Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Currency' not found - zend-currency

I am new to Zend.
Now, I am trying to print/format numbers as per my locale, however when I do this
$c = new Zend_Currency();
$c->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::NO_SYMBOL));
echo $c->toCurrency(2500.01);
returns error.
I have checked this:
ZEND currency symbol is displaying 1
Please help me on this.

Most probably you are facing this issue because Zend library (Zend_Currency class) is not loading on page.


Getting ProjectWeaverXml Error when Building C# Project with xbuild

I'm trying to build a C# project using xbuild/mono on Linux. Despite not having any code with the term "ProjectWeaverXml" in my .csproj file, I keep getting this error.
/home/user/Downloads/ProjectA/ProjectA/ProjectA.csproj: Unable to parse condition "Exists($(ProjectWeaverXml))" : Expected a property at position 8 in condition "Exists($(ProjectWeaverXml))". Missing opening parantheses after the '$'.
I can't find anything even remotely related on Google. Does anyone have a clue what this error could be referring to?

While working on Robot framework , encountered an Import error message when attempting to add Resource in Setting Section?

In Robot Framework , I have segregated the details into Page objects, keywords and scripts.
After adding keywords in PO, I wanted to add details in Keywords. Here, in Settings section while I give the following details:
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Resource Resources/PO/Sign-in.robot
I even tried using absolute path by referencing ../ at the beginning. Still, system is unable to recognize it and throwing an error message "Import File Not Found".
What Should I be doing? Please, let me know?
First, you show in the screenshot, the use of a variable ${Resources}, it would be normal for the IDE to not recognize that value for a path. Even so, running the test case may work as expected.
Second, if you want to use the relative path, then the correct value should be:
Resource ../PO/Sign-in.robot

Change spellcheck language in my Chrome extension

I'm trying to write a Chrome extension that can switch the spellcheck language. I've searched through the Chrome API's and found the ChromeSetting object in the Types interface. However, I can't find any information on how to use it - e.g. what are the options for the "details" object?
Am I heading down the right path here? If so, does nayone have some examples or extra info that will help me?
Unfortunately, while chrome.types exists, you can't do anything with it.
We can run this code to see:
var c = chrome.types;
alert( Object.keys( c ).join(", ") );
This is despite the docs you linked to stating there are some methods available. My guess is it will be completed "someday" when Goog gets around to it.

Error when I create a BlackBerry project

Description Resource Path Location Type
InvalidRegex: Pattern value '([a-zA-Z_]{1,63}[\s-a-zA-Z_0-9.]{0,63}[;]?)*' is not a valid regular expression. The reported error was: ''-' is an invalid character range. Write '-'.' at column '19'. BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml /Test Unknown XML Problem
I'am green hand. I want to study BlackBerry. please help me! Thanks!
Have you tried the suggestion from this thread?
It works for me, after I changed to Java 6.
Additionally you can look here:
eclipse xml error

Subsonic ActiveRecord

I am trying to get Subsonic( to work(.Net 3.5 - VS2010), simple install that looks at the Northwind database using ActiveRecord. I used the 5 minute demo from http://subsonicproject.com/docs/The_5_Minute_Demo. I added the reference to the dll, un-blocked the T4 templates that I downloaded, changed the Settings.ttinclude to point to the northwind database in 3 places as per video. Dragged the T4 templates (as per video) to my Models folder in VS2010.
If I compile I keep on getting "Type or namespace name 'something' could not be found" There are 13 error (same amount as the amount of tables in the DB..) so I am guessing that there must be some command that turns every table into a class, but where? I right-clicked on ActiveRecord.tt and Context.tt and selected "Run custom tool" with no success.
Any help, I follow this demo to the letter and still get the error. Any help.. please?
Ok, I do not know why but after I added Structs.tt it compiled fine. I still could not get the foreach in the view to work, the error was: foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'object' because 'object' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'
I could see out of the corner of Rob's video that it did not inherit from System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage and figured out that it should be System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage>
Sometimes clever people(Like Rob) cannot think for proper dummies(like me) Such is life?
