Push notifications-Android Studio - android-studio

I am planning to do small project which involves notification's widely but I have no idea where to start from, I need a particular type of notification's which is used in news paper app's.
In this process the app will not be updated but still notify a user of new messages or events and I want to make the message appear in the status bar.

You'll need to learn about Google Cloud Messaging GCM tutorial
And you'll have to learn about Android NotificationManager Notification Manager tutorial. Good luck 👍


Sending push notifications when published product

It is necessary to send a push-notification to all users on the phones (iOS to Android), that a new product has been added to the store.
How can this be realized? I would like to see an example
I'd be tempted to look at a complete solution:
This works with both Android and iOS.
Without repeating what the documentation already states, this should do what you're looking for.

Is it possible to make a receiver app for chrome tab

I'm posting here because I didn't find any satisfying answer anywhere.
The question is quiet simple. I see a lot of application implementing the cast feature on Android. The issue is that even if I have a brand new smart TV, it actually doesn't support the cast feature of the majority of my apps.
For example, my TV has a Youtube app so I can cast youtube videos from the youtube app on my phone to my TV.
Now I would like to cast my favorite streaming app to my TV but my TV is not found. So I'm thinking, okay let's try to make an app for my TV that will receive that kind of command.
I know that I can make an app for my TV. Before starting that ambitious project, I want to be sure that the google cast sdk will allow me to write such receiver app.
Do you think this is possible ? Or do we really need one receiver app for every emitter app ?
YouTube uses its own discovery protocol beyond what the Cast SDK supports. Apps need to integrate the Cast SDK in their senders and implement receivers that support their authentication and DRM.

Launching app from Google assistant via Dialogflow

I'm using Dialogflow to interact with my users (they can ask questions, ask to receive reports etc...) and I would like to launch an Android application when they invoke one the intents I created, is there a way to that?
Short answer: Not really.
Longer answer: While you can't have one of your Actions trigger any Android Intent directly, you do have a few options to strongly suggest to a user that they do so. For example:
You can use something like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to trigger a notification/event.
If you're relying on the screen of the Android device, you can send a card that includes a URL, and that URL can deep link into your application if you've configured it.

GKTurnBasedMatch Invite is declined by game center

I am developing 2 player Turn based game using game center. I have create a match by inviting my friend using game center view controller. I have played my turn after few seconds i got response the invite was declined (checked on log). I thought the reason behind was my friend didn't have my game on his devices, So he didn't get invite notification.
But I have tested letterpress Game as same above my friend, He got invite notification while clicks on notification its navigated to app store letterpress game page on device to force to download the letterpress app. From my side the match status showing awaiting for my frinds turn. If player doesn't have letterpress game, he is getting notification and the match notification didn't decline by game center. Does letterpress game integrated with iOS Game center. How is letterpress game getting invite notification?
Can anyone please Guide me on this issues?
You say you're developing a game, but I'm not clear if you have publicly released it yet? If not, then I'm not surprised that invitee's gamecenter would issue an auto-decline since there's no app on the appstore for it to download.
For pre-release testing, I've had really good results distributing my apps using Testflight. It's reasonably easy to add builds to Testflight, it's reasonably easy to manage the list of recipients, and it's quite easy to notify your testers when new builds are available. On their end, it's easy to open the Testflight app and install the new build.

What type of ListView is this?

What kind of list view is in this navigation drawer? It has two sections. One with Inbox, starred, sent mail, drafts and the other with all mail, trash, spam & follow up.
So is it a sectional ListView without section headers or are these two ListViews?
Found the image here: http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/typography.html#typography-standard-styles
Google offers I/O 2014 app source code as Material Design sample code
The Google I/O 2014 app has successfully lived up to its initial purpose of providing scheduling for Google I/O attendees and allowing us at home to check in and watch the keynote presentation, as well as other live-streamed sessions. But what happens to the app now?
Instead of leaving the app to be forgotten in the Google Play Store, Google has decided to use the app as a shining light for developers. Google updated the I/O 2014 app with Material Design and the Android L developer preview before making the full source code free and available for developers to download and utilize as a template for their own apps.
Although the majority of actual benefits of the Google I/O 2014 app were only good during the two days of conference back in June, the app now offers developers examples of a number of features and techniques. Developers can look forward to sample code for:
Google Drive API
Google Cloud Messaging
Android L developer preview
Android Wear
Video streaming
Reminders and alarms
NFC scanning and beaming
Feedback mechanisms
In addition to simply just dropping the code on developers, there is also some reference material available on the project git page, expect also to see video tutorials coming soon through the developer channel.
Once you’ve got your Android L device or emulator up and rolling, grab the source code for the Google I/O 2014 app from the GitHub page and get on building your own Material Design apps.
maybe this is what you are looking for
