Inserting data into a particular column of an Excel sheet [duplicate] - excel

I have a .mat file which contains titles={'time','data'} and 2 column vectors:
time=[1;2;3;4;5] and data=[10;20;30;40;50].
I created a new cell called table={'time','data';time data} and i used:
However, when i open the xlsx file it shows me only the titles and not showing the numbers.
I saw that xlswrite will show empty cell in case im trying to export more than 1 number in a cell.
Is there anything i can do to export the whole vector instead of writing each value in it's cell?
The final result that i tried to get is like this:
time data
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50

You have a couple options. Usually what I do is break it into two xlswrite calls, one for the header and one for the data.
titles = {'time','data'};
time = [1;2;3;4;5];
data = [10;20;30;40;50];
xlswrite('myfile.xlsx', titles, 'Sheet1', 'A1');
xlswrite('myfile.xlsx', [time, data], 'Sheet1', 'A2');
Alternatively, if you have R2013b or newer you can also use the table builtin, which has its own method for writing out data. With the same sample data:
mytable = table(time, data, 'VariableNames', titles);
writetable(mytable, 'myfile.xlsx');


comparison of two excel sheet and write output

Am writing a python code using xlrd and xlwt to compare two excel sheet and writing output in third sheet.
For example
Sheet 1
nativeEMSName id
HR_KURU_XX3714_TR_I_HR10001 66
HR_PHKL_XX6541_TR_I_HR10001 999
HR_MEWT_XX5906_TR_I_HR10001 2
HR_KTHL_XX6382_AR_I_HR50001 7777
HR_KTHL_XX3622_TR_I_HR10001 4
HR_LOHN_5811X_T01_C_X_HO55001 111
HR_RWRI_XX1142_TR_I_HR10001 55
HR_RWRI_XX3608_TR_I_HR10001 888
am finding sheet1's nativeEMSName in sheet2 and write nativeEMSName and respective ID in sheeet3.
Below code is using for same
for rowsr in range(sheet1.nrows):
for rowdr in range(sheet2.nrows):
if test==test1:
ID = sheet2.cell(rowdr, colnd +1).value
But the challenge is when noumber of row is like 30k in both sheet then code taking too much time to execute. I want to reduce execution time.
Any help will appreciate to optimize this code or use another way to get output in shortest time.
Your look-up is O(mxn) where m is number of rows in sheet1, n is number of rows in sheet2.
I assume there are no duplicates. I think this will work better. It is also easy to find bugs because you have data in map
1. Read sheet1 into a list
sheet1_list = [HR_MEWT_XX5906_TR_I_HR10001,
HR_RWRI_XX3608_TR_I_HR10001, and_so_on.. ]
2. Read sheet2 (look-up sheet) into a map
sheet2_map = {
'HR_KURU_XX3714_TR_I_HR10001' : '66',
'HR_PHKL_XX6541_TR_I_HR10001' : '999',
'HR_MEWT_XX5906_TR_I_HR10001' : '2,
'HR_KTHL_XX6382_AR_I_HR50001' : '7777',
<So on..>
3. Loop list and find id,
Here, individual look up is O(1), and total time is O(n), n is number of entries in sheet1, hence reduces time.
for key in sheet1_list:
print(key, sheet2_map[key]) #check by print
sheet3_map[key] = sheet2_map[key] # inserts key:id, like {'HR_MEWT_XX5906_TR_I_HR10001': '2' }
4. convert_map_to_excel( sheet3_map) ,
there are libraries but, its easy, use xlwt to write xls.

Looping in Matlab to batch process Excel files

I know how to read in multiple Excel files, but am struggling to conduct the same analysis on all of those files. The analysis requires I average some values in different columns, then print those average values to a separate Excel sheet. I can do this with one Excel file, but have trouble figuring out how to print each average value in a different row in the output Excel file. Here is the code I have that works for one file (reads it, averages values in column 4, then prints to a separate Excel file):
data = xlsread('test_1.xlsx');
average_values_1 = data(:,4);
a = [average_values_1];
data_cells = num2cell(a);
column_header ={'Average Value 1'};
row_header(1,1) ={'File 1'}
output = [{' '} column_header; row_header data_cells];
xlswrite('Test Averages.xls', output);
How might I do this over and over again while printing values from each file in the output file as its own table? I suspect a nested loop is in my future.
Thanks in advance.
Here is working example of what you possibly want to do with xlswrite[‍1]:
filename = 'testdata.xlsx'; % Filename to save average values in
for k = 1:10 % Looping for 10 iterations
sheet = 2; % Selecting sheet2
Avg = randi([1 10],1,1); % Generating a random average each time the loop is run
xlRange = char(64+k); % 65 is the ASCII value of A
xlswrite(filename,Avg,sheet,xlRange); % Writing the excel file
This code gives the following output [‍2] :
Fig.1: Values are saved in a single row of excel file
If you want to get the output in a single column then use this xlRange = ['A',num2str(k)]; instead. It'll give you the following output [‍2] :
Fig.2: Values are saved in a single column of excel file
[‍1]: Read the documentation of xlswrite for more details.
[‍2]: Output values may vary since random integers are generated.

How do I tell Matlab that some of the data which is being imported is in Hex?

I am trying to import the data from an excel sheet in which there are 3 columns (Time; Id; and Data).
The first column contains time (in seconds) while the next column has numbers (Id). The third column (Data), however, has hexadecimal numbers, therefore Matlab is unable to process that information and shows 'NaN' in the command window/structure whenever I try to retrieve any information from the third column.
I want to create a structure for each Ids and display the respective information inside that Id.
Hence is there anyway to obtain the information from the third column without getting NaN error?
Here's my code:
[dat1, dat2, dat3] = xlsread('1');
for k=1:length(bus)
if bus(k).Id == 150
You can get the raw text and do the conversion yourselves:
To get the text, you have to get other output parameters
from xlsread. For example:
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('file.xls');
will return the numeric values in num, the text values in txt, and
the raw cell data in raw.

xlswrite in case of vectors

I have a .mat file which contains titles={'time','data'} and 2 column vectors:
time=[1;2;3;4;5] and data=[10;20;30;40;50].
I created a new cell called table={'time','data';time data} and i used:
However, when i open the xlsx file it shows me only the titles and not showing the numbers.
I saw that xlswrite will show empty cell in case im trying to export more than 1 number in a cell.
Is there anything i can do to export the whole vector instead of writing each value in it's cell?
The final result that i tried to get is like this:
time data
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
You have a couple options. Usually what I do is break it into two xlswrite calls, one for the header and one for the data.
titles = {'time','data'};
time = [1;2;3;4;5];
data = [10;20;30;40;50];
xlswrite('myfile.xlsx', titles, 'Sheet1', 'A1');
xlswrite('myfile.xlsx', [time, data], 'Sheet1', 'A2');
Alternatively, if you have R2013b or newer you can also use the table builtin, which has its own method for writing out data. With the same sample data:
mytable = table(time, data, 'VariableNames', titles);
writetable(mytable, 'myfile.xlsx');

script task in SSIS to import excel spreadsheet

I have reviewed the questions that may have had my answer and unfortunately they don't seem to apply. Here is my situation. I have to import worksheets from my client. In columns A, C, D, and AA the client has the information I need. The balance of the columns have what to me is worthless information. The column headers are consistent in the four columns I need, but are very inconsistent in the columns that don't matter. For example cell A1 contains Division. This is true across all of the spreadsheets. Cell B1 can contain anything from sleeve length to overall length to fit. What I need to do is to import only the columns I need and map them to an SQL 2008 R2 table. I have defined the table in a stored procedure which is currently calling an SSIS function.
The problem is that when I try to import a spreadsheet that has different column names the SSIS fails and I have to go back in an run it manually to get the fields set up right.
I cannot imagine that what I am trying to do has not been done before. Just so the magnitude is not lost, I have 170 users who have over 120 different spreadsheet templates.
I am desperate for a workable solution. I can do everything after getting the file into my table in SQL. I have even written the code to move the files back to the FTP server.
I put together a post describing how I've used a Script task to parse Excel. It's allowe me to import decidedly non-tabular data into a data flow.
The core concept is that you will use a the JET or ACE provider and simply query the data out of an Excel Worksheet/named range. Once you have that, you have a dataset you can walk through row-by-row and perform whatever logic you need. In your case, you can skip row 1 for the header and then only import columns A, C, D and AA.
That logic would go in the ExcelParser class. So, the Foreach loop on line 71 would probably be distilled down to something like (code approximate)
// This gets the value of column A
current = dr[0].ToString();
// this assigns the value of current into our output row at column 0
newRow[0] = current;
// This gets the value of column C
current = dr[2].ToString();
// this assigns the value of current into our output row at column 1
newRow[1] = current;
// This gets the value of column D
current = dr[3].ToString();
// this assigns the value of current into our output row at column 2
newRow[2] = current;
// This gets the value of column AA
current = dr[26].ToString();
// this assigns the value of current into our output row at column 3
newRow[3] = current;
You obviously might need to do type conversions and such here but that's core of the parsing logic.
