Spring Statemachine: Action on choice state transition not possible? - state-machine

It seems that actions added to choice pseudo-states are silently ignored. Doing this:
Builder builder = StateMachineBuilder.builder();
StateConfigurer states = builder.configureStates().withStates();
StateMachineTransitionConfigurer transitions = builder.configureTransitions();
StateConfigurer statesConfig = states.initial(INITIAL).states(EnumSet.allOf(StateType.class));
transitions.withChoice().source(StateType.CHOICE_STATE). //
first(StateType.S1, someGuard). //
states.state(StateType.CHOICE_STATE, someAction, null);
Results in someAction never being executed when CHOICE_STATE is entered.
Adding actions to transitions out of CHOICE_STATE (for example, to S1 or S2 above) is simply not permitted by the framework.
To get around this, we have implemented a state that precedes CHOICE_STATE. We are then free to add actions to this state, as usual. I was just wondering what is the reason for this limitation, or if there is some way of putting actions on a pseudo-state that I may have missed.

That's because choice is a pseudostate which is supposed to be transitient so there should not be behavioural changed in that state itself.
Have you tried to define Action with a Transition which takes you into a choice state?
public void configure(StateMachineTransitionConfigurer<TestStates, TestEvents> transitions) throws Exception {
public Action<TestStates, TestEvents> externalTestAction() {
return new TestAction();
Preceding state is a good workaround, especially it that is accompanied with a triggerless transition
I can try to see if in Spring Statemachine we could add feature to a transition(configurer for choice transition) itself. I created a ticket for this https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-statemachine/issues/108.
While we're mostly trying to follow UML model, spec is very vague in most parts and leave a lot of implementation specifics to the implementation itself.


Implementing user-defined business rules with DDD

Let's say If I have an application which let's user create business rules to be applied on a domain entity. A rule can be a combination of a condition and multiple actions where if condition evaluates to true then corresponding actions are executed. This rule is created by users in free-form text format which is then converted to a proprietary format which rule engine can understand and execute.
E.g. For an employee management system, if there is business rule to check if an employee is working in current Role for more than an year and has performed better than expected then can be promoted to next role with a 10% salary increment. This business rule can be entered by users as below.
Condition: Employee.CurrentRoleLength > 1 && Employee.ExceededExpectations()
Action: Employee.PromoteToNextRole() | Employee.GiveSalaryIncrement(10)
Note that multiple Actions are delimited with a |. Also in order to execute this rule, application uses a separate rule engine class library to parse this condition and both actions to a proprietary format, say, ExecutableScript also defined in the rule engine class library.
Now in order to model this requirement using DDD; I have come up with following Domain objects.
Rule (Entity)
Condition (Value Object)
Action (Value Object)
where Rule is an Entity which contains a Condition Value Object and a list of Action Value Objects as below.
public class Rule : Entity
public Condition Condition { get; private set; }
public IList<Action> Actions { get; private set;}
public Rule(Condition condition, IList<Action> actions)
Condition = condition;
Actions = actions;
public sealed class Condition : ValueObject<Condition>
public string ConditionText { get; private set;}
public ExecutableScript ExecutableCondition{ get; private set;}
public Condition(string conditionText)
ConditionText = conditionText;
public Parse()
ExecutableCondition = // How to parse using external rule engine ??;
public Execute()
// How to execute using external rule engine ??;
public sealed class Action : ValueObject<Action>
public string ActionText{ get; private set;}
public ExecutableScript ExecutableAction{ get; private set;}
public Action(string actionText)
ActionText = actionText;
public Parse()
ExecutableAction = // How to parse using external rule engine ??;
public Execute()
// How to execute using external rule engine ??;
Based on above domain model, I have following questions.
How can I parse and execute Condition and Actions without having a dependency on external rule engine. I understand Domain layer should not have any dependency on outer layers and should be confined to it's own.
Even if I Parse Condition and Actions outside their domain objects, still their parsed ExceutableScript value need to be present within them which will still need dependency on external rule engine.
Is it just that DDD is not the right approach for this scenario and I am going into wrong direction.
Sorry for the long post. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Technical domains may benefit from DDD tactical patterns, but the cost of creating the right abstractions is usually higher than with other domains because it often requires to abstract away complex data structures.
A good way to start thinking about the required abstractions is to ask yourself what abstractions would be needed if you were to swap the underlying technologies.
Here you have a complex text-based expression from which an ExecutableScript is created by the rules engine.
If you think about it there three major elements here:
The text-based expression syntax which is proprietary.
The ExecutableScript which is proprietary; I will assume this is an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) with an embedded interpreter.
The rule evaluation context which is probably proprietary.
If you were to swap the underlying technology to execute the rules then the expression syntax of the other rule engine may be different and it would certainly have an entirely different rule interpretation mechanism.
At this point we have identified what have to be abstracted, but not what would be the proper abstractions.
You could decide to implement your own expression syntax, your own parser, your own AST which would be a tree-based representation of the expression in memory and finally your own rule evaluation context. This set of abstractions would then be consumed by specific rule engines. For instance, your current rule engine would have to convert a domain.Expression AST to an ExecutableScript.
Something like this (I left out the evaluation context intentionally as you did not provide any information on it).
However, creating your set of abstractions could be costly, especially if you do not anticipate to swap your rule engine. If the syntax of your current rules engine suits your needs then you may use it as your abstraction for text-based expressions. You can do this because it doesn't require a proprietary data structure to represent text in memory; it's just a String. If you were to swap your rule engine in the future then you could still use the old engine to parse the expression and then rely on the generated AST to generate the new one for the other rule engine or you could go back to writing your own abstractions.
At this point, you may decide to simply hold that expression String in your domain and pass it to an Executor when it has to be evaluated. If you are concerned by the performance cost of re-generating the ExecutableScript each time then you should first make sure that is indeed an issue; premature optimization is not desirable.
If you find out that it is too much overhead then you could implement memoization in the infrastructure executor. The ExecutableScript could either be stored in memory or persisted to disk. You could potentially use a hash of the string-based expression to identify it (beware collisions), the entire string, an id assigned by the domain or any other strategy.
Last but not least. Keep in mind that if rule actions aren't processed by aggregates or if the rule predicate spans multiple aggregates then the data used to evaluate the expression may have been stale. I'm not expanding on this because I have no idea how you plan to generate the rule evaluation context and process actions, but I thought it was still worth mentioning because invariant enforcement is an important aspect of every domains.
If you determine that all rules may be eventually consistent or that decisions made on stale data are acceptable then I'd also consider creating an entirely separate bounded context for that, perhaps called "Rule Management & Execution".
Here's an example that shows how creating a rule may look like form the application service perspective, given that expressions are stored as Strings in the domain.
public interface RuleValidator {
boolean isValid(Rule rule);
public class RuleFactory {
private RuleValidator validator;
public Rule create(RuleId id, Condition condition, List<Action> actions) {
Rule rule = new Rule(id, condition, actions);
if (!validator.isValid(rule)) {
throw new InvalidRuleException();
return rule;
public class RuleApplicationService {
private RuleFactory ruleFactory;
private RuleRepository ruleRepository;
public void createRule(String id, String conditionExpression, List<String> actionExpressions) {
transaction {
List<Action> actions = createActionsFromExpressions(actionExpressions);
Rule rule = ruleFactory.create(new RuleId(id), new Condition(conditionExpression), actions);
ruleRepository.add(rule); //this may also create and persist an `ExecutableScript` object transparently in the infrastructure, associated with the rule id.
How can I parse and execute Condition and Actions without having a dependency on external rule engine. I understand Domain layer should not have any dependency on outer layers and should be confined to it's own.
This part is easy: dependency inversion. The domain defines a service provider interface that describes how it wants to talk to some external service. Typically, the domain will pass a copy of some of its internal state to the service, and get back an answer that it can then apply to itself.
So you might see something like this in your model
Supervisor.reviewSubordinates(EvaluationService es) {
for ( Employee e : this.subbordinates ) {
// Note: state is an immutable value type; you can't
// change the employee entity by mutating the state.
Employee.State currentState = e.currentState;
Actions<Employee.State> actions = es.evaluate(currentState);
for (Action<Employee.State> a : actions ) {
currentState = a.apply(currentState);
// replacing the state of the entity does change the
// entity, but notice that the model didn't delegate that.
e.currentState = currentState;

EventSourced Saga Implementation

I have written an Event Sourced Aggregate and now implemented an Event Sourced Saga... I have noticed the two are similair and created an event sourced object as a base class from which both derive.
I have seen one demo here http://blog.jonathanoliver.com/cqrs-sagas-with-event-sourcing-part-ii-of-ii/ but feel there may be an issue as Commands could be lost in the event of a process crash as the sending of commands is outside the write transaction?
public void Save(ISaga saga)
var events = saga.GetUncommittedEvents();
eventStore.Write(new UncommittedEventStream
Id = saga.Id,
Type = saga.GetType(),
Events = events,
ExpectedVersion = saga.Version - events.Count
foreach (var message in saga.GetUndispatchedMessages())
bus.Send(message); // can be done in different ways
Instead I am using Greg Young's EventStore and when I save an EventSourcedObject (either an aggregate or a saga) the sequence is as follows:
Repository gets list of new MutatingEvents.
Writes them to stream.
EventStore fires off new events when streams are written to and committed to the stream.
We listen for the events from the EventStore and handle them in EventHandlers.
I am implementing the two aspects of a saga:
To take in events, which may transition state, which in turn may emit commands.
To have an alarm where at some point in the future (via an external timer service) we can be called back).
As I understand event handlers should not emit commands (what happens if the command fails?) - but am I OK with the above since the Saga is the actual thing controlling the creation of commands (in reaction to events) via this event proxy, and any failure of Command sending can be handled externally (in the external EventHandler that deals with CommandEmittedFromSaga and resends if the command fails)?
Or do I forget wrapping events and store native Commands and Events in the same stream (intermixed with a base class Message - the Saga would consume both Commands and Events, an Aggregate would only consume Events)?
Any other reference material on the net for implementation of event sourced Sagas? Anything I can sanity check my ideas against?
Some background code is below.
Saga issues a command to Run (wrapped in a CommandEmittedFromSaga event)
Command below is wrapped inside event:
public class CommandEmittedFromSaga : Event
public readonly Command Command;
public readonly Identity SagaIdentity;
public readonly Type SagaType;
public CommandEmittedFromSaga(Identity sagaIdentity, Type sagaType, Command command)
Command = command;
SagaType = sagaType;
SagaIdentity = sagaIdentity;
Saga requests a callback at some point in future (AlarmRequestedBySaga event)
Alarm callback request is wrapped onside an event, and will fire back and event to the Saga on or after the requested time:
public class AlarmRequestedBySaga : Event
public readonly Event Event;
public readonly DateTime FireOn;
public readonly Identity Identity;
public readonly Type SagaType;
public AlarmRequestedBySaga(Identity identity, Type sagaType, Event #event, DateTime fireOn)
Identity = identity;
SagaType = sagaType;
Event = #event;
FireOn = fireOn;
Alternatively I can store both Commands and Events in the same stream of base type Message
public abstract class EventSourcedSaga
protected EventSourcedSaga() { }
protected EventSourcedSaga(Identity id, IEnumerable<Message> messages)
Identity = id;
if (messages == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messages));
var count = 0;
foreach (var message in messages)
var ev = message as Event;
var command = message as Command;
if(ev != null) Transition(ev);
else if(command != null) _messages.Add(command);
else throw new Exception($"Unsupported message type {message.GetType()}");
if (count == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("No messages provided");
// All we need to know is the original number of events this
// entity has had applied at time of construction.
_unmutatedVersion = count;
_constructing = false;
readonly IEventDispatchStrategy _dispatcher = new EventDispatchByReflectionStrategy("When");
readonly List<Message> _messages = new List<Message>();
readonly int _unmutatedVersion;
private readonly bool _constructing = true;
public readonly Identity Identity;
public IList<Message> GetMessages()
return _messages.ToArray();
public void Transition(Event e)
_dispatcher.Dispatch(this, e);
protected void SendCommand(Command c)
// Don't add a command whilst we are in the constructor. Message
// state transition during construction must not generate new
// commands, as those command will already be in the message list.
if (_constructing) return;
public int UnmutatedVersion() => _unmutatedVersion;
I believe the first two questions are the result of a wrong understanding of Process Managers (aka Sagas, see note on terminology at bottom).
Shift your thinking
It seems like you are trying to model it (as I once did) as an inverse aggregate. The problem with that: the "social contract" of an aggregate is that its inputs (commands) can change over time (because systems must be able to change over time), but its outputs (events) cannot. Once written, events are a matter of history and the system must always be able to handle them. With that condition in place, an aggregate can be reliably loaded from an immutable event stream.
If you try to just reverse the inputs and outputs as a process manager implementation, it's output cannot be a matter of record because commands can be deprecated and removed from the system over time. When you try to load a stream with a removed command, it will crash. Therefore a process manager modeled as an inverse aggregate could not be reliably reloaded from an immutable message stream. (Well I'm sure you could devise a way... but is it wise?)
So let's think about implementing a Process Manager by looking at what it replaces. Take for example an employee who manages a process like order fulfillment. The first thing you do for this user is setup a view in the UI for them to look at. The second thing you do is to make buttons in the UI for the user to perform actions in response to what they see on the view. Ex. "This row has PaymentFailed, so I click CancelOrder. This row has PaymentSucceeded and OrderItemOutOfStock, so I click ChangeToBackOrder. This order is Pending and 1 day old, so I click FlagOrderForReview"... and so forth. Once the decision process is well-defined and starts requiring too much of the user's time, you are tasked to automate this process. To automate it, everything else can stay the same (the view, even some of the UI so you can check on it), but the user has changed to be a piece of code.
"Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script."
The process manager code now periodically reads the view and may issue commands if certain data conditions are present. Essentially, the simplest version of a Process Manager is some code that runs on a timer (e.g. every hour) and depends on particular view(s). That's the place where I would start... with stuff you already have (views/view updaters) and minimal additions (code that runs periodically). Even if you decide later that you need different capability for certain use cases, "Future You" will have a better idea of the specific shortcomings that need addressing.
And this is a great place to remind you of Gall's law and probably also YAGNI.
Any other reference material on the net for implementation of event sourced Sagas? Anything I can sanity check my ideas against?
Good material is hard to find as these concepts have very malleable implementations, and there are diverse examples, many of which are over-engineered for general purposes. However, here are some references that I have used in the answer.
DDD - Evolving Business Processes
DDD/CQRS Google Group (lots of reading material)
Note that the term Saga has a different implication than a Process Manager. A common saga implementation is basically a routing slip with each step and its corresponding failure compensation included on the slip. This depends on each receiver of the routing slip performing what is specified on the routing slip and successfully passing it on to the next hop or performing the failure compensation and routing backward. This may be a bit too optimistic when dealing with multiple systems managed by different groups, so process managers are often used instead. See this SO question for more information.

Connecting the dots with DDD

I have read Evans, Nilsson and McCarthy, amongst others, and understand the concepts and reasoning behind a domain driven design; however, I'm finding it difficult to put all of these together in a real-world application. The lack of complete examples has left me scratching my head. I've found a lot of frameworks and simple examples but nothing so far that really demonstrates how to build a real business application following a DDD.
Using the typical order management system as an example, take the case of order cancellation. In my design I can see an OrderCancellationService with a CancelOrder method which accepts the order # and a reason as parameters. It then has to perform the following 'steps':
Verify that the current user has the necessary permission to cancel an Order
Retrieve the Order entity with the specified order # from the OrderRepository
Verify that the Order may be canceled (should the service interrogate the state of the Order to evaluate the rules or should the Order have a CanCancel property that encapsulates the rules?)
Update the state of the Order entity by calling Order.Cancel(reason)
Persist the updated Order to the data store
Contact the CreditCardService to revert any credit card charges that have already been processed
Add an audit entry for the operation
Of course, all of this should happen in a transaction and none of the operations should be allowed to occur independently. What I mean is, I must revert the credit card transaction if I cancel the order, I cannot cancel and not perform this step. This, imo, suggests better encapsulation but I don't want to have a dependency on the CreditCardService in my domain object (Order), so it seems like this is the responsibility of the domain service.
I am looking for someone to show me code examples how this could/should be "assembled". The thought-process behind the code would be helpful in getting me to connect all of the dots for myself. Thx!
Your domain service may look like this. Note that we want to keep as much logic as possible in the entities, keeping the domain service thin. Also note that there is no direct dependency on credit card or auditor implementation (DIP). We only depend on interfaces that are defined in our domain code. The implementation can later be injected in the application layer. Application layer would also be responsible for finding Order by number and, more importantly, for wrapping 'Cancel' call in a transaction (rolling back on exceptions).
class OrderCancellationService {
private readonly ICreditCardGateway _creditCardGateway;
private readonly IAuditor _auditor;
public OrderCancellationService(
ICreditCardGateway creditCardGateway,
IAuditor auditor) {
if (creditCardGateway == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("creditCardGateway");
if (auditor == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("auditor");
_creditCardGateway = creditCardGateway;
_auditor = auditor;
public void Cancel(Order order) {
if (order == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("order");
// get current user through Ambient Context:
// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ploeh/archive/2007/07/23/ambientcontext.aspx
if (!CurrentUser.CanCancelOrders()) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Not enough permissions to cancel order. Use 'CanCancelOrders' to check.");
// try to keep as much domain logic in entities as possible
if(!order.CanBeCancelled()) {
throw new ArgumentException(
"Order can not be cancelled. Use 'CanBeCancelled' to check.");
// this can throw GatewayException that would be caught by the
// 'Cancel' caller and rollback the transaction
A slightly different take on it:
public class OrderController
private readonly IApplicationService _applicationService;
public ActionResult CancelOrder(CancelOrderViewModel viewModel)
_applicationService.CancelOrder(new CancelOrderCommand
OrderId = viewModel.OrderId,
UserChangedTheirMind = viewModel.UserChangedTheirMind,
UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere = viewModel.UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere
return RedirectToAction("CancelledSucessfully");
//App Service
public class ApplicationService : IApplicationService
private readonly IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
private readonly IPaymentGateway _paymentGateway;
//provided by DI
public ApplicationService(IOrderRepository orderRepository, IPaymentGateway paymentGateway)
_orderRepository = orderRepository;
_paymentGateway = paymentGateway;
public void CancelOrder(CancelOrderCommand command)
using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
Order order = _orderRepository.GetById(command.OrderId);
if (!order.CanBeCancelled())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The order cannot be cancelled");
if (command.UserChangedTheirMind)
if (command.UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere)
_paymentGateway.RevertCharges(order.PaymentAuthorisationCode, order.Amount);
In general I only see the need for a domain service when a command/use case involves the state change of more than one aggregate. For example, if I needed to invoke methods on the Customer aggregate as well as Order, then I'd create the domain service OrderCancellationService that invoked the methods on both aggregates.
The application layer orchestrates between infrastructure (payment gateways) and the domain. Like domain objects, domain services should only be concerned with domain logic, and ignorant of infrastructure such as payment gateways; even if you've abstracted it using your own adapter.
With regards to permissions, I would use aspect oriented programming to extract this away from the logic itself. As you see in my example, I've added an attribute to the CancelOrder method. You can use an intercepter on that method to see if the current user (which I would set on Thread.CurrentPrincipal) has that permission.
With regards to auditing, you simply said 'audit for the operation'. If you just mean auditing in general, (i.e. for all app service calls), again I would use interceptors on the method, logging the user, which method was called, and with what parameters. If however you meant auditing specifically for the cancellation of orders/payments then do something similar to Dmitry's example.

DDD Using Specification pattern for Validation

I am thinking of using Specification pattern for validation purposes. The hard thing is how to tell the user why some Specification was not satisfied. What if the Specification.IsSatisfiedBy() will not only return a bool value, but also the reason of failure. It would look something like this:
interface ISpecification<T>
CheckResult IsSatisfiedBy(T candidate);
where CheckResult is:
class CheckResult
public bool IsSatisfied { get; }
public string FailureReason { get; }
In Fowler & Evans work there is a concept of Partially Satisfied Specification whose purpose is to provide explanation what exactly was not satisfied. However in that document, it is implemented as additional method remainderUnsatisfiedBy which returns the Specification which was not accomplished by the Candidate.
So the question is: When using Specification for validation purposes, how to provide feedback to user that a given Specification was not satisfied? Is the solution I've presented above good?
Although you may use your Specifications classes for validation, I would suggest you keep them as separate concepts within your domain. You may find that you need to re-use the same underlying specifications but need to return different "Failure Reasons" depending on purpose and context. See this article for more details.
The author of the post referenced above has also kindly shared code to github and posted the code as NCommon. Review these areas in particular:
Specifications: https://github.com/riteshrao/ncommon/tree/v1.2/NCommon/src/Specifications
Validations: https://github.com/riteshrao/ncommon/tree/v1.2/NCommon/src/Rules (especially the classes for ValidationResult and ValidationError)
I had the same problem. I create Validation decorator for Specification (code is JAVA).
interface Validator<T>{
Respond validate(T t)
class abstract ValidationSpecificationDecorator<T> implements Validator<T> {
Specification<T> spec;
ValidationSpecificationDecorator(Specification<T> spec){
this.spec = spec;
public Respond validate(T t) {
Respond respond = new Respond();
return respond;
public abstract Error error(T t);
Not sure about your language, but in Scala there is a concept (structure): Either[A,B]
And in calculations you either return right side (B) - for successful validation (object satisfy business rule) or left side (A) to express reason of failed validation for a given business object.
For the Specification purpose, you could return (for A type) e.g. String (as an error message) or some objects/enums (or anything which is appropriate in your language) representing business reason of why specified object didn't satisfy the specification.
It's similar to your solution but more functional and robust.

Separating Logic/GUI and user interaction

imagine you have a function that creates/copies/moves files. [logic]
For the case that a file that should be copied/created already exists you would like to ask the user to overwrite the file or not.[(G)UI]
What is your approach to implement this if (G)UI and logic are completely separated?
The first thing that comes into my mind would be the MVC-pattern, but this means that I would have to use it whereever I need user interaction.
Any other suggestions?
BTW: How would you implement this in non-OO-languages?
If GUI and logic are really separated, then this question should never arise. The program should, by design, either overwrite or not overwrite based on an option which has a default value. If the GUI is available, the option can be set.
In fact, although the obvious approach is to just have at it and begin copying, you could make a first pass looking for conflicts, and checking that the target device has enough free storage. Then, if there is a problem, terminate by doing nothing, unless there is a GUI in which case you can report the problem and ask whether to proceed anyway.
If you want to have a design in which the GUI can be invoked on a file by file basis, then design the logic around that as a set of n processes each of which copies one file, and has an optional GUI available in the error reporting section. The GUI can then reinvoke the copy-one-file logic.
I can see two ways:
You have two functions, file_exists(...) and copy_file(...). The UI side always calls file_exists first and asks the user whether to copy the file is it already exists.
You have only one function copy_file(bool force, ...), that by default fails if the file exists. So UI side calls the default version of the function, check if it failed and why, if it was because the file already exists, ask the user and try again with force=true.
In a Non OO language I would implement some kind of event queue where the parent (or child, depending on your design) UI polled for events while a 'busy' flag was true. Such an event lets the other side do other work while waiting for a 'they answered' flag to come true. Of course, some timeout in both directions would have to be observed as well as mutual exclusion. Basically, imply the principles of non-blocking I/O or your favorite theory on practical lock free programming here.
There are degrees of separation .. processes can communicate. Depending on your language of choice, you have shared memory segments, semaphores .. or IPC via relational DB with primitive signals. Its hard to be more specific with such a generic question.
See my comment, a little more information is needed so an answer can be crafted that works within your language of choice.
The first thing that comes into my mind would be the MVC-pattern, but this means that I would have to use it wherever I need user interaction.
And this is a bad thing why? Separating GUI and logic is exactly what the MVC pattern is for. Don't be scared of it just because it a has a long name -- as soon as you've separated GUI and logic you have a "view" and a "controller", at least, if not a "model" -- and if your application has state, you've got a model too. You just may not have admitted it to yourself yet.
From what I can see, there are really two problems:
We have an algorithm (logic) in which we would like to defer some operations and decisions to something else (e.g. user via UI).
We would like to avoid tight coupling between the algorithm and that something else.
If we use OO languages, there are several design patters which address these two specific problems.
Template Method pattern can solve #1. It does not solve #2 very well because the typical implementation is via inheritence.
Observer pattern looks promising too.
So really it is choosing and mixing the simplest one for the needs and most suitable for the language.
In practical terms, if talk about C# for example, we can implement Template Method and Observer hybrid like this:
// This will handle extensions to the FileCopy algorithm
abstract class FileCopyExtention
public abstract Response WhatToDoWhenFileExists();
// the copy function, pure logic
public static void Copy(string source, string destination, FileCopyExtention extension)
if (File.Exists(destination))
var response = _extension.WhatToDoWhenFileExists();
if (response == overwrite)
// overwrite the file
// error
// This is our user-interactive UI extension
class FileCopyUI : FileCopyExtention
public override Response WhatToDoWhenFileExists()
// show some UI, return user's response to the caller
// the program itself
void Main()
Copy("/tmp/foo", "/tmp/bar", new FileCopyUI());
As a variation of the theme, you can use events, delegates or whatever the language of your choice provides.
In C, this could be a function pointer, in C++ a reference to a class I guess.
What about this approach [pseudo-code]:
// Some code
bool fileCopied = false;
do {
try {
fileCopied = CopyFile(fileName);
} catch (FileExists) {
// Ask "File exists! Overwrite?" If "No", exit do-loop
} catch (FileLocked) {
// Ask "File Locked! Repeat?", If "No", exit do-loop
} catch (etc...) {
// etc.
} while (!fileCopied);
// Some code
// Some code
bool CopyFile(string fileName)
// copy file
// Some code
