Removing unwanted data from text file - excel

I have a large text file exported from an application that has three unwanted zeros in each row. The text file needs to be imported into another application and the zeros cause a problem.
Basically the unwanted three zeros per row need to be deleted. These zeros are always in the same location (same number of characters when counting from the left), but the location is somewhere in the middle. I have tried various things like importing the file into excel, removing the zeroes and then exporting as text file, but always have formatting problems with the exported text file.
Can someone suggest a solution or point me in the right direction?

something like this ? (quickly done)
Sub replaceInTx()
Dim inFile As String, outFile As String
Dim curLine As String
inFile = "x:\Documents\test.txt"
outFile = inFile & ".new.txt"
Open inFile For Input As #1
Open outFile For Output As #2
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, curLine
Print #2, Replace(curLine, "000", "", 6, 1, vbTextCompare)
Close #1
Close #2
End Sub
Alternatively, you can do that with any text editor that allows block selection (I like Notepad2, tiny, fast and portable)

I see you use excel a lot.
When you import the text file into excel do you use the import function and do you push the data into separate cells?
if the cell is numeric you could do the following:
if the cell is text:
G5 would the cell the data row/field is in.

curLine = Left(curLine, 104)
This will take the first 104 characters


printing txt file from VBA for Matlab

I am working parallel with Excel and VBA in order to create txt files I wish to use for MATLAB. However, I experience some format issues I can't resolve.
For instance, the following VBA
Open "example.txt" For Output As #1
For i = 1 To 5
Print #1, Sheets("Example").Cells(i + 3, 3)
Next i
Indeed prints numbers (reals) it is supposed to however MATLAB struggles with reading this example .txt file.
There are some characters VBA is printing. I don't know how to delete those within a VBA code.
Example.txt opened in matlab. Note the NaN read by MATLAB from a text file:
VBA text file - Note a line as the first element of a column
Perhaps there is a character that is invisible.
A possible solution is to remove those characters with regex.
Add reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expression 5.5
Then the following VBA code:
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "[^0-9]"
Open "example.txt" For Output As #1
For i = 1 To 5
Print #1, re.Replace(Sheets("Example").Cells(i + 3, 3).value, vbNullString)
Next i
This should remove anything that is not a digit from the cell before printing it to the text document.

Find last row in CSV database from Excel VBA

I am reading a .csv database in excel, because I am using an external database.
I dont want to copy anything into the excel application, I either want to read from the database(and maybe change some values), or add to it.
I have a textbox in a userform that should get the value of the last entry in "column" A(A reference number), and add one to it(this is for the next entry in the database).
I want to find the last row in a semicolon split CSV database using excel VBA.
Here is what I have so far:
Dim FilePath As String
FilePath = "L:\database.csv"
Open FilePath For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
linenumber = linenumber + 1
Line Input #1, Line
arrayOfElements = Split(Line, ";")
elementnumber = 0
testValue = arrayOfElements(0)
If testValue = "L51599" Then
refnr.Text = testValue
'do nothing
End If
Close #1
Any tips?
There are 5 different ways to that here :
Be aware of the fact that CSV files are not excel files and they cannot contain custom VBA functions (Macros). You will have to create your "findLastRow" function in a global template and assign it to a custom button on one of the toolbars/ribbons. this is explained here :
good luck!

Copying lines from Wordpad into Excel using VBA

I am writing some code where I import some files under TMX (a form of xml).
I tried various options
a) using the Open FileName For input, but this messes up the character encoding
b) opening the file and copying the data using the msoDialog, but this return an error if the file is too large (which is often the case) and this put the data in an utterly messy manner.
c) opening the file using notepad, but there are the same limitations in so far as copying the entirety of the file into Excel as the previous option.
I am not trying to use a shell function calling onto Wordpad.
My issue right now, is that I need to copy the file line by line to treat its content according to my needs (hopefully without losing the character encoding
Would someone know how to copy every single line from the file opened in WordPad and paste it post treatment (selection of the relevant elements) into Excel?
Thank you
For large files you can use this solution:
Public Sub ImportTMXtoExcel()
Call Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Filters.Clear
Call Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Filters.Add("TMX Files", "*.tmx")
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Title = "Select a file to import..."
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).AllowMultiSelect = False
intChoice = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Show
If intChoice <> 0 Then
strFileToImport = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems(1)
Exit Sub
End If
intPointer = FreeFile()
Open strFileToImport For Input Access Read Lock Read As #intPointer
intCounter = 0
Do Until EOF(intPointer)
Line Input #intPointer, strLine
intCounter = intCounter + 1
Worksheets(1).Cells(intCounter + 1, 1).Value2 = strLine
Close intPointer
End Sub
For other encodings you can use ADO's Stream as described in this solution:
VB6/VBScript change file encoding to ansi
If you have large files which require ADO's Stream then you might want to consider breaking down the large files first as described in this solution:
How to split a large text file into smaller files with equal number of lines?
The following website provides a tool which mimics the Unix command split for Windows in command prompt:

Adding a newline character within a cell (CSV)

I would like to import product descriptions that need to be logically broken according by things like description, dimensions, finishes etc. How can I insert a line break so that when I import the file they will show up?
This question was answered well at Can you encode CR/LF in into CSV files?.
Consider also reverse engineering multiple lines in Excel. To embed a newline in an Excel cell, press Alt+Enter. Then save the file as a .csv. You'll see that the double-quotes start on one line and each new line in the file is considered an embedded newline in the cell.
I struggled with this as well but heres the solution. If you add " before and at the end of the csv string you are trying to display, it will consolidate them into 1 cell while honoring new line.
csvString += "\""+"Date Generated: \n" ;
csvString += "Doctor: " + "\n"+"\"" + "\n";
I have the same issue, when I try to export the content of email to csv and still keep it break line when importing to excel.
I export the conent as this: ="Line 1"&CHAR(10)&"Line 2"
When I import it to excel(google), excel understand it as string. It still not break new line.
We need to trigger excel to treat it as formula by:
Format -> Number | Scientific.
This is not the good way but it resolve my issue.
supposing you have a text variable containing:
const text = 'wonderful text with \n newline'
the newline in the csv file is correctly interpreted having enclosed the string with double quotes and spaces
'" ' + text + ' "'
On Excel for Mac 2011, the newline had to be a \r instead of an \n
"\"first line\rsecond line\""
would show up as a cell with 2 lines
I was concatenating the variable and adding multiple items in same row. so below code work for me. "\n" new line code is mandatory to add first and last of each line if you will add it on last only it will append last 1-2 character to new lines.
$itemCode = '';
foreach($returnData['repairdetail'] as $checkkey=>$repairDetailData){
if($checkkey >0){
$itemCode .= "\n".trim(#$repairDetailData['ItemMaster']->Item_Code)."\n";
$itemCode .= "\n".trim(#$repairDetailData['ItemMaster']->Item_Code)."\n";
$repairDetaile[]= array(
// pass all array to here
foreach ($repairDetaile as $csvData) {
I converted a pandas DataFrame to a csv string using DataFrame.to_csv() and then I looked at the results. It included \r\n as the end of line character(s). I suggest inserting these into your csv string as your row separation.
Depending on the tools used to generate the csv string you may need escape the \ character (\r\n).

Excel VbScript Quotes issue

I am using Vbscript to write some data into excel then i am saving this excel object as txt file. My problem here is after saving as text file some rows contains quotes ". Below is my code can some body help me recording this.
My Output text file is:
"Scale value* *********"
problem here is 1st and 3rd row starts and ends with quotes (" ").
code is
Dim objXL1,name
Set objXL1 = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objXL1.Cells(1 ,1) = "Rules*V*ZBEA*892**0010*10*IBM-01** "
objXL1.Cells(2,1) = "30,000.00*01/08/2012*21/08/2012****0000013556*01***2600"
objXL1.Cells(3 ,1) = "Scale value* *********"
name = objXL1.GetSaveAsFilename(,"Text(MS-DOS)(*.txt),*.txt")
objXL1.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs name ,21 ,,21
objXL1.ActiveWorkbook.Close 0
And here once more issue is I am using SaveAs method for getting file name. When execution comes to this line the file save dialog box hiding behind the main IE window is there any way to get this save dialog box in focus?
I assume this is because of the whitespace. In your code there is a trailing whitespace in the frist line.
"Rules*V*ZBEA*892**0010*10*IBM-01** "
If you would export multiple cells you would need to encapsualte those cells to recognize where a cell value begins and ends.
