How to include emoticons in Swift string? - string

Here is a pretty good article that references iOS emoticons and their code. For example \ue008 for the small camera.
I tried this in my code :
var myText: String = "\ue008"
This is not accepted by Xcode. How to include it ?

If I understand what you are trying to achieve, then:
Press "ctrl + cmd + space" while in XCode. A sample usage of 'hearts' emoticon
cell.textLabel?.text = "❤️" + " \(liker) liked \(userBeingliked)'s photo"

That's from swift documentation:
let dollarSign = "\u{24}" // $, Unicode scalar U+0024
let blackHeart = "\u{2665}" // ♥, Unicode scalar U+2665
let sparklingHeart = "\u{1F496}" // 💖, Unicode scalar U+1F496

You don't need the unicode constants at all. Just use the character viewer and type the character directly. 😝
let sparklingHeart = "💖"

1 Decoding the Unicode:
extension String {
var decodeEmoji: String{
let data = String.Encoding.utf8);
let decodedStr = NSString(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.nonLossyASCII.rawValue)
if let str = decodedStr{
return str as String
return self
let decodedString = yourString.decodeEmoji
2 Encoding the Unicode:
extension String {
var encodeEmoji: String{
if let encodeStr = NSString(cString: self.cString(using: .nonLossyASCII)!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue){
return encodeStr as String
return self
let encodedString = yourString.encodeEmoji

You could insert the emoji directly using ⌘ ^ Space.
Or, based on Greg's answer:
var myText: String = "\u{e008}"

As Greg posted above, you can directly input the emoji into Swift using the OSx character viewer. The character viewer is disabled by default. Here is how to enable it:
Go to System Preferences > Language and Region > Keyboard Preferences > Keyboard then check Show Keyboard, Emoji, & Symbol Viewers in menu bar. Once checked you can open the character viewer from the top right menu bar next to your Wifi and Date/Time icons.

from your Hex "0x1F52D" to actual Emoji
let c = 0x1F602
next step would possibly getting an Uint32 from your Hex
let intEmoji = UnicodeScalar(c!).value
from this you can do something like
titleLabel.text = String(UnicodeScalar(intEmoji)!)
here you have a "😂"
it work with range of hexadecimal too
let emojiRanges = [
for range in emojiRanges {
for i in range {
let c = UnicodeScalar(i)!.value
to get multiple UInt32 from your Hex range for exemple

Chris Slowik's and Greg's answers are close.
The easiest answer is just to "rephrase" your String from this:
var myText: String = "\ue008"
To this:
var myText: String = "\u{008}"
The Unicodes found on the link you've attached are not wrong, as someone else claimed. You just need to rephrase it inside the String.
The important piece of code in your example above is the "008" part.
I've created a simple function to convert these kinds Unicode to their corresponding Emojis:
func convertHexToEmoji(_ u:Int) -> String {
return "\(UnicodeScalar(u)!)" }
To use:
let myText = convertHexToEmoji(008)

This took me a bit of time to figure out in MacOS 11, so I thought I would share.
If you prefer to input the unicode characters rather than pasting literal emojis, you can find out the unicode for the system emojis like this:
Focus/click into a text field (e.g. the search bar in your web browser).
Press ctrl+cmd+space or go to Edit->Emoji & Symbols in the menu bar.
Scroll up in the character viewer until you see the window expand icon in the upper right:
In the expanded Character Viewer window, press the upper left button and select Customize List....
Scroll down to Code Tables minimized list, expand the list, toggle on Unicode, and press Done (system changed this window to dark mode for whatever reason).
Now, click the different emojis and you should see the unicode underneath the image.
Then you inject it the unicode like this:
var myText: String = "\u{e008}"


Replace some characters in a string with the next unicode character

I have an input text as following:
inputtext = "This is a test";
I need to replace some of the character (based on a certain criteria) to next unicode character
let i = 0;
for c in inputtext.chars() {
if (somecondition){
// Replace char here
inputtext.replace_range(i..i+1, newchar);
// println!("{}", c);
What is the best way to do this?
You can't easily update a string in-place because a Rust string is not just an array of characters, it's an array of bytes (in UTF-8 encoding), and different characters may use different numbers of bytes. For example, the character ߿ (U+07FF "Nko Taman Sign") uses two bytes, whereas the next Unicode character ࠀ (U+0800 "Samaritan Letter Alaf") uses three.
It's therefore simplest to turn the string into an iterator of characters (using .chars()), manipulate that iterator as appropriate, and then construct a new string using .collect().
For example:
let old = "abcdef";
let new = old.chars()
// note: there's an edge case if ch == char::MAX which we must decide
// how to handle. in this case I chose to not change the
// character, but this may be different from what you need.
.map(|ch| {
if somecondition {
char::from_u32(ch as u32 + 1).unwrap_or(ch)
} else {

Fabric JS Unicode Issue

We are using Fabric JS (4.1.0) and noticed that special characters like ! or # are not pulling through to the text object in the canvas. They are simply showing as space characters but normal alphabet characters come through as expected.
I've collated the below script to grab the unicode of a string and return it back as a unicode string. Running the function below returns the exact unicode data we expect however, when passing the variable of the unicode string to it, the \u2702 text simply shows, however if I pass the same value in "hardcoded" like the commented out part it renders as expected.
Why is this happening and how can we fix it?
function unicodeEscape(str) {
return str.replace(/[\s\S]/g, function(character) {
var escape = character.charCodeAt().toString(16),
longhand = escape.length > 2;
longhand = true;
return '\\' + (longhand ? 'u' : 'x') + ('0000' + escape).slice(longhand ? -4 : -2);
var encodedVal = unicodeEscape('✂');
text = new fabric.Text(encodedVal);
// Function call that works perfectly and renders the element:
// text = new fabric.Text("\u2702");
// canvas.add(text);

TextField.text is assigned with a multi-line string, but they're not equal right after the assignment

I have an Array of strings:
private var phrase:Array = ["You will be given a series of questions like this:\n2 + 2 =\n(click or press ENTER to continue)","You can use the Keyboard or Mouse\nto deliver the answer\n\"ENTER\" locks it in.\n(click or press ENTER to continue)","\nClick Here\n to start."];
I have a conditional later in the script to see if the phrase[0] is equal to the instructText.text, so I put a "test" directly after the assignment as below:
instructText.text = phrase[0];
if (instructText.text == phrase[0]) {
trace("phrase zero");
else {
//OUTPUT: nottttttttt
I've tried various combinations of phrase[0] as String and String(phrase[0]), but haven't had any luck.
What am I missing?
Turns out that the text property of the TextField class converts the "Line Feed" characters (the "\n", ASCII code of 1010=A16) to the character of "Carriage Return" (the ASCII code of 1310=D16).
So, you need a LF to CR conversion (or vise-versa) to make a homogeneous comparison of what is stored in the property against what you have in the array element:
function replaceLFwithCR(s:String):String {
return s.replace(/\n/g, String.fromCharCode(13));
if (instructText.text == replaceCRwithLF(phrase[0])) {
trace("They are equal :)");
else {
trace("They are NOT equal :(");
// Output: They are equal :)
P.S. To get the code of a character, you may utilize the charCodeAt() method of the String class:
trace("\n".charCodeAt(0)); // 10

Using loops to go through string and check char as a dict key

so I want to kind of build a "Decrypter", I have a dictionary with the keys being the symbol, and the value the respective value for the symbol, then I have this string that the code is suppose to look into, the translate will be saved in a other string, in this case called output. This is the way I did the loop part, but is not working:
var outputText = " "
for character in textForScan{
for key in gematriaToLetters{
if (gematriaToLetters.keys == textForScan[character]){
outputText.insert(gematriaToLetters.values, atIndex: outputText.endIndex)
You could also consider using map:
let outputText = "".join(map(textForScan) { gematriaToLetters[String($0)] ?? String($0) })
If you don't specify a specific letter in the dictionary it returns the current letter without "converting".
I think you are looking for something like this:
for aCharacter in textForScan {
let newChar = gematrialToLetters["\(aCharacter)"]
outputText += newChar

D: how to remove last char in string?

I need to remove last char in string in my case it's comma (","):
foreach(line; fcontent.splitLines)
string row =!(a=>format("'%s', ", a)).join;
I have found only one way - to call chop two times. First remove \r\n and second remove last char.
Is there any better ways?
import std.array;
if (!row.empty)
As it usually happens with string processing, it depends on how much Unicode do you care about.
If you only work with ASCII it is very simple:
import std.encoding;
// no "nice" ASCII literals, D really encourages Unicode
auto str1 = cast(AsciiString) "abcde";
str1 = str1[0 .. $-1]; // get slice of everything but last byte
auto str2 = cast(AsciiString) "abcde\n\r";
str2 = str2[0 .. $-3]; // same principle
In "last char" actually means unicode code point ( it gets a bit more complicated. Easy way is to just rely on D automatic decoding and algorithms:
import std.range, std.stdio;
auto range = "кириллица".retro.drop(1).retro();
Here retro ( is a lazy reverse iteration function. It takes any range (unicode string is a valid range) and returns wrapper that is capable of iterating it backwards.
drop ( simply pops a single range element and ignores it. Calling retro again will reverse the iteration order back to normal, but now with the last element dropped.
Reason why it is different from ASCII version is because of nature of Unicode (specifically UTF-8 which D defaults to) - it does not allow random access to any code point. You actually need to decode them all one by one to get to any desired index. Fortunately, D takes care of all decoding for you hiding it behind convenient range interface.
For those who want even more Unicode correctness, it should be possible to operate on graphemes (
import std.range, std.uni, std.stdio;
auto range = "abcde".byGrapheme.retro.drop(1).retro();
Sadly, looks like this specific pattern is not curently supported because of bug in Phobos. I have created an issue about it :
NOTE: Updated my answer to be a bit cleaner and removed the lambda function in 'map!' as it was a little ugly.
import std.algorithm, std.stdio;
import std.string;
void main(){
string fcontent = "I am a test\nFile\nwith some,\nCommas here and\nthere,\n";
auto data = fcontent
.map!(a => a.replaceLast(","))
writefln("%s", data);
auto replaceLast(string line, string toReplace){
auto o = line.lastIndexOf(toReplace);
return o >= 0 ? line[0..o] : line;
module main;
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.string : lineSplitter, join;
import std.algorithm : map, splitter, each;
enum fcontent = "some text\r\nnext line\r\n";
void main()
{!(a=>a.splitter(' ')
.map!(b=>"'" ~ b ~ "'")
.join(", "))
Take a look, I use this extension method to replace any last character or sub-string, for example:
string testStr = "Happy holiday!";<br>
Console.Write(testStr.ReplaceVeryLast("holiday!", "Easter!"));
public static class StringExtensions
public static string ReplaceVeryLast(this string sStr, string sSearch, string sReplace = "")
int pos = 0;
sStr = sStr.Trim();
pos = sStr.LastIndexOf(sSearch, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
if (pos >= 0 && pos + sSearch.Length == sStr.Length)
sStr = sStr.Substring(0, pos) + sReplace;
} while (pos == (sStr.Length - sSearch.Length + 1));
return sStr;
