Having trouble installing new theme (Ubuntu 14.04) - linux

I'm attempting to install the 'Iris Dark' theme on my Ubuntu 14.04 machine.
I'm using gnome-3, and the gnome tweak tool.
I've downloaded, extracted and then moved the theme into my theme folder like so.
unzip /home/admin/Desktop/IrisDark.zip /home/admin/Desktop/IrisDark
sudo cp -r /home/admin/Desktop/IrisDark /usr/share/themes
When I check the gnome tweak tool, it doesn't show up as a theme for either 'Windows' or GTK+. I am able to install other themes using the same method, only having trouble with this specific one.
When I try to open the folder I've just copied in my themes folder, I get 'This location could not be displayed, you do not have the nessecary permissions.."
This does not happen with any other themes I move into that folder, I only lack the read permission for this particular theme. I assume that the tweak tool is also running into that permissions error, and that's why it can't find it, I don't have any idea how I could fix this though.
EDIT: Moving the zipped file to the themes folder, and then unzipping it produces the same result.

The problem was eventually fixed by creating my own themes folder, which I had permissions over.
cd ~
mkdir .themes
cp -r /home/admin/Desktop/IrisDark ~/.themes
Turns out your not supposed to use the systems themes folder, but create your own.

I also experienced the same challenge. I will like to state the procedures that I took to make mine to work, and then you can check to see if you got it wrong somewhere.
Here are the steps
First install the Gnome Tweak Tool from the terminal
sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool
Next, go to GNOME website GNOME Website and download the theme of your choice. They are usually in zipped files, and may be in various variants.
Extract the downloaded files to the ~/.themes/ (home/.themes) directory - to install for current user only. You can press Ctrl + H to show hidden folders. Create the themes folder if you don't have it yet.
Or sudo extract them to the /usr/share/themes/ (home/usr/share/themes) folder - to apply them globally.
sudo tar -xf Folder-Name.tar.xz -C /usr/share/themes
Restart GNOME Tweaks tool. You should see the manually installed GNOME themes in the Tweak tool now. You can configure or enable the newly installed themes here.
This technique for GTK Themes also applies for Icon Themes
That's all
I hope this helps


Failing to install Sublime Text 3 in Ubuntu 16.04 using apt-get command

I had downloaded sublime previously directly from the browser as tarball and saved it in a folder (and of course extracted it).But this way I wasn't able to make Sublime my default editor and it didn't feature as an application when I tried to open a text file with a right-click.I read somewhere installing sublime text 3 using commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer
will solve my problem. So I directly deleted the Sublime_text3 folder saved in my Downloads directory and then used the given commands. But when I entered the 3rd command line I got the following error(just writing the error part):
subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:/var/cache/apt/archives/sublime-text-installer_3126-2~webupd8~1_all.deb
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Can anyone explain why this error is coming and suggest a way to solve this problem? Also if anyone can tell how I can set Sublime as my default text editor from the tarball downloaded from the sublime text 3 website. Thanks in advance!
you can try this command to install Sublime Text using Snap Store..
sudo snap install sublime-text --classic
I'm not sure overall how to fix that error or what's going on (I use Slackware and not Ubuntu/Debian), but for a long while there have been official Sublime repositories several different Linux distributions, including Ubuntu/Debian.
It's highly recommended that you use those if you want to go the package route and not use existing solutions such as the one referenced in your question or in the other response here, if for no other reason than only the official repository is guaranteed to contain an unmodified version of Sublime. Additionally the official repositories are always updated on release, which may or may not happen in a timely manner in other repositories.
The links referenced above contain instructions on how to set up and use Sublime from those repositories, and if you have any issues a good place to ask is the forum.
One thing to note which isn't mentioned explicitly in the above pages is that to use the official repositories, you should:
Choose only one of them (stable or dev, noting that you need a license to run a dev version) and not add both repositories or things will not work as expected
Ensure that other repositories that you've added (such as the one in your question) are removed to make sure that the package system definitely pulls the correct package
There are a couple of ways to go if you want to install Sublime from the tarball version. The easiest way would be to extract it, then manually set up launcher shortcuts and so on based on what falls out. How exactly you would register it as a text editor in that case, I'm not entirely sure since I don't use the same distribution as you.
Presuming that the process would be easier if Sublime was installed in a way similar to how the package manager would do it, the tarball comes with a desktop file and icons, so the following steps can be used to (presumably) do what the package installer would do.
The proviso here is that although these steps work on my non-Ubuntu machine, I don't know if all of the referenced tools are installed by default on an Ubuntu system, so so more setup work may be involved.
Note also that the files in the tarball are not entirely self-consistent, which makes this a little bit more work.
First, you need to extract the tarball (replace tarball filename as appropriate for location and build):
cd /opt
sudo tar xvf ~/Downloads/sublime_text_3_build_3176_x64.tar.bz2
This creates the folder /opt/sublime_text_3/ and fills it with the contents of the tarball.
Next, you want to install the icons contained in the tarball. As far as I have been able to tell, the icons in the tarball aren't in the correct directory structure, requiring each to be copied into place individually. We also need to update the icon cache to ensure that the new icon is noticed by the system:
cd /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/16x16/sublime-text.png 16x16/apps/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/32x32/sublime-text.png 32x32/apps/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/48x48/sublime-text.png 48x48/apps/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/128x128/sublime-text.png 128x128/apps/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/256x256/sublime-text.png 256x256/apps/
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t .
Now we want to install the sublime_text.desktop file that is in the tarball. Note however that like the icons, it seems kind of broken; the tarball extracts to sublime_text_3 but the desktop file assumes that the application is actually in /opt/sublime_text instead.
As such, you either need to rename the folder that was extracted to sublime_text to match what is in the desktop file, or edit the desktop file to make the path correct.
The following steps assume that we want to keep the folder the same and rewrite the desktop file. These commands will generate a new file named sublime_text_3.desktop with the changes.
cd /opt/sublime_text_3/
sed -e "s^/sublime_text/^/sublime_text_3/^" sublime_text.desktop | sudo tee sublime_text_3.desktop
Now you can install the desktop file. You do that with desktop-file-install, passing it the name of the desktop file. For accessing Sublime from the command line, you also want to set up a subl link to the installed copy of Sublime.
Adjust the paths as appropriate here if you decided to rename the folder instead of editing the desktop file:
sudo desktop-file-install sublime_text_3.desktop --rebuild-mime-info-cache
sudo ln -s /opt/sublime_text_3/sublime_text /usr/bin/subl
At this point Sublime should show up as an installed application, or at least it does in my Window Manager; if not, executing sudo update-desktop-database may help refresh it.
You can try this once. i hope it will help
wget https://download.sublimetext.com/files/sublime-text_build-4126_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i sublime-text_build-4126_amd64.deb

Sublime 3 error installing package control

I am trying to install package control in Sublime Text editor 3 on Ubuntu 14.04 . I follow simple instruction from https://sublime.wbond.net/installation.
But I get follow error:
Package Control: Error downloading channel. b'curl: (7) Failed to connect to sublime.wbond.net port 443: Network is unreachable' downloading https://sublime.wbond.net/channel.json.
error: Package Control
Go back to the installation page and follow the instructions in the Manual section:
Click the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu
Browse up a folder and then into the Installed Packages/ folder
Download Package Control.sublime-package and copy it into the Installed Packages/ directory
Restart Sublime Text
This should install Package Control for you without any problems.
Please read through this issue here, and follow wbond's instructions to install from git. First, completely quit Sublime, then remove all traces of Package Control - any folders in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages, any files in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages, the folder ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Package Control.cache, and any files in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User that start with Package Control.* - Package Control.last-run, Package Control.sublime-settings, Package Control.system-ca-bundle, and anything else you can find.
Next, assuming you have git installed (run sudo apt-get install git if you don't), switch to ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages and run
git clone https://github.com/wbond/package_control.git "Package Control"
to clone the master repo (make sure you've completely quit Sublime before running this). Restart Sublime and see if everything installs properly. If not, follow the instructions for creating a debug log, restart Sublime to generate the log, open the Console by selecting View -> Show Console, then copy the entire contents (it'll be a lot) into a new file. Open a new issue and describe exactly what the problem is, including all the details above and the fact that you just installed from the master branch, and paste in the contents of the debug log (make sure you put it in a code block by adding triple backticks ``` before and after). Will Bond (wbond) should get in touch with some suggestions.
Good luck!
Note for users of other operating systems: I'm not sure if this is a Linux-only problem or not, but in case it isn't, Mac users will find Packages and Installed Packages in ~/Library/Application Settings/Sublime Text 3, while Windows users with standard (i.e., non-portable installs) will find them in your user directory under AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3. For Windows portable installs, the directories should be in your install directory under Data.
For the sublime text version 3126 onward Package Control is disabled by default. Just go to Preferences > Settings and remove Package Control from the ignored_packages setting.
I was having the same problem on Linux Mint 18.1 (Ubuntu derivative), and after reading a few posts here and there, it occurred to me that something had likely become corrupted, so I: 1) uninstalled sublime; AND then 2) deleted everything related to sublime from "/home/thom/.config/". Step 2 was the real key. Then I reinstalled sublime according to "apt" section HERE. Once reinstalled, package control was able to install without error.

RCP P2 updates in multi-user environment from read-only installation

I have created an Ubuntu package to install my RCP app. The installed files are owned by root. Is it possible for a user to subsequently install updates through P2? Documentation about Eclipse multi-user installs suggests that it is possible, along with the answer to this question.
However, when I start up the application, it does not automatically check for updates as usual, and the Update Site that I had specified in p2.inf is not listed in the "Install New Software..." dialog.
Using the -configuration or -data runtime options did not help.
I can make it work with a hack by running sudo chown -R <my_username> /opt/<my_app_installation>. When I subsequently launch the application, it does properly check for updates on startup, and my update site is properly listed in the "Install New Software..." dialog. Certainly I would prefer that whatever data it is writing to that installation directory be instead written to the user's home directory.
Supplementary info:
Here is a list of files and folders that showed up in my installation directory only after the directory was given ownership by <my_username> and the program was run.
More experimental results:
Even with a writable (chown'd) installation directory, no files are placed there when the
-configuration $HOME/.my_app_files runtime option is supplied.
There are lots of limitation of p2 itself for share install. AFAIK there is no significant improvement in latest release Juno as well.
But a guy from Redhat is working on p2 install with RPM package, you can read his progress in his blog post. The work and idea could be shared with Debian package.

Run time installation directory of debian package contents

I have a debian package that I built that contains a tar ball of the files, a control file, and a postinst file. Its built using dpkg-deb and it installs properly using dpkg.
The modification I would like to make is to have the installation directory of the files be determined at runtime based on an environment variable that will be set when dpkg -i is run on the deb file. I echo out the environment variable in the postinst script and I can see that its set properly.
My questions:
1) Is it possible to dynamically determine the installation directory at runtime?
2) If its possible how would I go about this? I have read about the rules file and the mypackage.install files but I don't know if either of these would allow me to accomplish this.
I could hack it by copying the files to the target location in the posinst script but I would prefer to do it the right way if possible.
Thanks in advance!
So this is what I found out about this problem over the past couple of weeks.
With prepackaged binaries you can't build a debian package with a destination directory dynamicall determined at runtime. I believe that this might be possible if installing a package that is built from source where you can set the install directory using configure. But in this case since these are embedded Ubuntu machines they don't have make so I didn't pursue such an option. I did work out a non traditional method (hack) for installing that did work. Since debian packages simply contain a tar ball relative to / simply build your package relative to a directory under /tmp. In the postinst script you can then determine where to copy the files from the archive into a permanent location.
I expected that after rebooting and the automatic deletion of the subdirectory under /tmp that dpkg might not know that the file package existed. This wasn't a problem. When I ran 'dpkg -l myapp' it showed as still installed. Updating the package using dpkg/apt-get also worked without a hitch.
What I did find is that if you attempted to remove the package using 'dpkg -r myapp' that dpkg would try and remove /tmp which wasn't good. However /tmp isn't easily removed so it never succeeded. Plus in our situation we never remove packages but instead simply upgrade them.
I eventually had to abandon the universal package due to code differences in the sources resulting in having to recompile per platform but I would have left it this way and it did work.
I tried using --instdir to change the install directory of the package and it does relocate the files but dpkg fails since the dpkg file can't be found relative to the new instdir. Using --instdir is sort of like a chroot. I also tried --admindir and --root in various combinations to see if I could use the dpkg system relative to / but install relocate the files but they didn't work. I guess rpm has a relocate option that works but not Ubuntu.
You can also write a script that runs dpkg-deb with a different environment for 6 times, generating 6 different packages. When you make a modification, you simply have to run your script, and all 6 packages gets generated and you can install them on your machines avoiding postinst hacking!
Why not install to a standard location, and simply use a postinst script to create symbolic links to the desired location? This is much cleaner, and shouldn't break anything in dpk -I.

Where does Eclipse look for eclipse.ini under Linux

I've just been setting up a Ubuntu workstation and wanted to add some settings to eclipse.ini. When I searched for the file I found:
My questions are:
Does Eclipse actually use both files?
If so, in what order does it read them?
How does it merge them?
Both of the files I found are system wide, is there a location in my home directory I could put one that would effect only my instances?
Here's how to determine which eclipse.ini file you should use (joomla.org):
If you downloaded Eclipse IDE manually from internet the "eclipse.ini" file is just inside the unpacked folder
If you installed Eclipse via terminal or software center the location of the file is "/etc/eclipse.ini"
In some Linux versions the file can be found at "/usr/share/eclipse/eclipse.ini". Do not use this file if you found a config file at "/etc/eclipse.ini".
To be sure where your Eclipse folder is, check $ECLIPSE_HOME, and if not specified (these directions at least work for Juno):
Open Eclipse as you normally do.
Click Help -> About Eclipse SDK
Click Installation Details
Go to the Configuration tab
Find "eclipse.home.location=file:PATH". PATH is where eclipse is installed.
There is only one file.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Aug 8 2012 /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse.ini -> /etc/eclipse.ini
You probably have already found this out, chances are when you installed Eclipse the installation created (or you did manually) a file /usr/bin/eclipse which if you check it probably looks like the following:
export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
especially if you followed instructions similar to the ones like these on If-not-true-then-false
On the other hand if you have installed from a package, I suspect you will find that eclipse ends up in /usr/bin, most likely a symbolic link to /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse (or at least I found it on my Fedora system after using yum to install eclipse).
I have Ubuntu 18 and eclipse installation is squashed in a file
which is mount on /snap/eclipse/40 as read only. Just run
mount | grep eclipse*.snap
This eclipse.ini file is really read only, that means, you cannot modify it, even with sudo. However, I also have a eclipse.ini.ignored file in HOME/.eclipse/some number/configuration. This is being by default ignored, but you can change the "launcher.ini" in the eclipse launcher command.
According to https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse.ini
Eclipse startup is controlled by the options in
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse.ini. If $ECLIPSE_HOME is not defined, the
default eclipse.ini in your Eclipse installation directory (or in the
case of Mac, the Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS directory) is used.
The certain way to make sure is to run strace on eclipse. In the output you'll see where is eclipse actually trying to pull the file from.
