Different assembly syntaxes for same cpu? - linux

I've decided to learn assembler through online tutorials.
I've come across this one that uses the NASM compiler, which most other tutorials seem to as well:
I've also come across this youtube series "Assembly primer for hackers"
This one uses what the guy describes as the 'generic linux compiler' (owtte).
The commands for compiling go something like this:
as -o file.o file.s
Where file.s is the assembly source code. Followed by:
ld -o file file.o
Where file is then the executable.
Each of the tutorials uses a different syntax (e.g. a register in the latter tutorial is always preceded by %. NB. There do appear to be less superficial differences in the syntax than this as well). Are these syntaxes decided by the individual compiler?
I was also initially confused when I tried to compile code from the NASM tutorial with the latter method. I was always under the impression that the instruction set had to depend on the CPU and it therefore shouldn't matter which compiler I use. I've just concluded that it's merely differences in syntax but is that correct?
I'm running a Linux computer, by the way, on kernel 4.1.6.
My main question is really which syntax do I use? Is it just a matter of choice? Is one more widely used than the other? Thanks for any help.

Each of the tutorials uses a different syntax (e.g. a register in the
latter tutorial is always preceded by %. NB. There do appear to be
less superficial differences in the syntax than this as well). Are
these syntaxes decided by the individual compiler?
Yes, different assemblers (= assembly language compilers) might use different assembler language syntax although they provide code for the same processor and platform.
My main question is really which syntax do I use? Is it just a matter
of choice? Is one more widely used than the other?
One assembler, like NASM, might go for a wide range of processors and platforms, in this case you would benefit from learning its syntax when you need to work with several processors or platforms.
In other cases it might be better to stick with the assembler of some prominent vendor, because it is widely used and you can find more example code on the net for it which might help you with your development.
Last not least you might simply prefer a particular assembler because you like its features or syntax.

If your'e on a Windows system, Microsoft's MASM (ML.EXE or ML64.exe for 64 bit) syntax is virtually the same as Intel's syntax. MASM (ML.EXE and ML64.EXE) is included with the free Visual Studio express editions, although you usually have to create a custom build step to invoke the assembler in a VS project. VS express includes a good source level debugger.
If you're on a Linux type system, then you'll probably use AT&T syntax, which I assume ended up that way since it was a conversion of some generic assembler. I don't know which assembler(s) to recommend for Linux.


GNU g++ inline assembly block like Apple g++/Visual C++?

I am currently following a course at my University in which, at this stage, we learn about the assembler code behind certain C/C++ constructs.
The workflow usually goes like this: the lab assistant briefly speaks about a topic, we figure out the quirks and then solve some totally random problem using inline assembly.
(For example: He briefly talks about how struct (members) are stored in memory, we figure out the pattern and then we write the solution using inline assembly to a simple problem in which we use a struct.)
The lab assistant (as well as the rest of the group) is using the Visual C++ compiler and debugger (for disassembly) for his demonstrations however I cannot use it due to ethical reasons and thus I opted for g++ and gdb.
What I find awkward about g++'s inline assembly compared to Visual C++ is the fact that:
If I want to write a 'block' of inline assembly I have two options: Have a single asm("..") construct in which each instruction is preceded by a \n\t (leads to a lot of clutter). Or have each instruction in its own asm("..") block (leads to a lot of typing).
If I want to reference a local variable in the inline assembly I have to either use the extended syntax or reference it by using offsets to esp/ebp.
In respect to the two issues above I prefer the Visual C++'s inline assembly style in which in order to write an asm block all I have to do is __asm { .. } and write each instruction on a new line and in order to reference a variable I just have to write its name.
Throughout my searches I have discovered that Apple's g++ supports the same syntax as Visual C++ with a switch (-fasm-blocks) however this does not seem to be the case for GNU g++.
In the hopes that I might have missed something I am asking here if it is possible to compile Visual C++ like inline assembly blocks under GNU g++.
The syntax you are referring to is not Microsoft specific. As you have found, Apple had it too (although Apple gave up on GCC and switched to Clang). AFAIK, Metrowerks supports the same syntax. GCC does not support it (probably because GCC guys believe that GCC is so good that nobody needs to write assembly anymore :-)). However, there is no need to type \n\t all the time, you can replace it with ;. For example:
void foo()
asm("xor %eax,%eax;"
"rep; nop;"
Hope it helps. Good Luck!

Compiled interpreted language

Is there a programming language, having usable interactive interpreter, even as it can be compiled to machine code?
Compilation vs. "interpretation" is essentially a matter of implementation, not the language itself. For example, MRI Ruby 1.8 is interpreted, while MacRuby is compiled to native machine code. Both include an interactive REPL. All the languages I know that have at least one machine-code compiler and at least one REPL:
Almost all Lisps (Lisp was the language that pioneered this technique, AFAIK)
If we're counting compilation to bytecode as well as machine code, it's true of the vast majority of popular bytecode-compiled languages:
Haskell, using the Glasgow Haskell Compiler which has an interactive "shell" called GHCi.
Many flavors of Lisp offer both options, including Clojure.
Two come to my mind : ocaml and scala (~= java), but I'm sure there must be a lot more out there.
And here's another one to burn your house down:
x86 Assembly
Yup, there are interpreters for this as well.
Javascript x86 Assembly Interpreter
At this point you're really in emulator land, but it does meet the requirements you state.
I'm wondering if it's easier to name compiled languages that someone hasn't cobbled up a working interpreter for. :-)
Lua has an interactive mode for one-liners and experimentation. It normally compiles to bytecode for its VM for execution. LuaJIT is an independent implementation of a Lua VM that also does just-in-time compilation to 32-bit x86. Support for 64-bit is underway, and support for ARM is frequently requested.
Compilation to a bytecode is often a reasonable compromise between a pure interpreter and a pure compiler. The VM can be tuned to the needs of the language, and JIT techniques can analyze the VM code as it executes and concentrate on frequently executed code paths and inner loops.
As others have mentioned, OCaml.
If managed code (.NET CLI) is close enough to machine code, F# would be a candidate as well. There are probably other .NET/Mono languages which meet the requirement as well.
You may regret you asked:
C and C++.
and there are probably others out there as well.
Plenty of languages offer an implementation that both interacts and compiles to machine code, but it's rare to do both at once. Standard ML of New Jersey is one that has an interactive loop but no bytecode: it simply compiles to machine code in memory and then branches to it.
Not exactly machine code, but Java can be compiled and also used via BeanShell.
I've used Ruby with an interpreter, and there seems to be a compiler here.
Icon used to have a compiler, but it falls in and out of maintenence. It may still work.
Python can be compiled to windows executables.
C# can be compiled by using SnippetCompiler, maybe this would act as an interactive interpreter for you?
Your question is a bit vague. Even Java would fit it:
by interactive interpreter, i mean
shell-like environment, where you can
work in the runtime interactively.
Java has this, e.g. in the Eclipse "scrapbook pages", where you can enter Java expressions and have them evaluated right away. Java is of course also a compiled language (and while it's usually compiled to bytecode, there are various compilers that output machine code).
So what are you looking for? Maybe you could explain your problem or interest.
I tried using mono/.net for a bit and found random GC pauses to be disagreeable (at least on my crusty old laptop). I looked at using gambit-c an implementation of scheme that can compile to C but it seemed difficult to work with because the docs were somewhat limited and the packages where not very easy to install and use.
I usually just stick to having an interpreted language such as python bound to C/C++ which is more painful but at least I know what I am in for.

Is assembly language `assembler` specific too? Which assembler is best?

I'm learning assembly language. I started with Paul A. Carter's PC Assembly Language which uses NASM (The Netwide Assembler). Then in the middle I switched and started reading Introduction to 80×86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture which uses MASM.
In NASM I used to write, for initializing a byte
db 110101b
In MASM I'm using
BYTE 110101b
I'm in the middle of reading. Since these are Assembler directives they will be different for each assembler. right?
Doesn't these assembler developers follow a standard for these directives? Because, They know that mnemonics are CPU specific. So, its pain in the ass to learn and code in assembly language.
Now if they follow different directives, its more pain if you change assembler or if you switch the operating system (MASM developer is in deep trouble if he goes to linux).
My confusion is should I acquaint myself with NASM or MASM? I'm fan of windows but I may have to work (in future) on Linux also.
Every book should be titled "_________ Assembly Language using __________ Assembler"
Unfortunately there has never been a standard for assembly language. You'll just have to learn the directives that your assembler supports. Fortunately most of the directives, while having different names, are semantically similar like db and BYTE.
But wait! It gets worse, especially for the x86. You have (at least) two forms of code that assemblers can accept: Intel and AT&T format. AT&T format reverses the order of most operands to instructions (or is it visa versa ;-).
NASM is probably a better choice for portability, but you could also look at the GNU
Intel Syntax / AT&T Syntax
With x86 in particular, the first assemblers were from Intel and then largely-compatible assemblers from Microsoft formed one branch.
These assemblers organize source and destination operands right to left and have an unusual (and to my eyes, kind of wacky) abstraction layer that uses a single mnemonic for 8, 16, and 32-bit ops and then derives the actual machine opcode to use based on properties of the operand. Modifiers exist (on operands) to force a particular size.
But Unix was also important and it had a completely different assembler line with different traditions and conventions.
The original Unix vendor was AT&T, which owned the intellectual property developed at Bell Labs. A series of BSD projects and then Linux continued with this tradition. These assemblers historically process operands left to right, have a spare design optimized for speed, and when used by humans they generally use cpp for macros and conditionals, even if the assembler also has parallel features.
These days you are probably using VS on MS or Gnu on Linux or Mac, but this is why we still say AT&T vs Intel. The GNU assembler has an option to assemble both ways, although it's still really in the AT&T camp.
Generally yes. They are mostly feature-compatible though, so converting from one assembler syntax to another is usually not terribly difficult if you know both.
Processors are all documented in a manufacturer supplied Reference manual. This usually developed into the normative syntax (along with the assembler provided by the vendor) for assembly programs on a particular platform. Consequently, many processors from a single vendor have similar syntax.
The situation became more complex with second sourcing of processors and the eventual development of multi-targeting assemblers that, for historical reasons, use mostly consistent syntax across all platforms. This also provides some arguable advantages when porting code across platforms.
Your best choices are to: pick a notation you are comfortable with and accept books with different syntax, see if you can locate cross-system macro libraries or translation tools or bite the bullet and learn multiple dialects. The third is usually tolerable although it makes building private libraries labour intensive.

Determine source language from a binary?

I responded to another question about developing for the iPhone in non-Objective-C languages, and I made the assertion that using, say, C# to write for the iPhone would strike an Apple reviewer wrong. I was speaking largely about UI elements differing between the ObjC and C# libraries in question, but a commenter made an interesting point, leading me to this question:
Is it possible to determine the language a program is written in, solely from its binary? If there are such methods, what are they?
Let's assume for the purposes of the question:
That from an interaction standpoint (console behavior, any GUI appearance, etc.) the two are identical.
That performance isn't a reliable indicator of language (no comparing, say, Java to C).
That you don't have an interpreter or something between you and the language - just raw executable binary.
Bonus points if you're language-agnostic as possible.
Short answer: YES
Long answer:
If you look at a binary, you can find the names of the libraries that have been linked in. Opening cmd.exe in TextPad easily finds the following at hex offset 0x270: msvcrt.dll, KERNEL32.dll, NTDLL.DLL, USER32.dll, etc. msvcrt is the Microsoft 'C' runtime support functions. KERNEL32, NTDLL, and USER32.dll are OS specific libraries which tell you either the target platform, or the platform on which it was built, depending on how well the cross-platform development environment segregates the two.
Setting aside those clues, most any c/c++ compiler will have to insert the names of the functions into the binary, there is a list of all functions (or entrypoints) stored in a table. C++ 'mangles' the function names to encode the arguments and their types to support overloaded methods. It is possible to obfuscate the function names but they would still exist. The functions signatures would include the number and types of the arguments which can be used to trace into the system or internal calls used in the program. At offset 0x4190 is "SetThreadUILanguage" which can be searched for to find out a lot about the development environment. I found the entry-point table at offset 0x1ED8A. I could easily see names like printf, exit, and scanf; along with __p__fmode, __p__commode, and __initenv
Any executable for the x86 processor will have a data segment which will contain any static text that was included in the program. Back to cmd.exe (offset 0x42C8) is the text "S.o.f.t.w.a.r.e..P.o.l.i.c.i.e.s..M.i.c.r.o.s.o.f.t..W.i.n.d.o.w.s..S.y.s.t.e.m.". The string takes twice as many characters as is normally necessary because it was stored using double-wide characters, probably for internationalization. Error codes or messages are a prime source here.
At offset B1B0 is "p.u.s.h.d" followed by mkdir, rmdir, chdir, md, rd, and cd; I left out the unprintable characters for readability. Those are all command arguments to cmd.exe.
For other programs, I've sometimes been able to find the path from which a program was compiled.
So, yes, it is possible to determine the source language from the binary.
I'm not a compiler hacker (someday, I hope), but I figure that you may be able to find telltale signs in a binary file that would indicate what compiler generated it and some of the compiler options used, such as the level of optimization specified.
Strictly speaking, however, what you're asking is impossible. It could be that somebody sat down with a pen and paper and worked out the binary codes corresponding to the program that they wanted to write, and then typed that stuff out in a hex editor. Basically, they'd be programming in assembly without the assembler tool. Similarly, you may never be able to tell with certainty whether a native binary was written in straight assembler or in C with inline assembly.
As for virtual machine environments such as JVM and .NET, you should be able to identify the VM by the byte codes in the binary executable, I would expect. However you may not be able to tell what the source language was, such as C# versus Visual Basic, unless there are particular compiler quirks that tip you off.
what about these tools:
PE Detective
both are PE Identifiers. ok, they're both for windows but that's what it was when i landed here
I expect you could, if you disassemble the source, or at least you may know the compiler, as not all compilers will use the same code for printf for example, so Objective-C and gnu C should differ here.
You have excluded all byte-code languages so this issue is going to be less common than expected.
First, run what on some binaries and look at the output. CVS (and SVN) identifiers are scattered throughout the binary image. And most of those are from libraries.
Also, there's often a "map" to the various library functions. That's a big hint, also.
When the libraries are linked into the executable, there is often a map that's included in the binary file with names and offsets. It's part of creating "position independent code". You can't simply "hard-link" the various object files together. You need a map and you have to do some lookups when loading the binary into memory.
Finally, the start-up module for C, C++ (and I imagine C#) is unique to that compiler's defaiult set of libraries.
Well, C is initially converted the ASM, so you could write all C code in ASM.
No, the bytecode is language agnostic. Different compilers could even take the same code source and generate different binaries. That's why you don't see general purpose decompilers that will work on binaries.
The command 'strings' could be used to get some hints as to what language was used (for instance, I just ran it on the stripped binary for a C application I wrote and the first entries it finds are the libraries linked by the executable).

Is assembler portable between Linux distros?

Is a program shipped in assembler format portable between Linux distributions (modulo CPU architecture differences)?
Here's the background to my question: I'm working on a new programming language (named Aklo), whose modus operandi will be the classic compiling to .s and feeding the result to the GNU assembler.
Obviously it would be nice ultimately to have the implementation written in itself, but I had resigned myself to maintaining it in C++ to solve the chicken and egg problem: suppose you download the compiler for the first time and it is itself written in Aklo, how do you compile it? As I understand it, different Linux distributions and other UNIX like systems have different conventions for binary formats.
But it's just occurred to me, a solution might be to ship the .s file (well, one per CPU architecture): it's fair to assume you have or can install the GNU assembler. Of course I'd still need a bootstrap compiler, but that doesn't need to be fast; I can write it in Python.
Is assembler portable in the way that binaries are not? Are there any other stumbling blocks I haven't thought of?
Added in response to one answer:
I had looked wistfully at LLVM, there is certainly a lot of good stuff there and it would make my life easier -- except that it would incur a dependency on the correct version of LLVM being installed. It wouldn't be so bad having that dependency on development machines, but in a world where it's common to ship programs as source, the same dependency would be incurred for every user of every program ever written in Aklo, and I decided that was too high a price to pay.
But if the solution of shipping compiled programs as assembler works... then that solves that problem, and I can use LLVM after all, which would be a big win.
So the question about portability of assembler is even considerably more important than I had first realized.
Conclusion: from answers here and on the LLVM mailing list http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/llvmdev/2010-January/028991.html it seems the bad news is the problem is unsolvable, but the good news is that means using LLVM makes it no worse, so I'm free to do so and obtain all the advantages thereof.
You might want to check out LLVM before going down this particular path. It might make your life a lot easier, as it provides a low level virtual machine that makes a lot of hard stuff just work and has been very popular.
At a very high level, the ABI consists of { instruction set, system calls, binary format, libraries }.
Distribution as .s may free you from the binary format. This is still rather pointless, because you are fixed to a particular ISA and still need to use libraries and/or make system calls. Libraries vary from distribution to distribution (although this isn't really that bad, especially if you just use libc) and syscalls vary from OS to OS.
It's basically 20 years since I last bootstrapped a C compiler. At the level of compilers, the differences between Linux distributions are minimal.
The much more important reason for going LLVM is cross-platform; if you're not writing some intermediate language, your compiler will be extremely difficult to retarget for different processors. And seeing as, on my laptop, I have compilers for x86, x86_64, two kinds of MIPS, PowerPC, ARM and AVR... you see where I'm going? I can compile multiple languages for most of those targets too (only C for AVR).
