Linux Terminal Simulator - text-based

I am planning on making a command shell game, and I want to know what the best way to provide a shell environment is for this.
I would like to be able to provide most of the standard utilities most terminal-users would expect from a terminal, such as grep, awk, sed, or man, but I also need to be able to customize and modify some of it (in particular ssh, all network interfacing, and a custom package manager) to be able to provide the intended gameplay.
In particular, I need to be able to display images in the terminal, e.g. via fbi, although there is no need to be able to use a full graphical environment - no X.
I've considered various computer emulators such as v86.js or jslinux. These could be customized by providing a disk image, and work exactly like real computers - I would just need to modify the disk image to get it to work the way I want. Doing this approach, I would certainly learn a lot about the inner workings of linux, but it would take a lot of time to do this.
Another option would be to implement my own console to do this. This might be simpler to do, but I don't think I would be able to provide as authentic an experience this way.
What would be the best (easiest/simplest) way to create/customize a command shell for this purpose?


Is there any way to create a ".exe" in linux?

I have a Shell Script game and i want to create the equivalent in linux of a .exe in order to share this game with my friends but without them being able to see the code. Is there any way to do it?
If your friends are just casual users, then you can use something like shc (shell script compiler). However, it's possible for skilled enough users to decompile anything that their computer can run, so you shouldn't rely on this for anything resembling real security. For example, UnSHc exists, and as you might guess from its name, it can turn an shc binary back into a regular shell script.

How to protect my script from copying and modifying in it?

I created expect script for customer and i fear to customize it like he want without returning to me so I tried to encrypt it but i didn't find a way for it
Then I tried to convert it to excutable but some commands was recognized by active tcl like "send" command even it is working perfectly on red hat
So is there a way to protect my script to be reading?
It's usually enough to just package the code in a form that the user can't directly look inside. Even the smallest of speed-bump stops them.
You can use sdx qwrap to parcel your script up into a starkit. Those are reasonably resistant to random user poking, while being still technically open (the sdx tool is freely available, after all). You can convert the .kit file it creates into an executable by merging it with a packaged runtime.
In short, it's basically like this (with some complexity glossed over):
tclkit sdx.kit qwrap myapp.tcl
tclkit sdx.kit unwrap myapp.kit
# Copy additional assets into myapp.vfs if you need to
tclkit sdx.kit wrap myapp.exe -runtime C:\path\to\tclkit.exe
More discussion is here, the tclkit runtimes are here, and sdx itself can be obtained in .kit-packaged form here. Note that the runtime you use to run sdx does not need to be the same that you package; you can deploy code for other platforms than the one you are running from. This is a packaging phase action, not a compilation or linking.
Against more sophisticated users (i.e., not Joe Ordinary User) you'll want the Tcl Compiler out of the ActiveState TclDevKit. It's a code-obscurer formally (it doesn't actually improve the performance of anything) and the TDK isn't particularly well supported any more, but it's the main current solution for commercial protection of Tcl code. I'm on a small team working on a true compiler that will effectively offer much stronger protection, but that's not yet released (and really isn't ready yet).
One way is to store the essential code running in your server as back-end. Just give the user a fron-end application to do the requests. This way essential processes are on your control, and user cannot access that code.

Securely running user's code

I am looking to create an AI environment where users can submit their own code for the AI and let them compete. The language could be anything, but something easy to learn like JavaScript or Python is preferred.
Basically I see three options with a couple of variants:
Make my own language, e.g. a JavaScript clone with only very basic features like variables, loops, conditionals, arrays, etc. This is a lot of work if I want to properly implement common language features.
1.1 Take an existing language and strip it to its core. Just remove lots of features from, say, Python until there is nothing left but the above (variables, conditionals, etc.). Still a lot of work, especially if I want to keep up to date with upstream (though I just could also just ignore upstream).
Use a language's built-in features to lock it down. I know from PHP that you can disable functions and searching around, similar solutions seem to exist for Python (with lots and lots of caveats). For this I'd need to have a good understanding of all the language's features and not miss anything.
2.1. Make a preprocessor that rejects code with dangerous stuff (preferably whitelist based). Similar to option 1, except that I only have to implement the parser and not implement all features: the preprocessor has to understand the language so that you can have variables named "eval" but not call the function named "eval". Still a lot of work, but more manageable than option 1.
2.2. Run the code in a very locked-down environment. Chroot, no unnecessary permissions... perhaps in a virtual machine or container. Something in that sense. I'd have to research how to achieve this and how to make it give me the results in a secure way, but that seems doable.
Manually read through all code. Doable on a small scale or with moderators, though still tedious and error-prone (I might miss stuff like if ( = 0)).
The way I imagine 2.2 to work is like this: run both AIs in a virtual machine (or something) and constrain it to communicate with the host machine only (no other Internet or LAN access). Both AIs run in a separate machine and communicate with each other (well, with the playing field, and thereby they see each other's positions) through an API running on the host.
Option 2.2 seems the most doable, but also relatively hacky... I let someone's code loose in a virtualized or locked down environment, hoping that that'll keep them in while giving them free game to DoS or break out of the environment. Then again, most other options are not much better.
TL;DR: in essence my question is: how do I let people give me 'logic' for an AI (which I think is most easily done using code) and then run that without compromising the functionality of the system? There must be at least 2 AIs working on the same playing field.
This is really just a plugin system, so researching how others implement plugins is a good starting point. In particular, I'd look at web browsers like Chrome and Safari and their plugin systems.
A common theme in modern plugins systems is process isolation. Ideally you should run the plugin in its own process space in a sandbox. In OS X look at XPC, which is designed explicitly for this problem. On Linux (or more portably), I would probably look at NaCl (Native Client). The JVM is also designed to provide sandboxing, and offers a rich selection of languages. (That said, I don't personally consider the JVM a very strong sandbox. It's had a history of security problems.)
In general, my preference on these kinds of projects is a language-agnostic API. I most often use REST APIs (or "REST-like"). This allows the plugin to be highly restricted, while not restricting the language choice. I like simple HTTP for communications whenever possible because it has rich support in numerous languages, so it puts little restriction on the plugin. In fact, given your description, you wouldn't even have to run the plugin on your hardware (and certainly not on the main server). Making the plugins remote clients removes many potential concerns.
But ultimately, I think something like your "2.2" is the right direction.

Writing a Linux Terminal emulator

I'd like to write a x11 terminal emulator, but I don't know how I should spawn and communicate with the shell, is there any basic (pseudo- or C) code for that? like what sort of PTY to create, how to bind the shell to it, what signals I have to catch or send, etc. don't really feel like sorting through the whole xterm sources.
EDIT: oh and I want to implement a way of communicating with any applications in it, how shall I do the feature discovery? some hidden ansi sequence in the "clients", hoping it's not colliding with other terminal emulators? some environment variable, hoping it's not colliding with the "clients" or removed by the shell?
YAT (yet another terminal) is suitable for embedding in Qt Quick programs. Contributions for improvement are welcome. (Disclaimer: a friend started that project, and I work on it sometimes.) It takes a mostly correct approach (e.g. it uses a Linux pseudo-terminal properly, something I didn't know about before my friend was explaining that), and has a lot of features; however the parser is written from scratch and is not feature-complete or bug-free yet.
Unfortunately most terminal implementations so far have been starting from scratch, or with a one-off monolithic fork (from rxvt for example), which is a lot of work and results in all of them being incomplete. So I think a better alternative would be to use a reusable logic-only library called libvterm: or to base your terminal on one which already uses that. That way if you find bugs and fix them, you'll improve the whole ecosystem. is interesting, and works (at least somewhat) but is a prime candidate to be rewritten with libvterm, IMO. If you are into immediate-mode rendering in OpenGL, it might be a good choice anyway. does use libvterm, and adds a few features which libvterm doesn't have, for inline graphics rendering (ReGIS and PNG). But the code is not elegant enough or portable enough, IMO, and the graphics rendering "floats" over the text rather than being truly inline. It still might be an adequate starting point for some use cases. In my fork I got it to build with mostly modern system libraries, however it still depends on an outdated version of SDL, which is included.
OK, if anyone also need this, and is using lua, I found the library works fine. still testing ansi escapes and stuff, but should work.

What language is easiest to develop command line/simple GUI for Linux?

I need to develop a large set of tools to be run from the server command line (i.e. not client-server architecture). The systems does not have to be high-performance; I just want something that is easy to develop with.
Which technologies are out there I can use to build simple GUI to be run from the command line? I need only menus where I can select a line/check-box/enter free text in a dialog.
Edit: forgot to add, access to Mysql (i.e. drivers available) is essential.
Shell, with dialog, the old stand-by -
EDIT- If it's MySQL-related, take a look at PERL-Tk and DBI.
python + ncurses would be a good combo here.
i like using perl's from the Devel::REPL library for quickie cli interfaces. read on a bit for my rationale before downvoting!
in this type of app it sounds like you will be doing query-type operations. these naturally lend themselves to a "repl" style interraction. gives you all of the goodies, namely command editing and history. all you need to write are the functions that users will call. the nice thing is that users who know perl will realize they can use any installed module to extend the functionality of your system on their own. i my case, i used to create a mysqlclient-like tool to access and display data that was being compressed in a way that the standard mysqlclient couldn't deal with.
i cite perl because it's DBI is the best database abstraction and it is what i have used....but the rationale can be extended to other tools. python's repl or any other would provide the same benefit.
You could use Mono for Linux and write your program in C# .NET, then make it work for Linux, since Mono allows so.
As far as graphic command line interfaces go, one of the best frameworks is ncurses. It abstracts away most of the ugliness associated with graphic command line applications.
I have to say, use Python, because I like it.
But text-based interfaces are pretty much not worth it, because they seem like a good idea until you look at the details:
There isn't really a standard keyboard navigation model for text-UIs; they all use their own scheme
How is unicode supported? (Hint: this is nontrivial)
What about different keyboard layouts? What key does someone press if their keyboard doesn't have, say, a "home", "end", or "Escape" ?
ncurses does not provide a widget set, only low-level operations. The answers to the above questions aren't easy.
It really shows that nobody has put much thought into keyboard-and-text-driven terminal-based UIs recently, or these would all have been solved.
Web interfaces have them solved, in fact, you can use a text-mode web browser if you like.
Modern devices like i(phone|pad)s and even cheap mobile phones have a web browser which is good enough.
It is easy to write a web application which uses a very simple style (few images, little Javascrfipt) and have it work without much effort on a variety of devices.
So I would say go with dmckee's comment "go with what you know".
By building your own terminal-based interface, you are going to box yourself into a corner in the long term.
