Google Freebase Search API Alternative? - search

Google deprecated their Freebase Search API, and is transferring things over to Wikidata, however there appears to be no replacement for their Freebase Search API ( that:
Autosuggesting entities (e.g. Freebase Suggest Widget)
Getting a ranked list of the most notable entities with a given name.
Finding entities using Search Metaschema.
Moreover, it would also take in malformed strings and correct them, and return nice detailed relevancy rankings, along with the associated freebase topic id. I can't find anything in their Custom Search API that returns any information relevant to their, or any other knowledge graph.
Ideally would like something that I can query similar to this and returns a result like they used to:
For example, a query of "Nirvana" in the Freebase Search API would return:
"status":"200 OK",
"notable":{"name":"Record Producer","id":"/music/producer"},
"notable":{"name":"Musical Album","id":"/music/album"},
"notable":{"name":"Musical Group","id":"/music/musical_group"},
"name":"Nirvana Sutra",
Note the relevance, and Freebase mid.
Essentially are there any alternatives out there, either open source, or commercial that replaces this much needed functionality?

I've used the Prismatic Interest graph API for somewhat similar functionality. My use-case was a bit different (tagging documents with topics) but looking at their API endpoints you might be able to duplicate the functionality you described above with a query to topic/search (search for topics that match a search string) and a query to topic/topic to search for similar topics (sorted by score).
As David notes in the comments below, the Prismatic Interest Graph API has been discontinued.
Also, the Google Knowledge Graph Search API now seems to be the intended replacement for the Freebase Search API.

How about the Google Knowledge Graph Search API? There is also a web application exposing the API.

The :BaseKB project offers Freebase data (plus some other data) as RDF. :BaseKB's data can be downloaded for free or easily run on an AWS instance for live queries. The AWS machine image contains a Virtuoso database so you can query it with the SPARQL query language.


CrossRef API query.affiliation for a multi word string

I'm learning to use the CROSSREF rest API, and want to search for all DOI's with affiliation to a given university. How do I create a multi word search query for AND, not AND/OR?
There are over 100 million DOI's on CrossRef, but only 8217730 have authors affiliation metadata.
Now if I want to query search for affiliations with "University of Southern Mississippi," I could use mississippi+university+southern, but this return AND/OR the three words.
I want only affiliations with all three words.
This returns all with the word university or southern or mississippi
CrossRef field query instructions are here
and a github comment about the topic is here and here
The problem is the sample parameter in your URI. The sample parameter gives you random result.
Being able to select random results is useful for both testing and sampling. You can use the sample parameter to retrieve random results.
API description for Sample
So if you want to query just for all results of '' then use the URI without the sample part. Like:
CrossRef API doesn’t support Boolean operators. The query.affiliation path returns multiple results with scores. You will see the highest score in the resulting json has a key: value out of ‘chosen: true’.
I believe that they have recently transitioned from Solr to Elasticsearch - - which supports Boolean search - - but I’m not sure how to use it on CrossRef API endpoints not if you even can.

Search for multiple attributes with forge viewer

The AutoDesk Forge Viewer has a search function that takes in a search text, callbacks and an array of attributes to look at:
but what I want to do is search for a certain value in the "Level" attribute and a certain value in the "Category"-attribute of element at the same time.
Is this possible with the existing search-function or am I missing something in the API?
Cannot be done, the search feature in the viewer API is pretty basic, will let you search a text only in the property values and you cannot use combined queries ... The best suggestion for what you are looking for would be to read all the properties, which can be done using Model Derivatives API (see /GET :urn/metadata/:guid/properties endpoint) and store those in your own database/system, where they can be indexed and exposed through a more powerful query mechanism. Sorry for the bad news ...

Venues/SuggestCompletion doesn't give any results

I know for a fact that there are atleast 5-6 POI within the 50 mile radius in this area. However, I don't get any results on this query.,167.92&query=milford&radius=50000
I see results when I try search api (it doesnt use query as mentioned in documentation):,167.92&intent=checkin&query=milford&radius=50000
No results with intent match on the search query.
I really like the suggestcompletion api (compact). Any suggestion/input would be great?
The suggestcompletion endpoint is used to suggest venues whose names start with the provided query. The endpoint is used to provide autocomplete results for search input fields. It is not used as a general purpose venue search - you should use the /venues/search endpoint for this purpose.
looks like you have missed out the API version param. You need to denote it by adding this into your request :
suggestCompletion is included into newer API released on 20150826 which differs from default one that not including suggestCompletion feature.

Retrieve analyzed tokens from ElasticSearch documents

Trying to access the analyzed/tokenized text in my ElasticSearch documents.
I know you can use the Analyze API to analyze arbitrary text according your analysis modules. So I could copy and paste data from my documents into the Analyze API to see how it was tokenized.
This seems unnecessarily time consuming, though. Is there any way to instruct ElasticSearch to returned the tokenized text in search results? I've looked through the docs and haven't found anything.
This question is a litte old, but maybe I think an additional answer is necessary.
With ElasticSearch 1.0.0 the Term Vector API was added which gives you direct access to the tokens ElasticSearch stores under the hood on per document basis. The API docs are not very clear on this (only mentioned in the example), but in order to use the API you have to first indicate in your mapping definition that you want to store term vectors with the term_vector property on each field.
Have a look at this other answer: elasticsearch - Return the tokens of a field. Unfortunately it requires to reanalyze on the fly the content of your field using the script provided.
It should be possible to write a plugin to expose this feature. The idea would be to add two endpoints to:
allow to read the lucene TermsEnum like the solr TermsComponent does, useful to make auto-suggestions too. Note that it wouldn't be per document, just every term on the index with term frequency and document frequency (potentially expensive with a lot of unique terms)
allow to read the term vectors if enabled, like the solr TermVectorComponent does. This would be per document but requires to store the term vectors (you can configure it in your mapping) and allows also to retrieve positions and offsets if enabled.
You may want to use scripting, however your server should have the scripting enabled.
curl 'http://localhost:9200/your_index/your_type/_search?pretty=true' -d '{
"query" : {
"match_all" : { }
"script_fields": {
"terms" : {
"script": "doc[field].values",
"params": {
"field": "field_x.field_y"
The default setting for allowing the script depends on the elastic search version, so please check that out from the official documentation.

Looking up types from Freebase

I am trying to find a list of relevant types to a certain string from Freebase, lets say for example i enter Jordan, then i will have a list with types country, person, athlete .. etc.
I have found several ways for the query, for example:
First Query
trying to get the JSON fails, using:
$.getJSON('',function (data) {
There is another query that gives me better result, as i only get the types here but i also cannot get the JSON file from it.
Will appreciate any help.
Your problem has probably less to do with freebase and more to do the fact that you can't do cross domain http requests. You are requesting data from but you are probably hosting this page in another domain.
You can use the JSONP mechanism to circumvent that restriction, here is some documentation:
Read the section JSONP.
Another couple of points:
Are you trying to search for all entities that somehow match the word "jordan" or are you looking for exactly all the entities that are named "jordan" ? Your best bet is to use the /search API instead of /mqlread which is for structured database queries.
You are also using the legacy API that is deprecated. Here is some docs on the new API:
Here's how your request will look (note that you 'll need an API key for production):[{%22name%22%20:%20null,%22type%22:[]}]
