kentico product options not adjusting prices when choosing different options - kentico

I am using the RandomProducts web part, and for some reason product options have no effect on the price even though I have added the price adjustments for each variant. Is this normal? I assumed this would work out of the box since its a default option but maybe I have to write my own code... just seems odd. Does something need to be enabled for product options to update the price of a product?

Are you sure you are not having an JS issues on your page? When using the Product Options, you define the option and any adjustment to the price. You then choose the products to apply the option to. When a user selects a specific option, there is a postback that occurs that updates the displayed price. If using the CartItemSelector web part, it will contain all of the postback JS needed to update the price within itself.
This works on a basic demo site so I suspect there is a JS issue that is causing the postback to not complete properly.
Another possible cause could be latency when posting the value back. If it is the first time you are running the site, it's possible the postback is taking longer than expected (due to recompilation) and it is appearing as if it's failing.
Other things to check:
On the Product Options General Tab
- Is "Enabled" checked?
- Is "Display price adjustments" checked?

I'd recommend to check the following things:
JavaScript errors via the developer tools of your browser
Caching settings/expiration for the web part or page
Enable SQL debug (Settings > System > Debug > Display on live site) and check which queries are executed to see where the price comes from


During an AppScan, is it possible to tell if a specific URL has been scanned?

I'm using IBM AppScan Standard. When I run a scan, in the left hand pane with the 'URL Based' button selected, I can see the different URLs that AppScan has found and will be scanned. While the scan is in progress I know that at the bottom of the window you can see the current URL that is being tested but is there any other way to tell if a certain URL has been fully scanned yet?
One way is to check the final report. In Appscan to be certain whether each URL is visited by the tool is through the final report generated by the tool.
While generating the report in Appscan you have to select the appropriate check-boxes displayed on the Right-Side of the Create Report popup window.
I usually select all the check-boxes displayed under the section Application Data.
You can get to know Visited URLs, Failed Requests, Filtered URLs, Cookies, etc using this option in the final report.
This is very helpful in my project where we have to pass the security audit. Audit Team in my project checks each and every security report and can be convinced easily if they see all the visited URLs in our final report.

Alfresco community 4.2.c pagination

In our old project we're using Alfresco 4.2.c community version.
There's a task page there, were you can use predefined filters to manage data you want to see.
I was able to add some extra filters there, anyway another problem stands in my way.
There's a paginator there, probably from YUI, which works by two parameters, maxCount and skipCount.
Right now it's configured to show max 400 records on one page.
I'm trying to add an option to display all records at once. Is anyone familiar enough with that system to even tell if it's possible? YUI framework is very hard to manage.
It seems like on every page or filter change it redirects you to ahref='#', a then a method reads the filter id and gives some extra parameters to the request. I can't find a way to maybe bind another button to reload the page in the same manner and just add another line to the request, which would make the paginator show all the records at one page.

SSRS with Report Viewer issues not refreshing

Hi i wonder if anyone can help me, I am absolutely stuck on this one. I will start from the beginning so you understand what I am trying to accomplish.
I have a web page which displays total figures in a grid, below the grid I have a Report Viewer which displays these figures as a line graph via an SSRS report on the server. Recent requirements would like the grid to be filterable, so if they want to see totals for a specific customer or product. While I have this working I would also like the SSRS report within the report viewer to also so the same information.
Now I have this semi working, I have made the necessary changes to the report on the server and this is working correctly, next was to hook that all up with the Report Viewer. I also have this working to a degree. Basically what is happening is if the Async is flase then the report does not refresh even ater telling it to. If I turn Async on it works as expected on my computer with IIS7 however when I upload this to our server with IIS6 after the initial load, when a postback happens or when I try to filter the grid I just get a blank screen. Its like the report is not being displayed.
Any help would be appreciated as I have previously used SSRS with report viewer to get a different report based on option buttons which works, but this does not seem to on the server. Locally it is fine but not where it needs to be.
Give it a try . Set enable 32 bit to true
Below is how you do it from IIS7 manager:
1 Right click on the Application Pool and select “Advanced Settings…” or select the same from the Actions pane after selecting the Application pool.
2 Change the “Enable 32-bit Applications” to True (if you want the application pool to spawn in a 32-bit mode)
3 Click OK.
Ok so I figured it out and while it has taken me a while to get the time to post it on here, I thought I should, just in-case someone else comes across this issue.
So Async ="true" the report is displayed in the report viewer for the first time after any postback occurs I am left with a blank screen. If I turn Async = "false" then I get the report the first time but the report never refreshes. After fiddling for a while it got me thinking if it works the first time then that is all I need and just pass different parameters to the report. So I set Async = "false" and had a look as to how to completely reset the report viewer control. Turns out all I needed was ReportViwerControl.Reset(). This reset the control to its default like almost like we are using it for the first time. Then I apply the report details and parameters and hey presto the report works as expected and the report changes every time a filter is set.
I uploaded this to the server and it is working as expected. Quite why it wouldn't before I am unsure however, i do have to stress that the server is old and has old technology, the reason for IIS6. While our test server and my local copy have the latest technology.
Thank you all very much for your help.

SharePoint 2010 - Search Box Web Part and Search Results Page Customization

Would someone be willing to offer me some assistance with customizing the search results page and the search box web part properties.
First problem: Search Box Properties
When I add an additional query term (eg. fileextension="xml") the search runs as expected but the refinement panel dissapears on the search results page. I don't want it to dissapear! I just want certain filters to be pre-applied.
Second Problem: Search Results Page
How do I customize the way results are displayed. For instance, I would like to add different refinement options to the refinement panel. I would also like to change what information is displayed under each individual result. Currently it seems to show a summary of the content, followed by the author and sometimes the date. I'd like to change this. How???
Any help greatly appreciated.
The results part you need to update the XSLT, You can do this via one of the web part properties. You will also need to make sure that the fields you want to put in to the results are included in your columns(Also a web part property)
Check this out
Refinement options are based on Your crawled properties. Check this out
Not sure as to why your refinement panel is disappearing, Check to see if the URL changes dramatically when you add your fileextension="xml" to the web part property, it may be that this addition is changing the URL so much the refinement panel is loaded or can't load but don't hold me to this
cheers to the

TYPO3: How to count page impressions on every page with an extension

I need to count the page impressions of every page on a TYPO3 site into the db.
So I think I need an extension which is called on every page impression and increase a column 'impressions' in the db of the specific page.
I'm new to typo3 and new to extension development as well. Is there a way to include an extbase-extension on every page so some php-script get called?
I want to add more information:
I don't need a counter which counts all PIs. The counter needs to be page-related. So it make sense to extend the pages-table from Typo3. Another need is that the extension should be done with extbase.
I'm new to typo3 and new to extension development as well. Is there a way to include an extbase-extension on every page so some php-script get called?
Once your plugin is configured you can include it with page.1234 < plugin.tx_yourextension_pi1 on any page. 1234 determines the position on your page.
The script should be USER_INT, so it's not being cached (mind you, this will cost loads of performance as previously stated by #norwebian)
As you don't want to output anything, make sure the controller stays empty as well.
Did you do a quick search in the extension repository? Trying a search for "page counter" reveals four relevant extensions.
"Sys_stat" is the closest thing to an "official" solution, it is really just enabling a few settings already existent. It has been reported to fill up the database with too much data, though.
"Generic Visitor Counter" would be my favourite, I believe (if I was going for a page counter at all), it is recently updated and seems simple enough.
You should really consider a proper stats extension, though. Both ics_awstats and ke_stats have been in my toolset.
YMMV. Be aware that if your site is popular, stats gathering quickly gets out of hand. On the other hand, if you go for a simple counter, including uncached extensions will cost performance.
I am not sure if I really understood what you want and need. After all, page impressions are not the same as page views. I wouldn't know the difference "onpage" right now though. So am I right in assuming that you mean page views?
If yes: I would take the following approach:
A separate, autonomous extension with a JavaScript for asynchronous calling of an API and a table for storing page views / page impressions.
Each page globally binds a JavaScript that initializes itself.
Once the DOM is ready, it sends a call to an AJAX API endpoint with the URL of the page as a parameter.
The endpoint takes only the URL.
For each unique URL, a record including counter is created or updated.
Extending the table for the pages doesn't make sense to me. What are you doing with a website that consists of news overviews, news details, press and blog sections, a dealer search and a store with product pages?
I would keep the statistics table standalone.
If you expand the table a bit and add date and time - no simple increment of hits - you can even identify the hottest pages of the week, the month, etc.
My approach won't increase/delay page load time much, if at all, and will have little noticeable impact even on heavily requested websites.
With the AJAX endpoint, it's then up to you how you deploy it and how much of the CMS framework you want to load.
