Foursquare API is not returning any venues? - foursquare

For Venue request<OUTH_TOEKN>&v=20141028&limit=50&categoryId=4bf58dd8d48988d113951735&ll=<lat>,<lon>&intent=browse&radius=8046.700000
I am getting the response with no venues.


Twitter API to fetch users with most number of followers

I am looking for a twitter API to fetch top 10 users with most followers. Does any such API exist?
The Twitter API does not have this. The API is documented here

Comments missing from instagram API response

There are comments missing from instagram API response. There are about 5 comments for a post, but only one of them is coming in API.

Foursquare explore API returning different result than in foursquare app

this is sample explore url :,74.3844226&radius=800&limit=30&sortByDistance=1&client_id=CLIENT_ID&client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET&v=20130911&locale=en
venue return from this api is different from venues in foursquare app for same coordinates.
Your URL is Userless access. foursquare app uses oauth_token instead of client_id/client_secret.
This is why your URL return different result than in foursquare app.
To use oauth_token, you need to authenticate the user.

Foursquare API Checkin users of a venue

I am trying to get the users info for the people who checked in for a venue
Is there any API endpoint to get the atleast the basic info of the users who checked in for a venue
Thank You
In a venue detail request, if your users have auth'd through Foursquare, you can see their friends that have been there. Your app can see users currently at a venue if 1) one of your auth'd users just checked in there, or 2) your users are a manager of that venue.
These should give you some "mini" or compact user responses and to get more data, you can make a user detail request

how to get foursquare ID through foursquare api?

i integrate foursquare api in my app. and when i use method findLocationsNearbyLatitude
i get id of venues but not is foursquare id. please tell me how to get foursquare ID of location through foursquare API? thank so much!
Call this method passing in the lat and longitude
this will then return a compact array of venues
This will then provide the foursquare id of each venue for you to use
