ReferenceError: process is not defined, Node, Heroku - node.js

I'm trying to call a Heroku environment variable in a Node/Express app.
I set the env variable in Heroku using
heroku config:set GITHUB_TOKEN=<my github api token without quotation marks>
It is set correctly (I checked by running heroku config)
githubUserSearch.controller('GitUserSearchController', ['$resource', function($resource) {
var self = this;
var searchResource = $resource('');
var githubToken=process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN;
self.doSearch = function() {
self.searchResult = searchResource.get(
{ q: self.searchTerm, access_token: githubToken }
I get a console error readout of "Reference error: process is not defined" from line 5.

You can't see local environment variables from the client side of a web app. This is desired behavior, of course, because otherwise you'd have just shared your github token with the world!
process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN will work within node.js, but it won't work in the user's browser (that looks like an Angular controller to be run in the browser, correct?)


React javascript "Error: Credential is missing" when connecting to DynamoDBClient

I'm trying to connect to my dynamoDB table from inside a React js app. I have AWS credentials set up locally. When I run my app, I get the following error on Chrome Devtools: "Error: Credential is missing".
Oddly, if I run the AWS example found below using pretty much the same code via node on terminal, it works fine.
To run the AWS example, I created a new mjs file inside my react SRC folder, so it should have all the same access as the React app, right? No credentials are explicitly added in the mjs file or the react app.
Why doesn't the React environment have access to the credentials? I've tried both ~/.aws/credentials and environment variables. The AWS SDK seems to say that it should just work for Node. Any thoughts?
import { DynamoDBClient, ExecuteStatementCommand} from '#aws-sdk/client-dynamodb';
function App() {
const dynamoDB = new DynamoDBClient({ region : "us-west-2"});
async function loadFromCloud () {
const command = new ExecuteStatementCommand({
Statement: `select * from TableX`
try {
const data = await dynamoDB.send(command);
} catch (error) {
Make sure that you have AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY specified as environment variables and that you also specify AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1
However, your React app is run in the browser. It should only work in a node.js app.

Unable to access environment variables in google cloud (node js express app)

I am a beginner trying to learn web development. I have built small node js app and deployed in heroku. I am trying to do the same in GCP and learn the platform.
Code used is #
The issue that I am facing is Unable to access env variables in the app
My index.js
exports.envVar = (req, res) => {
// Sends 'bar' as response
return process.env.JAWSDB_URL;
.env.yaml is
JAWSDB_URL: testtest456
I then used below to deploy the function to gcloud
gcloud functions deploy envVar --env-vars-file .env.yaml --runtime nodejs8 --trigger-http;
Deployment was successful and was tested using console and
During deploy this happened
Can some one help me here?
It seems this line is problematic:
var dbUrl = envVar.envVar();
You're calling the function without passing in req, res as it's expecting. Perhaps you forgot to comment out this line.

firebase.auth().currentUser is returning null when i re-execute a script in node.js cli

I m creating a node cli and i m using firebase auth in it
everything is working fine
there is a command to login and when the user executes it asks for credentials. after the submission i get a custom auth token from an api and then i use signinwithcustomtoken and i get value of 'currentUser' as expected.
According to this page Access Firebase in your app i can use firebase client sdk in a node.js app for auth
but as when i execute another command to show profile data and in that when i try to access firebase.auth().currentUser it returns null :(
I m not creating any kind of server.
I think firebase is recreating a new instance every time i run a command
but why doesn't firebase loose instance in angular ?
In Node.js deployments, the default Auth state persistence mode is firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence.NONE for security reasons as mentioned at the bottom of the Modifying the ASP section. This means that the user state is cleared whenever you close your script.
Prior to logging in with your authentication token, you will need to use the following code to change the mode to match a browser:
firebase.auth().setPersistence(firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence.LOCAL) // <-- this bit
.then(function() {
// Users will now be logged in until they explicitly log out
return firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(token);
.catch(function(error) {
// Handle Errors here.
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;

Setting up dotenv in firebase functions

I am trying to move the tiny node-express app I made into firebase functions.
The file have dotenv variables. Earlier I thought If I just deploy and put dotenv in dependency, It will work but that didn't happen so..
So, I went to environment configuration article of firebase to understand how I can set .env
Which states to set things by doing something like this
firebase functions:config:set someservice.key="THE API KEY""THE CLIENT ID"
But I have so many environment configuration and doing that some what seems to be cumbersome task.
So let's say this is environment file
# App port Address
PORT = 8080
# Google Secret
GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL = http://localhost:8080/auth/google/callback
# Client Address
CLIENT_ADDRESS = http://localhost:3000/
# Meetup Secret
MEETUP_CALLBACK_URL = http://localhost:8080/auth/meetup/callback
MEETUP_CLIENT_ID = ef6i9f7m6k0jp33m9olgt
MEETUP_CLIENT_SECRET = sk3t5lnss2sdl1kgnt
#EventBrite Secret
EVENTBRITE_CALLBACK_URL = http://localhost:8080/auth/eventbrite/callback
How Can I best set up so that when I do firebase firebase serve --only functions,hosting it doesn't throw any errors such as
OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option
As of Feb 16, 2022 Firebase now supports .env,,, .env.local files natively!
Set your variables in the corresponding environment, and then run firebase use dev or firebase use prod before you deploy.
Your variables can be accessed via process.env.VARIABLE_NAME
UPDATED 2019-06-04
I'm very sorry. This solution is wrong.
I found the correct way.
You should put a .runtimeconfig.json into the functions directory. Your dotenv variables move to .runtimeconfig.json with json format.
This is my solution.
const functionConfig = () => {
if (process.env.RUN_LOCALLY) {
const fs = require('fs');
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('.env.json'));
} else {
return functions.config();
The functionConfig() was called by your Firebase Function.
exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
response.send("someservice id is: " + functionConfig();
.env.json is like:
"someservice": {
"key":"THE API KEY",
Finally, run the command with the RUN_LOCALLY variable.
RUN_LOCALLY=1 firebase serve
When we will deploy functions,
don't forget to update the environment configuration in Firebase using the .env.json.
The Firebase CLI currently doesn't allow you to set process environment variables on deployment. This may change in the future. The configuration vars it supports today (that you linked to) are not actually process environment variables - they stored somewhere else that's not actually the process environment.
If you absolutely need to be able to set process environment variables, you will have to deploy your function with gcloud, which means that you also won't be able to use the firebase-functions module to define your function. Start with the Google Cloud Functions documentation to learn about deployment from a Cloud perspective.
If you want to use the Firebase tools, I'd recommend that you find a different way to configure your function that doesn't involve process environment variables.
If you want to have your functions use the process.env variables, you you can set them by going to google cloud console and cloud functions. You will be able to find the deployed firebase functions there. You can select each function one by one and then set the environment variables there.
what I did was create a env.json file into functions FOLDER:
"send_email_config": {
"FOW_ADMIN_EMAIL_PASSWORD": "adminPassExample",
then I created a file called env.js where I created a function to return the value of functions.config() which is kind of env module
// TO UPDATE functions.config().env RUN INSIDE functions FOLDER:
// firebase functions:config:set env="$(cat env.json)"
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const getEnvConfig = () => {
I return functions.config().env cause I set the env.json values into env
property running firebase functions:config:set env="$(cat env.json)"
return functions.config().env
exports.getEnvConfig = getEnvConfig;
exports.PROCESS_ENV = getEnvConfig();
then I just call PROCESS_ENV to access the values that I set on env.json file for example:
const { PROCESS_ENV } = require('./utils/env');
exports.mailCredentials = {
main: {
email: PROCESS_ENV.send_email_config.FOW_ADMIN_EMAIL,
password: PROCESS_ENV.send_email_config.FOW_ADMIN_EMAIL_PASSWORD
receiver: {
for this to work you have to deploy functions.config().env with the values of the env.json file
to deploy functions.config().env you just have to run INSIDE the functions FOLDER the next command: firebase functions:config:set env="$(cat env.json)"
and also don't forget to add env.json in your .gitignore
if you have firebase functions FOLDER inside your react project just add */env.json into your react .gitignore file
your .env file need to be in the "functions" folder
Here you have the documentation about this
you can access variables like this :
This is your .env :
and a firebase functions
// Responds with "Hello Earth and Humans"
exports.hello = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
response.send(`Hello ${process.env.PLANET} and ${process.env.AUDIENCE}`);
For your local environment you can have a .env.local file and the contents of .env.local take precedence over .env when you are using the emulators suite

Notify Spotify App with NodeJS server

I have a NodeJS server running on Heroku, and I want to send some data to my local Spotify app (which is not online since Spotify wont accept any new apps currently).
I tested this with a local NodeJS server as follows and it worked perfectly.
I send the arguments in my NodeJS server using:
I catch the arguments in my local Spotify App using:
models.application.addEventListener('arguments', function() {
if (models.application.arguments[0] == "some") {
else if (models.application.arguments[1] == "arguments") {
However, now that I have my NodeJS server online, the arguments don't get passed anymore, I think because the open(..) function doesn't work properly anymore.
(Note: My NodeJS server is running fine, I think it's just the open(..) function that fails)
EDIT: I also tried this opener: but to no avail..
Any tips?
