Piwik Analytics with GitLab CE - gitlab

I've looked at the configuration options for GitLab CE regarding analytics and found that if I configured the following line in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb, I would be able to track my GitLab CE usage:
gitlab_rails['extra_piwik_url'] = 'my.piwik.hostname'
gitlab_rails['extra_piwik_site_id'] = '2'
After doing a gitlab-ce reconfigure, I can see in the HTML source of the pages the following tracking code:
var _paq = _paq || [];
(function() {
var u=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https" : "http") + "://my.piwik.hostname/";
_paq.push(["setTrackerUrl", u+"piwik.php"]);
_paq.push(["setSiteId", "2"]);
var d=document, g=d.createElement("script"), s=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; g.type="text/javascript";
g.defer=true; g.async=true; g.src=u+"piwik.js"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
Unfortunately, looking at the webserver logs of the Piwik server, I do not receive any request. Can someone see something I'm missing?

Even if this is a really old question some possible answers to this:
Do you have an AdBlocker? Disable it to enable tracking.
Do you have DoNotTrack activated? Disable it as this can disable the tracking with Matomo.
For the first point: AdBlocker most likely filter out the scripts needed for matomo/piwik. There is nothing that you can do here.
For the second: By default the DoNotTrack is honored by matomo/piwik. You can change this setting in matomo but please respect your users choice not to be tracked.


how to run agents in xpages from a web browser?

I got this problem and started googling about it, but no direct answer were pulled out. My query problem is, I'm doing an xpage project and I need to run an agent that uses lotusscript as a language. The agent is used to read a TSV text file and create notes document from each record there. Independently running the agent went very good, no problem. But when I tried to run it from xpage using this script :
var doc = database.createDocument();
var field = getComponent("filePath");
var agent:NotesAgent = database.getAgent("UploadTSV");
if (agent != null) {
TSVDoc.setValue("filePath","Agent run");
TSVDoc.setValue("filePath","Agent did not run");
it did not run. I'm just wondering what I did wrong. Thank you in advance.
My way to do this would be to trigger the agent (either it's based on a page load event or on a user click event) via client Javascript. The URL to run an agent is nothing more than
So I'd just make a AJAX call to that URL to run the agent. To get return values (errors of anything else) I'd add some code to the agent's print output. Print statements (in Lotusscript) in agents called from the browser produce a HTTP response. Similar for agents written in Java but there you have to do more than simple sysouts.

Spotify app broken after update?

In regards to the following post
will this be required with every application call? for example:
old script:
window.location = 'spotify:app:application:navTop';
new script:
window.location = 'spotify:app:application:bundleversion:navTop';
Curious if anyone knows how the change will effect scripting such as the example above
You misread the post — you only need to replace the folder name with the Bundle Identifier in the URL:
window.location = 'spotify:app:application-identifier:navTop';
However, a version needs to be present in the manifest file for the application to be loaded. It doesn't need to be specified in the URL.

CRM 2011 portal caching

We have developed a portal using the code from the customer portal. But we haven't used the customer portal solution on the CRM server. Everything is working fine except caching prevents updates to show on the portal.
In CRM 4 I used this solution http://pogo69.wordpress.com/2010/11/05/caching-revisited-crm-4-0-sdk-advanced-developer-extensions/. But this doesn't work in CRM 2011 because Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Caching is different. How do I clear the cache for 2011?
Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure that you have a cache invalidation URL configured. The PRM portal has a service that invalidates the cache with any update/create event (managed by a plugin registered on all entities).
Go To Settings -> Web Notification URL, either update the URL to the Cache.axd file or create a new entry.
If this is all in place, I would make sure that the plugin that takes care of calling the cache invalidation is working/registered as it should be.
Hope that helps
See the following article for more details on the Web Notification URL.
Set Up Cache Invalidation to Refresh Changes on the Website
I found that removing the preloadcache parameter & value from URLs bypasses CRM's cache. Not ideal but it worked. Your mileage may vary...
<script type="text/javascript">
bypassCrmPreloadCache(); // DE_WR_15706 Bypass 30sec cache to get latest version #
function bypassCrmPreloadCache() {
var ParentURL = window.parent.location.href;
var nStartPreloadcache = ParentURL.indexOf("preloadcache");
if (nStartPreloadcache > 0) {
// Parent URL is cached
var nEnd = ParentURL.indexOf("&", nStartPreloadcache);
if (nEnd == -1) { // Special case: no ampersand => preloadcache is last argument.
nEnd = ParentURL.length; // End of URL is end of preloadcache's value.
var strPreloadCacheParamAndValue = ParentURL.substr(nStartPreloadcache, 1 + nEnd - nStartPreloadcache);
// Remove preloadcache-parameter from URL
ParentURL = ParentURL.replace(strPreloadCacheParamAndValue, "");
if (ParentURL.charAt(ParentURL.length-1) == '&')
ParentURL = ParentURL.slice(0, -1); // Ensure URL not terminated by an unnecessary '&'.
// Load URL in parent Window, bypassing the cache
window.open(ParentURL, "_parent");

Google analytics not gathering data from .asp page

I've installed Google Analytics several times in the past without trouble. However, recently i've installed GA on a .asp page for the first time. Google Analytics dashboard tells me the tag is properly installed, but ever after several days, i can't see any data.
alt text http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4584/tracking1.jpg
alt text http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/8272/tracking2.jpg
Is there any special setup required for .asp pages or windows servers?
Unfortunately, I don't have the option to install GAHelper.
ASP pages should not require any special configuration. You can check if the tracking code is being outputted correctly by using View Source in your browser, that's all it takes from the server.
The next step would be using Firebug or a similar tool to see if the request to the Analytics servers is going through properly.
Finally got this working by using Google Analytics Asynchronous Tracking, using the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(ga);
Never quite understood why this didn't work with the usual google tracking code...

How best to get the user's browser information and settings for debugging purposes?

My problem is that I have a user that is having a problem displaying a portion of website I am creating, but I am unable to reproduce it on any of my browsers, even with the same version of the browser.
What I'm looking for is probably a website that I can send the user to which will tell me what version of the browser they are running along with the plugs installed and any other information that might affect the display of a page.
Any one know of anything like this?
Edit: The problem is related to CSS. They want some special image around all the text inputs, but on the users computer the text input displays partially outside of the image which is setup as a background.
I need more user specific information than Google Analytics as you can't separate out a specific user. I also suspect that it's more complicated than just the user agent.
I also can put the website out there publicly because they want to keep their idea private until it's released...grr.
I find that sending users to the Support Details site (http://supportdetails.com/) is a great way to get systems and browser specifics. At that site all they have to do is enter your email address and the site will send details such as:
Operating System
Screen Resolution
Browser Name and version
Browser size (view port)
IP Address
Color Depth
Javascript enabled (Y/N)
Flash version installed
Cookies enabled (Y/N).
Those pieces of info can also be exported as csv or PDF. Pretty sweet.
The site is made by an agency called Imulus.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any site that will log every detail about the users browser, as you request.
But perhaps browsershots.org could help with your debugging? It allows you to test you design in a lot of different browsers very easily.
EDIT: ... unfortunately restricted to the initial design on page load, since it simply takes a screenshot for you.
The classic approach is to use the useragent to determine the browser and OS
Looks like this site will display it for you.
As for plugins there are various ways to test in javascript for the plugins you are looking for.
You have to test for these on the client side as there is (to my knowledge) no way of detecting these on the server side.
The following crude example shows how to test for acrobat reader in IE and Mozilla browsers and returns if it was installed and if so what version in an object.
function TestAcro()
var acrobat=new Object();
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length)
for ( var x = 0, l = navigator.plugins.length; x < l; ++x )
//Note: Adobe changed the name of Acrobat to Adobe Reader
if ((navigator.plugins[x].name.indexOf('Acrobat') != -1) | (navigator.plugins[x].description.indexOf('Acrobat') != -1) | (navigator.plugins[x].name.indexOf('Adobe Reader') != -1) |(navigator.plugins[x].description.indexOf('Adobe Reader') != -1))
acrobat.version=parseFloat(navigator.plugins[x].description.split('Version ')[1]);
if (acrobat.version.toString().length == 1) acrobat.version+='.0';
else if (window.ActiveXObject)
for (x=2; x<10; x++)
oAcro=eval("new ActiveXObject('PDF.pdfCtrl."+x+"');");
if (oAcro)
catch(e) {}
oAcro4=new ActiveXObject('PDF.pdfCtrl.1');
if (oAcro4)
catch(e) {}
oAcro7=new ActiveXObject('AcroPDF.PDF.1');
if (oAcro7)
return acrobat;
Google analytics? If you have any sort of web analytics program installed on your web server, generally they also give info such as the operating system, web browser, etc. You could use the user's IP address to find his info in your logs.
Also, what issue are they having? We might be able to help..
I did find this program, but unfortunately it's not a free service, nor is there really anyway for me to get the information on that page (unless I pay for it): http://www.cyscape.com/showbrow.aspx
The useragent and related HTTP headers that are sent in all requests can give you some information (Browser and version), but for detail about the client-side installation, you may be out of luck for an automated capture mechanism that obtain a list of arbitrary plugins installed on the client browser. This would be a security violation, so unless a browser intentionally exposes them, you wouldn't get access to this without installing a client-side binary.
Depending on the relationship with the user, you could try something like Go2Meeting or CoPilot so that you can see the bug in action yourself. This would also allow you to peruse the browser settings and plugins.
If it is a CSS issue and the issue is with IE (most often) you may want to consider using the IE 7 library.
When it comes to CSS... I get it working properly in Mozilla browsers then I see what I need to conditionally hack to make it work in IE. This library comes in handy.
Also if possible I would try to limit support to the major modern browsers out there.
And if possible try to include the mobile browsers (iPhone, etc).
Hope this helps.
I've been using Ocean's Browser Capabilities in my ASP.NET web sites. It is really easy to get many properties. Specifically I'm using the Ocean2.Web.HttpCapabilities library.
To get the browser type and capabilities:
string browserSettings = Ocean2.Web.HttpCapabilities.BrowserCaps.Build.ProcessDefault(HttpContext.Current.Request);
Here is a sample of the results:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; InfoPath.2)
os - Windows Vista
platform - WinNT
win16 - false
win32 - true
win64 - true
type - IE7
browser - IE
version - 7.0
BrowserBuild - aol - false
cookies - true
javascript - true
ecmascriptversion - 1.2
vbscript - true
activexcontrols - true
javaapplets - true
screenBitDepth - 1
mobileDeviceManufacturer - Unknown
mobileDeviceModel - Unknown
You could also try this:
BROWSER PROBE finds details about your browser, plugins, system, screen and much more.
A great tool for support staff and casual users alike.
Browser Probe
Most of these answers are outdated with dead links.
I found http://www.mybrowserinfo.com that suits my needs. Hope it helps someone else.
More user friendly service: https://aboutmybrowser.com/?nr
