:
it would be transformed to
but if the user makes a request that does not involve the FTP folder, the user will not be redirected. Like so: or
I am, however; a bit lost when it comes to making .htaccess files. What I have tried to do so far is:
# Redirect users
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^ftp(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]
Any directions or samples would be great :)
No need to use the rewrite engine for simple redirects. I think you just want to use the Redirect directive:
Redirect /FTP
By default, this will result in a "temporary" redirect response (HTTP status 302). If you're sure the URL of the second site will never change, you can cause a "permanent" redirect response (HTTP status 301) by adding the permanent argument:
Redirect permanent /FTP
Also, note that the path of URLs is case-sensitive. If you want to also redirect, you will either need to add a rule with the lowercase path,
Redirect /ftp
or use mod_speling.

Website pages with slashes

Just building a site using php. I would like to know how to create pages without having to make ".php" links for every page. For example I want to build the site to be as follows: instead of (Further example )
An example of what I am looking for is as follows:
Any idea how starbucks is doing this? It isn't making a separate folder and index for every page is it?
Thanks in advance!
You can use URL rewriting to do this. You can create a .htaccess file, place it in the root directory of your website with the following content (as an example):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^tutorial/([0-9]+)/$ index.php?tutorial=$1
RewriteRule ^page/store-locator/$ index.php?page=store-locator
RewriteRule ^$ index.php
These are some basic rules that tell the web server to rewrite a URL without .php to a URL that does have .php.
In the above example, when you are visiting, it will actually visit and then your index.php will display the contents. It's similar for the store-locator page.

htaccess to redirect url with params

I have to redirect a url to another url with all its parameters using htaccess.
My incoming url will be something like this:
and I want to get it in PHP (book-it.php) as something like this (with all its parameters):
I was using JSP and from now on moving to PHP and we need to use same URL since this url is already published with my application and I can't change that now. I need to get that url and parameters to another file.
You have 2 main approaches:
1) Using Redirect directive:
Redirect 301 /book-it.jsp
2) Using mod_rewrite module (this needs to be placed in .htaccess in website root folder. If placed in Apache config file (inside <VirtualHost>, for example) the rules need to be modified slightly):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^book-it\.jsp$ [QSA,NC,R=301,L]
Both of them will preserve query string.
